Confederate Soldier

April 17, 1842 - Sept. 15, 1912

Widow's Pension Application

It was from a piece of paper with the following written on it that I first realized Buford was a Campbell Cousin!

William Campbell born 1842 died Sept. 15 1912 
Raised at Greenfield 
Entered Conf. age of 18 or 19
Pony - telegraph operator 

Children by 1st marriage: 
Ada - John Todd 
Betty - Sid Witherspoon 
Minnie - Dave Boyd 
George - 

Married Sarah Eudora WARBRITTON ROGERS on March 8, 1893 



Application for Widow�s Indigent Pension 

Notice to Applicants: The Widow's Pension Law, passed by the Tennessee Legislature, provides for the widows of Soldiers only, and they must have been residents of State of Tennessee for three years if widow of Tennessee soldiers, if widows of soldiers of other states, ten years before making application. 

There is only one class of Widows pensionable. Widows must have married prior to 1900. To be eligible the applicant must have remained a widow after the death of her soldier husband, and must be indigent. 

Married March 8, 1893..proof inside 
Added Jan 1930 
No. 4763 ACCEPTED 
S. A. #10, 034 

NAME: Sarah E. Campbell 
FILED: December 4, 1929 
WIDOW OF: William Campbell 
A, 15th Tenn Cav. 

She Died 1935 


State of Tennessee Madison County. Mrs Sarah Eudora Campbell of said State and County desiring to avail herself of the pension allowed to indigent Widows of Soldiers, under Act of General Assembly, approved April 1905, being Chapter 202 of the Acts of 1905; Chapter 103, Acts of 1907; Chapter 18, Acts of 1909; and Chapter 7, Acts of 1911, hereby submits her proofs, and after being duly sworn true answers to make to the following questions, deposes and answers as follows: 

1. What is your full name and where do you reside, give State, County and Post Office. 
Sarah Eudora Campbell - Tenn - Madison Co. - Jackson 

2. How long and since when have you been a resident of this State? 
All life. 

3. When and where were you born and what was your maiden name? 
Sept. 24, 1869 - Carroll County, Tennessee - Sarah Eudora Warbritton 

4. When and where was your husband born - state his full name and where were you and he married, and who performed the marriage ceremony? (attach certified copy of marriage licensee in every case). 
April 17, 1842 Henderson Co. Tenn. - William Campbell - Carroll Co. - Esquire Wren. 

5. When and where and in Company and Regiment did your husband enlist or serve during the War between the States? 
Refer to Record 

Questions 6-9 are not answered. They are questions about his service which were answered in # 5 above 
Refer to Record. 

10. Was your husband a pensioner or an applicant for pension, under the laws of Tennessee? 

11. Have you heretofore applied for a pension to this State? 

12. When and where did your husband die? 
Sept. 15, 1912 - Carroll County 

13. At the time of your husband�s death, were you living with him as his lawful wife? 

14. Have you married since the death of your soldier husband? 

15. How many children did you have by your said husband? Give sex and age at this time. 
Ten [10] - dau. 36 - son 34 - son 32 - son 30 - dau 28 - dau 25 - twin dau. 23 - son 21 - son died in infancy. 

16. What property, real or personal, or income do you have or possess, and its gross value? 
 Small farm worth about $350, but only own a life interest in this and same is assessed to A. C. Rogers, heirs. 

17.  What property, real or personal, did you possess at death of husband or did he leave you, and what disposition, if any, by sale or gift, have you made of the same? 
Same as mentioned in question 16. 

18.  Have  you a family? If so, who composes such family? Give their means of support. Have they any lands or other property. 

19. Name some friend, giving his name and postoffice address, who will be willing to have us write to him about  your case, if necessary. 
Marion Kyle - Huntingdon, Tenn. 

Signed by Sarah Eudora Campbell 

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3 day of Dec 1929 - A. M. Young, Clerk of Madison County. 

Questions for Witnesses cover the above info. They were J. M. Nesbitt and G. W. Johnson. Everything sworn before Notary Public, G. M. Blair, on 28 November 1929. 

The following certificate of the County Trustee must be filled out whether the applicant owns any taxable property or not. 

I J. T. Hester, Trustee of Carroll County, Tennessee, hereby certify that the property assessed on the tax books of this county to A. C. Rogers (heirs) in which Eudora Campbell owns only life interest, the widow of William Campbell. 75 acres; $350 Valuation. 
J. T. Hester, Trustee for Carroll County, Tenn. 

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