City: Idol FARMER, Arthur, merchant; born at Thorn Hill, Tenn., Dec. 14, 1878; son of Endrew and Mary (Hipsher) FARMER; father’s occupation farmer; English descent; received common school education; began his business career teaching school; married Mertie Leffew Aug. 21, 1903; former Deputy Sheriff 1904-1908; member Co. Board of Education […]
City: Humboldt CAMPBELL, John E., builder and contractor; born at Clinch Mountain, near Rutledge, Tenn., April 6, 1851; German-Scotch-Irish descent; son of Capt. Levi and Lucinda (Hufmeister) CAMPBELL; his father built the stages from Abington, Va., to Knoxville, Tenn., in the ‘40s and ‘50s; paternal grandparents Elbert and Nancy B. […]
City: Clinchdale SHIELDS, John K., public official; born Clinchdale, Tenn., Aug 15, 1858; son of Judge James T. and Elizabeth (Simpson) SHIELDS; received common school education; Democrat; admitted to bar, 1879; entered the practice of law as partner with father, and continued in same until latter retired, 1890, when he […]
City: Chattanooga MITCHELL, Marcus Frankle, attorney at law; born Moore County, Tenn., May 22, 1883; son James Benjamin and Cordelia (Copeland) MITCHELL; Scotch-Irish descent; graduate of Cumberland University 1904, and L.L.B. University of Chattanooga 1909; married Louise LESSIG, March 26, 1910; member Theta Lambda Phi Greek Letter Fraternity; Deputy Marshal […]