City: Memphis
SAMELSON, I., business man; born St. Louis, Mo., in 1858; in 1863 his parents removed to Memphis, and he attended the public schools of that place until he was fourteen years of age, then entered the employ of Menkin Bros., dealers in dry goods, as assistant bookkeeper; a little later he secured a position with S. Coleman’s cigar store, and was there six years, when he entered the service of Sternberg & Lee, wholesale cigars and tobacco, as a traveling salesman, and for four years he traveled in Tennessee and Mississippi; at the end of that time he opened a retail cigar business in Memphis, and a year later entered the wholesale business on a small scale; he is now member of the firm I. Samelson & Co., Memphis, Tenn.
Source: Who’s Who in Tennessee: A Biographical Reference Book of Notable Tennesseans of To-Day. Memphis: Paul & Douglas Co, 1911.