City: Pulaski MASSEY, Felix Matthias, educator, co-principal Massey & Clark School, Pulaski, Tenn.; born Mulberry, Tenn., July 15, 1876; son of C. S. and Mattie (Dennis) MASSEY; Scotch-Irish descent; his father was a farmer; educated Webb School, Bell Buckle, Tenn., and Vanderbilt University; married Ota BOYD, June 24, 1903; member […]
Webb’s School
City: Pulaski STACY, Richard Mahlon, business man; born Pulaski, Tenn., Aug. 24, 1862; son of Jo. B. and Rebecca (Johnson) STACY; educated Webbs School, Cullioka and Pulaski, graduating from Cullioka; married Nannie HARDIN, Feb. 5, 1884; has held office of chancery clerk, and now engaged in coal business and other […]
City: Tiptonville GRIFFIN, Richard Watson, physician; son of Franklin Hall and Lee Joiney (Babb) GRIFFIN; father’s occupation, farmer; educated at Webb School, Bellbuckle, Tenn., graduated Tulane University of La. Medical department, M. D., April 18, 1894; in early life was a clerk in general merchandise business; married Marguerite Ida FINCH, […]
City: Nashville RANKIN, Leland, underwriter, bonds and casualty; born Nashville, Tenn., January 16, 1867; son David P. and Leonora Jane (Daniel) RANKIN; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Webb’s School, Bell Buckle, Tenn.; early business occupation, newspaper reporter, editor, manager; married Anne PORTERFIELD September 15, 1893; member Hermitage Club, Country Club; First Lieutenant […]
City: Nashville STOKES, Harry Shelby, attorney-at-law; born Como, Miss., September 29, 1877; son James F. and Blanche (McGehee) STOKES; educated Stanton Military Academy, Webb’s School and Vanderbilt University; graduated Webb’s School and Vanderbilt University, LL.D., June 20, 1899; married May LINDSLEY January 8, 1901; member Odd Fellows, Masons; admitted to […]
City: Memphis NEWSOM, David Blair, attorney at law; born Memphis, Tenn., May 10, 1877; English descent; son of Allison Woodville and Emma Cordelia (BLAIR) NEWSOM; father’s occupation, produce and grocery merchant (retired); paternal grandparents John and Margaret (AIKEN) NEWSOM, maternal grandparents David and Nannie (WILKERSON) BLAIR; educated Webb School, Bellbuckle, […]
City: Memphis OGILVIE, Clarence C., lawyer, born Bellbuckle, Tenn., March 20, 1974; English and Scotch descent; son of Jasper and Josephine (SMITH) OGILVIE; educated at Webb School, Bellbuckle, Tenn., Vanderbilt University and University of Chicago; in early life he was a school teacher and bank clerk; married July 26, 1899, […]
City: Obion JERNIGAN, V. J., physician; born Robertson Co., Tenn., in 1868; educated in Obion Co. schools, Webb Brothers Academy, Bellbuckle, Tenn., and McTyeire Institute, McKenzie, Tenn.; graduated Vanderbilt University medical department, M. D. degree, in 1900; took post-graduate course at New York Polyclinic, 1906, and Vanderbilt University, 1908; married […]
City: Memphis TOWNER, Justin D., dentist; born Lynnville, Tenn., May 12, 1877; son Justin D. and Samantha (Bugg) TOWNER; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Webb’s School, Bell Buckle; Wall and Mooney, Franklin, Tenn., and Vanderbilt University; graduate Vanderbilt University, D.D.S., April, 1898; married Mary Estelle WALL October 27, 1898; member Memphis Dental […]
City: Nashville JACKSON, Howell Edmunds, fire insurance and real estate; born Memphis, Tenn., December 16, 1867; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Howell Edmunds and Sophia (Molloy) JACKSON; father, lawyer, United States Senator, Federal Judge, Justice of Supreme Court of the United States; paternal grandparents Dr. Alexander and Mary (Hurt) JACKSON, maternal […]
City: Memphis WYNNE, Hugh R., cotton factor; born Forrest City, Ark., June 15, 1873; received primary education in Memphis, Tenn., then continued his studies in Webb School, Bellbuckle, Tenn; left school in 1890 and returned to Memphis and became interested in a stove manufacturing concern known as the Wetter Manufacturing […]
City: Memphis LIVINGSTON, Henry J., JR., lawyer; born Brownsville, Tenn., Jan. 2, 1875; English descent; son of Henry J. and Tempe J. (Somervell) LIVINGSTON, father was a lawyer; paternal grandparents, Thomas and Rachel (Moore) LIVINGSTON, maternal grandparents, Jos. B. and Mary Elifia (Jones) SOMERVELL; educated in the private schools of […]
City: Memphis MALONE, William Battle, physician and surgeon; born Brownsville, Tenn., July 4, 1874; English and Irish descent; son of William Battle and Ella K. (Barbee) MALONE; paternal grandparents, William and Sarah (Battle) MALONE, maternal grandparents, Dr. Allen and Susan Y. (Taylor) BARBEE; educated at Webb’s School, Bellbuckle, Tenn., graduated […]
City: Memphis THOMASON, J.B., lawyer; born Paris, Tenn., Feb. 16, 1874; son of J.N. and Sarah E. (McCampbell) THOMASON; educated city schools of Paris, Tenn., and Webb’s school at Bell Buckle, Tenn., and graduate of Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn.; married Lillie RHODES June 4, 1902; member Elks; City Judge of […]
City: Memphis HOLMAN, Harry Thomas, lawyer, assistant attorney-general; born Fayetteville, Tenn., March 26, 1878; English descent; son of David Wilson and Fannie (Landess) HOLMAN; father’s occupation, lawyer; graduated from Webb’s School and Vanderbilt University; married Pearle F. WOODS; member Kappa Sigma fraternity and Business Men’s Club; Democrat; member of 55th […]
City: Memphis HARRIS, Cummings, physician; born Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 7, 1878; Scotch-Irish and Huguenot descent; son of Andrew J. and Emily S. (Cummings) HARRIS; father’s occupation, real estate; paternal grandparents Judge William R. and Eveline Parsons (Atkins) HARRIS, maternal grandparents Dr. J.Y. and Mary E. (Collins) CUMMINGS; educated Webb’s School, […]
City: Memphis BIGGS, William Percy, attorney at law; born Collierville, Tenn., July 9, 1883; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James Thomas and Statira (Spratt) BIGGS; father’s occupation, merchant and planter; educated Collierville (Tenn.) High School, Webb School, Central University of Ky., University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., and University of Miss., […]
City: Lebanon DOSS, William Hughes, minister of the gospel; born Bedford county Tenn., Nov. 25, 1854; Welsh descent; son of William and Mariah Ann (Hughes) DOSS; father’s occupation minister of the gospel; graduated from Webb’s School, June, 1875; in early life he was a farmer; married Belle PROTER, May 8, […]
City: Memphis BANKS, Lem, lawyer; born Love Station, Miss., March 16, 1870; son George T. and Sallie (Love) BANKS; English-Welsh descent; educated Webbs School and Vanderbilt University; graduated Vanderbilt 1892, LL.B.; married, first, Miss FITZGERALD, 1892; married, second, Mrs. Estelle GILDART, 1903.
City: McKenzie ROBINS, James Albert, teacher; born Guntown, Miss., Feb. 3, 1868; English descent; son of Jeptha and Eliza Dabney (Allen) ROBINS; father’s occupation lawyer, farmer; paternal grandparents Albert and Susan (Norton) ROBINS; maternal grandparents David and Sallie Ann (Spencer) ALLEN; educated in the common schools of Miss., Webb Schools […]