WEBER, John Langdon, clergyman; born Union S. C., Sept. 25, 1862; English-Dutch descent; son of S. A. and Sarah Alston (Langdon) WEBER; father’s occupation, Doctor of Divinity; paternal grandparents Adam and Margaret (Lander) WEBER, maternal grandparents William J. and Charity Dawson (Alston) LANGDON; educated private schools of S. C., and […]
2 posts
City: Faxon PARKER, J. Calvin, farmer; born Benton Co., Tenn., March 6, 1875; son of W. R. and M. E. (Alston) PARKER, received common school education, married Anna E. ROBBINS Sept. 3, 1893; member F. & A. M.; secretary Newport Lodge 208, Tax Assessor 1903 to 1906, Justice of Peace […]