J. & M. Youngblood are merchants of Clifton, Tenn., and established their business in September, 1885. They carry a large stock of staple and fancy goods, hats, boots and shoes, groceries and general merchandise. Matthew Youngblood, manager of the business, was born in Wayne County, Tenn., May 6, 1856, son of John William and Margaret (Sims) Youngblood, who were born in Wayne County also. The father was a successful farmer and merchant, and removed to Missouri where he died December 6, 1874. Our subject was reared in his native country and secured a fair education. At the age of twenty five he began clerking in Waynesboro, and after one year’s service there came to Clifton, and was salesman until 1883. He then engaged in the mercantile business in Linden, Perry Co., Tenn., continuing until they established their present business in Clifton. His twin brother Joseph, who is one of the firm, has been successful traveling salesman for a Louisville grocery firm since 1881. He is a Republican, and has contributed largely to the success of the firm.