City: Ripley FOLTZ, Henry Douglass, public official; born Woodville, Tenn., June 29, 1861; son of Alpha Joseph and Martha Harriet (Wardlaw) FOLTZ; father’s occupation physician; educated Ripley, Tenn.; married Jennie Speed BOYD July, 1897; member K. of P. and I. O. O. F.; most of his life has been devoted […]
City: Humboldt ROOK, C. E., business manager Courier-Chronicle; born Weakley Co., Tenn., Dec. 19, 1882; son of A. and Bell (Johnson) ROOK; Scotch-Irish descent; graduate public schools in 1900; married Florence FOLTZ June, 1907; member Elks; early occupation, student; one of founders of Courier-Chronicle in 1902; has acted as business […]
City: Humboldt FOLTZ, Howard J., manufacturer; born Madison, Ind., Sept. 14, 1883; son of F. X. FOLTZ and Margaret (Howard) FOLTZ; German and Irish descent; educated public schools of Humboldt and Jackson, Tenn.; married Mary SHANE Jan. 7, 1904; member K. of C. and Elks; Modern W. O. W.; member […]
City: Humboldt FOLTZ, Frank X., manufacturer; born Indiana in 1855; son of Benedict and Laura (Baker) FOLTZ; German descent; educated public schools; married Maggie HOWARD in 1881; member W. O. W., Elks and K. of C.; founded the F. X. Foltz Spoke Manufacturing Co. in 1891; operated until 1906, then […]