City: Franklin FAW, Walter Wagner, lawyer; born at Johnson City, Tenn., July 3, 1867; German-English and French descent; son of Thomas Ambrose and Carrie E. (Wagner) FAW; father’s occupation, merchant; paternal grandparents Jonathan and Sarah (Parks) FAW, maternal grandparents Matthias Miller and Matilda (Fyffe) Wagner; educated at Ky. Military Institute, […]
3 posts
City: Hampton WAGNER, G. Edward, merchant; born at Butler Johnson Co., Tenn., Feb. 28, 1871; Irish and Dutch descent; son of Joseph L. and Lou C. (Smith) WAGNER; father was a farmer; educated at Butler, Tenn.; has been engaged in the mercantile business all of his life; married Jennie SMITH […]
City: Chattanooga WAGNER, Thomas Hinchman, attorney at law; born Norfolk, Va., May 10, 1876; son James and Mary (Wilson) WAGNER; German-English descent; educated Churchland University, attended University of Chattanooga, Tenn., 1905-6; married Laura McMILLAN, Oct. 12, 1908; admitted to practice circuit and court of appeals of Tenn., and Federal Court […]