City: Memphis
MCFARLAND, Louis Burchette, lawyer; born Haywood County, Tenn., April 7, 1843; son Felix and Martha (Douglas) MCFARLAND; Scotch descent; educated country school Florence, Ala., College, Lebanon Law School; graduated LL.B. Lebanon Law School 1867; married, first Ellen V. SAUNDERS, 1872; married second, Floy G. ALLEN, 1902; member Wapanoca Outing Club, Hatchie Coon Club, Tennessee Club, Memphis Country Club; Judge Supreme Court by special appointment; several special appointments and commissions; served in C. S. A. four years, 1861-1865; Sergeant-Major then First Lieutenant Company A, 9th Tenn. Infantry, Cheatham’s Brigade and division; served as aide to Gen. George MONEY; one year Money’s brigade; for 20 years General Attorney for Tennessee and Missouri Pacific Railway Company; also Cotton Belt Railway and Union Railway, Memphis; Director, Stockholder and Attorney for Central Bank & Trust Company; former President Livermore Foundry & Machine Company.