1891 Census Wayne County



The Late Gerald K. Moore
© 2006
Gerald K. Moore
Used with permission

The census records for 1890 were destroyed when a federal warehouse burned. In early 1891, probably because of this fire, the Tennessee legislature authorized a new census of the adult male citizens of Tennessee. The act was passed on Jan. 15, 1891 and approved on Jan. 28; the census occurred in February. In 1992, the original handwritten records were compiled, indexed, and published by Sue S. Reed of Houston, Texas as “Enumeration of male inhabitants of 21 years of age and upward, citizens of Tennessee on Jan. 1, 1891.” The State Archives in Nashville and a few public libraries in Tennessee have copies. One of the volumes includes records for Cheatham, Dickson, Hickman, Humphreys, Lawrence, Lewis, Perry (data missing), Wayne, and Williamson Counties.

The hand-written records for Wayne County have now been copied, transcribed as a computer file, and indexed. These data show name, age, color, and census district. Most entries include a family name plus a short form of a given name or one or two initials.

Federal census records show the order in which families were visited by the census taker, and families close to each other in the records usually lived near each other at the time of the census. This order is useful for genealogical research because families having the same last name and living in the same neighborhood usually have a common ancestry. Unfortunately, the hand-written records for six of the civil districts in the 1891 census of Wayne County were arranged alphabetically. Also race or color was not clear for some entries because of ditto marks below previously written letters in the columns for white (“W”) or colored (“C”); a few entries have ditto marks in both columns. On the transcript for this census, a “C” means that an African ancestry is clearly indicated on the handwritten record.

There are a few other problems with the census records for 1891. First, a total 2,290 names were certified by the Wayne County Court Clerk on Feb. 25, 1891, but there are 2,313 names in the surviving records; a few names were apparently added after the main group had been certified. In all of the civil districts, some names and ages are hard to read. Also, the spelling of some names is inconsistent, and some letters are not completely formed or distinct. If you find a mistake, please notify the historian’s office in the Wayne County Courthouse. Regardless of these problems, the 1891 records should proved useful for genealogy research.

Civil District 1 (A1-A157)

Name	 	        Age    Color     ID#
Hill, John D.		32	    W	         A1
Barnes, J. H.		45	    W	         A2
Pulley, Jess		21	    W	         A3
Pulley, John		37	    W	         A4
Goodman, Dane      45	    W   	 A5
Gilford, Thomas     35	    W 	 A6
Davis, J. R. 		68	    W 	 A7
Whorley. A. 		38	    W 	 A8
Davis, J. R.		65	    W 	 A9
Davis, Bill	        24	    W 	 A10
Odan, T. M.		41	    W 	 A11
Kindrick, John		56	    W 	 A12
Davis, J. B.		48	    W 	 A13
Riley, William	        50	    W 	 A14
Holt, Cal		        37	    W	         A15
Holt, W. B.		33	    W	         A16
Holt, J. C.		28	    W	         A17
Newborn, J. H.        45	    W         A18
Davis, W. C.		53	    W	         A19
Davis, J. A.		31	    W 	 A20
Goforth, H.		21	    W 	 A21
Batles, Henry	        51	    W 	 A22
Davis, J. J. R.		27	    W 	 A23
Davis N. A.		54	    W 	 A24
Davis, Tom		23	    W 	 A25
Hill, Moses		26	    W 	 A26
Davis, James A.	24	    W	         A27
Ray, John		        22        W	         A28
Turnbo, Bud		43	    W 	 A29
Ray, Sy			46	    W 	 A30
Boyd, Eli		        45	    W 	 A31
Boyd, Joseph		47	    W         A32
Boyd, J. H. 	        21	    W	         A33
Hill, W. J.	        24	    W 	 A34
Hill, Tom		        34	    W	         A35
Hardin, Neut L.	55	    W 	 A36
Boyd, Wes	        52	    W 	 A37
Hill, William	        45	    W 	 A38
Ray, J. M. 		21	    W 	 A39
Queen, William       38	    W         A40
Queen, J. C. 	        71	    W 	 A41
Buoy, J. C.		 37	    W 	 A42
Phillips, S. R.		 35	    W 	 A43
Queen, Charley	 35	    W 	 A44
Grimes, John		 74	    W 	 A45 
Grimes, Nate		44	    W 	 A46 
Aley, John		45	    W 	 A47 
Culp, John		35	    W 	 A48 
Nedlen, Jack		37	    W 	 A49 
Riley, Peter		24	    W 	 A50
Riley, J. A.	        25	    W 	 A51
Parker, Bob		28	    W 	 A52
Riley, John		31	    W 	 A53
Gordon, John		28	    W 	 A54
Gordon, Tom		22	    W 	 A55
Mayberry, T. J.	25	    W 	 A56
Riley, W. C.		56	    W 	 A57
Lisby, William		32	    W 	 A58
Warren, Sam		46	    W 	 A59
Riley, Sam		44	    W 	 A60
Crosno, G. T.		33	    W 	 A61
Graham, John		41	    W 	 A62
Webster, J. C.		32	    W 	 A63
Culp, Alen		54	    W 	 A64
Pevahous, Roy	30	    W 	 A65
Pevahous, Carel	45	    W 	 A66
Killen, John		50	    W 	 A67
Lineberry, Wheeler	27	    W 	 A68
Culp, Teney		36	    W 	 A69
Culp, Buck		34	    W 	 A70
Smith, Alf.		23	    W 	 A71
Warren, Ben		27	    W 	 A72
Lineberry, Tom	41	    W 	 A73
Briley, Bud		26	    W 	 A74
Williams, Frank	57	    W 	 A75
Turnbo, Jim		30	    W 	 A76
Warren, James		67	    W 	 A77
Warren, Joe		34	    W 	 A78
Culp, Jack		26	    W 	 A79
Culp, Whit		21	    W 	 A80
Smith, James		 30	    W 	 A81
Gordon, Will		25	    W 	 A82
Turnbo, Hugh		31	    W 	 A83
Gifford, Tom		 24	    W 	 A84
Turnbo, Claborn	 31	    W 	 A85
Steel, Jesse		 45	    W 	 A86
Steel, E.		         57	    W 	 A87
Steel, B.		         82	    W 	 A88
Burch, Henry		 23	    W 	 A89
Steel, J. T.		 28	    W 	 A90
Steel, J. A.		 45	    W 	 A91
Steel, A. J.		 40	    W 	 A92
Gordon, D. P .		40	    W 	 A93
Lineberry, Sam	 35	    W 	 A94
Hendrix. Bill 		34	    W 	 A95
Devers, John 		37	    W 	 A96
Jobe, Wesley 		35	    W 	 A97
Turnbo, Bill 		21	    W 	 A98
Flippo, Henry 		35	    W 	 A99
Gordon, Charley	47	    W 	 A100
Richardson, Luther	30	    W 	 A101
Flippo, Tom		30	    W 	 A102
Churchwell, John 	34	    W 	 A103
Ivins, Henry		63	    W 	 A104
Nunley, Bill 		25	    W 	 A105
Carell, Bill		35	    W 	 A106
Bruce, Morow		22	    W 	 A107
Brooks, Dutch		24	    W 	 A108
Thompson, Charley	82	     W 	 A109
Thompson, George	45	    W 	 A110
Bosh, Garison		25	    W 	 A111
Baker, Andy		40	    W 	 A112
Bennett, Ed		30	    W 	 A113
Foreshee, Eliza	53	    W 	 A114
Culp, Wayne		50	    W 	 A115
Davis, Liles		41	    W 	 A116
Conway, Joe		30	    W 	 A117
Robinson, Jim         24	    W 	 A118
Brooks, Shade		48	    W 	 A119
Creasy, John		34	    W 	 A120
Carell, John		68	    W 	 A121
Carell, Jim		24	    W 	 A122
Carell, Bill		27	    W 	 A123
Carell, Ambers	35	    W 	 A124
Crosno, Henry		50	    W 	 A125
Morgan, John 		32	    W 	 A126
Morgan, Bill		23	    W 	 A127
McDonal, James	34	    W 	 A128
Alford, Bud		30	    W 	 A129
Alford, Whit		35	    W 	 A130
Buoy, Clark		71	    W 	 A131
Turnbo, John, Jr.	30	    W 	 A132
Turnbo, John, Sr.	45 	    W 	 A133
Mathes, George	33	    W 	 A134
Ray, Eaton		40	    W 	 A135
Ray, Bill		        34	    W 	 A136
Rose, Cab		52	    W 	 A137
Flippo, John		27	    W 	 A138
Prayton, Holey	 45 	    W 	 A139
Prayton, Frane		24	    W 	 A140
Woodard, Tom		48	    W 	 A141
Sarrat, Neft		47	    W 	 A142
Bevis, John		30	    W 	 A143
Newborn, Frank	65	    W 	 A144
Walker, Aaron		47	    W 	 A145
Prayton, Arch		71	    W	         A146
Pulley, Bill		30	    W 	 A147
Pulley, Jim		82	    W 	 A148
Prayton, L.		27	    W 	 A149
Griffin, Dug		50	    W	         A150
Davis, W. R.		35	    W 	 A151
Prayton, Tode		21	    W 	 A152
Crossno, Will		60	    W	         A153
Warren, Joseph	35	    W 	 A154
Overton, W. O.	50	    W 	 A155
Ibair, John		42	    W 	 A156
Warren, Sam		39	    W 	 A157

Civil District 2 (B1-B291)

Name	 	               Age    Color     ID#
Smothermore, James	52	   W	        B1
Jeeter, N. S.		        44	   W	        B2
Jeeter, Tom		        52	   W  	B3
Smith, J. H.		        45	   W   	B4
King, John		        34	   W  	B5
Jones, Joe		        30	   W  	B6
Ivins, John		        33	   W  	B7
Ivins, Jim		                37	   W  	B8
Helton, John D.		48	   W  	B9
Warington, Tom		36	   W  	B10
Montague, J. C.		31	   W  	B11
Floyd, Albert		        76	   W  	B12
Floyd, Alen		        92	   W  	B13
Riley, James		        33	   W  	B14
Newborn, T. J.		        50	   W  	B15
Newborn, Tobe		22	   W  	B16
Shipman, Edward		81	   W  	B17
Shipman, D. W.		52	   W  	B18
Burns, W. T.		        25	   W  	B19
Witherspoon, Alen	        26	   C   	B20
Mayberry, Mort.		40	   W  	B21
Churchwell, Marv.	        25	   W  	B22
Churchwell, Nelson   	21	   W  	B23
Young, B. M.		        35	   W  	B24
Benham, J. M.		        63	   W  	B25
Lancaster, Gus		        30	   W  	B26
McAnaly, Davis		41	   W  	B27
Roberts, Calvin		47	   W  	B28
Roberts, John		        27	   W  	B29
Roberts, Will		        24	   W  	B30
Hardin, Henry		        25	   C   	B31
Hall, Jim		                61	   W  	B32
Grimes, A.		        32	   W  	B33
Brown, J. W.		        28	   W  	B34
Woods, G. W.		        40	   W  	B35
Cole, A. O.		        55	   W  	B36
Dicus, James, Jr.	        24	   W  	B37
Dicus, James, Sr.      	62	   W   	B38
Shipman, W. H.		22	   W  	B39
McCuly, Will		        21	   W  	B40
Roberts, Amos		42	   W  	B41
Dicus, Porter		        22	   W  	B42
Prayton, Sam		        24	   W  	B43
Parker, Sam		        51	   W  	B44
Battles, Hart		        39	   W  	B45
Walker, Tim		        21	   W  	B46
Walker, Hord		        45	   W  	B47
Dicus, Jess		        32	   W  	B48
Grimes, Bud		        30	   W  	B49
Morgan, James		48	   W  	B50
Hughs, Tom		        49	   W  	B51
Morrow, Elbert		60	   W  	B52
Staggs, Henry		        48	   W  	B53
Cole, Babe		        29	   W  	B54
Walker, O.		        62	   W  	B55
Walker, Bill		        25	   W  	B56
Dicus, Oliver		        24	   W  	B57
Brown, Will		        55	   W  	B58
Brown, C. C.		        24	   W  	B59
Grimes, Buck		        65	    C  	B60
Grimes, Morow		32	   W  	B61
Churchwell, Joe		35	   W  	B62
Montague, Sy		        65	   W  	B63
Witherspoon, Joe	        40	   W  	B64
Witherspoon, Tom   	27	   W  	B65
Bolen, Bill		        55	   W  	B66
Johnson, Bill		        54	   W  	B67
Johnson, John		        22	   W  	B68
Moore, Ed		        48	   W  	B69
Walker, Nate		        24	   W  	B70
Clay, Ben		                58	   W  	B71
Grimes, Bill		        35	   W  	B72
Keeton, B. D.		        61	   W  	B73
Cook, John		        31	   W  	B74
Sharp, George		        30	   W  	B75
Cooper, J.		        31	   W  	B76
Grimes, Bery		        68	   W  	B77
Haynes, John		        20	   W  	B78
Burns, Miles		        52	   W  	B79
Walker, Jess		        68	   W  	B80
Walker, George		26	    C  	B81
Warren, Sam		        30	   W  	B82
Walker, Charley		42	    C  	B83
Dillon, Romel		        60	    W 	B84
Dillon, Will		        22	    W 	B85
Speers, Sam		        31	    W 	B86
Allison, J.		        50	    W 	B87
Helton, Wash.		        30	    W 	B88
Walker, Bruce		        28	    W 	B89
Walker, Tim		        22	    W 	B90
Witherspoon, Bill	        25	     C 	B91
Griggs, Isaac		        69	    W 	B92
Griggs, Bill		       26	    W 	B93
Hardin, Ed		       33	    W 	B94
Dicus, John Bell	       35	    W 	B95
Warington, Gill	        56	    C  	B96
Montague, Pink		32	    W 	B97
Ivins, John		        33	    W 	B98
Warington, Lester	        21	    C  	B99
Hardin, Mort.		        35	    W 	B100
Scott, Vegatble		50	    W 	B101
Pointer, Sonny		        70	    C  	B102
Warington, Gill		55	    W 	B103
Stricklin, A. T.          	45	    W 	B104
Stricklin, Tom		        43	    W 	B105
Choat, Andy		        65	     C 	B106
Haggard, Kinden		49	    W 	B107
McNeal, Ison		        30	    C  	B108
Hughes, John		        60	    W 	B109
Hughes, John		        28	    C  	B110
Hughes, Green		        35	    W 	B111
Prater, James		        25	    W 	B112
Wilbanks, James		60	    W 	B113
Ninon, Bill		        35	    W 	B114
Lanchester, Mike     	33	    W 	B115
Stafford, L. R.		        50	    W	        B116
Stafford, Bud		        24	    W	        B117
Baker, Bob		        38	    W 	B118
Baker, Ross	        	35	    W 	B119
Hughes, G. S.		        29	    W 	B120
Edman, J. E.		        36	    W 	B121
Tyree, John		        31	    W 	B122
Rickets, T. R.		        46	    W 	B123
Rickets, S. B.		        43	    W 	B124
Lancaster, Sam		27	    W 	B125
Youngblood, Joe		34	    W 	B126
Hill, Sam		                39	    W 	B127
Brown, Tom		        35	    W 	B128
Brown, George		39	    W	        B129
Everett, James		        45	    W 	B130
Lawson, Joe		        37	    W 	B131
Blashere, Dave		30	    W 	B132
Stribling, C. C.	        46	    W	        B133
Stribling, Jim		        21	    W  	B134
Smith, Bob		        21	    W  	B135
Griggs, J. E.		        27	    W 	B136
Hassell, Tom		        24	    W 	B137
Hughes, Will		        24	    W 	B138
McCollough, John    	22	    W 	B139
Turman, C. M.		        60	    W 	B140
Sears, John		        22	    W 	B141
Boon, Bill		        56	    W 	B142
Miller, R.		                46	    W 	B143
Cook, William		        48	    W 	B144
Ryan, Dick		        36	    W 	B145
Haggard, Arch		        30	    W 	B146
Alley, Will		        27	    W 	B147
Ryan, John		        38	    W 	B148
Alford, Dock		        40	    W 	B149
Stockard, S. G.		43	    W 	B150
Russ, Sam		        39	    W 	B151
Montague, W. T.		50	    W 	B152
Weeks, C.		        70	    W 	B153
Stull, Bill		                29	    W 	B154
Self, T. W.		        60	    W 	B155
Self, Hyden		        32	    W 	B156
Hardin, Wad		        32	    W 	B157
McCall, A. B.		        57	    W	        B158
Warren, W. P.		        72	    W 	B159
Dolrell, Frank		        33	    W 	B160
Ricketts, J. A.		        34	    W 	B161
Tinnon, Bill		        56	    W 	B162
Roberts, Jerry		        28	    W 	B163
Osment, J. C.		        30	    W 	B164
Osment, B.		        27 	    W 	B165
Sevill, S.		                25	    W 	B166
Gordon, F.		        50	    W 	B167
Gordon, James		27	    W 	B168
Gordon, E.		        30	    W 	B169
Owen, M. L.		        53	    W 	B170
O'Neal, Dick		        32	    W 	B171
Roberts, E. S.		        48	    W 	B172
Tinnon, F.		        30	    W 	B173
Johnson, Sam		        28	    W 	B174
Youngblood, Mat		34	    W 	B175
Howard, Will		        23	    W 	B176
Parr, W. H.		        40	    W 	B177
Mathew, Will		        36	    W 	B178
Cook, R. L.		        36	    W 	B179
Berry, Joe		        56	    W 	B180
Berry, Bill		        35	    W 	B181
Copeland, Joe G.	        32	    W        B182
Watkins, N. E.		        47	    W 	B183
Ricketts, Charley	        27	    W 	B184
Lee, C.			        40	    W 	B185
Christie, T. J.		        55	    W 	B186
Love, O., Sr.		        56	    W 	B187
Love, O., Jr.		        25	    W 	B188
Love, Will		        21	    W 	B189
Sherrell, Jack		        35	    W 	B190
Cook, Tom		        34	    W 	B191
Hendrix, J.		        43	    W 	B192
Chambers, B.		        41	    W 	B193
Lancaster, Tom		24	    W 	B194
Bennett, John		        35	    W 	B195
Middleton, Jack		47	    W 	B196
Kutch, Herman		48	    W 	B197
Hartwell, W.		        27	    W 	B198
Hartwell, B.		        48	    W 	B199
Stockard, W. J.		32	    W 	B200
Floyd, John		        34	    W 	B201
Walker, E.		        30	    W 	B202
Ross, W. P., Jr.         	49	    W 	B203
Mathis, J.		                52	    C  	B204
Mathis, Sam	 	        40	    W 	B205
McLassen, Dave		40	    W 	B206
Short, Walter		        21	    W 	B207
Choat, Mat		        27	    W 	B208
Toles, Jim		        33	    W 	B209
Whitaker, Steve		30	    W 	B210
Rock, Cal		                29	    W 	B211
Walker, Isham		        35	    W 	B212
Jackson, Bob		        37	    W 	B213
Robinson, Gil		        35	    W 	B214
Tyree, Henry		        55	    W 	B215
Wells, Tom		        32	    W 	B216
Coats, Alex		        36	    W 	B217
Maberry, Joe		        31	    W 	B218
Davie, Brad		        33	    W 	B219
Davie, Bud		        36	    W 	B220
Roach, Blount		        85	    W 	B221
Martin, Tom		        26	    W 	B222
Hughes, Dick		        40	    W 	B223
Hunter, John		        63	    W 	B224
Hubbard, Berry		28	    W 	B225
Churchwell, Isham	        25	    W 	B226
Porter, George		        60	    W 	B227
Moody, Ben		        45	    W	        B228
Pointer, Tom		        30	    W 	B229
Robertson, John		38	    W 	B230
Stamps, T.		        40	    W 	B231
Lynes, Jim		        50	    W 	B232
Johnson, Ed		        27	    C  	B233
Webb, Dan		        38	    W 	B234
Geines, G.		        45	    W 	B235
Montague, N.		        46	    W 	B236
Franks, E.		        25	    W 	B237
McLane, H.		        35	    W 	B238
Hassell, J. F.		        26	    W 	B239
Lancaster, W. F.	        34	    W 	B240
Ray, J.			        38	    W 	B241
Bradley, Butch		        28	    W 	B242
Thomas, Monroe		33	    W 	B243
Yokeley, I. N.		        31	    W 	B244
Osteles, D.		        27	    W 	B245
Webb, Bill		        45	    W 	B246
Luna, L.		                65	    W 	B247
Luna, Sam		        25	    W 	B248
Speers, Sam		        32	    W 	B249
McMahan, Jim		48	    W 	B250
Davidson, Will		35	    W 	B251
Haggard, John		        23	    W 	B252
Newcomb, W. M.		34	    W 	B253
Wilbanks, J. L.		60	    W 	B254
Boyd, J. J.		        28	    W 	B255
Arnold, T. W.		        30	    W 	B256
Linem, S. T.		        32	    W 	B257
Franks, E. A.		        32	    W 	B258
Bryant, Tom		        33	    W 	B259
Franks, Jack		        27	    W 	B260
Franks, John		        25	    W 	B261
Franks Jim		        61	    W 	B262
Franks, Will		        50	    W	        B263
Beckham, Bill		        55	    W 	B264
Beckham, John		60	    W 	B265
Burns, John		        35	    W 	B266
Burns, Jim		        29	    W 	B267
Beckham, Lihew		22	    W 	B268
Napier, Al		        32	     C 	B269
Webb, Monroe		        29	    W 	B270
Lindsey, Jim		        25	    W 	B271
Hughes, Gus		        35	    W 	B272
Hughes, Henry		30	    W 	B273
Middleton, Saul		60	    W 	B274
Davis, Bill		        45	    W	        B275
Mabery, Mart		        32	    W 	B276
Robertson, Jim		65	    W 	B277
McBride, I.		        55	    W 	B278
Dixon, Will		        23	    W 	B279
Robinson, H.		        70	     C 	B280
Deal, Isham		        39	    W 	B281
Weatherspoon, Joe   	54	    W 	B282
Pitts, Lewis		        27	    W	        B283
Montague, Lewis		21	    W 	B284
Johnson, W. W. 		27	    W	        B285
Hardin, Amos		        34	    W 	B286
Moore, R. M.		        59	    W 	B287
Moore, Thomas	        73	    W 	B288
Newcomb, B.		        25	    W 	B289
Willbanks, J. L.	        39	    W 	B290
Young, Bob		        26	    W 	B291

Civil District 3 (C1-C116)

Name	 	               Age    Color     ID#
Adkins, L. L.		        24	   W   	C1
Anderson, W. C.		29	   W	        C2
Adkins, William		23	   W	        C3
Buchanan, William    	25	   W  	C4
Bell, W. L.	        	42	   W  	C5
Bell, J. R.		                35	   W  	C6
Bell, T. A.	         	37	   W  	C7
Bivins, Robert		        28	    C	        C8
Bromley, J. J.		        52	   W	        C9
Bromley, W. E.		29	   W	        C10
Bromley, J. A.		        24	   W	        C11
Bromley, J. L.		        22	   W	        C12
Beaty, Abe		        56	   W	        C13
Coosenberry, E. N.	        57	   W	        C14
Chappell, Ben		        25	   W	        C15
Chappell, Bob		        23	   W	        C16
Culp, Hal		                40	   W	        C17
Cook, Tim, Dr.		44	   W	        C18
Choat, J. M.		        45	   W	        C19
Choat, G. T.		        46	   W         C20
Chappell, Altimon	        55	    C    	C21
Chappell, Jesse		60	   W	        C22
Chappell, W. B.		63	   W  	C23
Chappell, Amos		27	    C  	C24
Chappell, Terry		24	   W  	C25
Chappell, Henry		26	   W  	C26
Carter, P. E.		        30	   W  	C27
Deavers, Elijah		70	   W  	C28
Deavers, Frank		23	   W  	C29 
Dobbs, Nat		        25	   W   	C30
Dobbs, Joseph		        30	   W  	C31
Dobbs, William		25	   W  	C32
Duren, Ed		        22	   W  	C33
Edwards, Wm. L. T.	30	   W  	C34  
Edwards, J. W.		        25	   W  	C35
Edwards, D. L.		69	   W  	C36
Edwards, Amos		30	   W  	C37
Edwards, John		        23       W  	C38
Edwards, Lewis		21	   W  	C39
Fraley, Charley		30	   W  	C40 
Fraley, Andrew		41	   W  	C41
Fraley, Bud		        33	   W  	C42
Goodwin, J. L.		        37	   W  	C43
Grinder, Robert		55	   W  	C44
Graves, Jesse		        21	   W  	C45
Graves, J. H.		        65	   W  	C46
Graves, Doc		        60	   W  	C47
Graves, Thomas		35	   W  	C48
Graves, Samuel		23	   W  	C49
Graves, John		        33	   W  	C50
Graves, Andrew		28	   W  	C51
Gillem, Willie		        21	   W  	C52
Graves, Lawrence	        30	   W  	C53
Hollabaugh, L.		22	   W  	C54
Hollabaugh, Jcb., Sr.	68	   W  	C55
Hollabaugh, William	30	   W  	C56
Hollabaugh, Isham	        24	   W  	C57
Hill, James		        40	   W  	C58
Ham, Isaac		        35	   W  	C59
Hickman, Geoge		52	   W  	C60
Holt, James A.		        35	   W  	C61
Hickman, John		24	   W  	C62
Hollabaugh, Jcb., Jr.	29	   W  	C63
Ivins, Linus		        35	   W  	C64
Ivins, W. H.		        25	   W  	C65
Jackson, Andrew		33	   W  	C66
Jones, Samuel		        57	   W  	C67
King, J. D.		        52	   W  	C68
Long, John		        40	   W  	C69
Luna, J. T.		        35	   W  	C70
Luna, Willis		        21	   W  	C71
Lynch, Jacob		        22	   W  	C72
Lockard, Thomas		60	   W  	C73
Meredith, L. R.		64	   W  	C74
Meredith, W. W.		25	   W   	C75
Meredith, Lee R.	        30	   W  	C76
Meredith, L. T.		32	   W  	C77
Meredith, F. C.		40	   W  	C78
Meredith, James T.	        59	   W  	C79
Meredith, John T.	        50	   W  	C80
Meredith, A. M.		55	   W  	C81
Meredith, J. L. 	        25	   W  	C82
McLemore, James		63	   W  	C83
Moore, J. T.		        28	   W  	C84
Moon, William		60	   W  	C85
McLemore, R. M.		30	   W   	C86
McLane, Jasper		32	   W  	C87
Morgan, S. N.		        45	   W  	C88 
Morgan, James		21	   W  	C89
McLemore, J. C.		21	   W  	C90
Nowlen, Carl		        22	   C   	C91
Nowlen, ?		        30	   C   	C92
Pope, Bud		        22	   W  	C93
Pope, Lemuel		        72	   W  	C94
Pope, Edward		        45	   W  	C95
Pitts, Joseph		        65	   W  	C96
Pope, Wiliam		        21	   W  	C97
Pope, John		        30	   W  	C98
Pitts, Andrew		        30	   W  	C99
Phillips, J. D.		        52       W  	C100
Phillips, Lewis		29	   W  	C101
Ricketts, William	        47	   W  	C102
Ricketts(?), W. P.	          ?	   W  	C103
Ricketts, Samuel	        21	   W  	C104
Riley, J. A.		        56 	   W  	C105
Stockard, T. A.		30	   W  	C106
Shaw, William		        60	   W  	C107
Sikes, E. J.		        26	   W  	C108
Shaw. William		        25	   W  	C109
Smith, Edward		25	   W  	C110
Smith, Wirter		        60	   C   	C111
Smith, M. N.		        33	   C   	C112
Smith, Henry		        22	   C   	C113
Smith, Allen		        21	   C   	C114
Stone, W. S.		        50	   W  	C115
Stone, S. H.		        23	   W  	C116

Civil District 4 (D1-D255)

