McConnell School

A Side Note...

Mary Carol, I have really enjoyed the web site for the old schools.  My mother taught at the McConnell School many moons ago.  While not an educated woman, she had something to offer in those days I guess. Of course I lived in McConnell for several years and remember the building well.  A second cousin, her husband and her mother now live in the building, that has been finished off for living.  Still a beautiful building.  Thanks again.   Don Welch 

McConnell School -  I have identified my brother James Thomas Welch, in this picture.  He is the first boy on left end of the third row from bottom; he has a tie on and standing in front of the teacher, Mr. Thomas.

In 1870 the Northwestern corner of Weakley county became Obion county.  Roughly the old channel of the Obion River just north of Martin was the new county line to the South, and approximately three miles as the crow flies, to the East of Hwy 45E and running North and South to the river from Ky state line, was the new boundary of Weakley and Obion.

McConnell is actually in Obion County.  I do not know when the school was formed.  Back in the early years of late 1800's, McConnell was called N. Edger, and not sure the school was located there. 

The identification of the school was easy because it actually is written on the bottom of the one pic.  My brother was in the first grade in 1925 and on the pic that you already have on your site, he was around the 3rd or 4th. 

Submitted by Don Welch

Webpage by MaryCarol 2001