City: Pope SPARKS, Jesse, farmer; born Nathan, Tenn., Dec. 3, 1860; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jesse and Mary B. (Patterson) SPARKS; father , blacksmith and farmer; received education at Linden; in early life he engaged in the mercantile business; married Minervia LEDBETTER, Oct. 16, 1887; Democrat, member 56th General Assembly, […]
3 posts
City: Pope LEDBETTER, H.M., farmer and minister; born Lincoln Co.; Irish-English descent; son of Henry LEDBETTER; father, preacher and farmer; educated in Perry County Schools; began life as a farmer; married Mary A.E. VAUGHN; was elected State Senator in 1886-87-88; author of the four-mile law bill, securing its passage in […]
City: Linden SPARKS, Jesse Kent, attorney at law; born Nathan, Tenn., July 17, 1888; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Jesse and Minerva (Ledbetter) SPARKS; father’s occupation, farming; educated at Branham and Hughes Prep. School and Cumberland University; graduated from law department Cumberland University, LL. B., June 4, 1908; began his business […]