City: Dandridge SMITH, William Harding, farmer and canner and live stock dealer; born near Dandridge, Tenn., March 2, 1852; English-Irish-Dutch descent; son of John and Caroline (Baer) SMITH; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandfather Moses SMITH, paternal grandmother Pathenia (Miller) SMITH; maternal grandfather John BAER, maternal grandmother Polly Richie (Inman) BAER; […]
Daily Archives: October 7, 2012
City: Dandridge HILL, James Preston, farmer and banker; born Jefferson Co., Tenn., Jan. 1, 1884; Irish and Dutch descent; son of James Maston and Mary (Moore) HILL; educated in the local schools of Jefferson Co.; began life as a farmer and enlisted in the Union Army during civil war; attained […]
City: Dandridge FELKNOR, Andrew McFerrin, born near Leadvale Sept. 4, 1859; Scotch-Irish-English-German descent; son of Alexander and Annie C. (Goan) FELKNOR; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandfather James FELKNOR; paternal grandmother’s maiden name was Miss GUTHRIE, maternal grandfather Shadrack GOAN, maternal grandmother Sytha (Inman) GOAN; received academic education at Oak Hill […]
City: Dandridge BLACKBURN, William Wirt, farmer; born near Dandridge, Tenn., April 9, 1838; Scotch-Irish descent; son of Benjamin A. and Isabella M. (Caldwell) BLACKBURN; father’s occupation, farmer; paternal grandparents John and Elizabeth (McGerk) BLACKBURN, maternal grandparents William and Nellie (Moore) CALDWELL; enlisted as private in Co. C, 9th Tenn. Cav. […]
City: Cumberland Gap WHITE, Joseph Franklin, lawyer; born in Claiborne Co., Tenn., June 10, 1866; son of Joseph and Olivia K. (Moss) WHITE; educated University of Tenn., Knoxville, Tenn.; in early life worked on a farm and clerked in a store, later studied law and was admitted to the bar; […]
City: Cumberland Gap STOOKSBURY, William L., educator; born Rule, Union Co., Tenn., July 4, 1866; son of Alvis and Elizabeth (Duke) STOOKSBURY: paternal grandmother, Huldah (Craig) STOOKSBURY; maternal grandfather, William DUKE; maternal grandmother, Tinnie (Sharp) DUKE; educated at U. S. Grant University, Athens, Tenn., graduated from same with A. B. […]
City: Cumberland Gap MORISON, James Henderson Stuart, lawyer; born at Cumberland Gap, Tenn., Dec. 12, 1864; Scotch-Irish descent; son of J. H. S. and Amanda (Jones) MORISON; his father was a physician; paternal grandparents, George and Mary (Woods) Morison, maternal grandparents Evan and Eveline (Boswell) JONES; educated University of Tenn., […]
City: Cumberland City THOMAS, William T., merchant; born Stewart Co., Tenn., Oct. 2, 1841; son of John H.and Nancy (Allen) THOMAS; father’s occupation, farmer; received common school education; married Martha V. GRAY Nov. 8, 1866; member Mason, Master H. P. and Knights of Pythias, Chancellor Commander; member of state senate general […]
City: Cumberland City STOUT, Josiah Wilkins, jurist, chancellor Sixth Chancery Division of Tenn.; born Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 14, 1851; English, Dutch, Scotch descent; son of Ira A. and Sarah (Graham) STOUT; father’s occupation, manufacturer; paternal grandfather Samuel Van Dyke STOUT; paternal grandmother Katherine (Tannehill) STOUT, maternal grandfather Andrew GRAHAM, maternal […]
City: Cumberland City PICKARD, Nixon, banker; born Linden, Perry Co., Tenn., Feb 17, 1877; Scotch-Irish descent; son of P. P. and Julia (Britt) PICKARD; father’s occupation, banker; educated Edgewood and Waverly, Tenn., June, 1898; married Annie DOUGHERTY Jan. 31, 1907; in early life was engaged in mercantile business with his […]