City: Pulaski MASSEY, Felix Matthias, educator, co-principal Massey & Clark School, Pulaski, Tenn.; born Mulberry, Tenn., July 15, 1876; son of C. S. and Mattie (Dennis) MASSEY; Scotch-Irish descent; his father was a farmer; educated Webb School, Bell Buckle, Tenn., and Vanderbilt University; married Ota BOYD, June 24, 1903; member […]
City: Pulaski STACY, Richard Mahlon, business man; born Pulaski, Tenn., Aug. 24, 1862; son of Jo. B. and Rebecca (Johnson) STACY; educated Webbs School, Cullioka and Pulaski, graduating from Cullioka; married Nannie HARDIN, Feb. 5, 1884; has held office of chancery clerk, and now engaged in coal business and other […]
City: Pulaski WILKES, Walter Stewart, lawyer; born Pulaski, Tenn., April 26, 1879; English descent; son of J. Summerfield and Florence Alabama (Barker) WILKES; father lawyer and member supreme court of Tenn.; paternal grandparents, R. A. L. and Judith (Harris) WILKES; maternal grandparents B. B. and Martha (Sample) BARKER; educated Wall […]
City: Pulaski WILKES, John Brown, lawyer; born Pulaski, Tenn., July 30, 1875; son of John S. and Florence (Barker) WILKES; educated Pulaski and Franklin, Tenn.; graduated Pulaski in 1892 and Franklin, Tenn., 1894; married Mary W. WAKEFIELD, Dec. 23, 1896; Past Master Mason, Junior Past C., Junior O. U. A. […]
City: Pulaski LARUE, James Alexander, physician and surgeon; born Lewisburg, W. Va., Aug. 27, 1850; French-Scotch-Irish descent; son of Cyrus Scott and Julia S. (Alexander) LARUE; educated at “Old Lewisburg,” Va., Academy; graduated from College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md., Feb., 1876, with M. D. degree; taught school in […]
City: Pulaski KENNEDY, Marion Sawyer, minister of the gospel; born Camp Creek, Greene Co., Tenn.; Scotch-Irish descent; son of James F. and Katherine (McGaughey) KENNEDY; father merchant; attended the village schools of Cornersville, Tenn., later was under private tutorage of Rev. Wm. Stoddert, D.D., of Lynnville, Tenn.; graduated from William […]
City: Pulaski ESLICK, Edward Everett, business man; born April 19, 1873, near Pulaski, Tenn.; son of Merritt and Martha Virginia ESLICK; French-Huguenot descent; father farmer; educated at Bethel College, Russellville, Ky.; he practiced law in early life; married Miss Willa BLAKE, June 6, 1906; elected three times on Democratic ticket, […]
City: Pulaski FLOURNOY, John Walker, county court clerk; born Pulaski, Tenn., Jan. 24, 1874; son of William C. and Ella (Ezell) FLOURNOY; French descent; educated at Pulaski, Tenn.; married Sallie BALLENTINE, April 8, 1908; was at one time engaged in fire insurance business; at present holds office of county court […]
City: Pulaski FOLLIS, David James, county trustee; born Lynnville, Tenn., Aug. 17, 1853; Irish descent; son of S. C. and N. E. (Williamson) FOLLIS; father blacksmith; attended schools of Lynnville, Tenn.; married Inez O. ABERNATHY, Dec. 16, 1881; he began life as a blacksmith; left home when seven years of […]
City: Pulaski FREEMAN, Eunice Cyrus, physician and surgeon; born Lewisburg, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1871; English descent; son of James Franklin and Martha Elizabeth (Robinson) FREEMAN; father farmer and stock dealer; paternal grandparents, Daniel Marshall and Margaret (Neuman) FREEMAN; maternal grandparents, Anderson and Jane (Rosson) ROBINSON; graduated at Lewisburg, Tenn., 1894, […]
City: Pulaski GRIGSBY, H. M., druggist and banker; born Spring Hill, Tenn., March 20, 1850; son of William and C. M. F. (Hatcher) GRIGSBY; English descent; educated Col. Thomas H. Peebles’ School of Spring Hill, Tenn.; married Florence WITT, October, 1880; early business career, farming; Chairman of the Democratic Executive […]
City: Pulaski DALY, Thomas Edward, merchant and cashier of bank; born near Elkton, Giles County, Tenn., March 16, 1859; son of Thomas B. and Mary Ann (Abernathy) DALY; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Oak Hill, Lincoln County, Tenn., and Lebanon, Tenn.; married Georgie BULL, January 2, 1881; member Masonic Lodge and Stonewall […]
City: Pulaski CULP, Robert Lewis, mechanic and Justice of the Peace; born Giles County, Tenn., April 23, 1842; Scotch-Irish descent; son of William H. and Annie (King) CULP; began career as a mechanic; married Mary BOYD, December 1, 1864; was one time City Recorder of Pulaski, and is at present […]
City: Pulaski CROWELL, Ernest W., lawyer; born Bedford Co., Tenn., March 21, 1884; of German-Irish descent; son of Hiram B. and Margaret E. (Cook) CROWELL; father Methodist minister; paternal grandparents, Charles M. and Lavina (Foster) CROWELL; maternal grandparents, V. P. and Elizabeth (Lents) CROWELL; educated Bedford Co., Institute, and Cumberland […]
City: Pulaski CLARK, Gordentia Waite, educator, co-principal of Massey & Clark School; born Wartrace, Tenn., April 9, 1886; son of G. W. and Lydia (Little) CLARK; his father was a farmer; paternal grandparents R. S. and Sarah Patton (Waite) CLARK, maternal grandparents William and Lucy Caroline (Clary) LITTLE; educated Wartrace […]
City: Pulaski BASS, Jacob Miller, farmer; born Giles Co., Tenn., Sept. 28, 1825; his paternal grandmother Martha (Hix) BASS was a direct descendant of Pocahontas; son of Nathan and Martha (Beaty) BASS; father farmer; educated in the common schools which were taught in log cabins, never graduated but obtained a […]
City: Pulaski BALLENTINE, John Goff, retired lawyer-banker; born Pulaski, Giles County, Tenn., May 20, 1825; son of Andrew Mitchell and Mary Tuttle (Goff) BALLENTINE; Scotch-Irish descent; graduated from Wurtemburg Academy, 1841; University of Nashville 1845, and Harvard 1848; married Mary Elizabeth LAIRD, November 14, 1854; member I. O. O. F.; […]
City: Pulaski ABERNATHY, James Polk, lawyer; born Giles Co., Tenn., June 15, 1849; son of Charles C. and Elizabeth (Dickson) ABERNATHY; Scotch descent; educated in country schools and Giles College; married first Lulu JONES, Nov. 9, 1875, second Mamie BUTLER, Nov. 24, 1891; member KuKlux; Mason, Odd Fellow, K. of […]
City: Pulaski ABERNATHY, Andrew Jackson, lawyer; born Giles Co., Tenn., Sept. 18, 1834; Scotch-Welsh descent; son of Charles C. and Susanna W. (Harris) ABERNATHY; father farmer and clerk of circuit court for 24 years; paternal grandparents William and Elizabeth (Clayton) ABERNATHY; maternal grandparents Tyree and Susanna (Swift) HARRIS; was educated […]
City: Pulaski ABERNATHY, James Polk, lawyer; born Giles Co., Tenn., June 15, 1849; son of Charles C. and Elizabeth (Dickson) ABERNATHY; Scotch descent; educated in county schools and Giles College; married first Lula JONES, Nov. 9, 1875, second Mamie BUTLER, Nov. 24, 1891; member Kuklux; Mason, Odd Fellow, K. of […]