City: Hilham
WELLS, Milton Henry, physician; born near Olga, Tenn., Aug. 11, 1863; English descent; son of Mitchell and Manerva (Mathews) WELLS; father’s occupation, farmer and manufacturer; paternal grandparents Stephen and Nancy (West) WELLS, maternal grandparents John and Sarah Shootman) MATHEWS; educated at Oak Hill Institute; graduated from University of Nashville with M. D. degree in 1901; in early life taught school in Overton and Morgan Cos., Tenn.; married Amelia THOMAS Sept. 20 1891; member I. O. O. F. (Past Grand and Ex. D. D. G. M.) M. W. of A. Camp; Democrat; member Co. Executive Committee of Overton Co., Tenn.; stockholder in Farmers’ Bank of Livingston Tenn.; owns and conducts a farm; engaged in the practice of medicine at Hilham, Tenn.; member of Cumberland Presbyterian church.