City: Rogersville NELSON, Henry J., druggist; born Murfreesboro, Tenn., July 4, 1847; Scotch-English descent; son of Joseph and Mary E. (Graves) NELSON; father, druggist; educated at Murfreesboro, Tenn.; entered the drug business at Murfreesboro, Tenn., in early life; served a short while in Confederate army during civil war; married Lillie […]
City: Oakley HARGROVE, John Andrew, merchant and farmer; born Overton Co., Tenn., July 20, 1872; Irish descent; son of Milton R. and Margaret M. (NELSON) HARGROVE; father’s occupation, farming and dealing in live stock; paternal grandparents William E. and Elizabeth (BAKER) HARGROVE, maternal grandparents William and Annie (HATCHER) NELSON; educated […]
City: Memphis NELSON, Robert Bailey, specialist; born Kerrville, Tenn., in 1880; English descent; son of William Thomas and Rebecca (HURT) NELSON; father, banker; paternal grandparents Mathew and Martha (HENDERSON) NELSON, maternal grandparents Robert Bailey and Susan (DeBERRY) HURT; educated Union University, Jackson, Tenn., and government hospital, Vienna, Austria; graduated from […]
City: Memphis BRETT, James, JB., public official; born Memphis, Aug. 15 1871; Irish descent; son of James and Laura T. (Nelson) BRETT; father’s occupation, lawyer; paternal grandparents, James M. and Sarah (McClain) BRETT, maternal grandparents, Thomas A. and Miriam (Moslev) NELSON; educated at Germantown, Tenn.; married Lucille HARRISON; member Masonic […]
City: Tate Springs TOMLINSON, Oscar Roland, physician; born Mooresburg, Tenn., 1870, Scotch-Irish descent; son of Thomas and Malvina (Proffitt) TOMLINSON; paternal grandparents Henry Marshall and Anna (Carr) TOMLINSON, maternal grandparents John Bright and Rachel (Bryan) PROFFITT; educated Emory & Henry College, Va., and University of Tenn., graduated from Bellevue Hospital […]
City: Memphis FRAZER, Ceylon B., real estate; born Houston, Texas, in 1864; son Geo. W. and Louisa Virginia (Nelson) FRAZER; educated St. Louis, Mo.; married Ada K. HODGES, April 14, 1897; associated with Orgill Bros. & Co. from 1881-89; 1889-04 with Mallory, Crawford & Co.; 1904-06 Director in the firm […]
City: Memphis COLLIER, William Armistead, lawyer; born near Stanton, Tenn., Feb. 12, 1847; English descent; son of Thomas Barksdale and Catherine Page (Nelson) COLLIER; father’s occupation, planter; paternal grandparents, Dabney and Sallie (Barksdale) COLLIER, maternal grandparents, Norborne and Lucy (Chiswell) NELSON; educated Mt. Carmel, Tipton Co., Tenn., and other local […]
City: Memphis COLLIER, Thomas Barksdale, lawyer; born Memphis, Tenn., July 22, 1877; English and French Huguenot descent; son of William Armistead and Alice (Trezevant) COLLIER; father’s occupation, lawyer; paternal grandparents, Thomas Barksdale and Kate Page (Nelson) COLLIER, maternal grandparents, Nathaniel Macon and Amanda (Avery) TREZEVANT; graduated from public schools, Memphis, […]
City: McMinnville CALDWELL, William A., real estate broker; born Shannondale, Ind., May 15, 1861; Scotch-Irish and Dutch descent; son of David A. and Elizabeth (Mount) CALDWELL; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents Robert and Sibby (Russel) CALDWELL; maternal grandparents Atwell and Lucinda (Fullenwider) MOUNT; educated in Illinois and Indiana; graduated from […]
City: Knoxville VESTAL, Robert, president Vestal Lumber & Mfg Co.; born Knoxville, Tenn., April 17, 1875; English descent; son of Robert and Annie Mary (Gredig) VESTAL; father’s occupation, wholesale clothing merchant; paternal grandparents, Jeremiah and Sarah (Murray) VESTAL; maternal grandparents, Jeremiah and Annie (Gredig) GREDIG; educated at Knoxville, Tenn.; graduated […]
City: Knoxville NELSON, T. A. R., lawyer; judge of the criminal court of Knox County, Tenn.; Democrat; residence, Knoxville, Tenn.
City: Franklin HOWLETT, Kirby Smith, physician; born Culleoka, Tenn., Aug. 24, 1862; English and Scotch descent; son of I. J. and Ruth (Howard) HOWLETT; father’s occupation, merchant; paternal grandparents A. B. and Elizabeth (Clemons) HOWLETT, maternal grandparents William and Mary (Nelson) HOWARD; educated Webb’s School and Vanderbilt University, graduated from […]
City: Covington HUNT, W. N., county register; born Tipton Co. Tenn., March 12, 1862; son of Dr. A. D. and Sallie (Nelson) HUNT; self educated; married Annie STRANGE Jan. 7, 1891; member K. of P., I. O. O. F., Maccabees; Democrat.
City: Covington HUNT, W. N., county register; born Tipton Co., Tenn., March 12, 1862; son of Dr. A. D. and Sallie (Nelson) HUNT; self educated; married Annie STRANGE Jan 7, 1891; member K. of P., I. O. O. F., Macabees; Democrat.
City: Chattanooga CHAMBLISS, Alexander W., attorney; born Greenville, S. C., September 10, 1864; son John A. and Mary (Mauldin) CHAMBLISS; French, Scotch and English descent; graduated from Kenmore College, 1881; married Lillian Carter NELSON, April 26, 1886; member Keystone Lodge, K. of P., Chamber of Commerce; Mayor of Chattanooga, 1902-05; […]
City: Brownsville BOND, Robert Nelson, business man and manufacturer; born Brownsville, Tenn., July 8, 1873; son of James and Helen (Nelson) BOND; father’s occupation cotton merchant; paternal grandfather James Bond, Sr., paternal grandmother was a Miss OWEN before her marriage, maternal grandfather Robert NELSON, maternal grandmother Mary (Anderson) NELSON; educated […]