City: Camden PRESSON, Jarrad G., druggist; born Camden, Tenn., Dec. 25, 1856; Irish descent; son of N. W. and Lyda (Lyles) PRESSON; father’s occupation, farmer; received common school education; was reared on a farm and in 1889 became Assistant Postmaster of Camden, Tenn.; entered the drug business in 1892, and […]
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City: Camden MCGILL, William Porter, physician; born in Henderson Co., Tenn., Sept. 22, 1859; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Eli Taylor and Sarah A. (Meals) MCGILL; father’s occupation merchant; educated at Huntingdon and Nashville, Tenn.; graduated at Nashville, Tenn., (Academie) in 1875 and Nashville Medical College with degree of M. D., […]