City: Huntsville
BUTTRAM, W. H., public official; son of John and Mary (Hurtt) BUTTRAM; his father was a Federal soldier, and served as sergeant in the 7th Tenn. Mounted Infantry; married Annie McLEOD, April 21, 1891; when a camp of the Sons of Veterans was organized in Huntsville, Tenn., he was elected captain of same; he has been connected with East Tenn., politics for some time; in 1896 he was chairman of the Second Congressional District when the district gave the Republican ticket over six thousand more votes than ever before; in 1908 he was a delegate from the State at Large to the Republican convention at Chicago, Ill., when Judge Taft was nominated for President; he is now serving his second term as attorney-general of the Second Judicial Circuit of Tenn.; as prosecuting attorney obtained an indictment against a man for the unlawful sale of liquor, and procured his convention upon the prima facie en dence of a government license without introducing any other evidence, the case was appealed and Supreme Court affirmed the court below; member of Masons, I. O. O. F., and K. of P.; for many years he has taken an active interest in Sunday School work and his home County (Scott) is one of the “Banner Counties” in State in Sunday School work; member of Presbyterian church.