Name	 	               Age    Color     ID#
Smith, J. C.		        23	    W	        D1
Stutts, J. C.		        25	    W 	D2
Helton, G. T.		        47	    W 	D3
Taylor, J. H.		        30	    W 	D4
Taylor, W. F.		        37	    W 	D5
Walker, J. W.		        47	    W 	D6
Jones, W. R.		        57	    W 	D7
Jones, S. R.		        28	    W 	D8
Jones, G. W.		        25 	    W 	D9
McNally, T. F.		        34	    W 	D10
Kea, W. W.		        58	    W 	D11
Kea, W. A.		        24	    W 	D12
Barrett, J. C.		        26	    W 	D13
Barrett, J. H.		        24	    W 	D14
Whitley, T. J.		        36	    W 	D15
Luna, E. H.		        61	    W 	D16
Buckanan, C.		        48	    W 	D17
Turman, Will		        57	    W 	D18
McGlamery, E. D.	        58	    W 	D19
Chilsap, James		33	    W 	D20
Phillips, James		52	    W 	D21
Sullivan, Sam		        60	    W 	D22
Turman, John		        44	    W 	D23
Scott, G. W.		        56	    W 	D24
Scott, Tom		        21	    W 	D25
Hollis, W. B.		        25	    W 	D26
Boyd, H. C.		        25	    W 	D27
Robnett, James		46	    W 	D28
Vick, T. C.		        50	    W 	D29
Kimbro, Jeff		        35	    W 	D30
Morrow, D. N.		        35	    W 	D31
Boyd, Frank		        31	    W 	D32
Beckham, A. B.		40	    W 	D33
Beckham, Sam		65	    W 	D34
Haggard, R. A.		30	    W 	D35
Cole, A. B.		        35	    W 	D36
Collier, Jim		        29	    W 	D37
Morrow, John		        38	    W	        D38
Keeton, Levi		        32	    W	        D39
Young, T. D.		        37	    W 	D40
Greeson, D. T.		        22	    W 	D41
Greeson, John W.	        24	    W 	D42
Greeson, George		22	    W 	D43
Huckaba, T. J.		        39	    W 	D44
Burns, John		        38	    W 	D45
Bromley, W. L.		63	    W 	D46
Martin, R. C.		        61	    W 	D47
Weaver, J. R.		        38	    W 	D48
Springer, Bill		        34	    C  	D49
Whitaker, Bill		        51	    C  	D50
Cook, Arthur		        24	    C  	D51
Pointer, Brister	        55	    C  	D52
Pointer, John		        25	    C  	D53
Lane, A. F.		        38	    C  	D54
Hicks, Westly		        23	    C  	D55
Bell, Andy		        56	    C  	D56
Jordan, Alexander	        59	    C  	D57
Counce, Jim		        23	    C  	D58
Wiley, J. A.		        40	    C  	D59
Armstrong, Manard	        58	    C  	D60
Hassell, Allen, Jr.	        30	    C  	D61
Hassell, Alex		        21	    C  	D62
Hassell, Allen, Sr.	        70	    C  	D63
Pointer, Bob		        69	    C  	D64
Wigfall, Elias		        53	    C  	D65
McLane, Anse		        59	    C  	D66 
Saunders, Bud		        29	    C  	D67 
Wigfall, Tom		        29	    C  	D68
Gullick, Ned		        35	    C  	D69
Craig, P. H.		        54	   W  	D70
Cole, J. H.		        56	   W  	D71
Casteel, W. H.		        35	   W  	D72
Casteel, J. A.		        43	   W  	D73
Hardin, L. A.		        30	   W  	D74
Copeland, Isaac		45	   W  	D75
Copeland, Robert	        48	   W  	D76
Morrison, J. F.		        26	   W  	D77
Hardin, J. W.		        56	   W  	D78
Rhodes, G. F.		        55	   W  	D79
Helton, H. A.		        45	   W  	D80
Helton, Daniel		        79	   W  	D81
Boyd, G. W., Jr.	        33	   W  	D82
Hunt, T. K.		        48	   W  	D83
Ellison, Tom		        23	   W  	D84 
Morris, Jonathan	        75	   W  	D85
Collier, Mathew		81	   W  	D86   
Lutts, W. M. W.		37	   W  	D87
Lutts, Alexander	        63	   W  	D88
Huckaba, B. G.		56	   W  	D89
Irvin, Sam		        42	   W  	D90
Irvin, Robert		        40	   W  	D91
Gallaher, J. L.		        33	   W   	D92
Gallaher, Amos		70	   W  	D93
Sims, J. N.		        38	   W  	D94
Cole, George		        22	   W  	D95
Griffin, Jim		        33	   W  	D96
Howell, Will		        28	   W  	D97
Howell, E.		        65	   W  	D98
Burns, W. P.		        36	   W  	D99
Jackson, W. J.		        24	   W  	D100
Grimes, Henry		        40	   W  	D101
Hunt, H. L.		        40	   W  	D102
Smith, James		        24	   W   	D103
Deavers, Bryant		38	   W  	D104
Christian, E. M.	        36	   W  	D105
King, B. M.		        64	   W  	D106
Burns, Lytle		        32	   W  	D107
Shaw, James		        22	   W  	D108
Phillips, S. B.		        39	   W  	D109
Phillips, William	        21	   W  	D110
Luna, Henry		        38	   W  	D111
Phillips, Jack		        54 	   W  	D112
Meredith, Lon		        24	   W  	D113
Deavers, T.		        28	   W  	D114
Deavers, Elijah		22	   W  	D115
Coosenberry, Cass	        51	   W  	D116
McClellen, William  	48	   W  	D117
Keeton, J. F.		        42	   W  	D118
Hardin, Jehew		        33	   W  	D119
Kilburn, Jess		        27	   W  	D120
Artise, G. W.		        45	   W  	D121
Belew, John J.		        45	   W  	D122
Keeton, Josiah		        52	   W  	D123
Keeton, Newton		26	   W  	D124
Keeton, John		        27	   W  	D125
Vandiver, Jack		        32	   W  	D126
Rutledge, E. F. 		39	   W  	D127
Taylor, Robert		        65	   W  	D128
Fagan, Bruce		        33	   W  	D129
Smith, Robert		        22	   W  	D130
Morris, J. G.		        53	   W  	D131
Minton, J. E.		        55	   W  	D132
Minton, John		        26	   W  	D133
Minton, Robert		29	   W  	D134
Rutledge, Lovick	        25	   W  	D135
Reaves, D. E.		        24	   W  	D136
Reaves, Dave		        58	   W  	D137
Lafferty, Will		        23	   W  	D138
Brewer, Saunders	        63	   W  	D139
Caton, D. S..		        41	   W  	D140
Brewer, Peter		        23	   W  	D141
Long, A. J.		        35	   W  	D142
Keeton, J. D.		        37	   W  	D143
Merriman, E. G.		41	   W  	D144
Keeton, J. A.		        55	   W  	D145
Keeton, Buddy		24	   W  	D146
Keeton, Sidney		21	   W  	D147
Shields, John		        56	   W  	D148
Merriman, J. H.		56	   W  	D149
Beckam, W. T.		        48	   W  	D150
Olds, Tom		        28	   W  	D151
Brady, W. A.		        37	   W  	D152
Walker, William		49	   W  	D153
Loyd, William		        38	   W  	D154
Lowery, James		        45	   W  	D155
Lowery, Henry		81	   W  	D156
Lowery, Oliver		23	   W  	D157
Keeton, David		        22	   W  	D158
Woods, Cas		        42	   W  	D159
Woods, Bill		        24	   W  	D160
Long, Sylvester		25	   W  	D161
Carson, Peter		        50	   W  	D162
Risener, E.		        52	   W  	D163
Risener, Macy		        24	   W  	D164
Risener, George		28	   W  	D165
Shields, J. T.		        65	   W  	D166
Morrison, W. J.		52	   W  	D167
Armstrong, H.		        56	   W   	D168
McLane, E.		        54	   W  	D169
Greeson, W. D.		30	   W  	D170
Kyle, D. A.		        26	   W  	D171
Brady, J. W.		        33	   W  	D172
Huckaba, S. M.		36	   W  	D173
Young, James		        38	   W  	D174
Cypert, , I. N.		        49	   W  	D175
Pinson, Frank		        51	   W  	D176
Pinson, Robert		        37	   W   	D177
McGill, Joe		        29	   W  	D178
Whitworth, William	32	   W  	D179
Morrison, Merida	        64	   W  	D180
Moore, Tom		        41	   W  	D181
Collier, Tom		        39	   W  	D182
Collier, L. P.		        25	   W  	D183
Casteel, S. M.		        42	   W  	D184
Norman, William		62	   W  	D185
Norman, C. L.		        36	   W  	D186
Melton, Bud		        24	   W  	D187
Kelly, James		        40	   W  	D188
Owen, Andy		        25	   W  	D189
Rinks, James H.		55	   W  	D190     
Staggs, Howell		25	   W  	D191
Owen, Tom		        38	   W  	D192
Dickey, Robert		22	   W  	D193
Dickey, John		        27	   W  	D194
Odle, David		        45	   W  	D195
Pryor, Rufus		        40	   W  	D196
Odle, Alex		        22	   W  	D197
Copeland, William	        45	   W  	D198
Copeland, Jacob		40	   W  	D199
Gallaher, James		28	   W  	D200
Bedford, Thomas		38	   W  	D201
Foster, William		42	   W  	D202
Morgan, Frank		        25	   W  	D203
Morgan, John		        30	   W  	D204
Huckaba, J. E.		        35	   W  	D205
Adkins, James		        30	   W  	D206
Morgan, J. L.		        47	   W  	D207
O'Neal, John 		        56	   W  	D208
O'Neal, Andrew		22	   W  	D209
Bedford, Stephen	        72	   W  	D210
Morrison, W. D.		41	   W  	D211
Burns, Robert		        35	   W  	D212
Old, H. S.		        40	   W  	D213
Grimes, Henry		        38	   W  	D214
Morrison, J. L.		        38	   W  	D215
Horton, Link		        28	   W  	D216
Ray, George		        28	   W  	D217
Gallaher, John		        28	   W  	D218
Lee, Henry		        30	   W  	D219
Ray, Carry		        55	   W  	D220
Ray, Tom		                32	   W  	D221
Langford, Dock		44	   W  	D222
Wilbanks, R. D.		38	   W  	D223
Lee, H. N.		        60	   W  	D224
Lee, David		        21	   W  	D225
Huckaba, J. F.		        45	   W  	D226
Frazier, W. N.		        23	   W  	D227
Thompson, G. W.		40	   W  	D228
Thompson, J. R.		36	   W  	D229
Staggs, Neal		        30	   W  	D230
Staggs, Carroll		62	   W  	D231
Staggs, Hiram		        60	   W  	D232
Thompson, John, Sr.	63	   W   	D233
Copeland, Henry		23	   W  	D234  
Hanback, Thomas		30	   W  	D235
Moore, William		21	   W  	D236
Jackson, Buck		        34	   W  	D237
Pulley, Elisha		        24	   W  	D238
Peacock, Marion		27	   W  	D239
Helton, William		59	   W  	D240
Saunderson, Frank	        46	   W  	D241
Pulley, Lyne		        24	   W  	D242
Pulley, Leonard		33	   W  	D243
Throgmortin, John	        34	   W  	D244
Morgan, John		        48	   W  	D245
Morgan, Samuel		23	   W  	D246
Alley, J. A.		        55	   W  	D247
Alley, Ben		        23	   W  	D248
Alley, F. L.		        57	   W  	D249
Holt, Garrison		        71	   W  	D250
Stowe, Dick		        24	   W  	D251
Burkeen, J. B.		        52	   W  	D252
Cothran, William	        67	   W  	D253
Edwards, C. D.		36	   W  	D254
Staggs, Bill		        60	   W  	D255

Civil District 5 (E1-E136)

Name	 	              Age    Color      ID#
Talley, J. A.		       64	  W    	E1
Crow, B. S.		       32	  W   	E2
Gallaher, D. M.	       41	  W	        E3
Gallaher. J. M.		       26	  W   	E4
Gallaher, W. J.		       21	  W   	E5
Ray, Alen		               38	  W   	E6
Grimes, John		       50	  W   	E7
Morrison, Willie	       26	  W   	E8
Copeland, Jake	       45	  W   	E9
Huckaba, Sylvester	       39	  W   	E10
Dixon, Will		       23	  C    	E11
Clay, Dock		       39	  W   	E12
Morrison, H. L.	       27	  W   	E13
Cole, Sam		       56	  W   	E14
Grimes, J. W.		       23	  W   	E15
Shull, Andy		       28	  W   	E16
Ray, T. S.		               56	  W   	E17
Arnett, S. C.		       50	  W   	E18
Shull, Frank		       62	  W   	E19
Diclane, Taylor	       45	  C    	E20
Prince, John		       35	  W   	E21
Smith, L. B.		       30	  W   	E22
Smith, J. H.		       45	  W   	E23
Fraser, J. M.		       28	  W   	E24
McMullens, J. M.	       63	  W   	E25
Ricketts, W. G.	       23	  W	        E26
Holensworth, J.	       60	  W   	E27
Grimes, J. C.		       68	  W   	E28
Tole, James		       45	  W   	E29
Barnett, James		       30	  W   	E30
Grimes, J. A.		       27	  W   	E31
Webster, Joseph	       51	  W   	E32
Morris James		       30	  W   	E33
Brown, R. C.		       48	  W   	E34
Brown, John		       60	  W   	E35
Biffle, T. C.		       33	  W   	E36
Biffle, J. M.		       46	  W   	E37
Helton, J. W.		       58	  W   	E38
Pitts, John		       25	  W   	E39
Pitts, George		       30	  W   	E40
Grimes, Wilson	       24	  W   	E41
Arnett, Jason		       59	  W   	E42
Wiley, Sam		       21	  C    	E43  
Wiley, Jury		       74	  C    	E44
Grimes, Ike		       35	  C    	E45
Shelton, A. H.		       36	  W   	E46
Gore, Albert		       50	  W   	E47
Hill, Elac		               55	  C    	E48
Hill, J. B.		               65	  W   	E49
Davis, William	       25	  W   	E50
Davis, George		       40	  W   	E51
Davis, Joe		       21	  C    	E52
Mack, James		       35	  W   	E53
Cook, Joe		       36	  W   	E54
Franks, Eli		       36	  C    	E55
Franks, Bill		       41	  C    	E56
Beckham, Joe		       43	  W   	E57
Beckham, Elihu	       21	  W   	E58
Love, Joe		               25	  W   	E59
Montague, A. O.	       53	  W   	E60
Brown, J. B.		       28	  W   	E61
Love, Henry		       29	  W	        E62
Moser, John		       50	  W   	E63
Moser, James		       25	  W   	E64
Anderson, Peter	       59	  W   	E65
Morrison, Joe		       26	  W   	E66
Reeves, J.		       45	  W    	E67
Bundrant, O. H.	       36	  W   	E68
Berry, Elerson		       56	  W   	E69
Rutledge, S. J.		       23	  W   	E70
Grimes, John		       33	  W   	E71
Moser, G. W.		       40	  W   	E72
Haggard, James	       73	  W   	E73
Olds, John		       30	  W   	E74
Pulley, J. S.		       35	  W   	E75
Reeves, Buddy	       22	  W   	E76
Hill, W. C.		       33	  W   	E77
Grimes, J. A.		       69	  W   	E78
Lynn, W. A.		       21	  W   	E79
Morris, W. M.		       55	  W   	E80
Hollensworth, James     23	  W   	E81
Young, J. C.		      48	  W   	E82
Bromley, Squire	      24	  W   	E83
Hendy, Andy		      65	  C    	E84
Bromley, Joe		      70	  C    	E85
Walker, Dan		      22	  C    	E86
Walker, W. L.		      21	  W   	E87
Yeiser, C. C.		      37	  W   	E88
Carr, T. S.		      36	  W   	E89
Willison, George	      51	  W   	E90
Ledbetter, Tom	      28	  C    	E91
Fraser, Bud		      38	  W   	E92
Kimbro, Amos	      24	  W   	E93
Harlow, H.		      41	  W   	E94
Dickerson, W. J.	      21	  C    	E95
Grimes, Dallas	      30	  W   	E96
Hughes, John		      24	  C    	E97
Morris, C. L.		    100	  C    	E98
Morris, John		      43	  W   	E99
Grimes, George      	      60	  W   	E100
Signer, John		      36	  W   	E101
Morris, W. F.		      43	  C    	E102
Morris, Jonathan	      48	  W   	E103
Bundrant, John	      50	  W   	E104
Melson, Frank		      24	  W   	E105
Ray, H.			      65	  W   	E106
Ham, Manuel		      35	  W   	E107
Huckaba, G. E.  	      75	  W   	E108
Linume, George	      35	  W   	E109
Pilkington, J. P.	      38	  W    	E110
Bundrant, Dallis	      45	  W   	E111
Bundrant, Frank  	      30	  W   	E112
King, Ben		      32	  W   	E113
King. Will		      28	  W   	E114
Arnett, Tom		      49	  W   	E115
Huckaba, Frank	      48	  W   	E116
Henry, Tom		      28	  W   	E 117
Morris, Frank		      22	  W   	E118
Helton, J. F.		      38	  W   	E119
Cole, J. E.		      28	  W   	E120
Helton, Abe		      34	  W   	E121
Thompson, H. C.	      27	  W   	E122
Chambers, J. C.	      23	  W   	E123
Helton, J. B.		      28	  W   	E124
Cole, Andrew		      54	  W   	E125
Jordan, Bob		      55	  W   	E126
Parker, J. C.		      52	  W   	E127
Parker, S. M.		     41	  W   	E128
Fitts, Bud		             39	  W   	E129
Cole, Frank		     41	  W   	E130
Cole, Mark		     24	  W   	E131
Shull, John		     27	  W   	E132
McCullum, J. T.	     36	  W   	E133
Shell, Ellison		     25	  W   	E134
Claton, J. L.		     59	  W   	E135
Parker, W. L.		     30	  W   	E136

Civil District 6 (F1-F205)

Name	 	            Age    Color     ID#
Akers, M.		    36	W	     F1
Alford, C. I.		    23	W         F2
Alford, J. B.		    25	W	     F3
Akers, N.		            36	W	     F4
Brewer, N. S.		    28	W	     F5
Brewer, C. H.		    35	W	     F6
Brewer, J. W.		    40	W	     F7
Bell, Bud		            21	C	     F8
Brown, W. G.		    28	W	     F9
Brewer, D. E..		    31	W	     F10
Brewer, Isham		    58	W	     F11
Brewer, Wesley	    35	W	     F12
Brewer, Charley	    31	W	     F13
Brewer, Rag		    60	W	     F14
Brewer, John		    28	W	     F15
Brewer, J. W.		    28	W	     F16
Bates, James		    35	W	     F17
Barker, G. A.		    41	W	     F18
Ballard, N. E.		    21	W	     F19
Bromley, Sam		    50	W	     F20
Bromley, J. T..		    23	W	     F21
Barber, William	    60	W	     F22
Banks, T. J.		    50	W	     F23
Biffle, J. F.		    40	W	     F24
Brown, William	    24	W	     F25
Burns, J. B.		    58	W	     F26
Frank, R. H.		    63	W	     F27
Brown, E. W.		    26	W	     F28
Bell, L. R.		    30	W	     F29
Beatty, Joshua		    23	W	     F30
Bush, John		    42	W	     F31
Clendenin, F. A.	    24	W	     F32
Counce, Henry	    58	C	     F33
Counce, C.		    36	C	     F34
Coats, Ned		    25	C	     F35
Counce, J.		    24	C	     F36
Clay, Thomas		    27	W	     F37
Craig, Young		    52	C	     F38
Carter, John		    33	C	     F39
Cothran, W. H.	    28	W	     F40
Clay, L. E.		    25	W	     F41
Cromwell, J. C.	    37	W	     F42
Cox, G. W.		    60	W	     F43
Cothran, Off		    40	W	     F44
Craig, Irwin		    38	W	     F45
Cole, J. E.		    28	W	     F46
Carter, Dan		    35	W	     F47
Cothran, Zeke		    40	W	     F48
Churchwell, G. A.	    22	W	     F49
Craig, W. P.		    44	W	     F50
Craig, J. R.		    46	W	     F51
Choat, Dock		    30	C	     F52
Churchwell, A. L.	    27	W	     F53
Duren, J. M.		    36	W	     F54
Dudley, Allen		    22	C	     F55
Dicus, S. J.		    25	W	     F56
Durham, L. A.		    44	W	     F57
Durham, J. M.		    55	W	     F58
Dalles, S. V.		    56	W	     F59
Durham, William	    40	W	     F60
Devasier, Henry	    33	W	     F61
Durham, Robert	    70	W	     F62
Devasier, Henry	    24	W	     F63
Douglas, James	    70	W	     F64
Douglas, H. M.	    23	W	     F65
Douglas, R. H.		    21	W	     F66
Durham, S. D.		    35	W	     F67
Durham, James	    76	W	     F68
Defoe, J. W.		    40	W	     F69
Edward, Pleasant	    37	W	     F70
Edward, J. D.		    35	W	     F71
Etter, Sam		    24	C	     F72
Eastland, Silas		    45	W	     F73
Eastland, John		    50	W	     F74
Edward, W. P.		    25	W	     F75
Edward, M. C.		    57	W	     F76
Edward, J. F.		    29	W	     F77
Edward, J. L.		    40	W	     F78
Ferguson. H. L.	    25	W	     F79
Fulton, Derry		    68	C	     F80
Fitts, Leroy		    40	W	     F81
Frazier, Thomas	    35	W	     F82
Flippo, Henry		    41	W	     F83
Grimes, Arthur	    32	C	     F84
Graham, T. J.		    24	W	     F85
Green, Jeff		    22	W	     F86
Gulick, George	    32	C	     F87
Gulick, Anthony	    68	C	     F88
Gilbert, J. A.		    22	W	     F89
Gulick, Alex		    70	W	     F90
Galloway, Jeff		    30	W	     F91
Galloway, R. N.	    32	W	     F92
Hardin, John		    25	W	     F93
Hines, W. B.		    28	W	     F94
Hall, John		    23	W	     F95
Henson, John		    35	W	     F96
Harris, Hank		    30	W	     F97
Hollabaugh, M. J	    31	W	     F98
Hollabaugh, B. B	    36	W	     F99
Harris, Ham 		    53	W	     F100
Iven, T. S.		    43	W	     F101
Joseph, Jacob		    32	W	     F102
Jackson, D. S.		    42	W	     F103
Jackson, J. A.		    46	W	     F104
Jackson, C. A.		    24	W	     F105
Jackson, D. S.		    38	W	     F106
Jackson, Eli		    36	W	     F107
Jackson, Joe		    44	W	     F108
Jackson, G. A.		    45	W	     F109
Jones, James		    29	W	     F110
Jackson, Jeff		    60	W	     F111
Jackson, D.		    23	W	     F112
Jackson, Thomas	    34	W	     F113
Johnson, F		    36	W	     F114
Johnson, J. J.		    45	C	     F115
Kilpatrick, James	    38	W	     F116
Koutch, William	    50	W	     F117
Koutch, John		    47	W	     F118
Koutch, Sol		    46	W	     F119
Koutch, P. A.		    77	W	     F120
Langford, Forest	    32	W	     F121
Lyle, W. W.		    26	W	     F122
Lyle, J. W.		    50	W	     F123
McDougle, Robert	    40	W	     F124
Meredith, Jacob	    68	C	     F125
Martin, Jessie		    29	C	     F126
Michael, E. D.		    31	W	     F127
Mitchell, Joseph	    25	W	     F128
Mathis, John		    25	W	     F129
Mann, H. N.		    22	W	     F130
McAfee, George	    23	W	     F131
McAnanny, E. D.	    60	W	     F132
McLean, William	    55	W	     F133
McLean, L.		    24	W	     F134
Nutt, H. S.		    29	W	     F135
Nutt, J. A.		    47	W	     F136
Napier, John		    24	C	     F137
Nichols, George	    30	C	     F138
Neely, Griff		    35	W	     F139
Nichols, G. A.		    51	W	     F140
Nixon, E. L.		    21	W	     F141
Nutt, Jess		            46	W	     F142
Pollack, R. A.		    30	W	     F143
Pointer, William	    23	C	     F144
Porter, William	    35	W	     F145
Perry, J. A.		    34	W	     F146
Perry, Ed		            45	C	     F147
Ragsdale, G. W.	    24	W	     F148
Ross, I. A.		    37	C	     F149
Richie, Henry		    55	W	     F150
Richie, Rube		    52	W	     F151
Rice, J. E.		    34	W	     F152
Robertson, J. P.	    30	W	     F153
Rogers, John		    35	W	     F154
Reaves, J. J.		    56	W	     F155
Reaves, J. B.		    24	W	     F156
Ricketts, Dave		    45	W	     F157
Rasbury, A. C.		    73	W	     F158
Rasbury, A. M.	    38	W	     F159
Rasbury, W. L.		    38	W	     F160
Rasbury, J. C.		    44	W	     F161
Sneed, E. L.		    21	W	     F162
Stockard, C. F.		    23	W	     F163
Stockard, Pete		    21	W	     F164
Stowe, O. M.		    31	W	     F165
Satterfield, W. T.	    33	W	     F166
Staggs, George	    23	W	     F167
Staggs, J. B.		    35	W	     F168
Smith, Henry		    26	C 	     F169
Smith, George		    50	W	     F170
Sisco, Sam		    34	C	     F171
Sharp, A. D.		    24	W	     F172
Sharp, S. R.		    33	W	     F173
Sharp, J. L.		    36	W	     F174
Skillern, J. S.		    60	W	     F175
Skillern, D. S.		    65	W	     F176
Skillern, W. N.		    31	W	     F177
Sprinkle, M.		    53	W	     F178
Totty, Z. C.		    29	W	     F179
Thornton, D. M.	    60	W	     F180
Thornton, Ben		    23	W	     F181
Thornton, Andrew	    33	W	     F182
Tharp, Babe		    22	W	     F183
Turner, W. H.		    50	W	     F184
Tharp, James		    55	W	     F185
Vincent, Frank		    22	C	     F186
Voorhies, Rube	    63	C	     F187
Voorhies, William	    45	W	     F188
Voorhies, James	    35	W	     F189
Voorhies, A.		    27	W	     F190
Voorhies, B. M.	    30	W	     F191
Washington, George   50  	C	     F192
Wall, H. J.		    21	W	     F193
Walker, W. B.		    29	W	     F194
Whitwell, J. F.		    36	W	     F195
Whitehead, J. R.	    42	W	     F196
Whitehead, L. D.	    24	W	     F197
Whitehead, T. J.	    22	W	     F198
Walker, J. A.		    48	W	     F199
Walker, J. F.		    26	W	     F200
Walker, W. H.		    37	W	     F201
Wisdom, A. B.		    62	W	     F202
Wisdom, John		    30	W	     F203
Wisdom, A. M.	    25	W	     F204
Walker, Ed		    21	W	     F205

Civil District 7 (G1-G209)

Name	 	             Age    Color     ID#
Alexander, John	      51	 W	      G1
Mulsey, Andrew	      33	 W	      G2
Lindsey, J. E.		      36	 W	      G3
Sinclair, S. W.		      52	 W	      G4
Beckham, John	      56	 W	      G5
Eaton, Daniel		      64	 W	      G6
Davis, Sam		      25	 W	      G7
Bevis, Bud		      49	 W	      G8
Beckham, Fice		      28	 W	      G9
Beckham, Zack	      34	 W	      G10
Pannels, William	      27	 W	      G11
Smith, Henry		      32	 W	      G12 
Beckham, Tom	      51	 W	      G13
Beckham, Samuel	      25	 W	      G14
Beckham, Lincoln	      27	 W	      G15
Beckham, Jack	      32	 W	      G16 
Burns, John		      24	 W	      G17
Phillips, George	      23	 W	      G18
Burns, Bill		      27	 W	      G19
Harwell, Robert	      50	 W	      G20
Copas, George		      27	 W	      G21
Kirby, Beary		      37	 W	      G22
Kindrick, Isham	      45	 W	      G23
Beckham, Tom	      25	 W	      G24
Johnson, W. W., Jr.	      26	 W	      G25
Paulk, R. D.		      58	 W	      G26
Davis, J. J.		      59	 W	      G27
Estes, T. W.		      27	 W	      G28
Combs, William	      46	 W	      G29
Williams, Hick	      40	 C	      G30
Smith, Dick		      29	 C	      G31
Speers, Harry		      35	 C	      G32
Broyles, Willis	      32	 C	      G33
Arnett, Isham		      22	 C	      G34
Montague, Lewis	      40	 C	      G35
Franks, Jack		      33	 C	      G36
Yeiser, E. R.		      40	 W	      G37
Parker, J. Y.		      58	 W	      G38
Bratcher, W. W.	      53	 W	      G39
Morgan, John		      25	 W	      G40
Morgan, Will		      22	 W	      G41
Morgan, Levi		      62	 W	      G42
Anderson, Robert	      55	 W	      G43
Cypert, J. B.		      43	 W	      G44
Banks, E. F.		      34	 W	      G45
Farris, G. A.		      36	 W	      G46
Shull, Mat		      45	 W	      G47
Brown, John		      70	 W	      G48
Melson, John		      27	 W	      G49
Estes, Calvin		      31	 W	      G50
Townsend, B. T.	      25	 W	      G51
Martin, D. N.		      32	 W	      G52
Copeland, W. B.	      29	 W	      G53
Miller, J. D.		      27	 W	      G54
Thompson, C. M.	      63	 W	      G55
Farris, Joe		      38	 W	      G56
Robertson, John	      49	 W	      G57
Horton, Henry		      51	 W	      G58
Robertson, William	      27	 W	      G59
Sandusky, John	      47	 W	      G60
Sandusky, Andrew	      23	 W	      G61
Melson, John, Sr.	      65	 W	      G62
Horton, Dock		      26	 W	      G63
Melson, William	      29	 W	      G64
Horton, G. W.		      24	 W	      G65
Melson, John, Jr.	      23	 W	      G66
Phillips, Sherman	      26	 W	      G67
Nichols, Isaac		      54	 W	      G68
Nichols, Clark		      30	 W	      G69
Brown, Bill		      26	 W	      G70
Porter, John		      75	 W	      G71
Melson, James		      38	 W	      G72
Greeson, H. C.		      51	 W	      G73
Greeson, John		      24	 W	      G74
Stricklin, Jeff		      38	 W	      G75
Lawson, T. J.		      40	 W	      G76
Lawson, W. P.		      24	 W	      G77
Beckham, Buck	      32	 W	      G78
Lawson, John		      47	 W	      G79
Kelly, Richard		      38	 W	      G80
Gant, Tom		      23	 W	      G81
Lawson, G. W.		      58	 W	      G82
Lawson, J. A.		      29	 W	      G83
Atkinson, Bud		      37	 W	      G84
Godwin, Gip		      23	 W	      G85
Robbins, Jess		      35	 W	      G86
Martin, W. A.		      38	 W	      G87
Martin, A. J.		      29	 W	      G88
Martin, W. H.		      27	 W	      G89
Martin, H.		      25	 W	      G90
Shepard, John		      41	 W	      G91
Adkins, J. C.		      44	 W	      G92
Lawson, S. M.		      61	 W	      G93
Lawson, W. J.		      29	 W	     G94
Copeland, J. N.	      41	 W	     G95
Copeland, J. D.	      39	 W	     G96
Hall, P. D.		      42	 W	     G97
Hall, W. D.		      22	 W	     G98
Copeland, D. G.	      24	 W	     G99
Lewis, J. L.		      25	 W	     G100
Berry, J. H.		      25	 W	     G101
Berry, J. W.		      29	 W	     G102
Foster, H. A.		      34	 W	     G103
Holt, A. H.		      41	 W	     G104
Melson, P. D.		      52	 W	     G105
Cole, William		      28	 W	     G106
Reaves, Calvin	      32	 W	     G107
Reaves, G. W.		      42	 W	     G108
Porter, S. C.		      65	 W	     G109
Horton, William	      24	 W	     G110
Foster, J. G.		      41	 W	     G111
Horton, G. W.		      26	 W	     G112 
Stribling, J. M.	      48	 W	     G113
Stribling, Will		      28	 W	     G114
Whitaker, David	      29	 W	     G115
Stribling, J. C.	              70	 W	     G116
Lawson, J. M.		      31	 W	     G117
Copeland, J. D.	      24	 W	     G118
Daniels, J. P.		      28	 W	     G119
Adkinson, John	      43	 W	     G120
Sinclair, M. H.		      62	 W	     G121
Sinclair, Hal		      31	 W	     G122
Hinton, James		      28	 W	     G123
Whitaker, E. A.	      43	 W	     G124
Alexander, S. L.	      38	 W	     G125
Sinclair, Frank		      32	 W	     G126
Weaver, William	      40	 W	     G127
Weaver, John		      38	 W	     G128
Tilley, Thomas	      24	 W	     G129
Tilley, Henry		      22	 W	     G130
Sinclair, William	      70	 W	     G131
Clanton, John		      28	 W	     G132
Thornton, J. W.	      56	 W	     G133
Stricklin, J. D.               39	 W	     G134
Whited, E. W.		      60	 W	     G135
Whited, J. R.		      28	 W	     G136
Stricklin, J. N.	              65	 W	     G137
Morrow, F. E.		      26	 W	     G138
Moore, W. T.		      32	 W	     G139
Hill, Robert		      21	 W	     G140
Hill, J. M.		      70	 W	     G141
Foster, F. M.		      60	 W	     G142
Sinclair, B. P.		      41	 W	     G143
Lutts, J. A.		      36	 W	     G144
Lutts, J. M.		      43	 W	     G145
Whited, W. J.		      50	 W	     G146
Franks, J. W.		      35	 W	     G147
Foster, J. M.		      29	 W	     G148
Copeland, J. B.	      44	 W	     G149
Stricklin, B. F.	              26	 W	     G150
Wells, W. R.		      50	 W	     G151
Perry, Frank		      34	 W	     G152
Alexander, J. R.	      61	 W	     G153
Sinclair, Ad.		      27	 W	     G154
Sinclair, Frank		      29	 W	     G155
Gean, Bill		      38	 W	     G156
Risener, Henry	      27	 W	     G157
Linville, Otis		      48	 W	     G158
Woody, J. S.		      50	 W	     G159
Roach, Hal		      36	 C	     G160
Frazier, J. H.		      41	 W	     G161
Frazier, Ed		      55	 W	     G162
Sinclair, John		      34	 W	     G163
Martin, Will		      39	 W	     G164
Sinclair, J. H.		      60	 W	     G165
Paulk, S. O.		      52	 W	     G166
Paulk, Pugh		      28	 W	     G167
Paulk, Ed		              26	 W	     G168
Paulk, John		      36	 W	     G169
Copeland, T. N.	      39	 W	     G170
Murphy, William	      42	 W	     G171
Clark, Jim		      29	 W	     G172
Cypert, R. J.		      70	 W	     G173
Cypert, N. B.		      43	 W	     G174
Payton, Bill		      34	 W	     G175
Rose, J. G. B.		      68	 W	     G176
Rose, John		      26	 W	     G177
Rose, Neal		      28	 W	     G178
Horton, Joe		      39	 W	     G179
Eaton, George		      33	 W	     G180
Adkinson, Neuton	      39	 W	     G181
Adkinson, David	      70	 W	     G182
Martin, John W.	      45	 W	     G183
Sutton, R. L.		      27	 W	     G184
Martin, Buck		      26	 W	     G185
Rainey, S. B.		      40	 W	     G186
Rodes, Jessie		      40	 W	     G187
Crouch, Mort		      37	 W	     G188
Martin, Bill		      40	 W	     G189
Beckham, Thomas	      26	 W	     G190
Lynch, Dick		      38	 W	     G191
Alexander, W. W.	      24	 W	     G192
Greer, James		      27	 W	     G193
Alexander, John	      32	 W	     G194
Grimes, Till		      26	 W	     G195
Lynch, James		      29	 W	     G196
Mulsey, T. O.		      31	 W	     G197
Murphy, Sylvester	      42	 W	     G198
Melsen, Sam		      21	 W	     G199
Phillips, G.		      29	 W	     G200
Casey, G.		              37	 W	     G201
Porter, J. J.		      30	 W	     G202
Beckham, J. C.	      28	 W	     G203
Murphy, Sam		      50	 W	     G204
Caine, Jacob		      35	 W	     G205
Caine, D.		              23	 W	     G206
Pounders, A.		      45	 W	     G207
Boswell, Jasper	      28	 W	     G208
Bobbins, Bill		      26	 W	     G209

