Bright Grooms School Contract 1848

Used with permission from book:  A Tiny Bit on the History & Descendants of Richard Drewry a Soldier of the Revolution & Pioneer of West Tennessee  by Gene and Wylodean Rogers, 1979.

We are indeed grateful to Cyrus Perry for giving us access to this old school contract. He is the great grandson of the Cyrus Perry who signed this contract.

Note* By the names mentioned in this old school contract, cousins Gene and Wylodean think that the school was the Meridian School which was near the Meridian Church of today. Meridian School, one of the very early schools in Southern Weakley County, was attended by Mary OVERTON DREWRY in late 1840's and we have photos of the school in early 1900's.

Meridian School Contract 1848
Bright Grooms, Teacher


Weakley County, Tennessee January 15th, 1848

An article of agreement made and entered into between Bright Grooms of the one part and the undersigners of the other part witnesseth. That the Said Grooms on his part to teach a school at what ever place may be designated by the subscribers in the District: and a house made comfortable for a school house. The said Grooms agrees to teach spelling, reading, writing, and arithmetic for the term of nine months, five days a week and to give due attention to said school and as far as possible keep good order in school.

And we the undersigners on our part agree to prepare the house and make it fit for a school house with suitable seats and writing bench or table and to furnish such books as the said Grooms may think best calculated to advance his students and to furnish plenty of good fire wood at the school house to keep up fires as may be needed during the school, and we further agree to board the said Grooms among our selves for the said term and to pay him seven dollars and fifty cents for each scholar assigned which will be due at the end of the school. The school to commence whenever the house is made ready if a sufficient number of scholars be assigned and all loss time to be made up at the end of the school. 

Names of Subscribers

Cyrus Perry 
Nathan Ray
Mathy Earls 
Mary Earls
John Cantrell
Isaac Galey
Anderson Crabtree
Isaac Pipkins
Henry Hill

Rules of School

1st-- There shall be no profane swearing, coming to, while at or going from school

2nd-- There must be no boxing, Wrestling or climbing of trees.

3rd-- There must be no giving of nick names.

4th-- Boys and girls must not play together.

5th-- There must be no tattle tailing from school.

6th-- No scholar must take or use the book of another without leave.

7th-- Large scholars must not usurp authority ever the small ones.

8th-- Any scholars that have come to mature age and refuse to comply with the rules of the school shall be expelled from school.

9th-- The school to be taught under the watch and care of three Trustees chosen by the subscribers whose business it shall be to attend when ever notified to settle any difficulty that may arise in the school and also to examine into the order of the school.
Submitted by MaryCarol