City: Chattanooga
ANDREWS, Oliver Burnside, manufacturer; born Chattanooga, Tenn., July 23, 1882; son Garnett and Roaslie Champe (Beirne) ANDREWS; Irish and English descent; educated Chattanooga and Alabama Polytechnic Institutes, Auborn, Ala., Baylor’s School, Chattanooga High School; married Stevie CAMPBELL, December 17, 1903; Past Exalted Ruler Chattanooga B. P. O. E.; member Chattanooga Lodge No. 199, F. & A. M.; Keystone Lodge No. 25, K. of P.; U. C. T. S. A. E. Fraternity; Chattanooga Country Club; Mountain City Club; Treasurer and General Manager The Acme Box Company, Chattanooga; Secretary Richmond Hosiery Mills and Chattanooga Knitting Mills, Chattanooga, Tenn.; ex-Vice-President National Association Box Manufacturers 1909; President and Organizer of Chattanooga Baseball Club, Southern League; First Corporal “Atlanta Grays” 1901; member of Episcopal Church.