Civil District 8 (H1-H129)

Name	 	            Age    Color     ID#
Sherrill, Joe		     24	W	    H1
Sherrill, W. J.		     22	W	    H2
Weaver, N. W.		     38	W        H3
Downing, A. L.	     41	W	    H4
Sims, S.		             52	W	    H5
Sims, Joe		             22	W	    H6
McWilliams, James	     22	W	    H7
McWiliams, Andy	     29	W	    H8
Cromwell, W.		     40	W	    H9
Shaw, Sol		             56	W	    H10
Lakey, Dick		     70	W	    H11
Brewer, John		     46	W	    H12
Brewer, Joe		     25	W	    H13
Goodman, John	     60	W	    H14
Lakey, Wiliam		     44	W	    H15
Lawson, J. R.		     23	W	    H16
Horton, Bill		     23	W	    H17
King, S. A.		     61	W	    H18
Hicks, Buck		     30	W	    H19
Wright, G. W.		     35	W	    H20
Horton, William	     45	W	    H21
McWilliams, D. M.	     28	W	    H22
Sims, A. F.		     67	W	    H23
Sims, H. C.		     26	W	    H24
Bryant, H. P.		     29	W	    H25
Copas, James		     30	W	    H26
Sims, A. M.		     45	W	    H27
Martin, Ben		     54	W	    H28
Ponders, Buck		     22	W	    H29
Ponders, William	     46	W	    H30
Hurd, James		     37	W	    H31
Arnett, Henry		     40	W	    H32
Scott, Henry		     26	W	    H33
Lindsey, Will		     23	W	    H34
Cobb, W. S.		     32	W	    H35
Berry, W. A.		     22	W	    H36
Berry, Manuel		     24	W	    H37
Wright, James		     49	W	    H38
Wright, Johnson	     21	W	    H39
Wright, John		     21	W	    H40
Martin, Buck		     27	W	    H41
Martin, Henry		     22	W	    H42
Martin, Scott		     22	W	    H43
Martin, Tom		     21	W	    H44
Martin, James		     58	W	    H45
Scott, Cam		     35	W	    H46
Cromwell, Lonnie	     30	W	    H47
Martin, Tom		     35	W	    H48
Cromwell, Sidney	     65	W	    H49
Cromwell, Charley	     21	W	    H50
Horton, Pink		     38	W	    H51
Reaves, N. T.		     30	W	    H52
Davis, Mat		     30	W	    H53
Bryant, Bill		     24	W	    H54
Horton, Bud		     26	W	    H55
Horton, Ben		     22	W	    H56
Horton, Billy		     30	W	    H57
Horton, P. G.		     60	W	    H58
Rutherford, Mat	     23	W	    H59
King, Joe		             26	W	    H60
Stooksberry, Bob	     44	W	    H61
Stooksberry, Sherm.     23	W	    H62
Horton, Joe		     38	W	    H63
Horton, Bud		     21	W	    H64
Bryant, Right		     26	W	    H65
Sims, W. C.		     26	W	    H66
Youngblood, Tom	     25	W	    H67
Johnson, James	     25	W	    H68
Wright, James		     38	W	    H69
Wright, John		     22	W	    H70
Boyd, Charley		     28	W	    H71
Clanton, J. C.		     44	W	    H72
Clanton, R.		     21	W	    H73
Davis, Levi		     24	W	    H74
Davis, Iradell		     22	W	    H75
Paulk, Josh		     70	W	    H76
Horton, Z. J.		     36	W	    H77
Nowlin, James		     33	W	    H78
Nowlin, William	     34	W	    H79
Nowlin, Ira		     22	W	    H80
Cypert, Bob		     35	W	    H81
Dickerson, Ken	     72	W	    H82
Dickerson, Tom	     32	W	    H83
Watson, John		     36	W	    H84
Nowlin, Ben		     32	W	    H85
Corbin, J. N.		     43	W	    H86
Lay, Frank		     25	W	    H87
Roberson, John	     40	W	    H88
Parker, Frank		     46	W	    H89
Scott, Bud		     28	W	    H90
White, John		     32	W	    H91
Cole, Pogue		     31	W	    H92
Anderson, Jess	     22	W	    H93
Townsend, Jeff	     35	W	    H94
Lay, J. B.		             35	W	    H95
Lindsey, John		     46	W	    H96
White, Sam		     53	W	    H97
White, Tom		     26	W	    H98
White, Scott		     38	W	    H99
Copeland, J. M.	     72	W	    H100
Clay, Kerry		     46	W	    H101
Davidson, Bill		     24	W	    H102
Lay, Sam		             22	W	    H103
Young, Johnson	     32	W	    H104
Davis, Bud		     49	W	    H105
Davis, L.		             22	W	    H106
Arnell, Joe		     28	W	    H107
Bundrant, George	     46	W	    H108
Bundrant, Oscar	     21	W	    H109
Schull, Buck		     34	W	    H110
Basset, Jasper		     27	W	    H111
Shull, Mat		     35	W	    H112
Nowlin, Steve		     55	W	    H113
Pigg, Jerry		     36	W	    H114
Murry, Silas		     68	W	    H115
Murry, Ray		     24	W	    H116
Hall, Walter		     36	W	    H117
Hall, Billie		     74	W	    H118
Hall, Cason		     79	W	    H119
Ellis, George		     34	W	    H120
Sinclair, George	     27	W	    H121
Shelton, Tom		     23	W	    H122
Tackett, Bob		     35	W	    H123
King, Al		             60	W	    H124
Lawson, Will		     22	W	    H125
Horton, Gale		     33	W	    H126
Anderson, Bob	     38	W	    H127
Martin, James		     38	W	    H128
Lindsey, Jerry		     35	W	    H129

Civil District 9 (J1-J124)

Name	 	           Age    Color     ID#
Ayers, J. T.		    24	W	    J1
Adams, Thomas	    76	W	    J2
Adams, G. B.		    51	W	    J3
Adams, R. T.		    45	W	    J4
Adams, R. W.		    33	W	    J5
Beavers, A. J.		    30	W	    J6
Brown, J. C.		    40	W	    J7
Brown, A.		    68	W	    J8
Brown, W.		    30	W	    J9
Beatty, R. S.		    40	W	    J10
Brown, T. A.		    58	W	    J11
Beavers, W.		    40	W	    J12
Ballentine, J. H.	    31	W	    J13
Bennett, S. C.		    31	W	    J14
Copeland, W. T.	    39	W	    J15
Curtis, Wade		    37	W	    J16
Cecil, D. F.		    45	W	    J17
Cannon, Pugh		    35	W	    J18
Curtis, J. N.		    24	W	    J19
Curtis, S. A.		    54	W	    J20
Chambers, S.		    47	C	    J21
Dodd, D.		            24	W	    J22
Dodd, L.		            68	W	    J23
Dodd, A. B.		    26	W	    J24
Eaton, J. N.		    40	W	    J25
Eaton, Pleas		    75	W	    J26
Eaton, J. P.		    28	W	    J27
Farris, R. A.		    65	W	    J28
Farris, D. M.		    28	W	    J29
Gean, W. H.		    51	W	    J30
Gean, J. H.		    40	W	    J31
Henson, W.		    57	W	    J32  
Henson, J.		    22	W	    J33
Henson, B. M.		    27	W	    J34
Henson, T.		    70	W	    J35
Henson, J. K.		    33	W	    J36
Huffine, Phillip	    57	W	    J37
Henson, J. H., Jr.	    22	W	    J38
Henson, J. H., Sr.	    60	W	    J39
Henson, T. J.		    28	W	    J40
Henson, G.		    29	W	    J41
Hinton, T.		    24	W	    J42
Higgins, D. B.		    45	W	    J43
Hinton, C. C.		    38	W	    J44
Heathcoat, J.		    25	W	    J45
Horton, C. C.		    37	W	    J46
Hinton, W. W.		    35	W	    J47
Hinton, W. S.		    28	W	    J48
Hinton, O. O.		    21	W	    J49
Hinton, T. H.		    73	W	    J50
Harbor, M.		    50	C	    J51
Johnson, J. A,, Sr.	    54	W	    J52
Johnson, W. W.	    55	W	    J53
Johnson, J. A., Jr.	    33	W	    J54
Johnson, J. T.		    24	W	    J55
Johnson, S. H.		    22	W	    J56
Johnson, G. W.	    30	W	    J57
Johnson, E. C.		    43	W	    J58
Johnson, W.		    58	W	    J59
Johnson, J.		    30	W	    J60
James, J. C.		    35	W	    J61
Johnson, C. W.	    50	W	    J62
Johnson, Z. M.	    50	W	    J63
Johnson, J.		    26	W	    J64
Johnson, M.		    23	W	    J65
Kilburn, J. C.		    25	W	    J66
Liles, S. M.		    38	W	    J67
Lines, B.		            30	C	    J68
Moore, R. H.		    40	W	    J69
Moore, J. R.		    34	W	    J70
Martin, Robert		    29	W	    J71
Martin, W. W.		    44	W	    J72
McFall, W. W.		    24	W	    J73
McFall, J. N.		    48	W	    J74
McFall, J. E.		    26	W	    J75
Moore, J. C.		    30	W	    J76
McFall, T. J.		    38	W	    J77
McFall, S. M.		    28	W	    J78
Martin, H.		    54	W	    J79
McFall, J. N.		    45	W	    J80
McFall, W. B.		    38	W	    J81
McFall, J. N.		    27	W	    J82
McFall, J. H.		    28	W	    J83
McFall, J. D.		    30	W	    J84
McFall, J. S.		    50	W	    J85
McFall, Sam		    65	W	    J86
McFall, E.		    21	W	    J87
McFall, Pugh		    38	W	    J88
McFall. M.		    40	W	    J89
McFall, B.		    31	W	    J90
Morris, William	    47	W	    J91
Morris, Carroll	    42	W	    J92
McGee, J. L.		    35	W	    J93
Newman, J. M.	    45	W	    J94
Parker, W. L.		    83	W	    J95
Parker, B. A.		    41	W	    J96
Poag, J. M.		    58	W	    J97
Poag, S. P.		    45	W	    J98
Patterson, J. B.	    21	W	    J99
Ransom, L. A.		    38	W	    J100
Ransom, G.		    40	W	    J101
Rose, Sol		            30	W	    J102
Robertson, W. W.	    35	W	    J103
Reaves, H.		    40	W	    J104
Ransom, R. H.		    66	W	    J105
Ransom, H. A.		    37	W	    J106
Shepard, T. A.		    25	W	    J107
Stricklin, W. T.	    30	W	    J108
Stout, A. M.		    48	W	    J109
Sweeney, W. R.	    29	W	    J110
Tidwell, W. S.		    40	W	    J111
Tackett, Dick		    27	W	    J112
Tingle, B.		            24	W	    J113
Weaver, W. T.		    23	W	    J114
White, J. C.		    31	W	    J115
White, R. J.		    58	W	    J116
White, N. M.		    61	W	    J117
White, A. F.		    38	W	    J118
White, H. C.		    29	W	    J119
White, E. L.		    21	W	    J120
Weaver, T.		    84	W	    J121
Williams, G. H.	    25	W	    J122
Wallis, James		    75	W	    J123
Reaves, T.		    27	W	    J124

Civil District 10 (K1-K137)

Name	 	           Age    Color       ID#
Ayers, Bud		    28	W	      K1
Ayers, Bill		    25	W	      K2
Ayers, Charley		    21	W	      K3
Balentine, J. S.	    40	W	      K4
Balentine, R. H.	    35	W	      K5
Barker, G.		    28	W	      K6
Bryant, C.         	    45	W	      K7
Bates, P.		            46	W	      K8
Bates, J. M.		    28	W	      K9
Barnett, J.		    27	W	      K10
Balentine, D.		    37	W	      K11
Bevis, James		    51	W	      K12 
Bevis, John		    26	W	      K13
Berry, John		    58	W	      K14
Berry, J. E.		    26	W	      K15
Berry, J, Jr.		    24	W	      K16
Berry, J. Sr.		    55	W	      K17
Berry, J. T.		    33	W	      K18
Cooper, A.		    28	W	      K19
Creasy, J.		            30	W	      K20
Cypert, T. J.		    55	W	      K21
Cypert, M.		    22	W	      K22
Cromes, M.		    26	W	      K23
Cooper, S.		    45	W	      K24
Cooper, J., Sr.		    72	W	      K25
Cooper, J., Jr.		    30	W	      K26
Clemmons, A. D.			W	      K27
Darby, D. J.		    42	W	      K28
Doolin, D. G.		    61	W	      K29
Doolin, C. B.		    23	W	      K30
Darby, J. T.		    49	W	      K31
Doolin, A. B.		    26	W	      K32
Darby, D. L.		    24	W	      K33
Davis, B.		            67	W	      K34
Darby, J.		            38	W	      K35
Davis, J. R.		    41	W	      K36
Phillips, J.		    35	W	      K37
Phillips, B.		    45	W	      K38
Gillis, James		    79	W	      K39
Gillis, John		    22	W	      K40
Gray, R. T.		    42	W	      K41
Gillcrest, Jim		    40	W	      K42
Gillcrest, A. D.	    43	W	      K43
Gillcrest, D.		    45	W	      K44
Gillcrest, M.		    50	W	      K45
Gillcrest, John		    22	W	      K46
Gailing, H.		    75	W	      K47
Hays, J.		            42	W	      K48
Holt, J.		            83	W	      K49
Hays, H.		            45	W	      K50
Hays, J. L.		    29	W	      K51
Hanback, J.		    28	W	      K52
Hanback, S.		    30	W	      K53
Hinton, Z.		    35	W	      K54
Hanley, G.		    34	W	      K55
Holt, J.		            23	W	      K56
Holt, E.		            38	W	      K57
Henson, C.        	    35	W	      K58
Holt, John		    54	W	      K59
Holt, Eli		            31	W	      K60
Hays, Ben		    40	W	      K61
Hays, John		    63	W	      K62
Hays, H.		            38	W	      K63
Hays, W.		            36	W	      K64
Hays, A.		            34	W	      K65
Hays, J. D.		    31	W	      K66
Holt, J. 		            50	W	      K67
Holt, J. B.		    25	W	      K68
Heard, Hairce		    70	W	      K69
Henson, Isom		    52	W	      K70
Henson, B.		    50	W	      K71
Henson, A. L.		    29	W	      K72
Holt, A. M.		    45	W	      K73
Jackson, J. A.		    24	W	      K74
Keeton, I.		            45	W	      K75
Lawson, W. T.		    35	W	      K76
Lawson, J. A.		    27	W	      K77
Lawson, J. B.		    38	W	      K78
Lawson, S. H.		    23	W	      K79
Lawson, T. J.		    63	W	      K80
Martin, J.		            26	W	      K81
Martin, W. S.		    29	W	      K82
McAlester, J. L.	    70	W	      K83
Martin, H.		    26	W	      K84
Martin, W. G.		    47	W	      K85
Martin, Bobby		    22	W	      K86
Moon, J. M.		    25	W	      K87
Moon, G. M.		    33	W	      K88
McCorkle, W. J.	    33	W	      K89
McFall, John		    30	W	      K90
Paulk, E.		            25	W	      K91
Patterson, Neal	    47	W	      K92
Pigg, J. N.		    29	W	      K93
Pigg, W. H.		    32	W	      K94
Pigg, G. M.		    43	W	      K95
Pigg, J. N., Jr.	            27	W	      K96
Pigg, J. H.		    36	W	      K97
Pigg, F. M.		    25	W	      K98
Pigg, M. D.		    22	W	      K99
Wright, F.		    27	W	      K100
Robinson, W.		    28	W	      K101
Robinson, J.		    22	W	      K102
Rich, Fred		    50	W	      K103
Rich, John		    35	W	      K104
Rich, J. F.		    27	W	      K105
Rich, Tom		    40	W	      K106
Rich, H.		            25	W	      K107
Rich, Phil		    22	W	      K108
Wright, Tate		    23	W	      K109
Stall, T. H.		    25	W	      K110
Strait, G. W.		    27	W	      K111
Shepard, W. A.	    30	W	      K112
Scott, Z.		            35	W	      K113
Scott, J. J.		    52	W	      K114
Scott, D. E.		    24	W	      K115
Scott, Sam		    61	W	      K116
Scott, C.		            45	W	      K117
Suege, W.		    25	W	      K118
Sparkman, J. T.	    68	W	      K119
Weaver, S.		    40	W	      K120
Whitworth, A.		    56	W	      K121
Whitlow, James	    41	W	      K122
Whitlow, Phil		    33	W	      K123
Waharton, T. F.	    65	W	      K124
Warton, Will		    33	W	      K125
Warton, John		    24	W	      K126
Holt, J. H.		    24	W	      K127
Holt, Will		    22	W	      K128
Holt, Ben		            85	W	      K129
Holt, D. E.		    41	W	      K130
Holt, John, Jr.		    23	W	      K131
Holt, Will		    35	W	      K132
Holt, M.		            28	W	      K133
Holt, John, Sr.		    56	W	      K134
Hays, Joe		            52	W	      K135
Holt, C. E.		    29	W	      K136
Hanley, George	    35	W	      K137

Civil District 11 (L1-L219)

Name	 	           Age    Color     ID#
Arnold, J. D.		    40	W	    L1
Arnett, M.		    38	W	    L2
Bromley, T. S.		    35	W	    L3
Bromley, T. R.		    30	W	    L4
Blackburn, W. R.	    24	W	    L5
Barker, J.		            28	W	    L6
Bradley, J.		    48	W	    L7
Butler, Henry		    32	W	    L8
Bromley, J. A.		    38	W	    L9
Brewer, R. S.		    32	W	    L10
Brewer, J. R.		    30	W	    L11
Brewer, John		    26	W	    L12
Brewer, J. P.		    24	W	    L13
Brewer, R. M.		    44	W	    L14
Borley, B. C.		    23	C	    L15
Brewer, J. C.		    23	W	    L16
Button, W. W.		    27	W	    L17
Button, J. A.		    34	W	    L18
Bromley, John		    45	W	    L19
Brewer, T. J.		    52	W	    L20
Bymer, G. L.		    25	W	    L21
Brown, J. M.		    62	W 	    L22
Blackwell, M. N.	    43	W	    L23
Brewer, B. A.		    40	W	    L24
Blackwell, M. C.	    26	W	    L25
Brewer, Y.		    34	W	    L26
Briggs, H.		    30	W	    L27
Belew, C.		            43	W	    L28
Creasy, S.		    32	W	    L29
Capleton, J.		    37	W	    L30
Cole, Mat		    33	W	    L31
Cole, C. C.		    35	W	    L32
Brewer, H. J.		    65	W	    L33
Brewer, W. G.		    42	W	    L34
Button, James		    23	W	    L35
Brewer, W. W.		    31	W	    L36
Brewer, J. B.		    25	W	    L37
Brewer, J. J.		    37	W	    L38
Douglas, M.		    60	W	    L39
Defoe(?), John		    53	W	    L40
Darnel, John		    25	W	    L41
Daniels, L.		    28	W	    L42
Franklin, C.		    26	W	    L43
Franklin, L. P.		    34	W	    L44
Franklin, J.		    60	W	    L45
Fowler, J. W.		    50	W	    L46
Fox, Jack		            24	W	    L47
Gray, John		    37	W	    L48
Gibson, H. G.		    28	W	    L49
Green, W.		    30	W	    L50
Green, A.		            28	W	    L51
Gamble, Y. J.		    26	W	    L52
Greeson, John		    37	W	    L53
Greeson, James	    37	W	    L54
Gamble, S.		    28	W	    L55
Gollor, George		    26	W	    L56
Holt, A.		            32	W	    L57
Horton, John		    40	W	    L58
Hines, H. E.		    30	W	    L59
Hays, John		    35	W	    L60
Hays. J. M.		    38	W	    L61
Heathcoat, J. W.	    45	W	    L62
Hollis, F. M		    65	W	    L63
Hollis, T. T.		    21	W	    L64
Hensley, T.		    40	W	    L65
Hensley, A. D.		    70	W	    L66
Hensley, W. G.	    52	C	    L67
Hensley, W. A.	    25	W	    L68
Hardwick, W. J.	    34	W	    L69
Holder, J. R.		    51	W	    L70
Hollis, J. C.		    58	W	    L71
Hardwick, James	    30	W	    L72
Hardwick, George	    23	W	    L73
Haddox, A. J.		    33	W	    L74
Heathcoat, James	    26	W	    L75
Haddox, J. R.		    45	W	    L76
Haddox, James	    24	W	    L77
Horton, J. W.		    70	W	    L78
Johnson, A.		    30	W	    L79
Kelley, Tom		    45	W	    L80
Kelley, C. M.		    39	W	    L81
Kelley, J. R.		    24	W	    L82
Kelley, J. A.		    40	W	    L83
Kelley, R.		    70	W	    L84
Kelley, W. M.		    27	W	    L85
Kelley, J. R.		    26	W	    L86
Kelley, John		    24	W	    L87
Linnville, B.		    45	W	    L88
Luna, L.		            26	W	    L89
Lauermore, S. W.	    28	W	    L90
Moton, Z. R.		    30	W	    L91
Moore, A. D.		    25	W	    L92
Moore, R.		    23	W	    L93
McDonald, James	    30	W	    L94
Marshall, M.		    55	W	    L95
Marshall, J. C.		    27	W	    L96
Marshall, J.		    22	W	    L97
Martin, E. A.		    28	W	    L98
Martin, A. J.		    46	W	    L99
Martin, W.		    42	W	    L100
Newman, Y. A.	    69	W	    L101
Newman, J. C.		    62	W	    L102
Newman, W.		    28	W	    L103
Nelson, A. J.		    36	W	    L104
Olive, W. A.		    60	W	    L105
Olive, J. D.		    37	W	    L106
Olive, J. M.		    28  	W	    L107
Phillip, J. E.		    42	W	    L108
Phillip, W. W.		    29	W	    L109
Prince, J. S.		    50	W	    L110
Prince, John		    22	W	    L111
Prince, J. L.		    58	W	    L112
Prince, W. M.		    33	W	    L113
Prince, W.		    28	W	    L114
Prince, J.		            60	W	    L115
Pigg, G. W.		    30	W	    L116
Robinson, A. L.	    60	W	    L117
Robinson, W.		    32	W	    L118
Robinson, W. J.	    34	W	    L119
Risner, John		    35	W	    L120
Robinson, W. S.	    57	W	    L121
Renfro, B.		    40	W	    L122
Rinks, John		    37	W	    L123
Stutts, J. W.		    36	W	    L124
Stutts, W. W.		    23	W	    L125
Stutts, W. L.		    42	W	    L126
Stutts, C. M.		    25	W	    L127
Sharp, C.		            26	W	    L128
Smith, H. R.		    25	W	    L129
Scott, E. Z.		    41	W	    L130
Staggs, A. L.		    28	W	    L131
Staggs, C.		    25	W	    L132
Swiney, W. M.		    46	W	    L133
Smith, R.		            60	C	    L134
Smith, Henry		    25	W	    L135
Smith, Gill		    26	W	    L136
Spencer, H.		    32	W	    L137
Shepard, Lige		    56	W	    L138
Swiney, L. W.		    44	W	    L139
Swiney, W. S.		    22	W	    L140
Trimmer, M.		    27	W	    L141
Whitten, W.		    34	W	    L142
Whitten, Henry	    35	W	    L143
Willis, John		    25	W	    L144
Williams, M.		    53	C	    L145
Whitworth, J. P.	    26	W	    L146
Whitten, W.		    38	W	    L147
Willis, W.		    21	W	    L148
Williams, J. S.		    54	W	    L149
Williams, W.		    31	W	    L150
Williams, J.		    24	W	    L151
Williams, T.		    30	W	    L152
Wigginton, John	    56	W	    L153
Wigginton, R.		    24	W	    L154
Daniels, P.		    23	W	    L155
Daniels, R. C.		    56	W	    L156
Martin, Lige		    24	W	    L157
Butler, Joseph		    48	W	    L158
Butler, Joshua		    22	W	    L159
Daniels, W. E.		    29	W	    L160
Luker, Bill		    40	W	    L161
Daniels, J. P.		    21	W	    L162
Williams, Mit		    50	C	    L163
Hensley, A.		    59	W	    L164
Barber, Ben		    21	W	    L165
Robertson, W. W.	    34	W	    L166
Brewer, J. W.		    23	W	    L167
Reynalds, J. W.	    45	W	    L168
Stooksberry, Frank	    45	W	    L169
Craig, S. P.		    43	W	    L170
Brewer, W. T..		    40	W	    L171
Brewer, G. M.		    48	W	    L172
Martin, S. M.		    35	W	    L173
Mown, W. M.		    48	W	    L174
Horton, Henry		    45	W	    L175
Martin, Abe		    34	W	    L176
Brewer, W. D.		    36	W	    L177
Risner, A. J.		    27	W	    L178
Martin, Taylor		    41	W	    L179
Brewer, E. G.		    35	W	    L180
Broadstreet, W. H.	    73	W	    L181
Haithcoat, W. J.	    26	W	    L182
Broadstreet, J. A.	    21	W	    L183
Brewer, Sol		    76	W	    L184
Danley, D. D.		    50	W	    L185
Danley, S.		    40 	W	    L186
Murry, John		    46	W	    L187
Martin, John		    35	W	    L188
Daniels, John		    30	W	    L189
Martin, J. M.		    30	W	    L190
Brewer, J. D.		    31	W	    L191
Hubb, Joe		    22	W	    L192
Kelley, John		    22	W	    L193
Hollis, D.		            21	W	    L194
Swiney, James		    23	W	    L195
Blackwell, James	    21	W	    L196
Brown, W. L.		    21	W	    L197
Prince, E.		            26	W	    L198
Prince, John		    28	W	    L199
Bryant, Ned		    30	W	    L200
Scott, W. M.		    45	W	    L201
Brewer, E.		    27	W	    L202
Bryant, N. B.		    31	W	    L203
Hunt, James		    37	W	    L204
Hunt, W. M.		    56	W	    L205
Hunt, J. M.		    22	W	    L206
Thompson, C. R.	    38	W	    L207
Thompson, T. J.	    41	W	    L208
Thompson, C.		    74	W	    L209
Thompson, C. W.	    35	W	    L210
Thompson, J. H.	    45	W	    L211
Stutts, Joe		    38	W	    L212
Daniels, W. W.	    36	W	    L213
Daniels, J. R.		    37	W	    L214
Daniels, John		    45	W	    L215
Dickey, Lee		    23	W	    L216
Martin, Lige		    24	W	    L217
Common, Jack	    30	W	    L218
Downs, M.		    25	W	    L219

Civil District 12 (M1-M156)

Name	 	           Age    Color     ID#
Kilburn, Josiah	    48	W	   M1
Kilburn, Carroll          25 	W	   M2
Kilburn, Elijah	    30	W	   M3
Bryant, Thomas	    28	W	   M4
Bryant, John		    40	W	   M5
Hardin, L. R.		    35	W	   M6
Kilburn, John		    32	W	   M7
Gallaher, Joe N.	    28	W	   M8
Gambrel, D. C.	    60	W	   M9
Clack, W. R.		    38	W	   M10
Gallaher, W. J.		    41	W	   M11
Lindsey, L. C.		    25	W	   M12
Cannon, Henry	    30	W	   M13
McGee, James		    40	W	   M14
Moore, R. C.		    23	W	   M15
Turman, J. P.		    48	W	   M16
McGee, John		    32	W	   M17
McGee, Hardy		    37	W	   M18
Gallaher, R. A.	    26	W	   M19
Dial, A. R.		    50	W	   M20
Dial, Joe		            22	W	   M21
Adams, D. H.		    25	W	   M22
Gallaher, William M.  55	W	   M23
Woodard, W. K.	    30	W	   M24
Woodard, J. L.		    65	W	   M25
Woodard, J. P.		    25	W	   M26
Fox, J. H.		            35	W	   M27
Crews, Will		    40	W	   M28
Kilburn, W. A.		    45	W	   M29
Kilburn, Will R.	    22	W	   M30
Wisdom, L. L.		    30	W	   M31
McGee, Will		    27	W	   M32
Gobble, James		    50	W	   M33
Gobble, Joe		    23	W	   M34
Prince, John		    30	W	   M35
Adams, G. S.		    42	W	   M36
Adams, John		    40	W	   M37
Eads, Elijah		    40	W	   M38
Adams, Dave		    24	W	   M39
Gallaher, J. L.		    40	W	   M40
Nunley, Will		    21	W	   M41
Austin, George	    21	W	   M42
McGee, John		    60	W	   M43
McGee, G. W.		    25	W	   M44
McGee, Dan		    22	W	   M45
Dixon, J. B.		    25	W	   M46
Gambrel, James	    25	W	   M47
Dixon, Joseph		    25	W	   M48
Prince, Laborn		    55	W	   M49
Prince, Robert		    22	W	   M50
Dixon, E. F.		    62	W	   M51
Coker, J. D.		    40	W	   M52
Dixon, J. S.		    35	W	   M53
Avery, N. A.		    30	W	   M54
Smith, J. H.		    25	W	   M55
Smith, T. R.		    23	W	   M56
Morgan, F. M.		    40	W	   M57
Hanback, Eli		    50	W	   M58
Hollis, A. M.		    30	W	   M59
Darnell, G. W.		    23	W	   M60
Tainner(?), W. G.	    62	W	   M61
Tainner, John		    24	W	   M62
Caperton, Robert	    22	W	   M63
Moore, Blake		    50	W	   M64
McCane(?), C. H.	    35	W	   M65
Hollis, D. F.		    30	W	   M66
Hollis, W. N.		    25	W	   M67
Moore, William	    23	W	   M68
Luker, J. B.		    35	W	   M69
Hollis, J. H.		    25	W	   M70
Hollis, Frank		    30	W	   M71
Hollis, J. B.		    44	W	   M72
Johnson, D.		    25	W	   M73
Johnson, T. J.		    35	W	   M74
Johnson, R. N.		    25	W	   M75
Gallaher, J. W.		    35	W	   M76
Smith, Robert		    22	W	   M77
Dixon, J. W.		    35	W	   M78
Rochelle, Thomas	    26	W	   M79
Hunt, George		    30	W	   M80
Bennett, B. F.		    31	W	   M81
McClellen, Will	    40	W	   M82
Bennett, B.		    23	W	   M83
Brown, Jim		    26	W	   M84
Dixon, Thomas	    21	W	   M85
Todd, W. J.		    23	W	   M86
Hollis, Jack		    44	W	   M87
Todd, A.		            57	W	   M88
Todd, S. B.		    23	W	   M89
Darnell, Will		    34	W	   M90
Nelson, James		    40	W	   M91
Wilson, Will		    55	W	   M92
Wilson, Ben		    22	W	   M93
Wilson, Jim		    21	W	   M94
Story, James		    37	W	   M95
Wilson, Andrew	    30	W	   M96
Gambrel, George	    25	W	   M97
Gambrel, Jack		    38	W	   M98
Kelly, Rich		    40	W	   M99
Gray, W.		            35	W	   M100
Gambrel, James	    38	W	   M101
Gambrel, Joseph	    32	W	   M102
Hanback, Lee		    25	W	   M103
Shelton, D. L.		    45	W	   M104
Risener, G. W.		    24	W	   M105
Hagerty, T,		    52	W	   M106
Hagerty, W. H.		    23	W	   M107
Daniels, Clay		    23	W	   M108
Brewer, Will		    39	W	   M109
Horton, John		    55	W	   M110
Lindsey, Dan		    21	W	   M111
Horton, T.		    25	W	   M112
Lindsey, Herman	    55	W	   M113
Hanback, Lenny	    21	W	   M114
Todd, Sam		    50	W	   M115
Clayton, Frank	    26	W	   M116
Clayton, Bill		    30	W	   M117
Clayton, Steve		    60	W	   M118
Gallaher, Joe		    35	W	   M119
Daniels, Sol		    36	W	   M120
Brewer, Henry		    25	W	   M121
Moore, T.		            43	W	   M122
Grishan, Jeff		    38	W	   M123
Cole, John		    26	W	   M124
Clay, I.		            45	W	   M125
Cole, Wayne		    32	W	   M126
Fowler, T. M.		    45	W	   M127
Wooley, John		    35	W	   M128
Ray, Bud		            34	W	   M129
Morgan, W. T.		    36	W	   M130
Long, Taylor		    36	W	   M131
Matney, John		    45	W	   M132
Moore, Dick		    24	W	   M133
Dugger, James		    43	W	   M134
Matney, Bill		    21	W	   M135
McGee, Keave		    40	W	   M136
Lay, Will		            47	W	   M137
Cole, Wash		    57	W	   M138
Haislet, John		    40	W	   M139
Griggs, George	    30	W	   M140
Moore, James		    32	W	   M141
Penington, G.	            38	W	   M142
Creasy. Bill		    55	W	   M143
Moore, Burl		    54	W	   M144
Creasy, Jim	            23	W	   M145
Creasy, Dock		    32	W	   M146
Kimbro, John A.	    38	W	   M147
Creasy, G.		    22	W	   M148
Morgan, George          42	W	   M149
Morgan, Will		    23	W	   M150
Griggs, James		    49	W	   M151
Atkins, James		    33	W	   M152
Moore, Cisroe		    32	W	   M153
Lee, Sol		            37	W	   M154
Barnett, J.		    23	W	   M155
Smith, B.		            46	W	   M156

