City: Ripley HENRY, Freeland A., insurance; born Woodville, Tenn., Oct. 31, 1856; son of James O. and Martha (Hendren) HENRY; paternal grandfather Alexander HENRY, paternal grandmother Elizabeth (Caruth) HENRY, maternal grandfather John HENDREN, maternal grandmother Nancy (Hudson) HENDREN; scotch descent; educated Ripley, Tenn.; father’s occupation, mechanic; married first, Mary PORTER, […]
City: Ripley HALE, Joseph S., farmer; born Ripley, Tenn., Aug. 4, 1853; son of John Clem and Pamelia Wardlaw) HALE; father, commission merchant and farmer; was educated at Ripley, Tenn., he worked as a salesman in dry goods house and farmer in early life; married Ida Mildred KELLER, Feb. 22, […]
City: Woodbury HAWES, Robert Rush, merchant, farmer; born Cookeville, Tenn., Aug. 14, 1861; son of James Oscar and Harriet N. (Cooke) HAWES; father, merchant; paternal grandparents, William and Tabitha (Quarles) HAWES, maternal grandparents, Richard F. and Margaret (Cox) COOKE; educated at Hughes and Mims Male Academy, Edgefield, Tenn.; in early […]
City: Winchester HULING, Matthew Marshall, physician; born Concord, Tenn., July 8, 1872; Scotch-Irish and French descent; son of D. C. and Cynthia A. (Keith) HULING; father, carpenter; paternal grandparents, Thomas A. and Julia A. (Holt) HULING; educated at Ewing and Jefferson College, Ewing, Tenn., and graduated from same A. B. […]
City: Palmyra HUSSEY, Michael Morris, merchant and manufacturer; born Clarksville, Tenn., 1860; Irish descent; son of Edward and Honora (Bresnahan) HUSSEY; his father was a railroad man; received his education in the common schools of Montgomery County; he worked on the railroad in early life, served as water carrier to […]
City: Oliver Springs HANNAH, Harvey Horatio, lawyer; born Louisville, Ky., Aug. 30, 1868; German-Scotch-Irish descent; son of John H. and Lillie L. (GERDING) HANNAH; father soldier, lawyer and planter; paternal grandparents, John F. and Grace (TELFORD) HANNAH; maternal grandparents George F. and Eliza M. (LOWE) GERDING; graduated from University of […]
City: Obion HOWELL, J. W., merchant; established grocery business in Obion, Tenn., eighteen years ago, and is the oldest merchant in place at this time; served as city Councilman of Obion, Tenn., several terms; now City Recorder and has held office four years. Source: Who’s Who in Tennessee: A Biographical Reference […]
City: Oakley HARGROVE, John Andrew, merchant and farmer; born Overton Co., Tenn., July 20, 1872; Irish descent; son of Milton R. and Margaret M. (NELSON) HARGROVE; father’s occupation, farming and dealing in live stock; paternal grandparents William E. and Elizabeth (BAKER) HARGROVE, maternal grandparents William and Annie (HATCHER) NELSON; educated […]
City: Oakland HENRY, Percy Dumville, banker; born Arthur, Ill., March 12, 1882; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William M. and Susan (JACKSON) HENRY; father, physician; paternal grandfather George HENRY; maternal grandparents Charles K. and Sarah (DUMVILLE) JACKSON; educated at Slaughtersville, Ky.; Entered banking business Oct. 1901; at present he is cashier […]
City: Normandy HUFFMAN, T. L., farmer; born Normandy, Tenn., German descent; son of G. C. and Eliza J. (PHILLIPS) HUFFMAN; father farmer; educated Winchester, Tenn., and Lexington, Ky., and graduated 1886 and 1890; began farming in early life; married Emma JARRELL, 1900; member F. & A. M.; member Presbyterian church, […]
City: Normandy HUFFMAN, Ephream Sharp, live stock breeder and dairy farmer; born Bedford Co., Tenn. Nov. 21, 1867; Dutch descent; son of John Peter and Margaret Jane (ANTHONY) HUFFMAN; father’s occupation farming; paternal grandparents John and Polly (CORTNER) HUFFMAN; maternal grandparents Adam and Sallie (SHARP) ANTHONY; educated public schools and […]
City: Big Spring HARRIS, Thomas C., farmer and stockraiser; born Rose Hill, Va.; son of Alexander and Ruth (Moore) HARRIS; father was a farmer and stockman; began his early business career as a farmer;, married Margaret A. MARTIN Feb. 25, 1864; served four years as a private soldier in C. […]
City: Neptune HUMPHREYS, James Nicholson, farmer and trader; born Montgomery Co. Tenn., Nov. 15, 1852; son of Joshua and Martha (Langford) HUMPHREYS; father’s occupation, farming; received common school education; entered farming in early life; married Mary GOSSETT Dec. 22, 1880; Democrat; member Southern Methodist church; has always been interested in […]
City: Nashville HUNT, William F., County Court Clerk, Davidson County; born Nashville, Tenn., July 28, 1867; English-Irish descent; son of Samuel and Margaret (Sarber) HUNT; educated in Nashville public schools; was newsboy in early life; when in schools, prior to age of fourteen, he broke rock in afternoons and sold […]
City: Nashville HOWSE, Hilary Ewing, public official; born in Rutherford Co., Tenn., Jan. 25, 1866; reared on farm; at age of eighteen years he went to Nashville, and went to work in a mattress factory, and put in time on piecework at night to help support his younger brothers and […]
City: Nashville HOWELL, Robert Boyte C., lawyer; born Nashville, Tenn., September 4, 1878; English-Welch descent; son of Morton B. and Bettie (Curd) HOWELL; father was lawyer; educated at Montgomery-Bell Academy and Wallace University School; graduated from Wallace University School, and Vanderbilt University, LL.B. 1899; married Nellie JACKSON, October 29, 1902; […]
City: Nashville HOPKINS, Robert Thompson, cashier Phillips & Buttorff Manufacturing Company; born Magnolia, Miss., September 19, 1860; English descent; son of Arthur Moseley and Eliza Pamelia (Bibb) HOPKINS; father, cotton commission merchant; paternal grandparents Arthur F. and Pamelia (Moseley) HOPKINS, maternal grandparents Thomas and Pamelia (Thompson) BIBB; educated in public […]
City: Nashville HOLMES, William Newton, physician and surgeon; born Holmes, Tenn., January 27, 1854; son John Randolph and Eliza (McAlexander) HOLMES; Danish-Scotch-Irish-English descent; paternal grandparents John and Mary (Hood) and Anna (Kidd) MCALEXANDER; educated Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Ohio; graduated Cincinnati, Ohio, June 5, 1888; Doctor of Medicine; married Margaret Esther […]
City: Nashville HOOPER, Ben W., Governor; born Newport, Tenn., October 13, 1870; educated Carson & Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn., 1890; elected representative of the Legislature in 1892-94; admitted to the bar in 1894; served as Captain of Company C., Sixth United States Volunteer Infantry 1898-9; served in Porto Rico; […]
City: Nashville HOLLINSHEAD, Warren Henry, instructor; born Fort Valley, Ga., March 10, 1865; English descent; son of William Hiley and Mary Elizabeth (Harris) HOLLINSHEAD; father, physician; paternal grandparents William and Harriet (Alsobrook) HARRIS; educated Fort Valley, Ga.; graduated Vanderbilt University 1887 with Ph.G. and 1900 with D.Sc. degrees; is at […]