In the rapidly developing history of the modern era there is perhaps no one influence comparable to that of the press. Through his ubiquitous medium fleets each day’s momentous news and the psychology of nations is carried round the world. The great metropolitan press, with its complex network of intellectual […]
City: New Middleton BAIRD, R.M., farmer; born near New Middleton, Tenn.; son of Jeremiah H. and Delilah (Paris) BAIRD; father was a farmer; educated New Middleton (Tenn) Academy; married Bettie GILL, Nov. 15, 1881; Democrat; has been J.P. of the 17th District eleven years; member of Methodist church, steward and […]
City: Obion BAIRD, Norton Wilson, editor, printer; born Bradford, Tenn., May 8, 1884; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James M. and Tabitha (SMITH) BAIRD; father’s occupation, lawyer and teacher; paternal grandparents Wilson and Cynthia (GOLATHIN) BAIRD, maternal grandparents William D. and Susan (SHAW) SMITH; educated in the local schools of Gibson […]
City: Nashville TAYLOR, Robert Love, U. S. Senator; born Happy Valley, Carter Co., Tenn., July 31, 1850; son of Nathaniel G. and Emily (Haynes) TAYLOR; father was Member of Congress and Commissioner of Indian Affairs; received academic education at Princeton, N. J.; Democrat, member of 46th Congress (1879-81) from 1st […]
City: Memphis BOYD, Harry Roberts, lawyer; born Ottawa, Ill., November 11, 1860; son Joseph and Elvira (McMillain) BOYD; Scotch descent; educated Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind.; graduated Wabash College A.B. 1885, A.M. 1887; married Margaret BAIRD, November 11, 1890; member Knights Templar, 32 degree Scottish Rite; member Presbyterian Church.
City: Lebanon NORRIS, Archibald Debow, surveyor; born Smith county, Tenn., Dec. 29, 1838; Irish and French Huguenot descent; son of John Blackmore and Margaret (Debow) NORRIS; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents George and Jane (Scobey) NORRIS; maternal grandparents Archibald and Susan (Balou) DEBOW; educated Taylorsville, Tenn., and Meadville, Pa.; graduated […]
City: Jacksboro BAIRD, Winston, Clerk and Master Chancery Court Campbell Co., Tenn.; born at Newcomb, Tenn., Dec. 15, 1868; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Samuel C. and Sarah E. (Bowman) BAIRD; father’s occupation, real estate dealer and farmer; paternal grandparents, William and Nancy (Barron) BAIRD; maternal grandparents Elias and Nancy (Douglas) […]
City: Humboldt SENTER, John M., insurance; born Humboldt, Tenn., 1868; son of N. A. and Elizabeth (Baird) SENTER; Scotch-Irish descent; educated public schools; married Mattie TINSLEY Dec., 1895; member Masonic Lodge, K. of P. and I. O. O. F.; early business career, merchant for sixteen years in Humboldt; entered insurance […]
City: Humboldt SENTER, J. D., lawyer; born Humboldt, Tenn., March 17, 1872; son of N. A. and Elizabeth (Baird) SENTER; English-Scotch-Irish descent; graduated Cumberland University L. L. B. in 1896; occupation In youth, student; married Nell LANG June 5, 1901; member Masonic Lodge and B. P. O. E.; member of […]
City: Greenfield HUDSON, Henry F., physician; born in Wilson Co., Tenn., Nov. 23, 1846; English descent; son of David H. and Martha Jane (Parton) HUDSON; father’s occupation farmer; paternal grandparents Freeman and Elizabeth (Kellis) HUDSON; maternal grandparents Henry and Tempy (Grisham) PARTON; received a common school education and later graduated […]
City: Covington SIMONTON, Joseph Warden; editor; born in Tipton Co., Tenn., Aug. 24, 1858; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Christopher and Martha (Baird) SIMONTON; paternal grandparents William and Catherine (Ferguson) SIMONTON, maternal grandparents Joseph and Jennie (Wilson) BAIRD; educated Male Academy of James Byars, Covington, Tenn.; married Mary Alice ALISON April […]