In the varied and tangible evidences of man’s creative and constructive ability, none commands more universal respect than that class of work which evolves the many types of human habitation. Ordinary though the uses of buildings may be, through them a city or town takes on its visual character. Thus […]
A name of distinction among Baptist clergymen, among leaders in social reforms and philanthropies, and among theologians of his denomination, is that of the Rev. Herbert Whiting Virgin, D. D., now of Jackson, Tennessee. His vigorous personality and mind have stimulated religious and moral enthusiasm in many cities and in […]
In a work of this character, it is eminently proper that due notice be given to those men who, beginning life with small capital and under adverse circumstances, build for themselves a business and a reputation as men of sterling worth through the exercise of their talents and industry. Instead […]
Colonel Gates—by which name the subject of this review is affectionately known through all Tennessee and in many other Southern states—has lived a life that is not only eventful but full of valuable achievement for his state. Distinguished as a Confederate veteran, effective as an editor of prominence and influence, […]
Another prominent educator of the state of Tennessee is Superintendent Robert Lee Bynum, now of Jackson. He has given generous service to the public schools of the state, both in the capacity of a teacher and as a superintendent. Both in county and city educational offices, he has done high […]
The present postmaster of the City of Jackson, the judicial center of Madison County, is not only giving an able administration of the affairs of this office, but has also achieved prominence and distinction as one of the representative younger members of the bar of this county, besides which he […]
City: Nashville PITTS, John A., lawyer, banker; born Wayne Co., Tenn., June 3, 1849; son of John F. and Emarintha M. PITTS; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents, John and Clarissa PITTS, maternal grandparents, Abraham and Nancy MONTAGUE; English descent; educated Clifton Masonic academy; graduated from law department of Cumberland University, […]
City: Pinson WATLINGTON, William Franklin, merchant; born in 17th Dist. Madison Co., Tenn., May 7, 1868; English descent; son of Frank W. and Mary J. (Anderson) WATLINGTON; father was farmer and county officer; received education in the county schools; engaged in the mercantile business early in life; married Ruby VAN […]
City: Pinson MAYS, Rufus Adolphus, banker; born Madison Co., Tenn., Jan. 18, 1839; Irish-German descent; son of James Gay and Catherine (Fulbright) MAYS; father was a farmer; received common school education; he was a farmer in early life; married Nancy Green DAVIS, Dec. 27, 1865; represented the County in Legislature, […]
City: Memphis NEELY, Hugh McDowell, retired merchant; born Madison Co., Tenn., Nov. 7, 1833; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Moses and Jane Parks (McDOWELL) NEELY; father was a planter; paternal grandparents Moses and Jane (CAMPBELL) NEELY, maternal grandparents Hugh and ____ (IRVING) McDOWELL; received academic education; was a planter in early […]
City: Nashville HAMBLEN, Annie Wray, teacher; born Neely’s Bend, Tenn., October 30, 1883; English, Scotch and Irish descent; daughter of J. K. P. and Mattie (Wray) HAMBLEN; father, farmer; paternal grandparents, William Henry and Varina (Fowlkes) HAMBLEN; maternal grandparents James M. and Mary Agnes (Bagwell) WRAY; received education at Neely’s […]
City: Nashville ABBOTT, Timothy Charles, Roman Catholic Priest; born Ironton, Ohio; Irish descent; son of Florence and Julia (Sullivan) ABBOTT; secured early education in Stewart College, Clarksville, Tenn.; graduated from Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 1879; pastor St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church, Nashville, Tenn., 1879-1884; also had charge […]
City: Montezuma SKINNER, Edwin V., teacher and farmer; born near Montezuma, Tenn., Feb. 1, 1866; English descent; son of Absalom W. and Elizabeth (Hassell) SKINNER; father’s occupation, farmer; educated Jackson District High School, Montezuma, Tenn.; entered the educational work in early life; married Jennie BURKHEAD March 20, 1898; member Farmers’ […]
City: Milan THREADGILL, George Calvin, merchant; born Madison Co., Tenn., Oct. 20, 1861; son of W. A. and Harriet (Mills) THREADGILL; Scotch-Irish descent; married Ethel BRAMLEY Nov. 10, 1892; occupation in youth, farmer; clerked for Stone & Mills, & Jordan at age of sixteen years; worked for that firm until […]
City: Milan STONE, Eli Newbern, real estate dealer and public official; born Madison Co., Tenn., Sept. 20, 1847; English and Scotch-Irish descent; son of Clark L. and Margaret (Anderson) STONE; fathers’ /sic/ occupation, farmer, merchant; maternal grandfather Eli ANDERSON, paternal grandfather Uriah STONE; entered Confederate service at age of 16, […]
City: Mercer MERCER, William Abner, clerk; born in Madison Co., Tenn., Nov. 6, 1842; son of Thomas B. and Catherine (Chisum) MERCER; father’s occupation, farming; received common school education; entered the mercantile business in 1869; married Ella M. STATLER, Mat 24, 1871; member of Company “B,” Thirty-third Tennessee Regiment during […]
City: Memphis LANCASTER, John Lynch, civil engineer; born Jackson, Tenn., Dec. 29, 1869; son of John Lynch and Henrietta (Snider) LANCASTER; father’s occupation, cotton merchant; paternal grandparents Samuel and Anna (Lynch) LANCASTER, maternal grandparents Dr. George and Elnora (Owens) SNIDER; educated in the public schools of Jackson, Tenn., began work […]
City: Medina DAWS, George B., minister of the gospel, publisher; born Madison Co., Tenn., May 20, 1848; English descent; son of James and Martha (ALSOP) DAWS; father’s occupation, farmer and mechanic; paternal grandparents Starky and Katie (FAIRLESS) DAWS; maternal grandparents Thomas and Martha (HICKS) ALSOP; educated at Masonic College, Henderson, […]
City: Memphis COX, Wiley Jones, druggist; born Canaan, Miss., March 6, 1862; Scotch descent; son of Charles Jones and Charlotte Temple (Horn) COX; father’s occupation farmer; educated Woodlawn Academy, Saulsbury, Tenn.; entered drug business in early life and has continued in same 25 years; Democrat; chairman of County Court, Hardeman […]
City: Memphis CORNATZER, John N., born Bolivar, Tenn., Sept. 8, 1871; son of Charles E. and Mary A. (Perry) CORNATZAR; married Dee I. BURNETT, of Humboldt, Tenn.; member Country and Business Men’s Clubs, president of latter in 1910; began railroad service as telegraph operator, Humboldt, Tenn., 1888; at present assistant […]