City: Jamestown CASE, Ward Roland, lawyer; born Brown Co., O., April 6, 1876; English-Dutch and Scotch-German descent; son of D. R. and Frances (McBeth) CASE; father’s occupation, teacher; paternal grandparents Henry Butler and Mary (Lake) CASE, maternal grandparents, Jas. P. and Elizabeth (Spires) MCBETH; educated in the local schools of […]
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City: Chattanooga CASE, Halbert Brigham, attorney at law; born Mecca, Trumbull Co., Ohio, May 3, 1838; son Joseph Luther and Eliza P. (Bidwell) CASE; English descent; graduate University of Michigan, L. B., March 29, 1864; married Caroline Esther KIBBEE June 23, 1863; she died April 3, 1872, and he later […]