City: Nashville McGILL, John Thomas, teacher; born Monroe County, Tenn., October 13, 1851; son of Robert and Elizabeth (Hogg) McGILL; father was a farmer; maternal grandparents Samuel and Mary Polly (Talbot) HOGG; educated Looney’s High School, Gilmer, Tex., and Fayetteville, Ark.; graduated Vanderbilt University, B.S. 1879, Ph.D. 1881, Ph.G. 1882; […]
3 posts
City: Camden MCGILL, William Porter, physician; born in Henderson Co., Tenn., Sept. 22, 1859; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Eli Taylor and Sarah A. (Meals) MCGILL; father’s occupation merchant; educated at Huntingdon and Nashville, Tenn.; graduated at Nashville, Tenn., (Academie) in 1875 and Nashville Medical College with degree of M. D., […]
City: Camden GREER, Green B., farmer; born Benton Co., Tenn., Jan. 21, 1840; Scotch, Irish and German descent; son of Hezekiah and Mary (Wyatt) GREER; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandfather James GREER, paternal grandmother Elizabeth (Pierce) GREER; maternal grandfather William WYATT, his maternal grandmother was a Miss RAINWATERS prior to […]