City: Memphis
DAVIS, Frank W., wharfmaster of Memphis; born Wheeling, W. Va., March 22, 1856; Welsh-Irish descent; son of James R. and Hester (Robison) DAVIS; father’s occupation, steamboat engineer, and captain of boat; paternal grandfather, Paul DAVIS, maternal grandparents, John and Nancy (McFadden) ROBISON; educated in the common schools of Evansville, Ind.; began his career as a steamboat engineer, later entered mercantile business, grocery in Memphis, Tenn., 1884-92, under firm name of F. W. DAVIS; he is now president of Palmer Realty Co., of Memphis, Tenn., and was appointed wharfmaster of Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 1, 1907, has served to date; married Fannie L. HATCH, Aug. 2, 1881; life member of B. P. O. E.; member Marine Engineers Benevolent Association, past president of latter; justice of the peace, Memphis, Tenn., 1894-1906, also police judge 1896-1904.