Civil District 13 (N1-N98)

Name	 	           Age    Color     ID#
Boyd, Jasper		    48	W	   N1
Boyd, Perry		    40	W	   N2 
Beacher, A. W.	    31	W	   N3
Bailey, J. W.		    36	W	   N4
Brown, Tom		    44	W	   N5
Burns, John		    43	W	   N6
Belew, James		    38	W	   N7
Burns, D.		            43	W	   N8
Bailey, D.		    34	W	   N9
Bates, P.		            62	W	   N10
Bryant, J.		            50	W	   N11
Cody, C.		            22	W	   N12
Collins, J. W.		    60	W	   N13
Daniels, J. D.		    79	W	   N14
Davis, S. P.		    22	W	   N15
Davis, J. B.		    30	W	   N16
Dalton, W. A.		    35	W	   N17
Fowler, H. D.		    45	W	   N18
Fowler, J. E.		    40	W	   N19
Fowler, J. L.		    49	W	   N20
Fowler, L. B.		    23	W	   N21
Fowler, L.		    28	W	   N22
Fowler, C.		    46	W	   N23
Guthrie, W. E.		    43	W	   N24
Greeson, D. H.	    79	W	   N25
Gallian, J.		    52	W	   N26
Gallian, J. W.		    25	W	   N27
Harbor, A.		    36	W	   N28
Hays, J. M.		    61	W	   N29
Hays, J. R.		    22	W	   N30
Hughes, W. M.	    63	W	   N31
Howell, W. C.		    61	W	   N32
Hanback, W. P.	    51	W	   N33
Holt, John		    22	W	   N34
Hanley, J. M.		    30	W	   N35
Haddox, W. R.		    33	W	   N36
Haddox, J.		    50	W	   N37
Haddox, J. R.		    21	W	   N38
Kiddy, J. H.		    55	W	   N39
Kelley, S. A.		    22	W	   N40
Kelley, S. S.		    54	W	   N41
Kelley, John		    50	W	   N42
Kelley, S. F.		    40	W	   N43
Cagle, L.		            65	W	   N44
Cagle, V.		            35	W	   N45
Kelley, R.		    48	W	   N46
Kelley, J.		            23	W	   N47
Lancaster, W. M.	    65	W	   N48
Lancaster, E.		    23	W	   N49
Lancaster, Samuel	    22	W	   N50
Linville, P. E.		    40	W	   N51
McClanahan, Y. P.	    44	W	   N52
McClanahan, G. R.	    24	W	   N53
McClanahan, Y. A.	    21	W	   N54
Marks, E. L.		    34	W	   N55
McCorkle, Perry	    23	W	   N56
McCorkle, H.		    25	W	   N57
Montgomery, Y. L.	    48	W	   N58
Montgomery, G. W.	    42	W	   N59
Montgomery, A. L.	    76	W	   N60
May, Jerry		    45	W	   N61
Olive, H. R.		    45	W	   N62
Olive, J. R.		    40	W	   N63
Phillip, B.		    40	W	   N64
Philer, Levi		    73	W	   N65
Rogers, J. H.		    39	W	   N66
Robinson, H.		    54	W	   N67
Robinson, B. R.	    24	W	   N68
Robinson, Y. A.	    28	W	   N69
Robinson, L. R.           53	W	   N70
Robinson, H. C.	    50	W	   N71
Spain, E. A.		    45	W	   N72
Spain, C. A.		    29	W	   N73
Saxon, G. R.		    32	W	   N74
Smith, W. M.		    65	W	   N75
Sims, J. W.		    48	W	   N76
Sperry, C.		    25	W	   N77
Simmons, A.		    68	W	   N78
Simmons, A. D.	    50	W	   N79
Sims. L. R.		    40	W	   N80
Scott, G. B.		    60	W	   N81
Scott, D.		            30	W	   N82
Wilson, J. H.		    35	W	   N83
Wilson, T. S.		    30	W	   N84
Whitten, G. W.	    65	W	   N85
Whitten, S. L.		    38	W	   N86
Wilson, G.		    30	W	   N87
Wilson, T.		    25	W	   N88
Wilson, James		    35	W	   N89
Wilson, B.		    40	W	   N90
Wilson, H.		    50	W	   N91
Wilson, S.		    23	W	   N92
Wilson, Dock		    28	W	   N93
Whitten, J.		    38	W	   N94
Whitten, J. M.		    60	W	   N95
Whitten, D.		    23	W	   N96
Whitten, A. R.		    35	W	   N97
Whitten, G.		    30	W	   N98

Civil District 14 (P1-P81)

Name	 	          Age    Color     ID#
Boyd, G. W.			        W	   P1
Pollack, J. W.		    64	W	   P2
Poag, James		    29	W	   P3   
Poag, R. M.		    45	W	   P4
Gobbell, John		    38	W	   P5
Gobbell, James	    61	W	   P6
Barnett, J. M.		    55	W	   P7
Barnett, W. R.		    59	W	   P8
Grimes, Willis		    30	W	   P9
Denern, Jonathan	    45	W	   P10
Gobbell, J. H.		    55	W	   P11
McAnally, J. A.	    62	W	   P12
Hardin, C.		    34	W	   P13
Lee, J. A.		            45	W	   P14
Wooly, Henry		    30	W	   P15
Murphy, Ned		    68	W	   P16
Poag, W. J.		    46	W	   P17
Poag, J. M.		    22	W	   P18
Dixon, Bud		    49	W	   P19
Kilburn, Robert	    46	W	   P20
Long, Henry		    60	W	   P21
Long, William		    39	W	   P22
Long, Sylvestor	    24	W	   P23
Jackson, John		    70	W	   P24
Jackson, J. W.		      9	W	   P25
Jackson, W. J.		    33	W	   P26
Carrol, T. H.		    27	W	   P27
Carrol, W. E.		    63	W	   P28
Murphy, A. P.		    27	W	   P29
Gobble, W. R.		    34	W	   P30
Skilern, James		    22	W	   P31
Skilern, W. A.		    46	W	   P32
Haggard. J. G.		    25	W	   P33
Churchwell, J. R.	    37	W	   P34
Churchwell, F.		    73	W	   P35
Skilern, Dave		    25	W	   P36
Robnett, John		    86	W	   P37
Robnett, H. S.		    43	W	   P38
Robnett, Joe		    63	W	   P39
Howard, C. B.		    43	W	   P40
Staggs, E. B.		    50	W	   P41
Staggs, F. M.		    22	W	   P42
Staggs, W. J.		    25	W	   P43
Brewer, M.		    80	W	   P44
Brewer, Brown	    26	W	   P45
Staggs, G.		    26	W	   P46
Staggs, R. E.		    30	W	   P47
Lee, G. W.		    70	W	   P48
Staggs, A.		    24	W	   P49
Robnett, J. R.		    50	W	   P50
Robnett, John		    22	W	   P51
Brewer, C.		    28	W	   P52
Lee, Hick		            48	W	   P53
West, Isam		    63	W	   P54
West, James		    25	W	   P55
Staggs, H. L.		    48	W	   P56
Brewer, George	    24	W	   P57
Brewer, C.		    21	W	   P58
Staggs, Henry		    25	W	   P59
Staggs, G. W.		    61	W	   P60
Staggs, Peter		    21	W	   P61
Staggs, John		    50	W	   P62
Staggs, Ellis		    22	W	   P63
Staggs, Levi		    24	W	   P64
Duggar, Ivac		    78	W	   P65
Duggar, John		    30	W	   P66
Duggar, Silas		    27	W	   P67
Robnett, W. J.		    28	W	   P68
Carroll, Amos		    37	W	   P69
Carroll, John		    29	W	   P70
Scott, James		    43	W	   P71
Morrow, Sam		    27	W	   P72
Morrow, Rich		    25	W	   P73
Staggs, R. A.		    34	W	   P74
Staggs, W. A.		    29	W	   P75
Gobbell, E. W.		    67	W	   P76
Gobbell, J. H.		    33	W	   P77
Robnett, John		    35	W	   P78
Burns, David		    50	W	   P79
Jackson, Jake		    36	W	   P80
Jackson, Claborn	    26	W	   P81


