City: Memphis
SIBLEY, Bolling, life insurance business; born Augusta, Ga., Aug. 20, 1873; English descent; son of Robert P. and Susie (Bolling) SIBLEY; father’s occupation, lumber and timber dealer, and mining; paternal grandparents Josiah and Sara Ann (Crapon) SIBLEY, maternal grandparents Robert P. and Mary (Wheless) BOLLING; educated at Richmond Academy, Augusta, Ga., graduated from same June 25, 1889; began his career as a bank clerk, continuing in that business thirteen years, then entered life insurance business as solicitor in 1904; formed partnership life insurance agency under firm name of Sibley & Erskine, which continues to date; general agent for the Great Eastern Casualty Co. of New York; married Erle BEASLEY, Sept. 17, 1903; member F. & A. M. (32d degree) and Knight Templar; second vice-president Y. M. C. A., member Business Men’s Club, Life Underwriters’ Assn. (president); member of M. E. Church, South.
Source: Who’s Who in Tennessee: A Biographical Reference Book of Notable Tennesseans of To-Day. Memphis: Paul & Douglas Co, 1911.