City: Memphis DU BOSE, J. H., manufacturer, president Phoenix Cot. Oil Co. born Mt. Sterling, Ala. Oct. 2, 1871; French Huguenot and Scotch descent; son of Benjamin E. and Sarah Elizabeth (Horn) Du BOSE; educated High School, Furman, Ala.; married Marie TATUM, Nov. 12 1896; reared on farm; moved to […]
3 posts
City: Memphis COX, Wiley Jones, druggist; born Canaan, Miss., March 6, 1862; Scotch descent; son of Charles Jones and Charlotte Temple (Horn) COX; father’s occupation farmer; educated Woodlawn Academy, Saulsbury, Tenn.; entered drug business in early life and has continued in same 25 years; Democrat; chairman of County Court, Hardeman […]
City: Horn Springs HORN, James Adams, manager and owner of hotel; born at Horn Springs, Tenn., July 12, 1861; English descent; son of James Baker and Margaret (Vaughn) HORN; father’s occupation, manager of Horn Springs until 1892; paternal grandparents Ethelred and Elizabeth (Baker) HORN, maternal grandparents Johnson and Elizabeth (Low) […]