Confederate Soldier

James Monroe R. WINSTON
Nov 19, 1843 - July 9, 1875

Widow's Pension Application

James Monroe R. Winston born Nov. 19, 1843, died July 9, 1875.    Born and raised in Greenfield. Entered Confed.  age  21 Bros: Benjamin Thomas Leroy Clanton Winston - Wm. Martin Van Buren Winston

Mollie - Thomas Adams
Fannie - Harry  C. Drewry
Sophronia Cynthia
James Si "Jim Si" - Edna E. Simmons

Married  Thirza Thornton on Aug. 28, 1861

Widow Pension #W3082

WIDOW OF:  James Monroe R. Winston, private, Confed., cavalry, 3rd Regiment, TN Cavalry (Forrest's),
McDonald's Battalion, company  D.

Name:  Thirza Winston
filed:  Feb. 11, 1909
She died  Sept. 15, 1925


1.  What is your full name and where do you reside?
Thirza Winston,  Greenfield, Tennessee

2.  How long and since when have you been a resident of this state?
All my life.

3.  When and where were you born and what was your maiden name?
August 15th 1846 Hardin County, Tennessee, Thirza Thornton.

4.  When and where was your husband born - state his full name, and when and where were you and he married, and who performed the marriage ceremony? (attach certificate copy marriage license in every case). 
1843 Nov. 19th Weakley County, Tennessee, James M. Winston,  1861,  28th August - Squire Campbell. [GW]

5.  When and where and in what company and Regiment did your husband enlist or serve during the war between the states? 
1864.  Co. D. , McDonald's Battalion,  Wm. Forrest's co.

6.  How long did your husband serve in said  Company and Regiment? 

7.  When and where did your husband's company and Regiment surrender? 

8.  Was your husband present at the time and place when his Company and Regiment surrendered? 

9.  If not with his command at surrender,  state clearly and specifically where he was, when he left command, for what cause and by what authority?

10.  Was your husbnd a pensioner or an applicant for pension, under the laws of Tennessee?

11.  When and where did your husband die? 
July 9th, 1875, Weakley Co., Tennessee

12.  At the time of your husband's death, were you living with him as his lawful wife?

13.  How many children did you have by your said husband? Give sex and age at this time.
five.   four girls.  45 - 43- 40- one girl died in infancy and boy died May 1st, 1901. 

14.  What property, real or personal, or income do you have or possess, and its gross value?
real property - about $500.  personal property - household goods value about $200 - in all about  $700. 

15.  What property, real or personal,  did you possess at death of husband, or did he leave you, and what disposition, if any, by sale or gift,  have you made of the same?
300 acres of  (illegible - may be "bottom")  land of value of $1,000  sold  and invested in house where I am now living.

16.  Have you a family?  If so,  who composes such family? Give their means of support.  Have they any lands or other property?
Self (2 lines illegible) granddaughter owns no property.

Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 11 day of Feb. 1909
G. M. Terry ,  notary public
of Weakley County        signed:  Thirza Thornton


Questions for Witnesses

Carroll County,  (signed) William Campbell,  of said State and County, having been presented as a witness in support of the application of Mrs. Thirza Winston  for a pension under Chapter 202, Acts of 1905, and after being duly sworn true answers to be made to the following questions.

1.  What is your name and where do you reside?
William Campbell

2.  Are you acquainted with the applicant, Mrs. Thirza Winston?

If so,  how long have you known her?
near all her life.

3.  Where does she reside, and how long and since when has she been a resident of this State?
All her life.  Greenfield.

4.  When and where was she born?
I think in Harden Co.

5.  Were you ever acquainted with her husband?

6.  When and by whom were they married?
G. W. Campbell

7.  When and where was he born?
Weakley County, Tennessee

8.  How long did you know him? 
Near  all his life.

9.  When and where did James M. Winston enlist in the war between the States, and in what Company and Regiment did he enlist, and how do you know this?
Co. D,  McDonald's   Battalion,  Wm. Forrest Co. (I was member of same Co.)

10.  Were you a member of the same Company and Regiment?

11.  How long did he perform regular military duty?
Twelve months 

12.  When and where was his Company and Regiment surrerendered?
I don't know.  I was cut off from the Command.

13.  Were you with the command when it surrendered?

14.  Was James M. Winston, the husband of the applicant, present?
No, he was with me.

15.  If not present,  where was he?

16.  When and where did he leave his command? 
Some place  in  Miss.

For what cause?
We was sent away by officer.

By whose authority did he leave?
By officer.
How do you know all this?  (state fully and clearly)

17.  When and where did  James M. Winston die?
Weakley County, Tennessee

18.  Where did he reside at his death and how long had he been a resident of Tennessee  at his death?
Weakley County, Tennessee - all his life.

19.  (question and answer missing - at top of copied page)

20.  Has she remained unmarried since her soldier husband's death, and is she now his widow?
Yes, has never married again.

21.  What property, effects or income has the applicant, if any,  and how do you know this of your own knowledge?
Only  small  house. 

22.  Has applicant conveyed any property in last two years or given any away,  if so, what was it and to whom?

  Witness No. 1  can't ans. questions No. 21 & 22.
signed:  Wm. Campbell

Sworn and subscribed before me this 6th day of March, 1909, John Palmer,  Notary Public.

The following Certificate of the County Trustee Must be Filled out:

I,  Z. W. Grooms,  Trustee of Weakley County, Tennessee, hereby certify that the property assessed on the tax books of this  County to Mrs. Thirza Winston  the widow of J. M. Winston,  amounts to $700.  real estate and  -0-  personal.
signed:  Z. W. Grooms,  Trustee for Weakley County, Tenn.


Copy of a  letter from the War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D.C.  to her, dated March 3, 1910, with the number  1628130 at the top.

       "The records show that  J. M. Winston  (name not found as James M. Winston), private, Company D, McDonald's Battalion Tennesse Cavalry,  Confederate...enlisted April 20,  1864. On the roll of the company dated  May 14, 1864, the last roll on file and only one on which his name appears, he is reported present.  No later record of him has been found."   signed  (illegible) the Adjutant General.

March 12, 1910  she  wrote a letter to  Mr. Frank A. Moses, Nashville, Tenn.  giving  Wm. Campbell's  address in Huntingdon, Tenn.    The number  WO 3082W2 was at the top of her note.....Helen.


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