Name			ID#
Adams, Dave		M39
Adams, D. H.		M22
Adams, G. B.		J3
Adams, G. S.		M36
Adams, John		M37
Adams, R. T.		J4
Adams, R. W.		J5
Adams, Thomas		J2
Adkinson, David		G182
Adkinson, John		G120
Adkinson, Neuton	G181
Adkins, James		D206
Adkins, J. C.		G92
Adkins, L. L.		C1
Adkins, William		C3
Akers, M.		F1
Akers, N.		F4
Alexander, John		G1
Alexander, John		G194
Alexander, J. R.	G153
Alexander, S. L.	G125
Alexander, W. W.	G192
Aley, John		A47
Alford, Bud		A129
Alford, C. I.		F2
Alford, Dock		B149
Alford, J. B.		F3
Alford, Whit		A130
Alley, Ben		D248
Alley, F. L.		D249
Alley, J. A.		D247
Alley, Will		B147
Allison, J.		B87
Anderson, Bob		H127
Anderson, Jess		H93
Anderson, Peter		E65
Anderson, Robert	G43
Anderson, W. C.		C2
Armstrong, H.		D168
Armstrong, Manard	D60
Arnell, Joe		H107
Arnett, Henry		H32
Arnett, Isham		G34
Arnett, Jason		E42
Arnett, M.		L2
Arnett, S. C.		E18
Arnett, Tom		E115
Arnold, J. D.		L1
Arnold, T. W.		B256
Artise, G. W.		D121
Atkinson, Bud		G84
Atkins, James		M152
Austin, George		M42
Avery, N. A.		M54
Ayers, Bill		K2
Ayers, Bud		K1
Ayers, Charley		K3
Ayers, J. T.		J1
Bailey, D.		N9
Bailey, J. W.		N4
Baker, Andy		A112
Baker, Bob		B118
Baker, Ross		B119
Balentine, D.		K11
Balentine, J. S.	K4
Balentine, R. H.	K5
Ballard, N. E.		F19
Ballentine, J. H.	J13
Banks, E. F.		G45
Banks, T. J.		F23
Barber, Ben		L165
Barber, William		F22
Barker, G.		K6
Barker, G. A.		F18
Barker, J.		L6
Barnes, J. H.		A2
Barnett, James		E30
Barnett, J.		K10
Barnett, J.		M155
Barnett, J. M.		P7
Barnett, W. R.		P8
Barrett, J. C.		D13
Barrett, J. H.		D14
Basset, Jasper		H111
Bates, James		F17
Bates, J. M.		K9
Bates, P.		K8
Bates, P.		N10
Batles, Henry		A22
Battles, Hart		B45
Beacher, A. W.		N3
Beatty, Joshua		F30
Beatty, R. S.		J10
Beaty, Abe		C13
Beavers, A. J.		J6
Beavers, W.		J12
Beckam, W. T.		D150
Beckham, A. B.		D33
Beckham, Bill		B264
Beckham, Buck		G78
Beckham, Elihu		E58
Beckham, Fice		G9
Beckham, Jack		G16
Beckham, Joe		E57
Beckham, John		B265
Beckham, John		G5
Beckham, J. C.		G203
Beckham, Lihew		B268
Beckham, Lincoln	G15
Beckham, Sam		D34
Beckham, Samuel		G14
Beckham, Thomas		G190
Beckham, Tom		G13
Beckham, Tom		G24
Beckham, Zack		G10
Bedford, Stephen	D210
Bedford, Thomas		D201
Belew, C.		L28
Belew, James		N7
Belew, John J.		D122
Bell, Andy		D56
Bell, Bud		F8
Bell, J. R.		C6
Bell, L. R.		F29
Bell, T. A.		C7
Bell, W. L.		C5
Benham, J. M.		B25
Bennett, B.		M83
Bennett, B. F.		M81
Bennett, Ed		A113
Bennett, John		B195
Bennett, S. C.		J14
Berry, Bill		B181
Berry, Elerson		E69
Berry, Joe		B180
Berry, John		K14
Berry, J, Jr.		K16
Berry, J. E.		K15
Berry, J. H.		G101
Berry, J. Sr.		K17
Berry, J. T.		K18
Berry, J. W.		G102
Berry, Manuel		H37
Berry, W. A.		H36
Bevis, Bud		G8
Bevis, James		K12
Bevis, John		A143
Bevis, John		K13
Biffle, J. F.		F24
Biffle, J. M.		E37
Biffle, T. C.		E36
Bivins, Robert		C8
Blackburn, W. R.	L5
Blackwell, James	L196
Blackwell, M. C.	L25
Blackwell, M. N.	L23
Blashere, Dave		B132
Bobbins, Bill		G209
Bolen, Bill		B66
Boon, Bill		B142
Borley, B. C.		L15
Bosh, Garison		A111
Boswell, Jasper		G208
Boyd, Charley		H71
Boyd, Eli		A31
Boyd, Frank		D32
Boyd, G. W.		P1
Boyd, G. W., Jr.	D82
Boyd, H. C.		D27
Boyd, Jasper		N1
Boyd, Joseph		A32
Boyd, J. H.		A33
Boyd, J. J.		B255
Boyd, Perry		N2
Boyd, Wes		A37
Bradley, Butch		B242
Bradley, J.		L7
Brady, J. W.		D172
Brady, W. A.		D152
Bratcher, W. W.		G39
Brewer, Brown		P45
Brewer, B. A.		L24
Brewer, Charley		F13
Brewer, C.		P52
Brewer, C.		P58
Brewer, C. H.		F6
Brewer, D. E..		F10
Brewer, E.		L202
Brewer, E. G.		L180
Brewer, George		P57
Brewer, G. M.		L172
Brewer, Henry		M121
Brewer, H. J.		L33
Brewer, Isham		F11
Brewer, Joe		H13
Brewer, John		F15
Brewer, John		H12
Brewer, John		L12
Brewer, J. B.		L37
Brewer, J. C.		L16
Brewer, J. D.		L191
Brewer, J. J.		L38
Brewer, J. P.		L13
Brewer, J. R.		L11
Brewer, J. W.		F7
Brewer, J. W.		F16
Brewer, J. W.		L167
Brewer, M.		P44
Brewer, N. S.		F5
Brewer, Peter		D141
Brewer, Rag		F14
Brewer, R. M.		L14
Brewer, R. S.		L10
Brewer, Saunders	D139
Brewer, Sol		L184
Brewer, T. J.		L20
Brewer, Wesley		F12
Brewer, Will		M109
Brewer, W. D.		L177
Brewer, W. G.		L34
Brewer, W. T..		L171
Brewer, W. W.		L36
Brewer, Y.		L26
Briggs, H.		L27
Briley, Bud		A74
Broadstreet, J. A.	L183
Broadstreet, W. H.	L181
Bromley, Joe		E85
Bromley, John		L19
Bromley, J. A.		C11
Bromley, J. A.		L9
Bromley, J. J.		C9
Bromley, J. L.		C12
Bromley, J. T..		F21
Bromley, Sam		F20
Bromley, Squire		E83
Bromley, T. R.		L4
Bromley, T. S.		L3
Bromley, W. E.		C10
Bromley, W. L.		D46
Brooks, Dutch		A108
Brooks, Shade		A119
Brown, A.		J8
Brown, Bill		G70
Brown, C. C.		B59
Brown, E. W.		F28
Brown, George		B129
Brown, Jim		M84
Brown, John		E35
Brown, John		G48
Brown, J. B.		E61
Brown, J. C.		J7
Brown, J. M.		L22
Brown, J. W.		B34
Brown, R. C.		E34
Brown, Tom		B128
Brown, Tom		N5
Brown, T. A.		J11
Brown, Will		B58
Brown, William		F25
Brown, W.		J9
Brown, W. G.		F9
Brown, W. L.		L197
Broyles, Willis		G33
Bruce, Morow		A107
Bryant, Bill		H54
Bryant, C.		K7
Bryant, H. P.		H25
Bryant, John		M5
Bryant, J.		N11
Bryant, Ned		L200
Bryant, N. B.		L203
Bryant, Right		H65
Bryant, Thomas		M4
Bryant, Tom		B259
Buchanan, William	C4
Buckanan, C.		D17
Bundrant, Dallis	E111
Bundrant, Frank		E112
Bundrant, George	H108
Bundrant, John		E104
Bundrant, Oscar		H109
Bundrant, O. H.		E68
Buoy, Clark		A131
Buoy, J. C.		A42
Burch, Henry		A89
Burkeen, J. B.		D252
Burns, Bill		G19
Burns, David		P79
Burns, D.		N8
Burns, Jim		B267
Burns, John		B266
Burns, John		D45
Burns, John		G17
Burns, John		N6
Burns, J. B.		F26
Burns, Lytle		D107
Burns, Miles		B79
Burns, Robert		D212
Burns, W. P.		D99
Burns, W. T.		B19
Bush, John		F31
Butler, Henry		L8
Butler, Joseph		L158
Butler, Joshua		L159
Button, James		L35
Button, J. A.		L18
Button, W. W.		L17
Bymer, G. L.		L21
Cagle, L.		N44
Cagle, V.		N45
Caine, D.		G206
Caine, Jacob		G205
Cannon, Henry		M13
Cannon, Pugh		J18
Caperton, Robert	M63
Capleton, J.		L30
Carell, Ambers		A124
Carell, Bill		A106
Carell, Bill		A123
Carell, Jim		A122
Carell, John		A121
Carroll, Amos		P69
Carroll, John		P70
Carrol, T. H.		P27
Carrol, W. E.		P28
Carr, T. S.		E89
Carson, Peter		D162
Carter, Dan		F47
Carter, John		F3
Carter, P. E.		C27
Casey, G.		G201
Casteel, J. A.		D73
Casteel, S. M.		D184
Casteel, W. H.		D72
Caton, D. S..		D140
Cecil, D. F.		J17
Chambers, B.		B193
Chambers, J. C.		E123
Chambers, S.		J21
Chappell, Altimon	C21
Chappell, Amos		C24
Chappell, Ben		C15
Chappell, Bob		C16
Chappell, Henry		C26
Chappell, Jesse		C22
Chappell, Terry		C25
Chappell, W. B.		C23
Chilsap, James		D20
Choat, Andy		B106
Choat, Dock		F52
Choat, G. T.		C20
Choat, J. M.		C19
Choat, Mat		B208
Christian, E. M.	D105
Christie, T. J.		B186
Churchwell, A. L.	F53
Churchwell, F.		P35
Churchwell, G. A.	F49
Churchwell, Isham	B226
Churchwell, Joe		B62
Churchwell, John	A103
Churchwell, J. R.	P34
Churchwell, Marv.	B22
Churchwell, Nelson	B23
Clack, W. R.		M10
Clanton, John		G132
Clanton, J. C.		H72
Clanton, R.		H73
Clark, Jim		G172
Claton, J. L.		E135
Clayton, Bill		M117
Clayton, Frank		M116
Clayton, Steve		M118
Clay, Ben		B71
Clay, Dock		E12
Clay, I.		M125
Clay, Kerry		H101
Clay, L. E.		F41
Clay, Thomas		F37
Clemmons, A. D.		K27
Clendenin, F. A.	F32
Coats, Alex		B217
Coats, Ned		F35
Cobb, W. S.		H35
Cody, C.		N12
Coker, J. D.		M52
Cole, Andrew		E125
Cole, A. B.		D36
Cole, A. O.		B36
Cole, Babe		B54
Cole, C. C.		L32
Cole, Frank		E130
Cole, George		D95
Cole, John		M124
Cole, J. E.		E120
Cole, J. E.		F46
Cole, J. H.		D71
Cole, Mark		E131
Cole, Mat		L31
Cole, Pogue		H92
Cole, Sam		E14
Cole, Wash		M138
Cole, Wayne		M126
Cole, William		G106
Collier, Jim		D37
Collier, L. P.		D183
Collier, Mathew		D86
Collier, Tom		D182
Collins, J. W.		N13
Combs, William		G29
Common, Jack		L218
Conway, Joe		A117
Cook, Arthur		D51
Cook, Joe		E54
Cook, John		B74
Cook, R. L.		B179
Cook, Tim, Dr.		C18
Cook, Tom		 B191
Cook, William		B144
Cooper, A.		K19
Cooper, J.		B76
Cooper, J., Jr.		K26
Cooper, J., Sr.		K25
Cooper, S.		K24
Coosenberry, Cass	D116
Coosenberry, E. N.	C14
Copas, George		G21
Copas, James		H26
Copeland, D. G.		G99
Copeland, Henry		D234
Copeland, Isaac		D75
Copeland, Jacob		D199
Copeland, Jake		E9
Copeland, Joe G.	B182
Copeland, J. B.		G149
Copeland, J. D.		G96
Copeland, J. D.		G118
Copeland, J. M.		H100
Copeland, J. N.		G95
Copeland, Robert	D76
Copeland, T. N.		G170
Copeland, William	D198
Copeland, W. B.		G53
Copeland, W. T.		J15
Corbin, J. N.		H86
Cothran, Off		F44
Cothran, William	D253
Cothran, W. H.		F40
Cothran, Zeke		F48
Counce, C.		F34
Counce, Henry		F33
Counce, Jim		D58
Counce, J.		F36
Cox, G. W.		F43
Craig, Irwin		F45
Craig, J. R.		F51
Craig, P. H.		D70
Craig, S. P.		L170
Craig, W. P.		F50
Craig, Young		F38
Creasy, Dock		M146
Creasy, G.		M148
Creasy, Jim		M145
Creasy, John		A120
Creasy, J.		K20
Creasy, S.		L29
Creasy. Bill		M143
Crews, Will		M28
Cromes, M.		K23
Cromwell, Charley	H50
Cromwell, J. C.		F42
Cromwell, Lonnie	H47
Cromwell, Sidney	H49
Cromwell, W.		H9
Crosno, G. T.		A61
Crosno, Henry		A125
Crossno, Will		A153
Crouch, Mort		G188
Crow, B. S.		E2
Culp, Alen		A64
Culp, Buck		A70
Culp, Hal		C17
Culp, Jack		A79
Culp, John		A48
Culp, Teney		A69
Culp, Wayne		A115
Culp, Whit		A80
Curtis, J. N.		J19
Curtis, S. A.		J20
Curtis, Wade		J16
Cypert, Bob		H81
Cypert, J. B.		G44
Cypert, M.		K22
Cypert, N. B.		G174
Cypert, R. J.		G173
Cypert, T. J.		K21
Cypert, , I. N.		D175
Dalles, S. V.		F59
Dalton, W. A.		N17
Daniels, Clay		M108
Daniels, John		L189
Daniels, John		L215
Daniels, J. D.		N14
Daniels, J. P.		G119
Daniels, J. P.		L162
Daniels, J. R.		L214
Daniels, L.		L42
Daniels, P.		L155
Daniels, R. C.		L156
Daniels, Sol		M120
Daniels, W. E.		L160
Daniels, W. W.		L213
Danley, D. D.		L185
Danley, S.		L186
Darby, D. J.		K28
Darby, D. L.		K33
Darby, J.		K35
Darby, J. T.		K31
Darnell, G. W.		M60
Darnell, Will		M90
Darnel, John		L41
Davidson, Bill		H102
Davidson, Will		B251
Davie, Brad		B219
Davie, Bud		B220
Davis N. A.		A24
Davis, Bill		A10
Davis, Bill		B275
Davis, Bud		H105
Davis, B.		K34
Davis, George		E51
Davis, Iradell		H75
Davis, James A.		A27
Davis, Joe		E52
Davis, J. A.		A20
Davis, J. B.		A13
Davis, J. B.		N16
Davis, J. J.		G27
Davis, J. J. R.		A23
Davis, J. R.		A7
Davis, J. R.		A9
Davis, J. R.		K36
Davis, Levi		H74
Davis, Liles		A116
Davis, L.		H106
Davis, Mat		H53
Davis, Sam		G7
Davis, S. P.		N15
Davis, Tom		A25
Davis, William		E50
Davis, W. C.		A19
Davis, W. R.		A151
Deal, Isham		B281
Deavers, Bryant		D104
Deavers, Elijah		C28
Deavers, Elijah		D115
Deavers, Frank		C29
Deavers, T.		D114
Defoe(?), John		L40
Defoe, J. W.		F69
Denern, Jonathan	P10
Devasier, Henry		F61
Devasier, Henry		F63
Devers, John		A96
Dial, A. R.		M20
Dial, Joe		M21
Dickerson, Ken		H82
Dickerson, Tom		H83
Dickerson, W. J.	E95
Dickey, John		D194
Dickey, Lee		L216
Dickey, Robert		D193
Diclane, Taylor		E20
Dicus, James, Jr.	B37
Dicus, James, Sr.	B38
Dicus, Jess		B48
Dicus, John Bell	B95
Dicus, Oliver		B57
Dicus, Porter		B42
Dicus, S. J.		F56
Dillon, Romel		B84
Dillon, Will		B85
Dixon, Bud		P19
Dixon, E. F.		M51
Dixon, Joseph		M48
Dixon, J. B.		M46
Dixon, J. S.		M53
Dixon, J. W.		M78
Dixon, Thomas		M85
Dixon, Will		B279
Dixon, Will		E11
Dobbs, Joseph		C31
Dobbs, Nat		C30
Dobbs, William		C32
Dodd, A. B.		J24
Dodd, D.		J22
Dodd, L.		J23
Dolrell, Frank		B160
Doolin, A. B.		K32
Doolin, C. B.		K30
Doolin, D. G.		K29
Douglas, H. M.		F65
Douglas, James		F64
Douglas, M.		L39
Douglas, R. H.		F66
Downing, A. L.		H4
Downs, M.		L219
Dudley, Allen		F55
Duggar, Ivac		P65
Duggar, John		P66
Duggar, Silas		P67
Dugger, James		M134
Duren, Ed		C33
Duren, J. M.		F54
Durham, James		F68
Durham, J. M.		F58
Durham, L. A.		F57
Durham, Robert		F62
Durham, S. D.		F67
Durham, William		F60
Eads, Elijah		M38
Eastland, John		F74
Eastland, Silas		F73
Eaton, Daniel		G6
Eaton, George		G180
Eaton, J. N.		J25
Eaton, J. P.		J27
Eaton, Pleas		J26
Edman, J. E.		B121
Edwards, Amos		C37
Edwards, C. D.		D254
Edwards, D. L.		C36
Edwards, John		C38
Edwards, J. W.		C35
Edwards, Lewis		C39
Edwards, Wm. L. T.	C34
Edward, J. D.		F71
Edward, J. F.		F77
Edward, J. L.		F78
Edward, M. C.		F76
Edward, Pleasant	F70
Edward, W. P.		F75
Ellison, Tom		D84
Ellis, George		H120
Estes, Calvin		G50
Estes, T. W.		G28
Etter, Sam		F72
Everett, James		B130
Fagan, Bruce		D129
Farris, D. M.		J29
Farris, G. A.		G46
Farris, Joe		G56
Farris, R. A.		J28
Ferguson. H. L.		F79
Fitts, Bud		E129
Fitts, Leroy		F81
Flippo, Henry		A99
Flippo, Henry		F83
Flippo, John		A138
Flippo, Tom		A102
Floyd, Albert		B12
Floyd, Alen		B13
Floyd, John		B201
Foreshee, Eliza		A114
Foster, F. M.		G142
Foster, H. A.		G103
Foster, J. G.		G111
Foster, J. M.		G148
Foster, William		D202
Fowler, C.		N23
Fowler, H. D.		N18
Fowler, J. E.		N19
Fowler, J. L.		N20
Fowler, J. W.		L46
Fowler, L.		N22
Fowler, L. B.		N21
Fowler, T. M.		M127
Fox, Jack		L47
Fox, J. H.		M27
Fraley, Andrew		C41
Fraley, Bud		C42
Fraley, Charley		C40
Franklin, C.		L43
Franklin, J.		L45
Franklin, L. P.		L44
Franks Jim		B262
Franks, Bill		E56
Franks, Eli		E55
Franks, E.		B237
Franks, E. A.		B258
Franks, Jack		B260
Franks, Jack		G36
Franks, John		B261
Franks, J. W.		G147
Franks, Will		B263
Frank, R. H.		F27
Fraser, Bud		E92
Fraser, J. M.		E24
Frazier, Ed		G162
Frazier, J. H.		G161
Frazier, Thomas		F82
Frazier, W. N.		D227
Fulton, Derry		F80
Gailing, H.		K47
Gallaher, Amos		D93
Gallaher, D. M.		E3
Gallaher, James		D200
Gallaher, Joe		M119
Gallaher, Joe N.	M8
Gallaher, John		D218
Gallaher, J. L.		D92
Gallaher, J. L.		M40
Gallaher, J. W.		M76
Gallaher, R. A.		M19
Gallaher, William M.	M23
Gallaher, W. J.		E5
Gallaher, W. J.		M11
Gallaher. J. M.		E4
Gallian, J.		N26
Gallian, J. W.		N27
Galloway, Jeff		F91
Galloway, R. N.		F92
Gamble, S.		L55
Gamble, Y. J.		L52
Gambrel, D. C.		M9
Gambrel, George		M97
Gambrel, Jack		M98
Gambrel, James		M47
Gambrel, James		M101
Gambrel, Joseph		M102
Gant, Tom		G81
Gean, Bill		G156
Gean, J. H.		J31
Gean, W. H.		J30
Geines, G.		B235
Gibson, H. G.		L49
Gifford, Tom		A84
Gilbert, J. A.		F89
Gilford, Thomas		A6
Gillcrest, A. D.	K43
Gillcrest, D.		K44
Gillcrest, Jim		K42
Gillcrest, John		K46
Gillcrest, M.		K45
Gillem, Willie		C52
Gillis, James		K39
Gillis, John		K40
Gobbell, E. W.		P76
Gobbell, James		P6
Gobbell, John		P5
Gobbell, J. H.		P11
Gobbell, J. H.		P77
Gobble, James		M33
Gobble, Joe		M34
Gobble, W. R.		P30
Godwin, Gip		G85
Goforth, H.		A21
Gollor, George		L56
Goodman, Dane		A5
Goodman, John		H14
Goodwin, J. L.		C43
Gordon, Charley		A100
Gordon, D. P.		A93
Gordon, E.		B169
Gordon, F.		B167
Gordon, James		B168
Gordon, John		A54
Gordon, Tom		A55
Gordon, Will		A82
Gore, Albert		E47
Graham, John		A62
Graham, T. J.		F85
Graves, Andrew		C51
Graves, Doc		C47
Graves, Jesse		C45
Graves, John		C50
Graves, J. H.		C46
Graves, Lawrence	C53
Graves, Samuel		C49
Graves, Thomas		C48
Gray, John		L48
Gray, R. T.		K41
Gray, W.		M100
Green, A.		L51
Green, Jeff		F86
Green, W.		L50
Greer, James		G193
Greeson, D. H.		N25
Greeson, D. T.		D41
Greeson, George		D43
Greeson, H. C.		G73
Greeson, James		L54
Greeson, John		G74
Greeson, John		L53
Greeson, John W.	D42
Greeson, W. D.		D170
Griffin, Dug		A150
Griffin, Jim		D96
Griggs, Bill		B93
Griggs, George		M140
Griggs, Isaac		B92
Griggs, James		M151
Griggs, J. E.		B136
Grimes, Arthur		F84
Grimes, A.		B33
Grimes, Bery		B77
Grimes, Bill		B72
Grimes, Buck		B60
Grimes, Bud		B49
Grimes, Dallas		E96
Grimes, George		E100
Grimes, Henry		D101
Grimes, Henry		D214
Grimes, Ike		E45
Grimes, John		A45
Grimes, John		E7
Grimes, John		E71
Grimes, J. A.		E31
Grimes, J. A.		E78
Grimes, J. C.		E28
Grimes, J. W.		E15
Grimes, Morow		B61
Grimes, Nate		A46
Grimes, Till		G195
Grimes, Willis		P9
Grimes, Wilson		E41
Grinder, Robert		C44
Grishan, Jeff		M123
Gulick, Alex		F90
Gulick, Anthony		F88
Gulick, George		F87
Gullick, Ned		D69
Guthrie, W. E.		N24
Haddox, A. J.		L74
Haddox, James		L77
Haddox, J.		N37
Haddox, J. R.		L76
Haddox, J. R.		N38
Haddox, W. R.		N36
Hagerty, T,		M106
Hagerty, W. H.		M107
Haggard, Arch		B146
Haggard, James		E73
Haggard, John		B252
Haggard, Kinden		B107
Haggard, R. A.		D35
Haggard. J. G.		P33
Haislet, John		M139
Haithcoat, W. J.	L182
Hall, Billie		H118
Hall, Cason		H119
Hall, Jim		B32
Hall, John		F95
Hall, P. D.		G97
Hall, Walter		H117
Hall, W. D.		G98
Ham, Isaac		C59
Ham, Manuel		E107
Hanback, Eli		M58
Hanback, J.		K52
Hanback, Lee		M103
Hanback, Lenny		M114
Hanback, S.		K53
Hanback, Thomas		D235
Hanback, W. P.		N33
Hanley, George		K137
Hanley, G.		K55
Hanley, J. M.		N35
Harbor, A.		N28
Harbor, M.		J51
Hardin, Amos		B286
Hardin, C.		P13
Hardin, Ed		B94
Hardin, Henry		B31
Hardin, Jehew		D119
Hardin, John		F93
Hardin, J. W.		D78
Hardin, L. A.		D74
Hardin, L. R.		M6
Hardin, Mort.		B100
Hardin, Neut L.		A36
Hardin, Wad		B157
Hardwick, George	L73
Hardwick, James		L72
Hardwick, W. J.		L69
Harlow, H.		E94
Harris, Ham 		F100
Harris, Hank		F97
Hartwell, B.		B199
Hartwell, W.		B198
Harwell, Robert		G20
Hassell, Alex		D62
Hassell, Allen, Jr.	D61
Hassell, Allen, Sr.	D63
Hassell, J. F.		B239
Hassell, Tom		B137
Haynes, John		B78
Hays, A.		K65
Hays, Ben		K61
Hays, H.		K50
Hays, H.		K63
Hays, Joe		K135
Hays, John		K62
Hays, John		L60
Hays, J.		K48
Hays, J. D.		K66
Hays, J. L.		K51
Hays, J. M.		N29
Hays, J. R.		N30
Hays, W.		K64
Hays. J. M.		L61
Heard, Hairce		K69
Heathcoat, James	L75
Heathcoat, J.		J45
Heathcoat, J. W.	L62
Helton, Abe		E121
Helton, Daniel		D81
Helton, G. T.		D3
Helton, H. A.		D80
Helton, John D.		B9
Helton, J. B.		E124
Helton, J. F.		E119
Helton, J. W.		E38
Helton, Wash.		B88
Helton, William		D240
Hendrix, J.		B192
Hendrix. Bill		A95
Hendy, Andy		E84
Henry, Tom		E117
Hensley, A.		L164
Hensley, A. D.		L66
Hensley, T.		L65
Hensley, W. A.		L68
Hensley, W. G.		L67
Henson, A. L.		K72
Henson, B.		K71
Henson, B. M.		J34
Henson, C.		K58
Henson, G.		J41
Henson, Isom		K70
Henson, John		F96
Henson, J.		J33
Henson, J. H., Jr.	J38
Henson, J. H., Sr.	J39
Henson, J. K.		J36
Henson, T.		J35
Henson, T. J.		J40
Henson, W.		J32
Hickman, Geoge		C60
Hickman, John		C62
Hicks, Buck		H19
Hicks, Westly		D55
Higgins, D. B.		J43
Hill, Elac		E48
Hill, James		C58
Hill, John D.		A1
Hill, J. B.		E49
Hill, J. M.		G141
Hill, Moses		A26
Hill, Robert		G140
Hill, Sam		B127
Hill, Tom		A35
Hill, William		A38
Hill, W. C.		E77
Hill, W. J.		A34
Hines, H. E.		L59
Hines, W. B.		F94
Hinton, C. C.		J44
Hinton, James		G123
Hinton, O. O.		J49
Hinton, T.		J42
Hinton, T. H.		J50
Hinton, W. S.		J48
Hinton, W. W.		J47
Hinton, Z.		K54
Holder, J. R.		L70
Holensworth, J.		E27
Hollabaugh, B. B	F99
Hollabaugh, Isham	C57
Hollabaugh, Jcb., Jr.	C63
Hollabaugh, Jcb., Sr.	C55
Hollabaugh, L.		C54
Hollabaugh, M. J	F98
Hollabaugh, William	C56
Hollensworth, James	E81
Hollis, A. M.		M59
Hollis, D.		L194
Hollis, D. F.		M66
Hollis, Frank		M71
Hollis, F. M		L63
Hollis, Jack		M87
Hollis, J. B.		M72
Hollis, J. C.		L71
Hollis, J. H.		M70
Hollis, T. T.		L64
Hollis, W. B.		D26
Hollis, W. N.		M67
Holt, A.		L57
Holt, A. H.		G104
Holt, A. M.		K73
Holt, Ben		K129
Holt, Cal		A15
Holt, C. E.		K136
Holt, D. E.		K130
Holt, Eli		K60
Holt, E.		K57
Holt, Garrison		D250
Holt, James A.		C61
Holt, John		K59
Holt, John		N34
Holt, John, Jr.		K131
Holt, John, Sr.		K134
Holt, J.		K49
Holt, J.		K56
Holt, J. 		K67
Holt, J. B.		K68
Holt, J. C.		A17
Holt, J. H.		K127
Holt, M.		K133
Holt, Will		K128
Holt, Will		K132
Holt, W. B.		A16
Horton, Ben		H56
Horton, Bill		H17
Horton, Billy		H57
Horton, Bud		H55
Horton, Bud		H64
Horton, C. C.		J46
Horton, Dock		G63
Horton, Gale		H126
Horton, G. W.		G65
Horton, G. W.		G112
Horton, Henry		G58
Horton, Henry		L175
Horton, Joe		G179
Horton, Joe		H63
Horton, John		L58
Horton, John		M110
Horton, J. W.		L78
Horton, Link		D216
Horton, Pink		H51
Horton, T.		M112
Horton, William		G110
Horton, P. G.		H58
Horton, William		H21
Horton, Z. J.		H77
Howard, C. B.		P40
Howard, Will		B176
Howell, E.		D98
Howell, Will		D97
Howell, W. C.		N32
Hubbard, Berry		B225
Hubb, Joe		L192
Huckaba, B. G.		D89
Huckaba, Frank		E116
Huckaba, G. E.		E108
Huckaba, J. E.		D205
Huckaba, J. F.		D226
Huckaba, Sylvester	E10
Huckaba, S. M.		D173
Huckaba, T. J.		D44
Huffine, Phillip	J37
Hughes, Dick		B223
Hughes, Green 		B111
Hughes, Gus		B272
Hughes, G. S.		B120
Hughes, Henry		B273
Hughes, John		B109
Hughes, John		B110
Hughes, John		E97
Hughes, Will		B138
Hughes, W. M.		N31
Hughs, Tom		B51
Hunter, John		B224
Hunt, George		M80
Hunt, H. L.		D102
Hunt, James		L204
Hunt, J. M.		L206
Hunt, T. K.		D83
Hunt, W. M.		L205
Hurd, James		H31
Ibair, John		A156
Irvin, Robert		D91
Iven, T. S.		F101
Ivins, Henry		A104
Irvin, Sam		D90
Ivins, Jim		B8
Ivins, John		B7
Ivins, John		B98
Ivins, Linus		C64
Ivins, W. H.		C65
Jackson, Andrew		C66
Jackson, Bob		B213
Jackson, Buck		D237
Jackson, Claborn	P81
Jackson, C. A.		F105
Jackson, D.		F112
Jackson, D. S.		F103
Jackson, D. S.		F106
Jackson, Eli		F107
Jackson, G. A.		F109
Jackson, Jake		P80
Jackson, Jeff		F111
Jackson, Joe		F108
Jackson, John		P24
Jackson, J. A.		F104
Jackson, J. A.		K74
Jackson, J. W.		P25
Jackson, Thomas		F113
Jackson, W. J.		D100
Jackson, W. J.		P26
James, J. C.		J61
Jeeter, N. S.		B2
Jeeter, Tom		B3
Jobe, Wesley		A97
Johnson, A.		L79
Johnson, Bill		B67
Johnson, C. W.		J62
Johnson, D.		M73
Johnson, Ed		B233
Johnson, E. C.		J58
Johnson, F		F114
Johnson, G. W.		J57
Johnson, James		H68
Johnson, John		B68
Johnson, J.		J60
Johnson, J.		J64
Johnson, J. A,, Sr.	J52
Johnson, J. A., Jr.	J54
Johnson, J. J.		F115
Johnson, J. T.		J55
Johnson, M.		J65
Johnson, R. N.		M75
Johnson, Sam		B174
Johnson, S. H.		J56
Johnson, T. J.		M74
Johnson, W.		J59
Johnson, W. W.		B285
Johnson, W. W.		J53
Johnson, W. W., Jr.	G25
Johnson, Z. M.		J63
Jones, G. W.		D9
Jones, James		F110
Jones, Joe		B6
Jones, Samuel		C67
Jones, S. R.		D8
Jones, W. R.		D7
Jordan, Alexander	D57
Jordan, Bob		E126
Joseph, Jacob		F102
Kea, W. A.		D12
Kea, W. W.		D11
Keeton, Buddy		D146
Keeton, B. D.		B73
Keeton, David		D158
Keeton, I.		K75
Keeton, John		D125
Keeton, Josiah		D123
Keeton, J. A.		D145
Keeton, J. D.		D143
Keeton, J. F.		D118
Keeton, Levi		D39
Keeton, Newton		D124
Keeton, Sidney		D147
Kelley, C. M.		L81
Kelley, John		L87
Kelley, John		L193
Kelley, John		N42
Kelley, J.		N47
Kelley, J. A.		L83
Kelley, J. R.		L82
Kelley, J. R.		L86
Kelley, R.		L84
Kelley, R.		N46
Kelley, S. A.		N40
Kelley, S. F.		N43
Kelley, S. S.		N41
Kelley, Tom		L80
Kelley, W. M.		L85
Kelly, James		D188
Kelly, Rich		M99
Kelly, Richard		G80
Kiddy, J. H.		N39
Kilburn, Carroll	M2
Kilburn, Elijah		M3
Kilburn, Jess		D120
Kilburn, John		M7
Kilburn, Josiah		M1
Kilburn, J. C.		J66
Kilburn, Robert		P20
Kilburn, Will R.	M30
Kilburn, W. A.		M29
Killen, John		A67
Kilpatrick, James	F116
Kimbro, Amos		E93
Kimbro, Jeff		D30
Kimbro, John A.		M147
Kindrick, Isham		G23
Kindrick, John		A12
King, Al		H124
King, Ben		E113
King, B. M.		D106
King, Joe		H60
King, John		B5
King, J. D.		C68
King, S. A.		H18
King. Will		E114
Kirby, Beary		G22
Koutch, John		F118
Koutch, P. A.		F120
Koutch, Sol		F119
Koutch, William		F117
Kutch, Herman		B197
Kyle, D. A.		D171
Lafferty, Will		D138
Lakey, Dick		H11
Lakey, Wiliam		H15
Lancaster, E.		N49
Lancaster, Gus		B26
Lancaster, Sam		B125
Lancaster, Samuel	N50
Lancaster, Tom		B194
Lancaster, W. F.	B240
Lancaster, W. M.	N48
Lanchester, Mike	B115
Lane, A. F.		D54
Langford, Dock		D222
Langford, Forest	F121
Lauermore, S. W.	L90
Lawson, G. W.		G82
Lawson, Joe		B131
Lawson, John		G79
Lawson, J. A.		G83
Lawson, J. A.		K77
Lawson, J. B.		K78
Lawson, J. M.		G117
Lawson, J. R.		H16
Lawson, S. H.		K79
Lawson, S. M.		G93
Lawson, T. J.		G76
Lawson, T. J.		K80
Lawson, Will		H125
Lawson, W. J.		G94
Lawson, W. P.		G77
Lawson, W. T.		K76
Lay, Frank		H87
Lay, J. B.		H95
Lay, Sam		H103
Lay, Will		M137
Ledbetter, Tom		E91
Lee, C.			B185
Lee, David		D225
Lee, G. W.		P48
Lee, Henry		D219
Lee, Hick		P53
Lee, H. N.		D224
Lee, J. A.		P14
Lee, Sol		M154
Lewis, J. L.		G100
Liles, S. M.		J67
Lindsey, Dan		M111
Lindsey, Herman		M113
Lindsey, Jerry		H129
Lindsey, Jim		B271
Lindsey, John		H96
Lindsey, J. E.		G3
Lindsey, L. C.		M12
Lindsey, Will		H34
Lineberry, Sam		A94
Lineberry, Tom		A73
Lineberry, Wheeler	A68
Linem, S. T.		B257
Lines, B.		J68
Linnville, B.		L88
Linume, George		E109
Linville, Otis		G158
Linville, P. E.		N51
Lisby, William		A58
Lockard, Thomas		C73
Long, A. J.		D142
Long, Henry		P21
Long, John		C69
Long, Sylvester		D161
Long, Sylvestor		P23
Long, Taylor		M131
Long, William		P22
Love, Henry		E62
Love, Joe		E59
Love, O., Jr.		B188
Love, O., Sr.		B187
Love, Will		B189
Lowery, Henry		D156
Lowery, James		D155
Lowery, Oliver		D157
Loyd, William		D154
Luker, Bill		L161
Luker, J. B.		M69
Luna, E. H.		D16
Luna, Henry		D111
Luna, J. T.		C70
Luna, L.		B247
Luna, L.		L89
Luna, Sam		B248
Luna, Willis		C71
Lutts, Alexander	D88
Lutts, J. A.		G144
Lutts, J. M.		G145
Lutts, W. M. W.		D87
Lyle, J. W.		F123
Lyle, W. W.		F122
Lynch, Dick		G191
Lynch, Jacob		C72
Lynch, James		G196
Lynes, Jim		B232
Lynn, W. A.		E79
Maberry, Joe		B218
Mabery, Mart		B276
Mack, James		E53
Mann, H. N.		F130
Marks, E. L.		N55
Marshall, J.		L97
Marshall, J. C.		L96
Marshall, M.		L95
Martin, Abe		L176
Martin, A. J.		G88
Martin, A. J.		L99
Martin, Ben		H28
Martin, Bill		G189
Martin, Bobby		K86
Martin, Buck		G185
Martin, Buck		H41
Martin, D. N.		G52
Martin, E. A.		L98
Martin, Henry		H42
Martin, H.		G90
Martin, H.		J79
Martin, H.		K84
Martin, James		H45
Martin, James		H128
Martin, Jessie		F126
Martin, John		L188
Martin, John W.		G183
Martin, J.		K81
Martin, J. M.		L190
Martin, Lige		L157
Martin, Lige		L217
Martin, Robert		J71
Martin, R. C.		D47
Martin, Scott		H43
Martin, S. M.		L173
Martin, Taylor		L179
Martin, Tom		B222
Martin, Tom		H44
Martin, Tom		H48
Martin, Will		G164
Martin, W.		L100
Martin, W. A.		G87
Martin, W. G.		K85
Martin, W. H.		G89
Martin, W. S.		K82
Martin, W. W.		J72
Mathes, George		A134
Mathew, Will		B178
Mathis, John		F129
Mathis, J.		B204
Mathis, Sam		B205
Matney, Bill		M135
Matney, John		M132
Mayberry, Mort.		B21
Mayberry, T. J.		A56
May, Jerry		N61
McAfee, George		F131
McAlester, J. L.	K83
McAnally, J. A.		P12
McAnaly, Davis		B27
McAnanny, E. D.		F132
McBride, I.		B278
McCall, A. B.		B158
McCane(?), C. H.	M65
McClanahan, G. R.	N53
McClanahan, Y. A.	N54
McClanahan, Y. P.	N52
McClellen, Will		M82
McClellen, William	D117
McCollough, John	B139
McCorkle, H.		N57
McCorkle, Perry		N56
McCorkle, W. J.		K89
McCullum, J. T.		E133
McCuly, Will		B40
McDonald, James		L94
McDonal, James		A128
McDougle, Robert	F124
McFall, B.		J90
McFall, E.		J87
McFall, John		K90
McFall, J. D.		J84
McFall, J. E.		J75
McFall, J. H.		J83
McFall, J. N.		J74
McFall, J. N.		J80
McFall, J. N.		J82
McFall, J. S.		J85
McFall, Pugh		J88
McFall, Sam		J86
McFall, S. M.		J78
McFall, T. J.		J77
McFall, W. B.		J81
McFall, W. W.		J73
McFall. M.		J89
McGee, Dan		M45
McGee, G. W.		M44
McGee, Hardy		M18
McGee, James		M14
McGee, John		M17
McGee, John		M43
McGee, J. L.		J93
McGee, Keave		M136
McGee, Will		M32
McGill, Joe		D178
McGlamery, E. D.	D19
McLane, Anse		D66
McLane, E.		D169
McLane, H.		B238
McLane, Jasper		C87
McLassen, Dave		B206
McLean, L.		F134
McLean, william		F133
McLemore, James		C83
McLemore, J. C.		C90
McLemore, R. M.		C86
McMahan, Jim		B250
McMullens, J. M.	E25
McNally, T. F.		D10
McNeal, Ison		B108
McWiliams, Andy		H8
McWilliams, D. M.	H22
McWilliams, James	H7
Melsen, Sam		G199
Melson, Frank		E105
Melson, James		G72
Melson, John		G49
Melson, John, Jr.	G66
Melson, John, Sr.	G62
Melson, P. D.		G105
Melson, William		G64
Melton, Bud		D187
Meredith, A. M.		C81
Meredith, F. C.		C78
Meredith, Jacob		F125
Meredith, James T.	C79
Meredith, John T.	C80
Meredith, J. L. 	C82
Meredith, Lee R.	C76
Meredith, Lon		D113
Meredith, L. R.		C74
Meredith, L. T.		C77
Meredith, W. W.		C75
Merriman, E. G.		D144
Merriman, J. H.		D149
Michael, E. D.		F127
Middleton, Jack		B196
Middleton, Saul		B274
Miller, J. D.		G54
Miller, R.		B143
Minton, John		D133
Minton, J. E.		D132
Minton, Robert		D134
Mitchell, Joseph	F128
Montague, A. O.		E60
Montague, J. C.		B11
Montague, Lewis		B284
Montague, Lewis		G35
Montague, N.		B236
Montague, Pink		B97
Montague, Sy		B63
Montague, W. T.		B152
Montgomery, A. L.	N60
Montgomery, G. W.	N59
Montgomery, Y. L.	N58
Moody, Ben		B228
Moon, G. M.		K88
Moon, J. M.		K87
Moon, William		C85
Moore, A. D.		L92
Moore, Blake		M64
Moore, Burl		M144
Moore, Cisroe		M153
Moore, Dick		M133
Moore, Ed		B69
Moore, James		M141
Moore, J. C.		J76
Moore, J. R.		J70
Moore, J. T.		C84
Moore, R.		L93
Moore, R. C.		M15
Moore, R. H.		J69
Moore, R. M.		B287
Moore, Thomas		B288
Moore, Tom		D181
Moore, T.		M122
Moore, William		D236
Moore, William		M68
Moore, W. T.		G139
Morgan, Bill		A127
Morgan, Frank		D203
Morgan, F. M.		M57
Morgan, George		M149
Morgan, James		B50
Morgan, James		C89
Morgan, John		A126
Morgan, John		D204
Morgan, John		D245
Morgan, John		G40
Morgan, J. L.		D207
Morgan, Levi		G42
Morgan, Samuel		D246
Morgan, S. N.		C88
Morgan, Will		G41
Morgan, Will		M150
Morgan, W. T.		M130
Morris James		E33
Morrison, H. L.		E13
Morrison, Joe		E66
Morrison, J. F.		D77
Morrison, J. L.		D215
Morrison, Merida	D180
Morrison, Willie	E8
Morrison, W. D.		D211
Morrison, W. J.		D167
Morris, Carroll		J92
Morris, C. L.		E98
Morris, Frank		E118
Morris, John		E99
Morris, Jonathan	D85
Morris, Jonathan	E103
Morris, J. G.		D131
Morris, William		J91
Morris, W. F.		E102
Morris, W. M.		E80
Morrow, D. N.		D31
Morrow, Elbert		B52
Morrow, F. E.		G138
Morrow, John		D38
Morrow, Rich		P73
Morrow, Sam		P72
Moser, G. W.		E72
Moser, James		E64
Moser, John		E63
Moton, Z. R.		L91
Mown, W. M.		L174
Mulsey, Andrew		G2
Mulsey, T. O.		G197
Murphy, A. P.		P29
Murphy, Ned		P16
Murphy, Sam		G204
Murphy, Sylvester	G198
Murphy, William		G171
Murry, John		L187
Murry, Ray		H116
Murry, Silas		H115
Napier, Al		B269
Napier, John		F137
Nedlen, Jack		A49
Neely, Griff		F139
Nelson, A. J.		L104
Nelson, James		M91
Newborn, Frank		A144
Newborn, J. H.		A18
Newborn, Tobe		B16
Newborn, T. J.		B15
Newcomb, B.		B289
Newcomb, W. M.		B253
Newman, J. C.		L102
Newman, J. M.		J94
Newman, W.		L103
Newman, Y. A.		L101
Nichols, Clark		G69
Nichols, George		F138
Nichols, G. A.		F140
Nichols, Isaac		G68
Ninon, Bill		B114
Nixon, E. L.		F141
Norman, C. L.		D186
Norman, William		D185
Nowlen, Carl		C91
Nowlen, ?		C92
Nowlin, Ben		H85
Nowlin, Ira		H80
Nowlin, James		H78
Nowlin, Steve		H113
Nowlin, William		H79
Nunley, Bill		A105
Nunley, Will		M41
Nutt, H. S.		F135
Nutt, Jess		F142
Nutt, J. A.		F136
O'Neal, Andrew		D209
O'Neal, Dick		B171
O'Neal, John 		D208
Odan, T. M.		A11
Odle, Alex		D197
Odle, David		D195
Olds, John		E74
Olds, Tom		D151
Old, H. S.		D213
Olive, H. R.		N62
Olive, J. D.		L106
Olive, J. M.		L107
Olive, J. R.		N63
Olive, W. A.		L105
Osment, B.		B165
Osment, J. C.		B164
Osteles, D.		B245
Overton, W. O.		A155
Owen, Andy		D189
Owen, M. L.		B170
Owen, Tom		D192
Pannels, William	G11
Parker, Bob		A52
Parker, B. A.		J96
Parker, Frank		H89
Parker, J. C.		E127
Parker, J. Y.		G38
Parker, Sam		B44
Parker, S. M.		E128
Parker, W. L.		E136
Parker, W. L.		J95
Parr, W. H.		B177
Patterson, J. B.	J99
Patterson, Neal		K92
Paulk, Ed		G168
Paulk, E.		K91
Paulk, John		G169
Paulk, Josh		H76
Paulk, Pugh		G167
Paulk, R. D.		G26
Paulk, S. O.		G166
Payton, Bill		G175
Peacock, Marion		D239
Penington, G.		M142
Perry, Ed		F147
Perry, Frank		G152
Perry, J. A.		F146
Pevahous, Carel		A66
Pevahous, Roy		A65
Philer, Levi		N65
Phillips, B.		K38
Phillips, George	G18
Phillips, G.		G200
Phillips, Jack		D112
Phillips, James		D21
Phillips, J.		K37
Phillips, J. D.		C100
Phillips, Lewis		C101
Phillips, Sherman	G67
Phillips, S. B.		D109
Phillips, S. R.		A43
Phillips, William	D110
Phillip, B.		N64
Phillip, J. E.		L108
Phillip, W. W.		L109
Pigg, F. M.		K98
Pigg, G. M.		K95
Pigg, G. W.		L116
Pigg, Jerry		H114
Pigg, J. H.		K97
Pigg, J. N.		K93
Pigg, J. N., Jr.	K96
Pigg, M. D.		K99
Pigg, W. H.		K94
Pilkington, J. P.	E110
Pinson, Frank		D176
Pinson, Robert		D177
Pitts, Andrew		C99
Pitts, George		E40
Pitts, John		E39
Pitts, Joseph		C96
Pitts, Lewis		B283
Poag, James		P3
Poag, J. M.		J97
Poag, J. M.		P18
Poag, R. M.		P4
Poag, S. P.		J98
Poag, W. J.		P17
Pointer, Bob		D64
Pointer, Brister	D52
Pointer, John		D53
Pointer, Sonny		B102
Pointer, Tom		B229
Pointer, William	F144
Pollack, J. W.		P2
Pollack, R. A.		F143
Ponders, Buck		H29
Ponders, William	H30
Pope, Bud		C93
Pope, Edward		C95
Pope, John		C98
Pope, Lemuel		C94
Pope, Wiliam		C97
Porter, George		B227
Porter, John		G71
Porter, J. J.		G202
Porter, S. C.		G109
Porter, William		F145
Pounders, A.		G207
Prater, James		B112
Prayton, Arch		A146
Prayton, France		A140
Prayton, Holey		A139
Prayton, L.		A149
Prayton, Sam		B43
Prayton, Tode		A152
Prince, E.		L198
Prince, John		E21
Prince, John		L111
Prince, John		L199
Prince, John		M35
Prince, J.		L115
Prince, J. L.		L112
Prince, J. S.		L110
Prince, Laborn		M49
Prince, Robert		M50
Prince, W.		L114
Prince, W. M.		L113
Pryor, Rufus		D196
Pulley, Bill		A147
Pulley, Elisha		D238
Pulley, Jess		A3
Pulley, Jim		A148
Pulley, John		A4
Pulley, J. S.		E75
Pulley, Leonard		D243
Pulley, Lyne		D242
Queen, Charley		A44
Queen, J. C.		A41
Queen, William		A40
Ragsdale, G. W.		F148
Rainey, S. B.		G186
Ransom, G.		J101
Ransom, H. A.		J106
Ransom, L. A.		J100
Ransom, R. H.		J105
Rasbury, A. C.		F158
Rasbury, A. M.		F159
Rasbury, J. C.		F161
Rasbury, W. L.		F160
Ray, Alen		E6
Ray, Bill		A136
Ray, Bud		M129
Ray, Carry		D220
Ray, Eaton		A135
Ray, George		D217
Ray, H.			E106
Ray, John		A28
Ray, J.			B241
Ray, J. M.		A39
Ray, Sy			A30
Ray, Tom		D221
Ray, T. S.		E17
Reaves, Calvin		G107
Reaves, Dave		D137
Reaves, D. E.		D136
Reaves, G. W.		G108
Reaves, H.		J104
Reaves, J. B.		F156
Reaves, J. J.		F155
Reaves, N. T.		H52
Reaves, T.		J124
Reeves, Buddy		E76
Reeves, J.		E67
Renfro, B.		L122
Reynalds, J. W.		L168
Rhodes, G. F.		D79
Rice, J. E.		F152
Richardson, Luther	A101
Richie, Henry		F150
Richie, Rube		F151
Rich, Fred		K103
Rich, H.		K107
Rich, John		K104
Rich, J. F.		K105
Rich, Phil		K108
Rich, Tom		K106
Rickets, S. B.		B124
Rickets, T. R.		B123
Ricketts(?), W. P.	C103
Ricketts, Charley	B184
Ricketts, Dave		F157
Ricketts, J. A.		B161
Ricketts, Samuel	C104
Ricketts, William	C102
Ricketts, W. G.		E26
Riley, James		B14
Riley, John		A53
Riley, J. A.		A51
Riley, J. A.		C105
Riley, Peter		A50
Riley, Sam		A60
Name			ID#
Riley, William		A14
Riley, W. C.		A57
Rinks, James H.		D190
Rinks, John		L123
Risener, E.		D163
Risener, George		D165
Risener, G. W.		M105
Risener, Henry		G157
Risener, Macy		D164
Risner, A. J.		L178
Risner, John		L120
Roach, Blount		B221
Roach, Hal		G160
Robbins, Jess		G86
Roberson, John		H88
Robertson, Jim		B277
Robertson, John		B230
Robertson, John		G57
Robertson, J. P.	F153
Robertson, William	G59
Robertson, W. W.	J103
Robertson, W. W.	L166
Roberts, Amos		B41
Roberts, Calvin		B28
Roberts, E. S.		B172
Roberts, Jerry		B163
Roberts, John		B29
Roberts, Will		B30
Robinson, A. L.		L117
Robinson, B. R.		N68
Robinson, Gil		B214
Robinson, H.		B280
Robinson, H.		N67
Robinson, H. C.		N71
Robinson, Jim		A118
Robinson, J.		K102
Robinson, L. R.		N70
Robinson, W.		K101
Robinson, W.		L118
Robinson, W. J.		L119
Robinson, W. S.		L121
Robinson, Y. A.		N69
Robnett, H. S.		P38
Robnett, James		D28
Robnett, Joe		P39
Robnett, John		P37
Robnett, John		P51
Robnett, John		P78
Robnett, J. R.		P50
Robnett, W. J.		P68
Rochelle, Thomas	M79
Rock, Cal		B211
Rodes, Jessie		G187
Rogers, John		F154
Rogers, J. H.		N66
Rose, Cab		A137
Rose, John		G177
Rose, J. G. B.		G176
Rose, Neal		G178
Rose, Sol		J102
Ross, I. A.		F149
Ross, W. P., Jr.	B203
Russ, Sam		B151
Rutherford, Mat		H59
Rutledge, E. F.		D127
Rutledge, Lovick	D135
Rutledge, S. J.		E70
Ryan, Dick		B145
Ryan, John		B148
Sandusky, Andrew	G61
Sandusky, John		G60
Sarrat, Neft		A142
Satterfield, W. T.	F166
Saunderson, Frank	D241
Saunders, Bud		D67
Saxon, G. R.		N74
Schull, Buck		H110
Scott, Bud		H90
Scott, Cam		H46
Scott, C.		K117
Scott, D.		N82
Scott, D. E.		K115
Scott, E. Z.		L130
Scott, G. B.		N81
Scott, G. W.		D24
Scott, Henry		H33
Scott, James		P71
Scott, J. J.		K114
Scott, Sam		K116
Scott, Tom		D25
Scott, Vegatble		B101
Scott, W. M.		L201
Scott, Z.		K113
Sears, John		B141
Self, Hyden		B156
Self, T. W.		B155
Sevill, S.		B166
Sharp, A. D.		F172
Sharp, C.		L128
Sharp, George		B75
Sharp, J. L.		F174
Sharp, S. R.		F173
Shaw, James		D108
Shaw, Sol		H10
Shaw, William		C107
Shaw. William		C109
Shell, Ellison		E134
Shelton, A. H.		E46
Shelton, D. L.		M104
Shelton, Tom		H122
Shepard, John		G91
Shepard, Lige		L138
Shepard, T. A.		J107
Shepard, W. A.		K112
Sherrell, Jack		B190
Sherrill, Joe		H1
Sherrill, W. J.		H2
Shields, John		D148
Shields, J. T.		D166
Shipman, D. W.		B18
Shipman, Edward		B17
Shipman, W. H.		B39
Short, Walter		B207
Shull, Andy		E16
Shull, Frank		E19
Shull, John		E132
Shull, Mat		G47
Shull, Mat		H112
Signer, John		E101
Sikes, E. J.		C108
Simmons, A.		N78
Simmons, A. D.		N79
Sims, A. F.		H23
Sims, A. M.		H27
Sims, H. C.		H24
Sims, Joe		H6
Sims, J. N.		D94
Sims, J. W.		N76
Sims, S.		H5
Sims, W. C.		H66
Sims. L. R.		N80
Sinclair, Ad.		G154
Sinclair, B. P.		G143
Sinclair, Frank		G126
Sinclair, Frank		G155
Sinclair, George	H121
Sinclair, Hal		G122
Sinclair, John		G163
Sinclair, J. H.		G165
Sinclair, M. H.		G121
Sinclair, S. W.		G4
Sinclair, William	G131
Sisco, Sam		F171
Skilern, Dave		P36
Skilern, James		P31
Skilern, W. A.		P32
Skillern, D. S.		F176
Skillern, J. S.		F175
Skillern, W. N.		F177
Smith, Alf.		A71
Smith, Allen		C114
Smith, Bob		B135
Smith, B.		M156
Smith, Dick		G31
Smith, Edward		C110
Smith, George		F170
Smith, Gill		L136
Smith, Henry		C113
Smith, Henry		F169
Smith, Henry		G12
Smith, Henry		L135
Smith, H. R.		L129
Smith, James		A81
Smith, James		D103
Smith, J. C.		D1
Smith, J. H.		B4
Smith, J. H.		E23
Smith, J. H.		M55
Smith, L. B.		E22
Smith, M. N.		C112
Smith, Robert		D130
Smith, Robert		M77
Smith, R.		L134
Smith, T. R.		M56
Smith, Wirter		C111
Smith, W. M.		N75
Smothermore, James	B1
Sneed, E. L.		F162
Spain, C. A.		N73
Spain, E. A.		N72
Sparkman, J. T.		K119
Speers, Harry		G32
Speers, Sam		B86
Speers, Sam		B249
Spencer, H.		L137
Sperry, C.		N77
Springer, Bill		D49
Sprinkle, M.		F178
Stafford, Bud		B117
Stafford, L. R.		B116
Staggs, A.		P49
Staggs, A. L.		L131
Staggs, Bill		D255
Staggs, Carroll		D231
Staggs, C.		L132
Staggs, Ellis		P63
Staggs, E. B.		P41
Staggs, F. M.		P42
Staggs, George		F167
Staggs, G.		P46
Staggs, G. W.		P60
Staggs, Henry		B53
Staggs, Henry		P59
Staggs, Hiram		D232
Staggs, Howell		D191
Staggs, H. L.		P56
Staggs, John		P62
Staggs, J. B.		F168
Staggs, Levi		P64
Staggs, Neal		D230
Staggs, Peter		P61
Staggs, R. A.		P74
Staggs, R. E.		P47
Staggs, W. A.		P75
Staggs, W. J.		P43
Stall, T. H.		K110
Stamps, T.		B231
Steel, A. J.		A92
Steel, B.		A88
Steel, E.		A87
Steel, Jesse		A86
Steel, J. A.		A91
Steel, J. T.		A90
Stockard, C. F.		F163
Stockard, Pete		F164
Stockard, S. G.		B150
Stockard, T. A.		C106
Stockard, W. J.		B200
Stone, S. H.		C116
Stone, W. S.		C115
Stooksberry, Bob	H61
Stooksberry, Frank	L169
Stooksberry, Shrm.	H62
Story, James		M95
Stout, A. M.		J109
Stowe, Dick		D251
Stowe, O. M.		F165
Strait, G. W.		K111
Stribling, C. C.	B133
Stribling, Jim		B134
Stribling, J. C.	G116
Stribling, J. M.	G113
Stribling, Will		G114
Stricklin, A. T.	B104
Stricklin, B. F.	G150
Stricklin, Jeff		G75
Stricklin, J. D.	G134
Stricklin, J. N.	G137
Stricklin, Tom		B105
Stricklin, W. T.	J108
Stull, Bill		B154
Stutts, C. M.		L127
Stutts, Joe		L212
Stutts, J. C.		D2
Stutts, J. W.		L124
Stutts, W. L.		L126
Stutts, W. W.		L125
Suege, W.		K118
Sullivan, Sam		D22
Sutton, R. L.		G184
Sweeney, W. R.		J110
Swiney, James		L195
Swiney, L. W.		L139
Swiney, W. M.		L133
Swiney, W. S.		L140
Tackett, Bob		H123
Tackett, Dick		J112
Tainner(?), W. G.	M61
Tainner, John		M62
Talley, J. A.		E1
Taylor, J. H.		D4
Taylor, Robert		D128
Taylor, W. F.		D5
Tharp, Babe		F183
Tharp, James		F185
Thomas, Monroe		B243
Thompson, Charley	A109
Thompson, C.		L209
Thompson, C. M.		G55
Thompson, C. R.		L207
Thompson, C. W.		L210
Thompson, George	A110
Thompson, G. W.		D228
Thompson, H. C.		E122
Thompson, John, Sr.	D233
Thompson, J. H.		L211
Thompson, J. R.		D229
Thompson, T. J.		L208
Thornton, Andrew	F182
Thornton, Ben		F181
Thornton, D. M.		F180
Thornton, J. W.		G133
Throgmortin, John	D244
Tidwell, W. S.		J111
Tilley, Henry		G130
Tilley, Thomas		G129
Tingle, B.		J113
Tinnon, Bill		B162
Tinnon, F.		B173
Todd, A.		M88
Todd, Sam		M115
Todd, S. B.		M89
Todd, W. J.		M86
Toles, Jim		B209
Tole, James		E29
Totty, Z. C.		F179
Townsend, B. T.		G51
Townsend, Jeff		H94
Trimmer, M.		L141
Turman, C. M.		B140
Turman, John		D23
Turman, J. P.		M16
Turman, Will		D18
Turnbo, Bill		A98
Turnbo, Bud		A29
Turnbo, Claborn		A85
Turnbo, Hugh		A83
Turnbo, Jim		A76
Turnbo, John, Jr.	A132
Turnbo, John, Sr.	A133
Turner, W. H.		F184
Tyree, Henry		B215
Tyree, John		B122
Vandiver, Jack		D126
Vick, T. C.		D29
Vincent, Frank		F186
Voorhies, A.		F190
Voorhies, B. M.		F191
Voorhies, James		F189
Voorhies, Rube		F187
Voorhies, William	F188
Waharton, T. F.		K124
Walker, Aaron		A145
Walker, Bill		B56
Walker, Bruce		B89
Walker, Charley		B83
Walker, Dan		E86
Walker, Ed		F205
Walker, E.		B202
Walker, George		B81
Walker, Hord		B47
Walker, Isham		B212
Walker, Jess		B80
Walker, J. A.		F199
Walker, J. F.		F200
Walker, J. W.		D6
Walker, Nate		B70
Walker, O.		B55
Walker, Tim		B46
Walker, Tim		B90
Walker, William		D153
Walker, W. B.		F194
Walker, W. H.		F201
Walker, W. L.		E87
Wallis, James		J123
Wall, H. J.		F193
Warington, Gill		B96
Warington, Gill		B103
Warington, Lester	B99
Warington, Tom		B10
Warren, Ben		A72
Warren, James		A77
Warren, Joe		A78
Warren, Joseph		A154
Warren, Sam		A59
Warren, Sam		A157
Warren, Sam		B82
Warren, W. P.		B159
Warton, John		K126
Warton, Will		K125
Washington, George	F192
Watkins, N. E.		B183
Watson, John		H84
Weatherspoon, Joe	B282
Weaver, John		G128
Weaver, J. R.		D48
Weaver, N. W.		H3
Weaver, S.		K120
Weaver, T.		J121
Weaver, William		G127
Weaver, W. T.		J114
Webb, Bill		B246
Webb, Dan		B234
Webb, Monroe		B270
Webster, Joseph		E32
Webster, J. C.		A63
Weeks, C.		B153
Wells, Tom		B216
Wells, W. R.		G151
West, Isam		P54
West, James		P55
Whitaker, Bill		D50
Whitaker, David		G115
Whitaker, E. A.		G124
Whitaker, Steve		B210
Whited, E. W.		G135
Whited, J. R.		G136
Whited, W. J.		G146
Whitehead, J. R.	F196
Whitehead, L. D.	F197
Whitehead, T. J.	F198
White, A. F.		J118
White, E. L.		J120
White, H. C.		J119
White, John		H91
White, J. C.		J115
White, N. M.		J117
White, R. J.		J116
White, Sam		H97
White, Scott		H99
White, Tom		H98
Whitley, T. J.		D15
Whitlow, James		K122
Whitlow, Phil		K123
Whitten, A. R.		N97
Whitten, D.		N96
Whitten, G.		N98
Whitten, G. W.		N85
Whitten, Henry		L143
Whitten, J.		N94
Whitten, J. M.		N95
Whitten, S. L.		N86
Whitten, W.		L142
Whitten, W.		L147
Whitwell, J. F.		F195
Whitworth, A.		K121
Whitworth, J. P.	L146
Whitworth, William	D179
Whorley. A.		A8
Wigfall, Elias		D65
Wigfall, Tom		D68
Wigginton, John		L153
Wigginton, R.		L154
Wilbanks, James		B113
Wilbanks, J. L.		B254
Wilbanks, R. D.		D223
Wiley, Jury		E44
Wiley, J. A.		D59
Wiley, Sam		E43
Willbanks, J. L.	B290
Williams, Frank		A75
Williams, G. H.		J122
Williams, Hick		G30
Williams, J.		L151
Williams, J. S.		L149
Williams, Mit		L163
Williams, M.		L145
Williams, T.		L152
Williams, W.		L150
Willison, George	E90
Willis, John		L144
Willis, W.		L148
Wilson, Andrew		M96
Wilson, Ben		M93
Wilson, B.		N90
Wilson, Dock		N93
Wilson, G.		N87
Wilson, H.		N91
Wilson, James		N89
Wilson, Jim		M94
Wilson, J. H.		N83
Wilson, S.		N92
Wilson, T.		N88
Wilson, T. S.		N84
Wilson, Will		M92
Wisdom, A. B.		F202
Wisdom, A. M.		F204
Wisdom, John		F203
Wisdom, L. L.		M31
Witherspoon, Alen	B20
Witherspoon, Bill	B91
Witherspoon, Joe	B64
Witherspoon, Tom	B65
Woodard, J. L.		M25
Woodard, J. P.		M26
Woodard, Tom		A141
Woodard, W. K.		M24
Woods, Bill		D160
Woods, Cas		D159
Woods, G. W.		B35
Woody, J. S.		G159
Wooley, John		M128
Wooly, Henry		P15
Wright, F.		K100
Wright, G. W.		H20
Wright, James		H38
Wright, James		H69
Wright, John		H40
Wright, John		H70
Wright, Johnson		H39
Wright, Tate		K109
Yeiser, C. C.		E88
Yeiser, E. R.		G37
Yokeley, I. N.		B244
Youngblood, Joe		B126
Youngblood, Mat		B175
Youngblood, Tom		H67
Young, Bob		B291
Young, B. M.		B24
Young, James		D174
Young, Johnson		H104
Young, J. C.		E82
Young, T. D.		D40

