City: Milan STONE, Eli Newbern, real estate dealer and public official; born Madison Co., Tenn., Sept. 20, 1847; English and Scotch-Irish descent; son of Clark L. and Margaret (Anderson) STONE; fathers’ /sic/ occupation, farmer, merchant; maternal grandfather Eli ANDERSON, paternal grandfather Uriah STONE; entered Confederate service at age of 16, […]
City: Milan RHODES, James P., lawyer; born Carroll Co., Tenn., Sept. 11, 1853; son of J. W. and Jane (Algee) RHODES; English descent; educated Murfreesboro, Tenn., University of Tenn.; graduated from Lebanon Law School in 1876; married Nina HUTCHERSON April 27, 1882; member K. of P., occupation in youth, farmer; […]
City: Milan KEATON, James Andrew, minister of the gospel; born in Carroll Co., Tenn., Oct. 25, 1835; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Cornelius W. and Mary C. (Hayes) KEATON; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Cornelius and Sally (Adams) KEATON, maternal grandparents Charles and Mary (Hillis) HAYES; educated at Atwood, Tenn. in […]
City: Milan HORTON, M. C., farmer; born near Milan, Tenn., Nov. 17, 1876; English descent; son of John N. and Ellen (Harlen) HORTON; father’s occupation, farmer and public official; educated in Milan (Tenn.) High school; married Ruby TERRY, Jan. 3, 1898; member W. O. W. camp, Chestnut No. 82, I. […]
City: Milan HOLT, Andrew D., Postmaster, Milan; born (near) Milan, Tenn., Nov. 7, 1866; son of J. M. and Sabina (Martin) HOLT; English descent; educated Milan, Tenn.; graduated in business course of Milan in 1887; married Bessie BROWN Feb. 15, 1889; member K. of P. and I. O. O. F.; […]
City: Milan HARRISON, James R., banker; born Rome, Tenn., July 15, 1855; son of Ed and Julia (Grissim) HARRISON; father’s occupation, merchant; paternal grandfather James HARRISON, maternal grandparent, James WRATHER; educated at Rome and Nashville, Tenn., graduated from medical department University of Nashville, M. D., 1878; in early life practiced […]
City: Milan ELLIS, Henry H., teacher; born in Stewart Co. Tenn.; Irish and English descent; son of A. C. ELLIS; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandfather Hardee ELLIS, paternal grandmother was a Miss TROTTER prior to her marriage, maternal grandfather Henry POOL; graduated Valparaiso, Ind., B. S,, /sic/ 1894; in early […]
City: Milan EDWARDS, R. E., cotton buyer; born Carroll Co. Tenn., in 1848; son of W. J. and Marjorie (Algee) EDWARDS; English descent; educated Bethel College; married in 1873; member of K. of P. and Masonic lodges; lived on farm until about 16 years of age; entered the Confederate army, […]
City: Milan COLEY, William H., born Milan, Tenn., June 8, 1847; English descent; son of Thomas and Annie M. (Harlan) COLEY; educated at Bluff Springs, Tenn.; enlisted in the Confederate army during civil war, Jan., 1863, Co. K, 10th Tenn., served until May 10, 1865, when he surrendered at Gainesville, […]
City: Milan CLOPTON, Abner, Theadore, physician; born Murray, Ky., June 21, 1876; Irish descent; son of David O. and Laura (Dale) CLOPTON; father’s occupation, farmer; maternal grandfather Isaac Z. DALE; educated in Murray, Ky.; graduated Vanderbilt University, M. D., in 1902; in early life engaged in farming, and drug business; […]
City: Milan CALDWELL, Robert Arthur, farmer; born Gibson Co., Tenn., Jan. 5, 1857; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Samuel Lafayette and Sarah (Sturdivant) CALDWELL; father’s occupation, physician; paternal grandparents John W. and Marguerite (Calbe) CALDWELL; maternal grandparents William and Martha (Arington) STURDIVANT; educated at Knoxville, Tenn.; entered farming in early life; […]
City: Milan BEARD, Elvin Taylor, minister of the gospel; born Saulsbury, Tenn., July 14, 1875; Irish descent; son of William Elvin and Cornelia Adeline (Cavaness) BEARD; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Council Jones and Nancy (Rose) BEARD; maternal grandparents Isaiah and Cherry (Siler) CAVANESS; educated at Woodland Academy, Saulsbury, Tenn., […]
City: Memphis FLY, D. Wilson, merchant; born Gibson County, Tenn., January 4, 1851; son of William D. and Sarah S. (Lyles) FLY; educated Gibson College; married Miss B. M. SCOTT, January 12, 1895; member Tennessee Club; merchant and capitalist; member Methodist Church.
City: Memphis KENNEDY, William Marion, manufacturer; born in Gibson Co., Tenn., Sept. 10, 1852; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Francis Marion and Elizabeth (Sommers) KENNEDY; father’s occupation, manufacturer of lumber and staves; received common school education; in early life was in saw mill business; married Lucy E. SELLARS, Nov. 26, 1872; […]
City: Medina OLIVER, George Weldon, physician; born Cleveland, Tenn., May 19, 1869; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Hillary L. and Valderia (DILLEHAY) OLIVER; father’s occupation, physician; paternal grandparents Hezekiah and Martha (LEWIS) OLIVER maternal grandparents Marcus and Mary (LANCASTER) DILLEHAY; educated in the public schools of Maury Co., Tenn.; graduated from […]
City: Medina DAWS, George B., minister of the gospel, publisher; born Madison Co., Tenn., May 20, 1848; English descent; son of James and Martha (ALSOP) DAWS; father’s occupation, farmer and mechanic; paternal grandparents Starky and Katie (FAIRLESS) DAWS; maternal grandparents Thomas and Martha (HICKS) ALSOP; educated at Masonic College, Henderson, […]
City: Memphis HUNT, William James, dentist; born in Gibson Co., Tenn., Feb. 10, 1872; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Robert and Margaret (Matthews) HUNT; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents William H. and Fisher (Dickens) HUNT, maternal grandparents Edward W. and Mary R. (Ralston) MATTHEWS; educated in the public schools of Gibson […]
City: Memphis HAUN, Wilson Yandell, lawyer; born Milan, Gibson Co., Tenn., Aug. 29, 1875; son of Robert F. and ——– (Williamson) HAUN; Scotch-Irish, English and Dutch descent; graduated Milan High School May 15, 1896; early business, teaching school; married Evelyn CARROLL June 22, 1910; former Assistant U.S. District Attorney West […]
City: Memphis COX, Wiley Jones, druggist; born Canaan, Miss., March 6, 1862; Scotch descent; son of Charles Jones and Charlotte Temple (Horn) COX; father’s occupation farmer; educated Woodlawn Academy, Saulsbury, Tenn.; entered drug business in early life and has continued in same 25 years; Democrat; chairman of County Court, Hardeman […]
City: Memphis CORNATZER, John N., born Bolivar, Tenn., Sept. 8, 1871; son of Charles E. and Mary A. (Perry) CORNATZAR; married Dee I. BURNETT, of Humboldt, Tenn.; member Country and Business Men’s Clubs, president of latter in 1910; began railroad service as telegraph operator, Humboldt, Tenn., 1888; at present assistant […]