City: Nashville DUBOSE, Horace Mellard, clergyman; born Choctaw County, Ala., November 7, 1858; Huguenot descent; son of Hezekiah and Amanda (Hawkins) DUBOSE; paternal grandparents Joel DUBOSE and Anna (Lee) DUBOSE, maternal grandparents William HAWKINS and Mary (Hill) HAWKINS; educated Waynesboro (Miss.) Academy; studied languages and classics under tutors; received D.D. […]
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City: Knoxville BARBER, George Franklin, architect; born DeKalb Co., Ill., July 30, 1854; son of Lyman R. and Cornelia A. (Spring) BARBER; father’s occupation farmer; educated in local schools of DeKalb, Ill., in early life was a builder for ten years; in 1888 published an architectural design in a New […]