City: Memphis
MOORE, Samuel Lewis, State and County Tax Assessor Shelby County; born (near) Clarksville, Tenn., October 11, 1848; son Samuel A. and Sarah Polk FURGESON MOORE; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Memphis, University of the South, Winchester, Tenn., and finished at Notre Dame, Ind.; married Louisa HACH, October 11, 1876; member K. of P., Elks, Royal Arcanum; State and County Tax Assessor, elected August, 1904; re-elected without opposition 1908; First Past Chancellor Pythagoras Lodge, K. of P.; member Second Methodist Church; began business career with Oliver-Finnie Company; remained with that firm 11 years; in grocery business on own account seven years and for 20 years was engaged in real estate business.