City: Saltillo MITCHELL, Abraham Brownlow, lumberman; born Mt. Vernon, Ill., May 29, 1865; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James Columbus and Tennessee (Page) MITCHELL; father attorney at law; educated Saltillo Public schools and Savannah (Tenn.) High School; in early life was a school teacher and circuit clerk of Hardin Co. Tenn.; […]
City: Nashville PAGE, (Mrs.) Elizabeth Fry, associate editor Taylor-Trotwood Magazine; born in Virginia; paternally, a lineal descendant of Sir Joshua FRY, and on her mother’s side, a descendant of Pocahontas and John ROLFE, through the BOLLINGS and FLEMINGS of Va.; her father was the late Col. George Thomson FRY, who […]
City: Memphis LEWIS, Archibald Cary, physician; born Keswick, Va., July 12, 1877; son of Thomas Walker and Jane Walker (Page) LEWIS; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Robert Walker and Sarah (Craven) LEWIS, maternal grandparents Frederick Winslow and Anne Kinlock (Meriwether) PAGE; graduated from Gen. Washington University, degree of M.D., June, […]
City: McMinnville JONES, Richard Edwin, insurance man; born McMinnville, Tenn., April 29, 1872; English descent; son of W.E.B. and Ann L. (Page) JONES; father’s occupation, attorney-at-law; educated McMinnville (Tenn.) city schools, and Burritt College, Spencer, Tenn.; in early life he was a printer and publisher; married Nannie Lena WADE, Sept. […]
Town: Cookeville GUTHRIE, George Nuckols, Jr., doctor of dental surgery; born at Gallatin Tenn., Dec. 14, 1878; son of George Nuckols and Ellen Cary (Hobson) GUTHRIE; father’s occupation lawyer; paternal grandparents Isaac Newton and Martha Ann (Montgomery) GUTHRIE; maternal grandparents John Cary and Virginia Randolph (Page) HOBSON; educated at Gallatin […]
Town: Columbia PAGE, Albert Sidney, dentist; born in Maury Co, Tenn., Oct. 3, 1870; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James W. and Amanda (Page) PAGE; educated in the public schools of Maury Co., Tenn. and Webb’s School, Bellbuckle, Tenn.; in early life worked on a farm; married Fannie MITCHELL Oct. 31, […]