City: Jefferson City BURNETT, Jesse McGarity, educator, minister of the gospel; born Del Rio, Tenn., Aug. 29, 1870; English descent; his ancestors came into this country in early colonial days, a great uncle was killed in battle of Kings Mountain, N. C.; son of Jesse M. L. and Henrietta Sarah […]
Monthly Archives: January 2013
City: Jefferson City BUNDREN, James Henderson, attorney at law; born Grainger Co., Tenn., Oct. 19, 1869; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Rubin B. and M. E. (Farmer) BUNDREN; father’s occupation, farmer; educated Carson and Newman College and Columbian University, graduated from Carson and Newman College with degree B. S. May 29, […]
City: Jefferson City BIBLE, Jonathon David, farmer; born Warrensburg, Tenn., Oct. 9, 1863; German and English descent; son of Elbert and Mary Jane (Reed) BIBLE; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents Jonathan and Drusilla (McGinnis) BIBLE, maternal grandparents David and Mary (Wisecarver) REED; educated Carson-Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn.; began teaching […]
City: Jefferson City BAYLESS, William Charles, minister; born Madisonville, Tenn., Sept. 29, 1848; son of Smith and Narcissa (Hickes) BAYLESS; paternal grandfather William BAYLESS, paternal grandmother Jane (Hair) BAYLESS, maternal grandfather Charles HICKES, maternal grandmother Sallie (Houk) HICKES; English and Dutch descent; father’s occupation, farmer; educated Carson & Newman College […]
City: Jasper THACH, Patrick Henry, attorney at law; born Jasper, Tenn., Aug. 21, 1877; French and Irish descent; son of Jesse and Martha (O’Neal) THACH; father’s occupation, saddler and harnessmaker; paternal grandparents Joe D. and Lydia (Parks) THACH, maternal grandparents Andrew and Caroline (Henson) O’NEAL; educated Sam Houston Academy, Jasper, […]
City: Jasper KIRKPATRICK, R. M., merchant; born Jackson Co., Ala., Jan. 22, 1866; Scotch descent; son of William T. and Mary Ann (McFarland) KIRKPATRICK; father’s occupation, farmer; received common school education; married Blanch JENKINS Nov., 1898; member Woodmen of the World; Republican; Trustee for Marion Co., Tenn.; Vice-Pres. Sartain Drug […]
City: Jamestown WRIGHT, William L., banker, real estate dealer; born Pall Mall, Tenn., in 1879; son of John C. and Mary Frances (Williams) WRIGHT; father’s occupation, farmer, merchant, Maj. 9th Tenn. Vol. Cavalry Civil war, Federal soldier; educated University of Harriman, Tenn., and Maryville, (Tenn.) College; in early life he […]
City: Jamestown SHELLEY, Eugene M., banker; born Albany, Ky., Sept. 8, 1875; English and Irish descent; son of W. M. and Martha A. (Amy) SHELLEY; father’s occupation, farmer; educated at Albany (Ky.) High school; began his business career as a school teacher, later clerked in general store, and then clerk […]
City: Jamestown HOGUE, Albert R., teacher, lawyer; born Fentress Co., Tenn., June 24, 1873; English descent; son of Anderson and Elizabeth Jane (Smith) HOGUE; father’s occupation, farmer; educated Alpine Institute, Overton Co., Tenn.; in early life worked on a farm, began teaching school at age of 17; on Finance Com. […]
City: Jamestown GAUDIN, William John, merchant, Public Official; born Fentress Co., Tenn., Jan. 31, 1859; Swiss-French descent; son of John W. and Adelia (Very) GAUDIN; educated Hiwassee College, Monroe Co., Tenn.; began his business career as a school teacher and farmer; entered the general merchandise business in 1892; married twice, […]
City: Jamestown GARRETT, Isaac Levi, physician; born Fentress Co., Tenn., Jan. 15, 180; English and Irish descent; son of Elijah and Celie Ellen (Raines) GARRETT; educated in the public schools of Pickett Co., Tenn.; graduated from medical dept. University of Nashville April 1, 1907; began his business career as a […]
City: Jamestown CASE, Ward Roland, lawyer; born Brown Co., O., April 6, 1876; English-Dutch and Scotch-German descent; son of D. R. and Frances (McBeth) CASE; father’s occupation, teacher; paternal grandparents Henry Butler and Mary (Lake) CASE, maternal grandparents, Jas. P. and Elizabeth (Spires) MCBETH; educated in the local schools of […]
City: Jamestown BOWDEN, John Seymour, attorney at law, stenographer; born Fentress Co., Tenn., May 29, 1870; son of J. S. and Polly A. (Stephens) BOWDEN; educated Hiwassee College, Monroe Co., Tenn.; began his business career as a farmer; later taught school; married Nettie E. GARRETT July 4, 1889; Democrat; former […]
City: Jackson WITHERSPOON, Ross, born near Jackson in 1850; son of William and Vira (Bumpas) WITHERSPOON; educated Jackson, Tenn.; married Angie HAYS, Oct. 28, 1879; president Southern Seating and Cabinet Factory; interested in various manufacturing interests of the city of Jackson; descended from John WITHERSPOON, who signed the Declaration of […]
City: Jackson WITHERSPOON, Mrs. Ross, born at Jackson, Tenn., Jan. 3, 1850; daughter of Richard Jackson and Sarah (Ballow) HAYS; married Ross WITHERSPOON Oct. 28, 1879; member of U. D. C.; worker in Home Mission Society; organized Young Woman’s Boarding Home, and is identified with every charitable organization in the […]
WEBER, John Langdon, clergyman; born Union S. C., Sept. 25, 1862; English-Dutch descent; son of S. A. and Sarah Alston (Langdon) WEBER; father’s occupation, Doctor of Divinity; paternal grandparents Adam and Margaret (Lander) WEBER, maternal grandparents William J. and Charity Dawson (Alston) LANGDON; educated private schools of S. C., and […]
WARNER, Frank G., Secretary Y. M. C. A.; born Pittsburg /sic/, Pa., Feb. 13, 1872; son of Geo. W. and Sara H. (Taylor) WARNER; educated at Pittsburg /sic/, (Pa.) High School; former Secetary Y. M. C. A., department penn., R. R.; married Mabel PRESTON, of Selmer, Ala., April 27, 1902; […]
City: Jackson WALKER, Josef Clay, teacher; born Wartrace, Tenn., May, 1880; Scotch-Irish-Spanish-German descent; son of William B. and Pattie (Lane) WALKER; father’s occupation, planter; educated Cumberland University and Heidleberg /sic/, Germany; graduated from Cumberland University June, 1904, with degrees A. B., A. M., and LL. B., 1907; in early life […]
City: Jackson TUCHFELD, Aaron, merchant; born Rzeshow, Austria, 1867; Austrian descent; son of Solomon and Rebecca (Hornick) TUCHFELD; father’s occupation, merchant; married Sophie FREED Aug. 11, 1897; member of Elks, Knights of Pythias; member of the Jewish faith.
City: Jackson TRUSSELL, Elmer Seymour, former editor and publisher Jackson Sun; born near Pomeroy, Ohio, March 26, 1852; son of J. S. and Sarah (Stout) TRUSSELL; English descent; educated common schools; married Constantia HENDRY, Baltimore, Md., in 1880; member I. O. O. F., W. O. W.; early business, printer and […]