City: Memphis GOODBAR, James Monroe, wholesale shoe merchant and manufacturer; born Overton Co., Tenn., May 29, 1839; English-Irish-Scotch-Welsh descent; son of William P. and Jane (McKinney) GOODBAR; father’s occupation, merchant and farmer; paternal grandparents, Joseph and Mary (Masters) GOODBAR, maternal grandparents, Henry and Jane (McDowell) McKINNEY; educated at Sparta, Tenn.; […]
3 posts
City: Hilham MURPHY, William C., merchant and farmer; born Sulphur Springs, Tenn., Sept. 5, 1854; Irish-Dutch descent; son of Joseph G. and Pyrrilla (Masters) MURPHY; father’s occupation, farmer; educated at Alpine Institute, Overton Co., Tenn.; in early life he was a farmer and secured his business education under many disadvantages; […]
City: Cedar Hill GOSSETT, William, lumber dealer; born near Adams, Tenn., Jan 25, 1878; son of James H. GOSSETT, who was a farmer and manager of iron works; married Cora MASTERS Oct. 30, 1898; was formerly a farmer and stock trader, later entered the lumber business, in which he is […]