Death Records 1908-1912

This file was prepared from a transcription of these records for Wayne County, Tennessee. The original transcription was done by Mrs. Nelle Jones Berry in 1985 and was published in “Wayne County, Tennessee Cemetery And Death Records” which was published jointly by the Wayne County Historical Society and The Byler Press. Input of these records was done by Mrs. Linda Davis Ledlow.

Should there be any question concerning a specific record and the information transcribed, please refer to the Original Certificate for clarification. Please do not contact Mrs. Ledlow or Mrs. Berry.

These records are found in the County Clerk’s office in the courthouse in Waynesboro, TN. The book is a large book, measuring approximately 12″x18″ in size, and about one-and-one-half inches thick. On the front cover is the title “Vital Statistics”. The first half of the book lists records of births between 1908 and 1912. The second half lists deaths for the same period. Only the records of deaths have been abstracted here.

This was used as a record book. The original certificates were sent to Nashville and are now on file at the State Library and Archives. A microfilm copy of both the records book in the clerk’s office and the original certificates from the Office of Vital Records is on file in the Wayne County Room at the Wayne County Public Library.

Only the entries in the record book for 1908-1912 have been copied here. The original certificates for 1908-1912 have not been copied for this book.

Each entry in the book covers a line on two pages of the book. Only the right hand pages are numbered. The deaths are listed by a combination of Civil and School District for a two year period, i.e., 1908-09, 1909-10, etc.

The headings at the top of each page are Name of Deceased, Date of Death, Sex, Color, Age, Married or Single, Place of Death, Cause of Death, lace of Birth, Occupation, Name of Physician Last in Attendance, Name of J.P. or Coroner Holding Inquest, and Date Recorded. Only the following have been abstracted: Name of Deceased, Date of Death, Sex, Color, Age, Place of Death and Place of Birth.

BURTRAM, Bob, 4 Dec., 1909, M-W 43 M died County Asylum, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

CASTEEL, Lizzie, 31 Oct., 1908, F-W 23 M, died Waynesboro, Tenn, born Wayne Co.,Tenn.

FAGAN, Bruce P., 2 Apr., 1909, M-W 52 widower, died Wayne Co., Tenn, born Steward Co., Tenn.

GRIMES, Lizzie, 18 Aug., 1908, F-W 80 M, died Wayne Co., Tenn, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

HAM, ______? 10 Jan., 1909, M-W 4 hours, S, died Wayne Co., Tenn, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

JACKSON, Anna B., 26 Nov., 1908, F-W, 2 weeks S died Wayne Co., Tenn, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

KEA, Sarah A., 11 Dec., 1908, F-W, 63 years, Married, died Waynesboro, Tenn, born Waynesboro, Tenn.

KEETON, Susie, 3 Mar., 1909, F-W 86 years, widow, died County Asylum, born Murry Co., Tenn.

LUTTS, Becky, 29 May, 1909, F-W 70 years, Widow,. Died Wayne Co., Tenn, born Bedford Co., Tenn.

McMILLIN, Francis, 17 May, 1909, F-W 75 years, Widow, died Waynesboro, Tenn, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

MORRISON, J. H., 24 Jan., 1909, M-W 37 years, Married, died Waynesboro, Tenn, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

McLEAN, U. A., 30 Mar., 1909, M-W, 29 years, single, died Wayne Co., Tenn, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

NOWLIN, Inet, 2 June 1909, F-W, 1 month, single, died Wayne Co., Tenn, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

POINTER, Brister, 16 Apr., 1909, M-C, 75 years, married, died Waynesboro, Tenn, born Williamson Co., Tenn.

RUTLEDGE, Jane, 12 Dec., 1908, F-W, 78 years, widow, died Wayne Co., Tenn, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

RAY, _____, 24 May, 1909, F-W, 1 hour, infant, died Wayne Co., Tenn., born Wayne Co., Tenn.

SPARKMAN, Roscoe, 27 June, 1909, M-W, 5 months, single, died Wayne Co., Tenn., born Decatur Co., Tenn.

SINER, George, 15 Oct., 1908, M-C, 29 years, married, died Wayne Co., Tenn., born Wayne Co., Tenn.

SHULL, Bettie, 21 Apr., 1909, F-W, 62 years, widow, died Wayne Co., Tenn., born Hardin Co., Tenn.

TURMAN, Wm., 15 Nov., 1908, M-W, 69 years, widower, died Waynesboro, Tenn., born Bedford Co., Tenn.

BENHAM, Mary, 5 May, 1909, F-W 72 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Wayne County, Tenn.

BATTLES, Nancy, 12 May, 1909, F-W, 81 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Wayne Co., Tenn.

BATTLES, Hartwell, 7 Mar., 1909, M-W, 79 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Wayne Co., Tenn.

BAKER, Coy, 19 Mar., 1909, M-C, 1 year, single, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

CRAIN, Harry A., 9 Sep., 1908, M-W, 30 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

CHURCHWELL, Raymond, 24 Jan., 1909, M-C, 1 year, single, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

DICUS, Jewel, 4 Apr., 1909, M-W 1 day, single, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

EVERETT, Eliza, 11 May, 1909, F-C, 30 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

FRANKS, Jess, 15 Aug., 1908, F-W, 3 years, single, died Flat Creek, Tenn., born Flat Creek, Tenn.

HASSELL, Clara, 3 Mar., 1909, F-W, 39 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

HUGHES, Sarah, 11 Nov., 1908, F-C, 4 months, single, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

HUGHES, Claud, 2 Sep., 1908, F-C, 30 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

HORTON, John, 18 Mar., 1909, M-W, 10 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

HORTON, Hester, 5 Apr., 1909, F-W, 8 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn., born, Wayne Co. Tenn.

JOHNSON, ______, 4 Apr., 1909, M-C, still birth, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

KYLE, ______, 3 Mar., 1909, M-W, still birth, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

MITCHEL, Catherine, 11 Nov., 1908, F-C, 50 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Wayne Co., Tenn.

MORRIS, Leslie, 11 Mar., 1909, M-C, 16 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn., born, not listed.

MOORE, Thomas, 22 July, 1908, M-W, 90 years, married, died Olive Hill, Tenn., born in East Tennessee.

MAYBERRY, ______, 4 Mar., 1909, F-C, still birth, died Clifton, Tenn. Born Clifton, Tenn.

MONTAGUE, Exel, 5 Jan., 1909, M-C, days, single, died Clifton, Tenn. Born Clifton, Tenn.

NUNLEY, Amanda, 6 May, 1909, F-C, 60 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

POLLOCK, Walter, 24 Feb., 1909, M-W, 28 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. Born Allens Creek, Tenn.

ROBINSON, Susan, 10 Aug., 1908, F-W, 70 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born not known.

ROBERTS, Robert, 4 Sep., 1908, M-W, 4 months, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

REEVES, Oscar, 23 Aug., 1908, M-W, 16 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

SEALS, Charles, 5 May, 1909, M-W, 25 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Kentucky.

SPEAR, Amanda, 8 Aug., 1908, F-W, 86 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Dickson Co., Tenn.

TUNE, Luther, 30 July, 1908, M-W, 18 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

WALKER, Grace, 8 Aug., 1908, F-W, 8 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

WEATHERSPOON, Ora, 6 June, 1909, F-C, 4 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

WARRINGTON, Gilbert, 25 Feb., 1909, M-C, 82 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born, Wayne Co., Tenn.

WEATHERSPOON, Rosevelt, 10 May, 1909, M-C, 8 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born, Clifton, Tenn.

BREWER, Lovid(?) P., 3 Nov., 1908, M-W, 1 year, single, died Iron City, R.R. 3, born Iron City, R.R. 3.

BRYSON, Pattie, 2 July, 1908, F-W, 49 years, married, died West Point, Route 1, born Wayne County, Tenn.

BRUTON, Edna P., 13 Oct., 1908, F-W, 1 year, 3 months, single, died Chisholm Creek, born Chisholm Creek.

BREWER, R. Bunice, 2 July, 1908, F-W, 8 months, single, died Waynesboro, Route 4, born Waynesboro, Route 4.

BLASENGAME, Gracie, 26 June, 1909, F-W 6 months, single, died Waynesboro Route 4, born Waynesboro, Route 4.

BLASENGAME, Laura, 1 Feb., 1909, F-W, 28 years, married, died Waynesboro, Route 4, born Waynesboro, Route 4.

CLARK, Zany, 3 May, 1909, F-C, 3 months, single, died Allens Creek, Tenn. P.O., born Allens Creek, Tenn.

GALLOWAY, L. E., 1 Feb., 1909, F-W, 38 years, married, died 48 P.O. Wayne Co., Tenn. born Lewis Co., Tenn.

GOODMAN, Hass, 2 June, 1909, F-W, 1 year, single, died Lovic, Tenn. born Lovic, Tenn.

HOLLIS, Mary E. (Mary E. KILBURN), 13 Oct., 1908, F-W, 74 years, single, died West Point, Route 1, born Hardin Co., Tenn.

HOLLIS, Mary C., 17 Oct., 1908, F-W, 2 years, single, died West Point, Route 1, born West Point Route 1.

HOLLIS, Fannie, 27 May, 1909, F-W, 30 years, married, died West Point, Route 1, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

HOLLIS, _______, 17 Feb., 1909, M-W, infant, single, died West Point, Route 1, born West Point, Route 1.

HUGGINS, Angeline, 12 Jan., 1909, F-W, 81 years, widow, died Waynesboro, Route 4, born Lawrence Co., Tenn.

LAY, William A., 21 Sep., 1908, M-W, 2 years, 5 months, died Waynesboro Route 5, born Waynesboro, Route 5.

MILLER, Ethel, 22 May, 1909, F-W, 22 days, died Chisolm Creek, born Chisolm Creek.

McGEE, Martha, 11 Sep., 1908, F-W, 84 years, widow, died Factory Creek, Wayne Co., born Lawrence Co., Tenn.

MORGAN, William F., 1 Apr., 1909, M-W, 6 months, died Allens Creek, Wayne County, born Allens Creek, Wayne Co.

McLEAN, William, 3 Sep., 1908, M-W, 6 months, single, died 49 P.O., Wayne Co., Tenn. born 48 P.O. Wayne Co., Tenn.

MARSHALL, Cora L., 15 Aug., 1908, F-W, 1 day, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

POAG, _____ 14 Feb., 1909, F-W, infant, died Waynesboro, Route 4, born Waynesboro, Route 4.

POPE, W. J., ___ Dec., 1908, M-W, 12 days, died Flatwoods, Tenn, born Flatwoods, Tenn.

SURATT, E. M., 15 Sep., 1908, M-W, 1 years 11 months, died Factory Creek, Wayne County, Tennessee. Born Lawrence Co., Tn.

STAGGS, Alax, 20 Oct., 1908, M-W, 29 years, died Allens Creek, Wayne Co., Tenn. born Waynesboro, Tenn.

STAGGS, Chat??, 15 Aug., 1908, F-W, 38 years, married, died Allens Creek, Wayne Co., born unknown.

STAGGS, Delcie, 19 Oct., 1908, F-W, 2 years, died Allens Creek, Wayne Co., Tenn born Allens Creek., Wayne Co.

STAGGS, ____, 8 May, 1909, F-W, Infant, died Allens Creek, born Allens Creek.

SHETTON (SHELTON??) ______, 25 Sep., 1908, M-W, infant, born and died Allens Creek.

STULLS (STUTTS??), Laura, 10 Dec., 1908, F-W, 5 years, 9 months, died Waynesboro, RR4, born Waynesboro RR 4.

TATUM, Mrs. M.C., 2 Nov., 1908, F-W, 56 years, married, died Allens Creek Tenn, born Kentucky.

BURNS, Columbus O., 7 May, 1909, M-W, 64 years, single, died Martins Mills, Tenn. born Alabama.

CHOWNING, ____, 30 Mar., 1909, F-W, 5 days, died Martins Mills, Tenn born Martins Mills, Tenn.

MELSON, Margaret Ann, 20 May, 1909, F-W, 60 years, married, died Rayburns Creek, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

OWEN, ____, 24 Feb., 1909, F-W, 1 day, died Indian Creek, born Indian Creek.

OWEN, ____, 13 Mar., 1909, F-W, 17 days, died Indian Creek, born Indian Creek.

STRICKLIN, ____, 19 June, 1909, F-W, 1 day, died Rutherford Creek, born Rutherford Creek.

STEELE, Henry, 3 Apr., 1909, M-W, 3 months, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

YEISER, Jacob D., 14 Nov., 1908, M-W, 86 years, married, died Houston, Wayne Co., Tenn. born Lexington, Ky.

BREWER, Jesse, 16 June, 1909, M-W, age not given, married, died Gillis Mills, place of birth not given.

BETTIE??, Hattie J., 17 Aug., 1908, F-W, 15 years, single, died Lutts, Tenn. born Whittens Stand, Tenn.

BUTLER, ____, 1 Mar., 1909, F-W, infant, died Lutts, Tenn. born Lutts, Tenn.

BUTLER, Alga, 29 Nov., 1908, M-W, 8 months, died Holly Creek, Wayne Co., Tenn.

BOYD, ____, 28 Apr., 1908, M-W, 2 months, died Pleasant Valley, Tenn. born Pleasant Valley, Tenn.

EATON, Osa, 9 May, 1090, F-W, 15 years, married, died Lutts, Tenn., born Lutts, Tenn.

EATON, ____, 11 Apr., 1909, W, infant, died Lutts, Tenn. born Lutts, Tenn.

FOWLER, ____, 6 Nov., 1908, M-W, 4 days, died Pleasant Valley, Tenn. born Pleasant Valley, Tenn.

FOWLER, ____, 6 Nov., 1908, M-W, 4 days, died Pleasant Valley, Tenn. born Pleasant Valley, Tenn.

GEAN, Mary T., 21 Sep., 1908, F-W, 48 years, married, died Stout, Tenn. born Wayne Co., Tenn.

KELLEY, John, 10 Oct. 1908, M-W, 62 years, married, died Wayne Co., Tenn., born Tennessee.

KELLEY, Linsy?? Jane, 17 July 1908, F, 25 years, married, died P.O. Iron City, Tenn. born Tennessee.

LANCASTER, Susan, 13 Apr., 1909, F-W, 75 years, married, died Butlers Creek, born Alabama.

LANCASTER, ____, 2 Oct., 1908, F-W, __, single, died Pleasant Valley, born Pleasant Valley.

MARTIN, Ella, 17 Nov., 1908, F-W, 20 years, married, died Butlers Creek, born Tennessee.

MARTIN, Sally, 24 Jan., 1909, F-W, 93 years, married, died Butlers Creek, born Tennessee.

NEWMAN, J. C. L., 13 Jan., 1909, M-W, 80 years, married, died P.O. Iron City, Tennessee, born Alabama.

WILLIAMS, ____, 1 Apr., 1909, W, infant, murdered, Second Creek, born Cypress Inn.

ADKISON, Isaac, 28 June, 1910, F?-W, 24 years, married, died, Wayne Co., Tenn. born Wayne Co.

BROWN, Myrtle, 1 Mar., 1910, F-W, 18, married, died Waynesboro, Tenn. born Wayne Co., Tenn.

COLE, Elizabeth, 4 Jan., 1910, F-W, 71 years, married, died Waynesboro, Tenn. born Wayne Co., Tenn.

CLAY, ____, 13 Feb., 1910, M-W, still born, died Wayne Co., Tenn., born Wayne County, Tenn.

FOWLER, Alberty, 22 Jan., 1910, F-W, 3 years, 5 months, died Wayne Co., Tenn. born Wayne Co. Tenn.

GALLIEN, Maud, 14 Aug., 1909, F-W, 28 years, married, died Waynesboro, Tenn. born Michigan.

KEA, W. W., 8 Oct., 1909, W-M, 77 years, married, died Waynesboro, Tenn. born Wayne Co., Tn.

MORROW, Ollie, 28 Jan., 1910, W-F, 7 months, single, died Waynesboro, Tenn. born Wayne Co., Tenn.

SPARKMAN, Florence, 24 July, 1909, F-W, 20 years, married, died Wayne County, Tenn. born Wayne Co., Tenn.

WALKER, W. A., 5 July, 1910, M-W, 70 years, married, died Waynesboro, Tenn. born Wayne Co., Tenn.

BROWN, Ross, 23 May, 1910, M-W, 20 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Humphries Co., Tenn.

BIFFLE, Dorcas, 8 June, 1910, F-C, 98 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Maury Co., Tenn.

CLARK, Mrs. Lyda, 15 Dec., 1909, F-W, 70 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Indiana.

EVANS, James, 1 Aug., 1906, M-W, 56 years, died Marties? Island, E. Clifton, Tenn. born Lawrence Co. Tenn.

FRANKS, ____, 15 Jan., 1910, M-W, still born, died Flat Creek, Tenn.

GRIMES, Cynthia, 8 Aug., 1909, F-C, 18 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

HUGHES, Ed, 21 Sep., 1909, M-C, 24 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tenn.

HUGHES, Genova, 7 Mar., 1910, F-C, 4 years, died Hardin Co., Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

MOORE, Cora, 19 Sep., 1909, F-W, 30 years, married, died Hardin Co., Tenn. born Savannah, Tenn.

MONTAGUE, Nordis?, 28 May, 1910, F-C, 16 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn., born Tenn.

NEWMAN, Rosco, 17 Aug., 1909, M-W, 5 months, died Tennessee, born Indian Creek, Tenn.

PRATER, Tennie, 6 June, 1910, F-W, 38 years, married, died Ross Creek, Wayne Co., Tenn. born Tenn.

PRATER, ____, 16 Dec., 1909, M-W, — single, died Ross Creek, Wayne County, Tennessee, born Ross Creek.

RICKETTS, Malissie, 21 Feb., 1910, F-W, 64 years, married, died Eagle Creek, Wayne Co., Tenn., born Wayne Co. Tenn.

TINNON, Mary, 9 Apr., 1910, F-W, 80 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tennessee.

TINNON, Etheldra, 8 Oct., 1909, F-W, 89 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tennessee.

TAPLEY, Clarence, 13 Dec., 1909, F-C, 40 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

WEATHERSPOON, Wm., 2 Nov., 1909, M-C, 8 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

ATKINS, Vesta, 23 Apr., 1910, F-W, 20 years, married, died Wayne Co., Tenn., born Wayne Co. Tenn.

ADAMS, Docia, 24 Nov., 1909, F-W, 24 years, married, d. & b. Wayne Co., Tenn.

BELL, L. R., 14 Oct., 1909, M-W, 51 years, single, died Flatwoods, Tenn. born, Flatwoods, Tenn.

BRYANT, Arithmer, 17 Nov. 1910, F-W, 2 years, single, died Sheffield, Alabama, born Sheffield, Alabama.

BREWER, M. E., 28 Feb., 1910, F-W, 52 years, married, died & born, Wayne Co., Tenn.

COZART, Frank, 18 Nov., 1909, M-W, 52 years, married, died Allens Creek, Tenn. born Virginia.

CLAY, M. E., 9 Feb., 1910, F-W, 24 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

CLAYTON, ____, 20 Feb., 1910, F-W, infant, born & died Lawrence Co. Tenn.

