CHARLES STUBBINS BRIGGS, A. M., M. D. Beginning when young to familiarize himself with the rudiments of medicine and surgery, Charles S. BRIGGS, A. M., M. D., has, through close study and earnest application, constantly added to his knowledge, and has gained an enviable reputation for superior professional skill and ability […]
3 posts
City: Nashville TOLMAN, Herbert Cushing, educator; born South Situate, Mass., November 4, 1865; ninth descendant from John ALDEN; son of James T. and Mary T. (Briggs) TOLMAN; father, manufacturer; paternal grandfather, Col. Samuel TOLMAN, maternal grandfather Cushing Otis BRIGGS; educated Yale University, University of Berlin and University of Munich; graduated […]
City: Memphis FRANCIS, Elmer Ellsworth, physician; born Madison, Ind., July 18, 1863; Scotch-English descent; son of Walter S. and Amy (Firth) FRANCIS; father’s occupation, steamboat captain and real estate dealer; paternal grandfather, Jno. FRANCIS, maternal grandparents, Vincent and Emily (Briggs) FIRTH; educated in public schools of Madison, Ind., and in […]