City: Chattanooga ANDREWS, Garrett, Vice-President and Treasurer Richmond Hosiery Mills and Chattanooga Knitting Mills; born Washington, Wilkes County, Ga., September 15, 1870; son Garnett and Rosalie Champe (Beirne) ANDREWS; paternal grandfather Judge Garnett ANDREWS, paternal grandmother Annulet (Ball) ANDREWS, maternal grandfather Andrew BIERNE, maternal grandmother Eliza (Gray) BIERNE; English-Irish descent; […]
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City: Chattanooga ANDREWS, Oliver Burnside, manufacturer; born Chattanooga, Tenn., July 23, 1882; son Garnett and Roaslie Champe (Beirne) ANDREWS; Irish and English descent; educated Chattanooga and Alabama Polytechnic Institutes, Auborn, Ala., Baylor’s School, Chattanooga High School; married Stevie CAMPBELL, December 17, 1903; Past Exalted Ruler Chattanooga B. P. O. E.; […]