DABBS, Nathaniel, 30 June, 1910, W-M, 59 years, married, died Lovic, Tenn. born Ashland, Tenn.

DAVIS, Jessie J., 15 April, 1910, M-W, 10 days, born and died Waynesboro, Tenn.

DIXON, Aldred, 24 Dec., 1909, M-W, 2 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

DIXON, ____, 2 July, 1909, M-W, infant, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

DARNELL, Elizabeth, 5 May, 1910, F-W, 92 years, married, died Wayne Co., Tenn. born in East Tennessee.

ENGLISH, Henry, 14 Dec., 1909, M-C, 11 years, born and died Allens Creek, Tenn.

GALLAHER, L.E., 5 Apr., 1910, M-W, 31 years, single, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

GOBBELL, E. W., 2 Apr., 1910, M-W, 86 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

HIMES, James, 25 Sep., 1909, M-W, 38 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Horners Store, Tenn.

HOLT, Hugh B., 14 Apr., 1910, F-W, 2 years, died Clifton, Tenn. born Waynesboro, Tenn.

HALFORD, ____, 20 Jan. , 1910, F-W, 1 month, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

HUCKABA, Babe, 20 Jan., 1910, F-W, 48 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

JACKSON, ____, 23 Mar., 1910, M-W, 7 days, born and died Allens Creek, Tenn.

KILPATRIC, Hester, 16 Apr., 1910, F-W, 6 months, born and died Lovic, Tenn.

LONG?, Wayman, 1 Oct., 1909, F-W, 2 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

MEREDITH, Jno. F., 8 Mar., 1910, M-W, 65 years, married, born and died Lovic, Tenn.

McWILLIAMS, Callie, 5 Apr., 1910, F-W, 23 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

MITCHEL, Clyde, 28 Dec., 1909, M-W, 2 months, born and died, Wayne Co., Tenn.

NELSON, Pink Hollis, 24 May, 1910, M-W, 16 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

OWEN, ____, 6 Feb., 1910, F-W, infant, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

PEVAHOUSE, ____, 12 Feb., 1910, F-W, 3 months, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

REDMAN, James, 18 Dec., 1909, M-W, 2 years, born and died Allens Creek, Tenn.

RICKETTS, Willie, 5 Dec., 1909, M-W, 3 years, born and died Lawrence Co., Tenn.

STONE, Willis S., 4 Jan., 1910, M-W, 69 years, married, died Flatwoods, Tenn. born Gaynesboro, Tenn.

SMITH, Lillie, 15 July, 1909, F-W, 19 single, born and died, Clifton, Tenn.

STAGGS, ____, 4 Apr., 1910, F-W, infant, Born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

VANLEER, Willis, 16 May, 1910, F-C, 19 years, married, died Allens Creek, Tenn. born Tenn.

WILLIAMS, Jane E., 16 July, 1909, F-W, 84 years, married, died and born Flatwoods, Tenn.

WARREN, Clarence, 30 Jan., 1910, M-W, 9 days, born and died Waynesboro, Tenn.

WILSON, Peggy, 20 Oct., 1909, F-W, 63 years, married, died Flatwoods, Tenn. born Waynesboro, Tenn.

WOODS, Jno., 19 Feb., 1910, M-C, 36 years, married, died Napier, Tenn. born Bear Springs Furnace.

WHITEHEAD, Bessie, 30 June, 1910, F-W, 18 years, single, died Forty-eight Tenn., born Wayne Co., Tenn.

YORK, Tomie, 7 Apr., 1910, F-W, 2 years, died Allens Creek, Tenn. born Clarksville, Tenn.

ADKINSON, David, 20 Sep., 1909, M-W, 91 years, married, died Waynesboro, Tenn., born Giles Co., Tenn.

AYERS, ____, 27 June, 1910, F-W, 1 day, born and died Indian Creek.

BANKS, ____, 15 Apr., 1910, M-W, 2 days, born and died Indian Creek.

BERRY, Wm. A., —- 1910, M-W, 82 years, married, died Cyclone, Tenn. born Wayne Co., Tenn.

BECKHAM, Ione, 14 June, 1910, F-W, 11 months, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

EATON, Bettie J., 5 June, 1910, F-W, 70 years, married, died Martins Mills, Tenn., born Alabama.

FARISS, Clyde, 2 Nov., 1909, M-W, 21 years, single, died Lutts, Tenn. born Houston, Tenn.

HEARD, Jas. H., 3 Aug., 1909, M-W, 59 years, married, died Roanoak Creek, born Alabama.

MILLER, Alonzo, 20 Apr., 1910, M-W, 5 years, born and died Houston, Tenn.

McWILLIAMS, Callie, 3 April, 1910, F-W, 21 years, married, died Houston, Tenn. born Cyclone, Tenn.

MATTOCK, Opal, 15 Oct. 1909, F-W, 14 months, born and died Eagle Creek.

NOWLIN, ____, 24 March, 1910, F-W, 7 days, born and died Waterfall Creek.

SINCLAIR, Catherine, 22 Dec., 1909, F-W, 83 years, died Lutts, Tenn. born Alabama.

WEBB, Wm., 12 Mar. 1910, M-W, 64 years, married, died Lutts, Tenn. born Martins Mills, Tenn.

BERRY, Girdie, 14 Mar., 1910, F-W, 18 years, single, born and died Cypress Inn, Tenn.

BALENTINE, Nancy Jane, 20 Dec., 1909, F-W, 62 years, married, born and died Cypress Inn, Tenn.

BREWER, ____, 26 Apr., 1910, F-W, 1 day, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BOYD, Dee, 7 Dec., 1909, M-W, 34 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BRADLEY, Lafayette, 30 Mar., 1910, M-W, 33, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BREWER, Raymon, 16 Jan., 1910, M-W, 9 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

CURTIS, Frank, 14 Feb., 1910, M-W, 21 years, single, died Cypress Inn, Tenn. born Victory, Tenn.

DARBY, Homer, 15 May, 1910, M-W, 7 years, born and died Cypress Inn, Tenn.

DARBY, Mattie Bell, 22 Oct., 1909, F-W, 10 months, born and died Cypress Inn. Tenn.

DODD, Miles, 27 Jan., 1910, F-W, 82 years, married, born and died in Tenn.

DANNELLY, Gus, 20 Dec., 1909, M-W, 38 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

DANIEL, Jeby, 4 Feb., 1910, M-W, 6 months, 16 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

DANIEL, Katy, 6 July, 1909, F-W, 16 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

HANDLEY, Tommie, 16 Aug., 1909, M-W, 18 months, born and died Cypress Inn, Tenn.

HAYES, Willie Cecil, 18 May, 1910, M-W, 22 months, born and died Cypress Inn, Tenn.

HAYES, ____, 30 Jan., 1910, M-W, 3 days, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

HAYES, ____, 20 Apr., 1910, F-W, 4 months, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

HARDING, Mattie, 12 Apr., 1910, F-W, 22 years, married, born and died Cypress Inn, Tenn.

HENSON, Lennie Pearl, 7 Feb., 1910, F-W, 2 years, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

IVENS?, James, 9 June, 1910, M-W, 10 Months, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

JOHNSON, H. W., 19 Aug, 1909, F-W, 21 years, married, born and died Stout, Tenn.

JOHNSON, H. W., 30 Jan., 1910, M-W, 70 years, died Stout, Tenn, born Lutts, Tenn.

KELLEY, Oaley, 2 Jan., 1910, F-W, 24 years, married, born and died Tenn.

McFALL, ____, 14 Dec., 1909, M-W, 3 weeks, died Stout, Tenn. birth not given.

McFALL, Hettie, 29 Nov., 1910, F-W, 40 years, married, born and died Stout, Tenn.

MITCHEL, Althy L., 6 May, 1910, F-W, 4 months, 6 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

OLIVE, Minnie D., 24 June, 1910, F-W, 6 months, 25 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

OLIVE, Walter, 21 June, 1910, M-W, 14, single, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

PATTERSON, Neal, 26 Dec., 1909, M-W, 71 years, married, died Lutts, Tenn. birth not given.

PRINCE, Betty, 5 Aug., 1909, F-W, 71 years, married, birth and death Tennessee.

ROBERTSON, S. W., 27 Jan., 1910, M-W, 76 years, married, born and died Tennessee.

ROBERTSON, Dudley, 3 July 1909, M-W, 5 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

SPAIN, John H., 23 Mar., 1910, M-W, 10 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

WHITE, ____, 1 Feb., 1910, M-W, 2 days, born and died Stout, Tenn.

WHITE, ____, 2 Feb., 1910, F-W, 2 days, born and died Stout, Tenn.

BREWER, Sanders, 23 Dec., 1910, M-W, 21 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BUTLER, Frank, 15 Feb., 1911, M-W, 34 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BREWER, Lela, 31 Dec., 1910, F-W, 1 year, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

CHAMBERS, ____, 15 Feb., 1911, M-?, 5 hours, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

CLAY, ____, 20 Feb., 1911, F-W, 15 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

CHAMBERS, Maude, 30?? Feb., 1911, F-W, 15 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

GALLAHER, Infant, 24 Mar., 1911, M-W, 9 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

KEA, John, 29 Mar., 1911, M-W, 30 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

KILBURN, Hubert, 14 June, 1911, M-W, 11 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

LANGFORD, Laura, 2 Feb., 1911, F-W, 25 years, married, died Wayne Co., Tenn. born Arkansas.

NELSON, Robert, 21 Oct., 1910, M-W, 3 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

PULLEY, ____, 20 Jan., 1911, F-W, 6 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

REAVES, Infant, 15 June, 1911, M-W, 3 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

STAGGS, Soloman, 5 Dec., 1911, M-W, 8 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

WIGFALL, Nettie, 27 July, 1910, F-B, 12 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

ABRAM, Mrs. Jas. 13 July, 1910, F-W, 20 years, married, died Wayne Co., Tenn. born Tenn.

BAKER, Neely, 20 Sep., 1910, F-C, 38 years, died Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

CHERRY, Ike, 14 Oct., 1910, M-C, 26 years, married, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

CHURCHWELL, Eva, 12 Apr., 1911, F-C, 5 years, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

CHURCHWELL, Jas., 19 Aug., 1910, M-C, 1 year, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

EVANS, Alice, 6 Jan., 1911, F-W, 54 years, married, died Wayne Co., born Clifton, Tenn.

EVANS, Joe, 15 Jan., 1911, M-W, 10 years, died Wayne Co., born Clifton, Tenn.

FLOYD, Jane, 20 Jan., 1911, F-W, no age, married, born and died Tenn.

FRIER?, Mrs. Emma, 19 Dec., 1910, F-W, 63 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Arkansas.

GUIN, Malica, 16 Apr., 1911, F-C, 35 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tennessee.

GENTRY, ____, “Infant died and cannot get any data as they moved away.”

HAWKINS, Mrs. E. A., 22 Dec., 1910, F-W, 75 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tenn.

HUGHES, Martha, 9 Jan., 1911, F-W, 78 years, married, died Clifton, born Tenn.

JETER, Clyde, 17 July, 1910, F-W, 11 years, d. Clifton, b. Tenn.

JOHNSON, James, 22 May, 1911, M-W, 1-1/2 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

JOBE, Mrs. W. F., 24 Sep., 1910, F-W, 42 years, married, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

LOWERY, Carrie, 24 Sep., 1910, F-C, 30 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tenn.

LOWERY, Robt., 24 Apr., 1911, M-C, 19 months, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tenn.

MONTAGUE, W. Y., 25 June, 1911, M-W, 69 years, married, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

MONTAGUE, Mary, 10 Apr., 1911, F-W, 10 months, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

MOORE, Martha, 24 Jan., 1911, F-W, 61 years, married, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

PRATER, Arch, 2 Sep., 1910, M-W, 77 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tenn.

ROBERSON, Addie, 2 Sep., 1910, F-C, 17 years, married, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

ROBERSON, ____, 24 June, 1911, F-C, 4 days, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

SHELBY, Jim, 24 June, 1911, M-C, 35 years, married, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

THOMAS, Nancy, 28 Nov., 1910, F-W, 44 years, not stated.

THOMAS, Mary, 23 May, 1911, F-W, 75 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tenn.

WOODRELL, Susie, 20 Jan., 1911, F-W, no age, married, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

WEATHERSPOON, Hanett, 12 Aug., 1910, F-C, 38 years, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

WALKER, Anna, 27 Mar., 1911, F-C, 18 years, single, died Wayne Co., Tenn. born Tenn.

WOLF, ____, 15 Dec., 1910, F-W, 1 day, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

BOYD, Jane, 23 Dec., 1910, F-W, 77 years, married, died Clifton, born Waynesboro.

BARNES, Cypert M., 26 Sep., 1910, M-W, 8 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BARNES, Robert, 12 Feb., 1911, M-W, 27 years, married, died Poplar Point, Mo. Born Clifton.

CULP, Ada, Apr., 1911, F-W, 39 years, married, born and died Clifton.

DENTON, Becky J., 4 Apr., 1911, F-W, 57 years, married, died Waynesboro, born Horner.

DAVIS, J. R., 7 Jan., 1911, M-W, 87 years, married, born and died Waynesboro., Tenn.

DAVIS, Minnie, 14 Jan., 1911, F-W, 84 years, married, born and died Waynesboro, Tenn.

DAVIS, W. C., 14 June, 1911, M-W, 73 years, married, born and died Clifton.

JOBE, Joseph W., 14 Mar., 1911, M-W, 2 years, born and died Clifton.

KING, S. C., 17 Jan., 1911, M-W, no age, single, born and died Waynesboro.

KELLEY, Tina, 24 July, 1911, M-W, 2 minutes?, born and died Waynesboro.

MORGAN, Minnie, 26 Apr., 1911, F-W, 32 years, married, born and died Flatwoods.

MORGAN, Mable & Myrtle, Sep., 1911, F-W, 5 months, died Hickman, Ky. born Flatwoods.

POPE, Hillard, 25 Dec., 1911, M-W, 8 months, born and died Waynesboro.

PEAVYHOUSE, Clarence, 14 Nov., 1910, M-W, 5 months, died Topsy, born Linden.

SANDERSON, F. M., 8 Feb., 1911, M-W, 69 years, married, died Waynesboro, born Millegeville.

STARNES, Annie, 24 Apr., 1911, F-W, 35 years, married, died Clifton, born Flatwoods.

THOMPSON, M. D., 17 Apr., 1911, M-W, 29 years, married, died Etna Furnace, born Flatwoods.

THARP, Lizzie B., 13 Apr., 1911, F-W, 24 years, single, born and died Flatwoods.

TURNBO, Etta, 28 Jan., 1911, F-W, 29 years, married, born and died Clifton.

WARREN, Mintie P., 19 Jan., 1911, F-W, 54 years, married, born and died Clifton.

WARREN, Elvis, 24 Mar., 1911, M-W, 14 years, born and died Clifton.

ABRAMS, Lee A., 22 Feb., 1911, M-W, 9 months, born and died Martins Mills.

BECKHAM, Janie, 4 July, 1910, F-W, 1 year, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

COPELAND, ____, 12 Aug., 1910, M-W, no age, born and died Martins Mills.

CRAMEARY, ____, Sep., 1910, F-W, 2 min?, born and died Indian Creek.

DANIELS, Lena, 3 Sep., 1910, F-W, 2 years, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

DOWNING, Bessie, 11 Mar., 1911, F-W, 8 years, died Lutts, Tenn. born Wayne Co.

EATON, Willie May, 13 Dec., 1910, F-W, 9 months, born and died Houston, Tenn.

KING, Ellen, 10 Oct., 1910, F-W, 9 years, born and died Indian Creek.

STRICKLIN, Lena, 24 Dec., 1910, F-W, 18 months, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

SHERRILL, ____, 4 June, 1911, M-W, no age, born and died, Lutts, Tenn.

SLRITLING (STRIBLING?), Jas. M., 16 Sep., 1910, M-W, single, 73 years, died Lutts, Tenn. born Lawrence Co.

STEELEY?, Lena, 10 June, 1910, F-W, 16 months, died Lutts, Tenn. born Hardin Co.

STUTTS, Alman, 26 Dec., 1910, M-W, 1 month, born and died Houston, Tenn.

SMITH, Herschel, 27 June, 1911, M-W, 4 years, born and died Houston, Tenn.

BREWER, Mary C., 17 July, 1910, F-W, 14 months, born and died Stout, Tenn.

BEVIS, Wash, 25 Aug., 1910, M-W, 57 years, married, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

DODD, Daulton, 8 August, 1910, M-W, 12 months, died Cypress Inn, no place of birth.

HAYES, Martin V., 16 Feb., 1911, M-W, 13 months, born and died Cypress Inn.

HENSON, James Isaac, 13 July, 1910, M-W, 21 years, married, died Cypress Inn born Alabama

JOHNSON, W. W. Esq., 1 June, 1911, M-W, 79 years, married, died Lutts, Tenn. born Warren Co., Tenn.

McFall, ____, 7 Nov., 1910, F-W, 1 day, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

MARTIN, ____, 1 Jan., 1911, M-W, 1 day, born and died Cypress Inn.

MURPHY, James, 11 Jan., 1911, M-W, 75 years, single, died Stout Tenn., born Alabama.

MARTIN, Nancy, 5 Nov., 1910, F-W, 90 years, married, died Lutts, born Cypress Inn.

SHEPARD, Marie, 7 Aug, 1910, M-W, 14 months, born and died Cypress Inn.

STRIBLIN, James, 16 Sep., 1910, M-W, 73 years, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

SOUTHERLAND, Estella, 14 Oct., 1910, F-W, 15 months, born and died Cypress Inn.

WRIGHT, Rosco, 26 May, 1911, M-W, 2 years, born and died Cypress Inn.

WILLIAMS, Bet, 22 Apr., 1911, F-W, no age, single, died Lutts, no birthplace.

DANIEL, Willie Dock, 29 Nov., 1910, M-W, 4 months, 25 days, born and died Butlers Creek.

DANNELLY, Nancy, 1 Feb., 1911, F-W, no age, married, born and died Butlers Creek.

FOWLER, Dora, 17 June, 1911, F-W, 27 years, married, died in Alabama, born Wayne Co.

KELLEY, Jamie, 26 June, 1911, F-W, 27 years, married, born and died Butlers Creek.

THOMPSON, James, 5 Dec., 1910, F-W, 26 years, married, died Iron City, Lawrence Co., born Holly Creek.

THOMPSON, James Mathen, 4 Apr., 1911, M-W, 1 month, born and died Butlers Creek.

BASTROP, A. Mandy, 6 Mar., 1911, F-B, 18 years, single, died Nashville, Tenn., born Stribling, Tenn.

BIRD, Clarince, 27 Dec., 1910, M-W, 6 years, died Wayne Co. born Lawrence Co.

BRENT, Billie, 16 July, 1910, M-W, 15 years, single, died Wayne Co. born Lawrence Co.

CASH, Mary, 25 June, 1911, F-W, 1 year, died Wayne Co., born Lewis Co.

CASTEEL, Lillie, 22 Nov., 1910, F-W, 23 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

CREECY, Jim T., 5 Apr. 1911, M-W, 5 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

COPELAND, Coleman, 6 Dec. 1910, M-W, 6 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

COPELAND, Ada, 14 Mar., 1911, F-W, 23 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

DURHAM, Mattie, 21 May, 1911, F-W, 68 years, married, died Wayne Co., born Alabama.

DURN, O. L., 30 Nov., 1910, M-W, 30 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

DOOLEY, Charley, 20 Sep., 1910, M-W, 50 years, married, died in Ark., place of birth not known.

GODDEL, Sicero, 5 Sep., 1910, M-W, 13 years, died Wayne Co., born Lewis Co.

GALLAHER, A. H., 28 Apr., 1911, M-W, 32 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

HOWELL, Carl T., July, 1910, M-W, 2 years, died Dickson Co., born Centerville, Tenn.

HOLLIS, ____, 10 Oct., 1910, F-W, infant, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

JACKSON, Andy A., 28 Feb., 1911, M-W, 12 years, died 6th Dist. Wayne Co.

KOUTCH, Mary, 9 Mar., 1911, F-W, 3 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

KIMBREL, ____, 5 Nov., 1910, F-W, infant, born and died Lawrence Co.

KILBURN, ____, 26 Oct., 1910, M-W, 11 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

LONG, ____, 3 Aug., 1910, F-W, infant, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

LOPP, Rebecca, 5 Dec., 1910, F-W, 26 years, married, born and died Lawrence Co.

LUKER, Teallie, 25 May, 1911, F-W, 33 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

McANALLY, Jim, 23 June, 1911, M-W, 80 years, married, died Lawrence Co. born Wayne Co.

MORGAN, Ruth, 11 Mar., 1911, F-W, 1 year, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

NUTT, Artis, 16 May, 1911, F-W, 37 years, married, died Forty-eight Creek, born Tenn.

NELSON, J. H., 25 Mar., 1910, M-W, 57 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

PAYTON, ____, Jan., 1911, M-W, 1 day, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

RAY, Joe?, 3 Sep., 1910, M-W, 23 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

RILEY, Mary, 10 Oct., 1910, F-W, 38 years, married, died Wayne Co., place of birth not known.

SCHMITTO, Marvin, 21 Jan., 1911, M-W, 27 years, married, died Wayne Co. born Montgomery County, Tenn.

STAGGS, Earlie B., 26 Feb., 1911, M-W, 80 years, married, died Wayne Co. place of birth not known.

SMITH, S. A., 3 Feb., 1911, M-W, 40 years, married, died Wayne Co., place of birth not known.

STAGGS, Matthew, 4 Aug., 1910, M-W, 35 years, married, died Wayne Co. place of birth not known.

TODD, ____, 6 Jan., 1911, M-W, infant, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

TURMAN, Lillie, 17 June, 1911, F-W, 22 years, single, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

TODD, Millie, 12 Jan., 1911, F-W, 67 years, married, died Wayne Co. place of birth not known.

ARNETT, Jim, 4 June, 1912, M-W, 69 years, single, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BLACK, Carolyn, 6 Mar., 1912, F-W, 1 year 21 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BARNES, Cleveland, 24 Dec., 1912, M-W, 25 years, single, died Wayne Co., born in Alabama.

CASTEEL, Mary E., (Mrs.), 11 July, 1911, F-W, 57 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

GRIMES, Mansfield, 25 Dec., 1911, M-B, 18 years, single, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

HICKERSON, Earn, 20 June, 1912, M-B, 20 years, single, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

HICKERSON, Oes, 19 June, 1912, M-B, 21 years, single, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

[Earn and Oes HICKERSON are listed as having been “shot by Fred Cole.”]

LONG, Bill, 18 July, 1911, M-W, 60 years, married, died Wayne Co. born Illinois.

McBRYER, Mary, 6 Feb., 1912, F-W, 82 years, married, died Wayne Co. born North Carolina.

MORGAN, Filda, 18 Aug., 1912, F-W, 12 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BROWLES, Lucius, 1 Apr., 1912, M-B, 55 years, married, died Clifton born Tenn.

BROMLEY, Charlie, 25 Dec., 1911, M-B, 16 years, single, born and died Clifton.

CHRISTIAN, Alberta, 14 Sep., 1911, F-C, 9 years, born and died Clifton.

CHANNELS, Estella, 8 May, 1912, F-C, 16 years, died Clifton, born Hardin Co.

CHURCHWELL, Charlie, 24 June, 1912, M-C, 21 years, single, died Clifton, born Wayne Co.

DOXEY, L. B., 29 June, 1912, M-W, 60 years, married, died Clifton, place of birth not known.

DIXON, ____, 4 Feb., 1912, F-W, 2 weeks, died Clifton.

GRIMES, Dorthine, 15 Oct., 1911, F-C, 7 months, born and died Clifton.

GRIMES, Wilson, 2 Oct., 1911, M-W, 80 years, married, died Pitts Creek, born Wayne Co.

HICKERSON, Oss, 29 June, 1912, M-C, 24? Years, single, died Hardins Creek, born Wayne Co.

“Shot by Fred Cole.” [possibly the same entry as above?]

JETER, Nancy, 8 Aug., 1911, F-W, 33 years, married, died Clifton, born Wayne Co.

JENLEY, Mary, 5 Sep., 1911, F-W, 13 months, died Hardin Co., born Tenn.

JETER, (infant), 5 Sep., 1911, F-W, 1 month, born and died Clifton.

JEFFRIES, ____, 2 June, 1912, F-W, no age, (still born) at Clifton.

LOWERY, ____, 10 Sep., 1911, M-C, 1 year, born and died Clifton.

McDONALD, Tom, 9 Apr., 1912, M-W, 25 years, married, died Eagle Creek.

PACK, Sarah, 5 May, 1912, F-W, 18 years, single, born and died Clifton.

RUSS, Elizabeth, 17 Oct., 1911, F-W, 78 years, died Clifton, born Tenn.

SMITH, William, 10 Oct., 1911, M-W, 3 years, born and died Ross Creek.

TAPLEY, ____, 25 Feb., 1912, F-B, 2 months, born and died Clifton.

WEATHERSPOON, Chas., 12 Oct., 1911, M-C, 18 years, died Clifton, born Tenn.

WEBSTER, Joseph, 25 Dec., 1911, M-W, 72 years, married, died Clifton, place of birth not listed.

WOOD, R. J., 25 Feb., 1912, M-W, 48 years, married, died Clifton born Hardin Co.

WHITSET, Abbie, 3 Mar., 1912, F-C, 36 years, married, died Clifton, born Humphreys Co.

WALKER, Mary, 4 Apr., 1912, F-W, 74 years, married, died Eagle Creek, born Tenn.

WOODRELL, Tom, 9 May, 1912, M-W, 72 years, married, died Ross Creek, born Tenn.

WILSON, Elizabeth, 30 June, 1912, F-W, 66 years, married, died Hardin Creek, place of birth not listed.

WARRINGTON, Lessie, 10 Aug., 1911, F-B, 4 months, born and died Clifton.

BROMLEY, Alvin, 11 Apr., 1912, M-W, 11 months, born and died Flatwoods.

BARNES, G. C., 17 Dec., 1911, M-W, 28 years, single, died Clifton born Waynesboro.

BOYD, Zora, 8 Jan., 1912, F-W, 20 years, single, born and died Clifton.

BOYD, Joe, 10 June, 1912, M-W, 68 years, single, born and died Clifton.

BUNCH, Tom, 4 Oct., 1911, M-W, 4 years, died Waynesboro, born Hickman, Ky.

CONWAY, Maggie, 1 July, 1911, F-W, 16 years, single, born and died Clifton.

DABBS, Jake, 13 Jan., 1912, M-W, 30 years, single, born and died Flatwoods.

DAVIS, Mabel, 28 July, 1911, F-W, 15 years, single, born and died Clifton.

GORDON, Oscar, 15 Apr., (year blank) M-W, 2 years, single, born and died Clifton.

MATHENA, Ada, 15 July (year blank), F-W, 28 years, married, died Clifton, born Savannah.

PRATER, Edna, 11 Jan, 1912, F-W, 11 days, born and died Flatwoods.

PRATER, Fredna, 11 Jan., 1912, M-W, 11 days, born and died Flatwoods.

PITTS, Lizzie, 5 Nov., 1911, F-W, 52 years, married, born and died Waynesboro.

PULLEY, Martha, 11 Aug., 1911, F-W, no age, single, born and died Waynesboro.

PITTS, Mary, 3 Apr., 1912, F-W, 2 years, born and died Clifton.

PULLEY, Jack, Aug., 1911, M-W, 1 year, born and died Waynesboro.

POPE, Myrtle, 29 May, 1912, F-W, 2 months, born and died Waynesboro.

STEEL, Margaret, 25 Feb., 1912, F-W, 56 years, married, born and died Clifton.

STARNES, Bessie, 29 Aug., 1911, F-W, 14 years, died Clifton, born Flatwoods.

SMITH, Early, 13 Nov., 1911, F-W, 9 years, born and died Clifton.

STEEL, Annie, 23 June 1912, F-W, 2 months, died Decaturville, born Clifton.

THOMASON, F. M., 3 Oct., 1911, M-W, 72 years, married, died Flatwoods, born Columbia, Tenn.

WOODRELL, T. W. 16 Apr. 1912, M-W, 79 years, married, born and died Clifton.

ARNETT, Earl, 4 Nov., 1911, M-W, 26 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BREWER, J. J., 14 Feb., 1912, M-W, 87 years, married, died Cyclone, Wayne Co., born Lawrence Co.

BECKHAM, Neal, 5 Mar., 1912, M-W, 39 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

CRONEAN, Annie P., Oct., 1911, F-W, 3 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

DOWNING, Lizzie, 21 Oct., 1911, F-W, 32 years, married, died Martins Mills Wayne Co., born Wayne Co.

GREESON, H. C., 19 May, 1912, M-W, 72 years, married, died Lutts, Wayne Co., born Wayne Co.

MELSON, Veda, 30 Sep., 1911, F-W, 7 months, died Wayne Co. born Martins Mills.

TACKETT, Carman, 8 Apr., 1912, M-W, 6 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BEVIS, Roy, 10 Mar., 1912, M-W, 3 months, born and died Lutts.

CYPERT, Sallie, 27 Nov., 1911, F-W, 53 years, married, died Cypress Inn, born Georgia.

CODY, Virgil Doil, 3 Dec., 1911, M-W, 3 months, born and died Cypress Inn.

DARBY, ____, 1 Feb., 1912, M-W, no age, born and died Cypress Inn.

DARBY, ____, 1 Feb., 1912, M-W, no age, born and died Cypress Inn.

GEAMS, T. H., 22 July, 1911, M-W, 60 years, married, died Gillis Mills, born Lutts.

HOLT, Oscar R., 24 Dec., 1911, M-W, 7 years, born and died Lutts.

HENTON, Caroline, 25 July, 1911, F-W, 53 years, married, died Gillis Mills, born Tenn.

HOLT, Charlie, 11 Dec., 1911, M-W, 1 day, born and died Cypress Inn.

LAWSON, Andrew, 27 July, 1911, M-W, 27 years, married, born and died Cypress Inn.

McFALL, (babe of M. V. McFALL) 4 Mar., 1912, M-W, 5 days, born and died Cypress Inn.

McFALL, (babe of J. D. McFALL) 14 Nov., 1911, M-W, born and died Lutts.

McFALL, Alice, 16 Nov., 1911, F-W, 21 years, married, born and died Lutts.

PATTERSON, George Dewey, 2 Feb., 1912, M-W, 5 years, born and died Lutts.

PATTERSON, Mary A., 5 Apr., 1912, F-W, 70 years, married, born and died Lutts.

PIGG, (Delaware’s baby) 24 Feb., 1912, F-W, born and died Cypress Inn.

RICH, Sarah Jane, 28 Feb., 1912, F-W, 75 years, married, died Cypress Inn born Tennessee.

STOVE, Virgil, 12 Apr., 1912, M-W, 2 days, born and died Cypress Inn.

BOYD, Elihue, 5 Jan., 1912, M-W, 87 years, single, died Lewis Co., born Wayne Co.

FEATHERSTON, ____, 27 Mar., 1912, F-W, no age, born and died Forty-Eight.

GALLAHER, Mary Herman, 23 Dec., 1911, F-W, 1 month, born and died Forty-Eight.

GRINDER, ____, 17 June, 1911, M-W, 4 days, died Topsy, no place of birth.

SPRINKLE, M. C., 25 Jan., 1912, M-W, 69 years, died Topsy, born Maury Co.

WESTBACKER, Ed, 4 Nov., 1911, F-W, 20 months, born and died Topsy.

ARNETT, Earl, 4 Nov., 1911, M-W, 26 years, married, born and died Wayne Co.

BREWER, 9 Sept., 1911, F-W, 71 years, single, born and died Wayne Co.

CLANTON, Oscar, 5 Feb., 1912, M-W, 22 years, single, born and died Wayne Co.

DANIEL, Rosalee, July, 1911, F-W, 50 years, married, born and died Wayne Co.

