Miss Elizabeth CHILDRESS, the subject of this sketch, was the daughter of Maj. John W. CHILDRESS and the beautiful Mrs. Sarah Williams CHILDRESS, of the historic town of Murfreesboro Tenn. Her alma mater was the old Nashville Female Academy, that institution which has turned out so many noble, cultured women, with Dr. C.D. ELLIOTT as […]
2 posts
City: Lawrenceburg MEREDITH, Thomas Hamilton, public official; born Pulaski, Tenn., May 1846; Scotch-Irish and English descent; son of Thomas H. and Jane (Hodge) MEREDITH; father’s occupation, Miss. planter; paternal grandparents Thomas H. and Jane (Jordan) MEREDITH; maternal grandparents Joseph and S. Elizabeth (Burch) HODGE; educated at Giles College, Pulaski, Tenn.; […]