City: Nashville GAUT, John M., lawyer; born Cleveland, Tenn., October 1, 1841; son J. C. and Sarah A. (McReynolds) GAUT; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Academy, Cleveland, Tenn.; Rutger’s College, New Brunswick, N. J.; graduated A. B. 1866, A.M. 1869, LL.D. 1908, LL.D. Missouri Valley College 1907; married, first Michie M. HARRIS, […]
Daily Archives: November 20, 2013
City: Nashville GARRETT, John Berry, Grand Secretary F. & A. M.; born in Davidson County, Tennessee., October 7, 1854; Welsh descent; son of William Walton and Margaret (Johnson) GARRETT; paternal grandparents Jonathan R. and Sarah (Waggoner) GARRET, maternal grandparents William H. and Charity (Morris) JOHNSON; educated at University of Tennessee; […]
City: Nashville GAINES, John Wesley, lawyer, ex-congressman; born Davidson Co., Tenn., Aug. 24, 1861; son of Dr. John Wesley and Maria (Wair) GAINES; educated in the country schools; graduated University of Nashville, Vanderbilt University, M. D., 1882, but instead of practicing medicine turned his attention to law, and became a […]
City: Nashville FROST, James Marion, minister of the gospel; born Georgetown, Ky., February 10, 1849; son of James Madison and Margaret A. (Lemon) FROST; father, minister of the gospel; paternal grandparents Simeon and Polly (Wood) FROST, maternal grandparents Joseph I. and Margaret (Leaters) LEMON; graduated from Georgetown, Ky., College, June, […]
City: Nashville FRANTZ, Frank Flavius, teacher; born Daleville, Va., August 23, 1874; German and French descent; son of Thornton P. and Sarah J. (Petit) FRANTZ; father’s occupation, farming; paternal grandfather Jacob FRANTZ; graduated from Central College, Fayette, Mo., B.A. degree, 1900; Vanderbilt University, M.A. degree, 1902, Ph.D., 1910; entered the […]
City: Bluff City MAUK, Henry A., farmer and stock dealer; born at Bluff City, Tenn., June 23, 1854; Dutch-Irish-English descent; son of William and Malinda (Miller) MAUK; paternal grandparents Henry and “Peggy” MAUK, maternal grandparents Richard and Kate MILLER; educated at Zollicoffer Institute, Bluff City, Tenn., early occupation, teacher; later […]