City: Memphis
MACRAE, George Wythe, born in Fauquier Co., Va., May 28, 1838; son of B. W. and S. J. MACRAE; father’s occupation farmer; educated Montgomery Masonic College, Clarksdale, Tenn.; in 1855 he went into a grocery store as a clerk, and three years later commenced business for himself as a grocer in Clarksville, Tenn., and member of the firm of Miller & Macrae; in 1859 he disposed of his interests and moved to Memphis, associating himself with the late Dr. D. T. PORTER, in the establishment of the wholesale grocery firm of Porter & Macrae, which business continued until 1862 and operations of Civil war interfered with its affairs; he went South shortly before the capture of Memphis, taking charge of the firm’s business at Atlanta and Grenada, selling out and investing the proceeds in cotton at Americus, Ga.; later he went to Chattanooga, where Bragg’s army was at the time, and volunteered, though exempt by reason of physical disability; he was detailed for department service at Chattanooga, and was there until Confederate forces moved out, then he was sent to Richmond; in 1871 he resumed the wholesale grocery business as member of the firm Ford, Porter & Co., of Memphis, Tenn., in 1882 the firm again became Porter & Macrae, and thus it remained until dissoluton /sic/ of the business in 1896; in 1894 he was made president of the Memphis National Bank, and in 1895 of the Savings bank; he is a member of the Second Presbyterian church; married twice, first Fannie M. MORRIS, second, Blanche I. AVENT.