City: Memphis MOORE, Samuel Lewis, State and County Tax Assessor Shelby County; born (near) Clarksville, Tenn., October 11, 1848; son Samuel A. and Sarah Polk FURGESON MOORE; Scotch-Irish descent; educated Memphis, University of the South, Winchester, Tenn., and finished at Notre Dame, Ind.; married Louisa HACH, October 11, 1876; member […]
Daily Archives: August 22, 2013
City: Memphis MOORE, Herbert, business man; born New Castle, Ind., April 16, 1871; Irish descent; son of Cornelius M. and Elizabeth (Shonk) MOORE; father, merchant; educated in public schools of New Castle, Ind.; began his career as a clerk in mercantile store; was assistant buyer for Oliver-Finnie Co., Memphis, Tenn., […]
City: Memphis MOONEY, Charles P.J., editor; born Bardstown Junction, Ky., Sept. 15, 1865; Irish-English-Scotch descent; son of John and Hannah (Spragins) MOONEY; father’s occupation, farming; paternal grandparents John and Margaret (McCormick) MOONEY, maternal grandparents Isaac and Mary (Rea) SPRAGINS; educated in public schools and St. Mary’s College, Ky., graduating from […]
City: Memphis MONTGOMERY, Stonewall Robert, vice-president Merchants Cotton Press and Storage Co.; born Memphis, Tenn., June 18, 1863; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Henry A. and Maria J. (Dugan) MONTGOMERY; father’s occupation, telegraph and compress business, real estate dealer; paternal grandparents George and Jane (Anderson) MONTGOMERY, maternal grandparents Robert Coleman and […]
City: Memphis MONTEVERDE, Frank Lawrence, former Sheriff Shelby County, Tenn.; born Memphis, Tenn., January 4, 1868; son Antonio and Mary (Latura) MONTEVERDE; Italian descent; graduated Christian Brothers College, Memphis, June 1883; received degree A.B. 1903; married Madeline GUSMANI, April 23, 1891; member Elks, K. of P., Beavers, Italian Society, K. […]
City: Memphis MICHIE, W.T., physician; born Albemarle Co., Va., in 1872; educated in the common schools of Lawrence, Ala., and Charlottesville, Va.; graduated from University of Va., M.D., 1897; he sent some time in the hospitals of Washington and New York, making a special study of the diseases of the […]