City: Memphis LEWIS, Thomas Wiley, minister of the gospel; born Chickasaw Co., Miss. Jan. 15, 1869; son of James Asbury and Elizabeth (Foster) LEWIS; father’s occupation planter; paternal grandfather Wiley LEWIS, paternal grandmother was a Miss SUMMERS prior to her marriage, maternal grandparents Moses D. and Nancy (Tunnell) FOSTER; educated […]
2 posts
City: Memphis LEWIS, Thomas Wiley, minister of the gospel; born Chickasaw Co., Miss. Jan. 15, 1869; son of James Asbury and Elizabeth (Foster) LEWIS; father’s occupation, planter; paternal grandfather, Wiley LEWIS, paternal grandmother was a Miss SUMMERS prior to her marriage, maternal grandparents Moses D. and Nancy (Tunnell) FOSTER; educated in […]