KELLEY, Early, 5 Dec., 1911, F-W, 4 months, born and died Wayne Co.

MYHAN, Polly Ann, 17 June, 1912, F-W, 55 years, married, born and died Wayne Co.

OLIVE, Jim, 10 July, 1911, M-W, 32 years, married, born and died Wayne Co. [killed]

SMITH, Clara, Feb., 1912, F-W, 4 months, born and died Wayne Co.

WALLIS, Larimore, 16 Apr., 1912, M-W, 30 years, married, died Lawrence Co., born Wayne Co.

WILLIAMS, Nancy, Aug., 1911, F-W, 18 years, married, born and died Wayne Co.

BLASSINGIM, Bertha, 16 Mar., 1912, F-W, 5 weeks, born and died Wayne Co.

BREWER, John, 10 Feb., 1912, M-W, 83 years, married, born and died Wayne Co.

BREWER, Flora, 3 Sep., 1911, F-W, 2 years, born and died Wayne Co.

CANNON, Isabelle, 18 Nov., 1911, F-W, 70 years, married, died Wayne Co., born Bedford Co.

GRIGGS, Judie, no date of death, F-W, 68 years, married, born and died Wayne Co.

GRIGGS, Granny, 10 Sep., 1911, F-W, 76 years, married, died Wayne Co., place of birth not known.

GRIGGS, Mrs. W. M., 26 July, 1911, F-W, 42 years, married, died Wayne Co., born Alabama.

HOLLIS, ____, 22 Oct., 1911, M-W, 3 weeks, born and died Wayne Co.

HOLLIS, Rady, 11 Nov., 1911, F-W, 47 years, born and died Wayne Co.

HOLLIS, Nannie, 27 June, 1912, F-W, 26 years, married, born and died Wayne Co.

HOLLIS, Lula B., 17 Nov., 1911, F-W, 3 years, born and died Wayne Co.

McGEE, Harriet, 4 Oct., 1911, F-W, 48 years, married, died Wayne Co., born Lawrence Co.

NELSON, Ruby, 10 Mar., 1912, F-W, 6 months, born and died Wayne Co.

POAG, James S., 12 Apr., 1912, M-W, 77 years, married, died Wayne Co., place of birth not shown.

POAG, Laura, 18 Aug., 1912, F-W, 65 years, married, died Wayne Co., born Houston Co.

ROBNETT, Nora, 8 June, 1912, F-W, 34 years, single, born and died Wayne Co.

SHAN, ____, 14 Apr., 1912, F-W, 4 weeks, born and died Wayne Co.

SCOTT, Jim, 9 Mar., 1912, M-W, 18 years, born and died Wayne Co.


Jackson, Lester Oliver

JACKSON, Lester Oliver, serial number 2873278, born 24 March 1896, served in World War One in the U.S. Army as a Private in Company M, 4th Regt. and was honorably discharged 28 Dec 1918, at Camp Gordon, GA. His discharge paLester Oliver Jacksonpers list him as 5 feet 7½ inches, blue eyes, brown hair, dark complexion. Lester married Gertie May STAGGS on 7 April 1918 in Wayne County, Tennessee. Gertie May STAGGS was the daughter of Matthew Hiram STAGGS and Nancy Elizabeth STAGGS. Matthew Hiram STAGGS was born in 1876, the son of Gideon L. STAGGS and Nancy R. E. MURPHY. Matthew married Nancy Elizabeth on 13 May 1901 and he was struck by lightning and died a short time after on 8 Aug 1910. He is buried in Rich STAGGS Grass Lot Cemetery. He and his wife Nancy Elizabeth STAGGS had four children, Gertie May, born 15 Sep 1902, Coleman, born 1903, d. 1903; Delcie, born 1906, died 19 Oct 1908; and Pearl, born 1 March 1910. Nancy Elizabeth STAGGS was the daughter of Henry L. STAGGS and Emmaline BREWER.

Lester Oliver JACKSON and Gertie May STAGGS had the following children: Esther Earline JACKSON, b. 13 Nov 1919, married Grady Willard BREWER 29 June 1939; Nona Monie JACKSON, b. 21 Feb 1922, married John C. BREWER 10 Aug 1940; Betty Carlie JACKSON, b. 7 Aug 1924, married Elmer Levoy BLAIR 20 Sep 1942; Chester Alvin JACKSON, b. 27 March 1927, married Pamela CAMERON 10 Nov 1952; Ima Doris JACKSON, b. 22 March 1930, married Robbie FRAZIER 27 April 1946, Robbie died later and Ima married 2) Rolland Hugh COFFEY, Jr., on 4 Nov 1969; Delcie Ann JACKSON, b. 12 July 1933, married Donald McKINNEY 15 Sep 1953; Velcie Jane JACKSON, b. 12 July 1933, d. 24 Dec 1933; Junior Landon JACKSON, b. 16 Sep 1936, married Betty May ODLE, 18 May 1963; Leggy Lucille JACKSON, b. 28 Feb 1939, married Willard McWilliams 23 Sep 1961, d. 16 Jan 1993; Vivian Douglas Franklin JACKSON, b. 13 April 1941, married Patrica Odle DICKEY 25 March 1967, d. 16 July 1976; Dinah Lynn JACKSON, b. 27 Aug 1946, married Jack VANDYGRIFF, 11 Jan 1965.

Lester Oliver JACKSON, died 16 Sep 1979 in Nashville, Tennessee and is buried next to his wife, Gertie, in the Walnut Grove Cemetery, Wayne County, Tennessee.

Lester Oliver JACKSON was the son of William James “Boise” JACKSON and Mandy Jane HUNT. He was the grandson of William J. JACKSON [whose photograph in Confederate uniform appears on the front cover of this issue – editor] and Jane SURRATT. Lester was the great-grandson of Andrew JACKSON and Frances STAGGS. Submitted by Garry BREWER, P.O. Box 2025, Grand Junction, CO. 81502.

[Another biography of Lester Oliver JACKSON was also submitted and is published below.]

JACKSON, Lester O. born 24 March 1896, d. 16 Sep 1978, son of William James “Boice” JACKSON and Manda Jane HUNT. Siblings were Loveck Meredith JACKSON, died at age 17; Sallie Jane JACKSON married Hasen BREWER; William Andrew “Bill” JACKSON, married Ethel YORK; Lillian JACKSON, died when a baby; Hershall May JACKSON, married Gracie BRYANT; Ruschell Clay JACKSON (twin to Hershall May) , married Mary HASKIN; Zula Ann JACKSON, married Clifford MARTIN; Albert TAYLOR JACKSON, married Susie SKELTON. Lester O. JACKSON was the fifth child of ten born to “Boice” and “Mandy” JACKSON. He was raised in Wayne County, Tennessee in the Mt. Hope Community.

Lester JACKSON was married to Gertie Mae STAGGS daughter of Matthew and Lizzie STAGGS STAGGS on 7 April 1918 at Allens Creek. They had eleven children. They lived at Allens Creek, Dog Creek and at Wrigley, Tennessee where he worked at the Furnace. He worked at the Iron Ore Factory at Allens Creek. All this was during the first few years of raising their family. Later on they lived at Mt. Hope on Green River near Waynesboro. They made two trips to California in the ’50’s and worked several years on several chicken ranches, later returning to Tennessee to live in the Topsy Community for a while and finally settling back down at Mt. Hope. There they finished raising their younger children. They attended the Mt. Hope Methodist Church and were baptized in the early 1960’s by Bro. LANCASTER at the Mt. Hope bridge and became members of the Mt. Hope Methodist Church. They loved their family and their friends and neighbors. They loved to make a garden and share with them. Lester O. was a person who loved to hunt, trap, fish and farm. His favorite was groundhog hunting. He had great respect for the leaders of our country. He always kept up with current world affairs and the American Legion. He loved our flag and what it stood for. He loved his fellow man, his family. He was a good man.

Jackson, David S.

David S. Jackson is a Wayne County Tennessean, born in 1847, son of John and Susan (Skillern) Jackson, both of whom were natives of Tennessee. John Jackson was a tiller of the soil, and for two terms served as county trustee, holding minor offices in the county also. He was a successful stock trader, and has always been a stanch Democrat. He and Mrs. Jackson are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. David S. resided with his parents until twenty-five years of age, when he married and began carving out his own fortune on the farm of 152 acres where he now lives, the principal productions of which are corn, grass and stock. In September, 1864, he enlisted in the Ninth Tennessee Cavalry, Confederate States Army, under Col. Biffle, and served until Hood’s raid into Tennessee, when ha was captured, while on a visit home, and retained at Nashville about fifteen days. He took the oath of allegiance and was allowed to return home. He participated in all the battles fought during Hood’s raid, the principal being at Franklin. He belongs to the Democratic party, and is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Mahala R. Merriman, daughter of Eli and Rachel Merriman, became his wife December 24, 1875. She was born in 1848.

Jackson, John

John Jackson is a son of John and Polly (Walker) Jackson, and was born in Tennessee in 1821. He assisted in tilling his father’s farm until twenty-four years of age, when he married, in 1845, Susan T. Skillern, and began doing for himself. Mrs. Jackson was born in Tennessee in 1822, daughter of Anderson and Polly (Spring) Skillern, and is the mother of eight children: David S., John A., Mary E., William J., Sarah C., George W., and two infants, deceased. Mr. Jackson has lived in his present neighborhood all his life, and is an honorable and prosperous citizen. His farm consists of about 420 acres of land in good state of cultivation, the principal products being corn, small grain, clover and stock. Mr. Jackson has served as county trustee one term, and as constable and justice of the peace many years. His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and he is a Mason and Democrat. His father and mother were natives of North Carolina, and Tennessee respectively. The former was a farmer and was with Jackson in the Creek war, and was a Whig in politics. His wife died in 1822, and he took for his second wife Polly Adams. He moved to Wayne County in 1822, and here died in 1855. His second wife died in 1866.

Zion Cemetery

Location: Leave Highway 64 East at Memory gardens via Natural Bridge Road to 48 Bridge thence to Zion via Kelly Chappel.

Biffel, Anioa, 26 Jun 1880-24 May 1882                                                                                     Biffle, Mary C. 1858-1916                                                                                                      Biffle J. Frank 1849-1913                                                                                                             Biffle John W. 25 Jan 1885-28 Jul 1901                                                                                     Biffle, Will E. 20 Oct 1886-9 Aug 1887                                                                                   Biffle, Mattie 3 Oct 1879-6 Feb 1884                                                                                    Biffle, Nathan M. 1832- 13 Aug 1837                                                                                   Biffle, Nathan 16 May 1792-3 May 1853                                                                               Biffle, Ursula 14 Apr 1795-25 Feb 1857                                                                                Biffle, Margaret Caroline died 25 Oct 1841                                                                         Biffle, Infant child of J. I. and M. Biffle                                                                                Biffle, Mary Jane age 9y, 4m, 10d                                                                                         Biffle, Jonathan 10 Dec 1815-1838                                                                                           Blundell, Mary 26 Jul 1848-31 Oct 1841                                                                          Cunningham, Walker May 31 Mar 1885-7 Aug 1886                                                             Cothran, Mary E. 13 May 1851-29 Mar 1898                                                                      Craig, Tommie 27 Feb 1887-27 Oct 1888                                                                             Craig, S. E. 1846-1881, Confederate                                                                                       Craig, Mary 17 Mar 1872-19 Apr 1889                                                                                     Craig, Diana 2 Feb 1812-20 Oct 1884                                                                                        Craig, John 21 Jun 1799-2 Jan 1877                                                                                             Craig, Alva May 17 Feb 1875-                                                                                               Craig, Laura W. 21 Jun 1852-12 Mar 1877                                                                               Craig, Martha Anne 17 Apr 1841-28 Oct 1871                                                                 Clendenin, Bernice 12 Oct 1901-9 Oct 1902                                                                     Clendenin, Alice M. 25 Apr 1878-1 Dec 1881                                                                       Clendenin, Edward 8 Aug 1860-21 May 1878                                                                    Clendenin, Elizabeth 13 Apr 1833-25 Oct 1867                                                                   Clendenin, Joseph A. 27 Jan 1831-2 Jul 1883, Confederate                                              Clendenin, James D. 31 Aug 1868-16 Feb 1889                                                                Clendenin, Sallie Hall 21 Oct 1844-22 May 1931                                                        Clendenin, Brown Hall Jr. 8 Mar 1914-23 Aug 1916                                                   Clendenin, Brown Hall Sr. 17 Sep 1874-20 Jan 1915                                                           Davis, Infant 13 Apr 1885-18 Apr 1885, son of W. J. and J. J.                                                   Flippo, Ruth Harris 1894-1931                                                                                                 Graham, John M. 26 Aug 1887-30 Sep 1907                                                                           Graham, M. Lula 17 Aug 1870-16 Oct 1900                                                                     Grimes, W. E. 1864-1937                                                                                                                 Harris, L. B. 23 Sep 1875-21 Aug 1906                                                                              Harris, Margaret 6 Sep 1836-6 Jul 1904, wife of W. H.                                                        Harris, Susan, no date                                                                                                            Harris, W. F., no date                                                                                                                  Harris, Calvin 1869-1942                                                                                                     Harris, Rose 7 Feb 1880-12 Dec 1933                                                                                       Harris, infant 8 Nov 1910, daughter of C. M. and Rosa                                                               Harris, Alvis G. 16 Oct 1915-8 Nov 1921                                                                           Harris, Fred 30 Sep 1898-October 1928                                                                             Harris, Watt 1908-1959                                                                                                       Harris, Claudia Lee 2 Sep 1901-21 Sep 1903                                                                           Harris, Grace 1914                                                                                                                 Harbison, Dorcas Ann 18 Jun 1851-10 Mar 1863                                                                 Harbison, B. K. 17 Oct 1842-7 Apr 1862                                                                             Harbison, W. J. 15 Dec 1832-24 Apr 1863                                                                              Harbison, Sarah J. 12 Oct 1811-18 Oct 1872                                                                   Jackson, Frank Boyd 19 Aug 1887-23 Nov 1904                                                                  Jackson, Luvenia Alice 22 Nov 1854-8 Jan 1886                                                                          Kuten, John K. 20 Feb 1845-22 Aug 1917, Confederate                                                   McClain, Cecil, no dates                                                                                                   McClain, Nina, no dates                                                                                                       McClain, C. P., no dates                                                                                                        McClain, Willard, no dates                                                                                               McCallen, John 1874-19 Jan 1941                                                                                     Mitchell, Mary 11 Feb 1818-5 Feb 1900                                                                          Mitchell, Samuel G. 8 May 1808-16 May 1852                                                                        Staggs, Patsey J. 1 Mar 1871-19 Mar 1894                                                                                Smith, Jessie 12 Nov 1885-15 Sep 1886                                                                            Skillern, A. M. 17 Jul 1819-21 Jan 1889                                                                            Skillern, E. A. 7 Jan 1931-23 Sep 1886, wife of D. S.                                                        Skillern, Davis S. 20 Aug 1824-15 Dec 1904                                                                   Stockard, Samuel 26 May 1852-6 Jul 1869                                                                    Stockard, Maggie 7 Jun 1795-24 Feb 1878                                                                    Whitehead, J. H. 24 Dec 1859-10 Apr 1936                                                                Whitehead, Laura E. 20 Apr 1866-12 Dec 1942                                                         Whitehead, Norman 24 Aug 1908-14 Oct 1908                                                                Whitehead, Hazel 1 Nov 1897-7 Nov 1897                                                                         Whitehead, Silas 20 Jul 1871-24 Dec 1936                                                                        Walker, Ellen 9 Jun 1841-5 Sep 1887                                                                                         Walker, Infant 3 Mar 1900, son of J. F. and E. Walker                                                       Walker, W. B. 22 Feb 1789-19 Apr 1878                                                                             Walker, Anna Scott 8 Mar 1794-28 Jun 1874                                                                            Walker, Adeline J. 18 Jun 1848-24 Aug 1862                                                                               Walker, infant 11 Sep 1777, son of J. A. and E. E.                                                                 Walker, Annie K. 26 Sep 1878-11 Sep 1879                                                                       Walker, Burrell 18 Jul 1814-6 Mar 1852                                                                                 Walker, E. A. 10 Dec 1827-14 Jul 1885                                                                            Warfield, Elizabeth 11 Sep 1831-1 Sep 1851                                                                           Warfield, Mary 18 Feb 1829-23 Apr 1850

Wayne County Memorial Gardens- Collinwood

The Wayne County Memorial Gardens are located south of Collinwood, Tennessee adjacent to the Shackleford Funeral Home. This cemetery has flat markers at all grave sites. The layout below will assist the person or persons searching for the final resting place of a relative. The entire cemetery is enumerated row by row and is done by section. There are five sections designated by letter. Each section was enumerated starting at the northwest corner of section.

Enumerated by David & Martha Montgomery.

Section A

Row 1 North to South
Langford, Reva May (Clardy); b. 01 May 1904, d. 02 Dec 1993, m: 17 Jan 1934
Langford, Raymond M.; b. 29 Mar 1913, d. Jul 1993, husband of Reva May
Langford, Bess (Morrow); b. 1903, d. 1990
Langford, James M.; b. 10 Jul 1905, d. Jan 1982
Rumbaugh, Wilton G.; b. 27 Jan 1931, d. Jun 1979
Rumbaugh, John C.; b. 01 Jan 1928, d. 24 Jun 1998
Rumbaugh, Dennis N.; b. 24 Sep 1953, d. 28 Jan 2011, husband of Pamela (Jones), m: 05 Feb 1972 
Jones, Donald E.; b. 12 May 1961, d. 22 Jun 1985
Row 2 South to North
Rowden, Elizabeth; b. 08 Jun 1911, d. 11 Jun 2005
Rowden, Fred Herbert Jr.; b. 28 Feb 1928, d. 13 Jun 2002, husband of Betty Lou
Rowden, Betty Lou; b. 16 Aug 1929, only date
Daniel, Floyd Calvin; b. 31 Aug 1915, d. 24 Mar 2001, Tec5 US Army WWII
Daniel, Vera (Brewer); b. 16 May 1917, 28 Jul 2006, wife of Floyd Calvin, m: 24 Dec 1934
Pigg, Johnny K.; b. 21 May 1951, d. 16 Mar 1999
Pigg, M. P.; b. 11 Oct 1958, d. Feb 1999
Daniel, J. R.; b. 05 Jan 1935, d. 08 Jan 1993, Pvt. US Army
Daniel, Frances; b. 1935, only date
Daniel, Donald F.; b. 16 Sep 1942, d. 10 Oct 1975
Daniel, Marvin; b. 1918, d. 1989
Daniel, Gertie; b. 24 Sep 1914, d. 09 Apr 1992
Daniel, Gerline B.; b. 1938, only date
Row 3 North South
Daniel, William Bill; b. 03 Sep 1927, d. 17 Dec 1991
Daniel, Naomi; b. 1927, only date
Daniel, Howard T.; b. 21 Jul 1920, d. 24 Apr 1974, Pvt. US Army WWII
Holland, Ethel W. Blalock; 15 Nov 1908, d. 24 Jun 1993
Holland, Andrew Abel; b. 15 Mar 1911, d. 07 Oct 1992, Cpl. US Army Corps WWII
Daniel, Thelma R.; b. 1934, only date
Daniel, Glen E.; b. 06 May 1933, d. 15 Nov 1994
Daniel, Randell D.; b. 27 Jan 1955, d. Feb 1977
Daniel, Timothy Kim (Ears); b. 1960, d. 21 Jul 1993
Daniel, Annie E.; b. 09 Jul 1914, d. 04 Dec 1997
Daniel, Grayford T.; b. 09 Sep 1910, d. 14 Jul 1983, S2 US NavyWWII
Daniel, Michael Glen; b. 11 Mar 1957, d. 02 Feb 2004
Horton, Virgie J.; b. 13 Nov 1907, d. Jan 1979
Horton, Roy L.; b. 18 May 1903, d. Sep 1981
Wilson, Evelyn (Horton); b. 26 May 1933, d. 01 Nov 2011, wife of Edward Boone, m: 28 Apr 1950
Dyer, Christine (Wilson); b. 23 Sep 1926, only date
Inman, James L. Jim; 02 Oct 1945, son of Christine (Wilson) Dyer  
Dyer, H. Lorne M.D.; b. 29 Apr 1925, d. 07 Jun 1989
Inman, Morris R.; b. 31 Jan 1948, d. 30 Jul 1981, son of Christine (Wilson) Dyer
Pigg, Bessie Naomi; b. 1927, only date
Pigg, Walter W. Jr.; b. 1925, only date
Wilson, Bessie L.; b. 22 Dec 1911, d. 03 Jun 1988
Wilson, Clifford H.; b. 07 Jun 1906, d. Aug 1978
Wilson, Dorothy Edna; 1933, only date
Wilson, James Orville; b. 29 Dec 1927, d. 22 Jul 2011, husband of Dorothy Edna, m: 03 Jan 1950
Wilson, Ada Belle; b. 08 Jan 1900, d. Dec 1973
Wilson, James A.; b. 07 Jan 1900, d. Sep 1977
Powell, L Corene; b. 15 Feb 1924, d. 17 Jan 2008, wife of Charles
Row 4 South-North
Brown, Earlie Bill; b. 22 Jan 1908, d. 17 Nov 2001
Brown, Elsie A.; b. 11 Dec 1918, d. 25 Nov 2002
Brown, Jerry Mack Kooney Mack; b. 07 Apr 1954, d. 05 Feb 2007
Brown, E. Rodney; b. 30 Apr 1950, d. 15 Mar 1995
Greeson, Ada (Martin) Scottie; b. 22 Jun 1918, d. 27 Oct 1999
Wilson, Phillip H.; b. 25 Sep 1931, d. 24 Jul 1988
Wilson, Iva Billie; 1933, only date
Harper, J. Granville; b. 1906, d. 1988
Harper, Bertie R. (Lakey); b. 1916, d. 2001
Horton, Wayne E.; b. 07 Sep 1906, d. 10 Mar 1983, Pfc. US Army WWII
Lester, Skye Whitney; b. 28 Jun 1988, d. 04 Mar 2014
Inman, Nicholas Shane; b. 25 Feb 1979, d. 20 May 1997
Roberson, Coleman; b. 10 Nov 1907, d. 29 Aug 1992
Roberson, Eva E.; 1923, only date
Roberson, John Thomas; b. 24 Mar 1948, d. 24 Mar 1948
Gilchrist, Lelamae; b. 08 Dec 1917, d. 19 Aug 2008
Bevis, Lora (Gillis); b. 29 Sep 1913, d. 25 Mar 2009
Row 5 North-South
Horton, James Roy J. R.; b. 22 Sep 1926, d. 25 Oct 2009, husband of Genevie (Rich)
Horton, Genevie (Rich); b. 25 Apr 1930, only date, wife of James Roy, m: 25 Dec 1948
Rich, Dola S.; 1919, only date
Rich, Granville D.; b. 16 Dec 1917, d. Sep 1978
Holt, Samuel D.; b. 21 Nov 1959, d. 18 Apr 2011
Holt, Betty R.; 1940, only date
Holt, Samuel C.; b. 1936, d. 2002 
Staggs, Peggy; 1957, only date
Staggs, Guenn Orman; b. 06 Jun 1950, d. 29 Mar 2002, US Army Vietnam
Skillern, Waymon L.; b. 08 Jun 1907, d. 11 Aug 1991
Skillern, Will Roy; b. 22 May 1908, d. Nov 1971
Skillern, Thomas Lawson; b. 28 May 1935, d. 18 Mar 1999, son of Roy & Waymon
Stults, E. Irene; 1929, only date
Stults, Ray Alton; b. 17 Jun 1923, d. 17 Mar 1987, Cpl. US Marine Corps WWII
Hood, Johnny H. III; b. 01 Jul 1938, d. 18 Aug 1974
Fraley, Dale; 1949, only date, wife of Jimmy, m: 21 Jun 1974
Fraley, Jimmy; b. 18 Jun 1945, d. 16 Mar 1995
Fraley, Lorene; b. 26 Nov 1911, d. 08 Jun 1998
Fraley, Buck; b. 23 Nov 1903, d. May 1981
Copeland, Melba D.; 02 Aug 1940, only date
Copeland, Aaron Wayne; b. 03 Dec 1933, d. 03 Sep 1989, Sp4 US Army Korea
Tank, Mary Lynn; b. 27 Sep 1964, d. 21 May 1990
White, Sharon; b. 1948, d. 2010
Moore, Betty (Bell); b. 02 Dec 1935, d. 22 Mar 1995
Moore, Gerald K.; b. 26 Jul 1934, d. 04 Jul 2008, husband of 1st Betty (Bell), 2nd Martha (Abernathy), Gerald was cremated
Row 6 South-North
Tank, Jessica Lynn; b. 19 Apr 1991, d. 23 Apr 1991
Fraley, Darryl M.; b. 21 May 1967, d. 10 Jul 2008
Harper, Everett Sanford; b. 01 Mar 1922, d. 01 Sep 1993, Pfc. US Army WWII
Harper, Nola B.; b. 01 Feb 1919, d. 07 Jun 2007, wife of Everett
Benedict, Ora; b. 24 Mar 1912, d. 22 Jul 2001
Brown, Letha J.; 1927, only date
Brown, Edward; b. 1924, d. 1984
Brown, Clice; b. 15 Dec 1909, d. Mar 1981
Brown, Mary L.; 1924, only date
Devers, Linda (Broussard); b. 15 Sep 1948, d. 06 Jun 2010, wife of Phillip Ronald Sr. 
Long, Aileen Devers; b. 07 Jul 1918, d. 30 Mar 1991
Lawson, Martin; b. 1910, d. 1971
Weaver, Floyd E.; b. 05 Sep 1913, d. Oct 1983
Weaver, Reba M.; b. 06 Nov 1916, d. 08 Dec 1998
Staggs, Newton (Mann); b. 09 Dec 1935, d. 23 Dec 1991
Staggs, Mattie Ruth; 1939, only date
Rich, John L.; b. 29 Apr 1892, d. May 1980
Rich, Winnie W.; b. 05 Dec 1898, d. Sep 1987
Rich, Gaynes T.; 11 Feb 1919, d. Aug 1989
Rich, Clora Belle; b. 10 Oct 1920, d. 26 Dec 2007
Rich, Gaynes Hardy Shorty; b. 05 Nov 1942, d. 09 Jul 2006, husband of Clora Belle
Row 7 North-South
Watkins, Lois E.; b. 08 Jun 1928, d. 16 Dec 2008, wife of James W.
Watkins, James W.; b. 22 Aug 1929, d. 22 Jul 2008
Martin, Eula E.; b. 18 Dec 1911, d. May 1986
Martin, Coleman F.; b. 07 Nov 1901, d. 09 Jan 1998
McNutt, Iva J.; 1940, only date
McNutt, Thomas A.; b. 05 Jan 1942, d. 28 Jan 2001
Bailey, Beatrice; b. 1928, only date
Bailey, Emerald; b. 1926, only date
Martin, Madgie; b. 1903, d. 1992
Martin, Willie; b. 10 Feb 1898, d. Dec 1974
Dickey, Don Allen; b. 14 Apr 1946, d. 01 Mar 1989, GMGSN US Navy Vietnam
Dickey, Sarah E.; b. 12 May 1920, d. 27 Oct 1995, wife of Lige
Dickey, Lige A.; b. 20 Feb 1913, d. 05 May 1996
Linville, Mary L.; 1926, only date
Linville, Louis Pleas; b. 29 Jul 1909, d. 04 Sep 1997, Pvt. US Army
Jackson, Ethel; b. 12 Mar 1908, d. Jan 1992
Jackson, Clifford; b. 08 Jul 1902, d. Jul 1992
Whitehead, James Tommy; b. 01 Jun 1957, d. 25 Jul 1977
Whitehead, Lisa Renee; b. 03 Oct 1962, d. 12 Oct 2007
Whitehead, Charles Thomas; b. 23 Dec 1945, d. 21 Mar 2014, husband of  Lila Lee Martin
Wilder, Cora S.; b. 06 Apr 1938, d. 04 Jan 2011
Wilder, Jessie J.; b. 02 Apr 1937, d. Jul 1981
Risner, Asberry J.; b. 18 Aug 1919, d. 03 Jul 2003
Risner, Mary J. (Crowell); b. 01 Jul 1918, d. 10 Jul 2010 
Row 8 South-North
Stults, E. Andy; b. 1911, d. 1979
Stults, Hazel Martin; b. 1916, d. 1999
Robertson, Willie L.; b. 22 Apr 1894, d. Nov 1970
Bratcher, Dick; b. 1892, d. 1972
Bratcher, Clarissa L.; b. 01 Jul 1905, d. 23 Feb 2001
Bailey, Nita (Dickey); b. 08 May 1932, d. 21 Dec 2007, wife of Roy Gene
Bailey, Joe Buddy; b. 21 Nov 1908, d. 19 Sep 1996
Bailey, Ollie M.; b. 07 Dec 1906, d. 10 Feb 2004 
Rich, Kent Shane; b. 29 May 1963, d. 21 Jul 1985
Row 9 North-South
Hanback, Marie (Stooksberry); b. 15 Dec 1937, d. 08 Oct 2011, wife of 1st, Donald Earl Hanback, 2nd, James H. Weaver
Hanback, Donald Earl; b. 21 Jul 1938, d. May 1970
Hanback, Beulah; b. 17 Oct 1909, d. 27 Dec 1992
Hanback, Elvie F.; b. 08 Apr 1912, d. Jan 1985
Pigg, Sherry L.; b. 24 Sep 1959, d. 18 Feb 2005
Pigg, Travis H.; 1954, only date, US Army
Pigg, Clara Nell; 1927, only date
Pigg, Marshall; b. 29 Aug 1922, d. 07 Aug 1981, Pfc. US Army WWII
Berry, J. Gladys; b. 1917, d. 1995
Berry, James W.; b. 28 Mar 1919, d. 19 Nov 1985, Tec5 US Army WWII
Moore, Garnet G.; b. 21 Feb 1918, d. Feb 1987
Moore, Sue (Gobble); 1920, only date
Row 10 South-North
Bevis, Wilburn Lee; b. 17 Apr 1914, d. 20 Dec 1988
Bevis, Gladys (Dodd); 1921, only date
Gillis, William L.; b. 1947, d. 1971
Gillis, J. Lawton; b. 1921, d. 1983
Smith, Jan Gary; 01 Aug 1943, only date
Smith, Peggy Sue; b. 16 Sep 1948, d. 27 May 1999
Holt, Alvin L.; 1918, only date
Gilchrist, Vernon H. Gilly; 10 Sep 1928, d. 06 Nov 2006, husband of Willa Mae (Brewer)
Gilchrist, Willa Mae; b. 09 Feb 1934, d. 01 Oct 2005
Gilchrist, Kenneth H.; b. 30 Oct 1952, d. 02 Apr 2005
Gilchrist, Tammy D.; b. 1971, d. 1971
Brewer, Coy H.; b. 06 Jan 1911, d. Apr 1973
Brewer, Bertie A.; b. 1915, d. 2001
Stooksberry, Tamara (Fielder); b. 18 Aug 1967, d. 27 Mar 2011, wife of Steve
Stooksberry, Crystal (Morris); b. 22 Oct 1937, only date
Stooksberry, J. W.; b. 20 Feb 1936, d. 20 Aug 2005
Stooksberry, W. Herman; b. 23 Oct 1902, d. May 1986
Stooksberry, Bessie E.; b. 18 Sep 1914, d. Feb 1983
Row 11 North-South
Melson, Maye; b. 26 May 1905, d. 08 May 1992
Melson, Maynard; b. 30 Jun 1905, d. May 1971
Melson, Bobby H.; b. 18 June 1936, d. 22 Dec 1975
Risner, Hazel D.; 23 Jul 1929, only date
Risner, J. P.; b. 12 July 1922, d. 28 Mar 1983
Risner, Jason Patrick; b. 05 Mar 1977, d. 06 Aug 2001
Hensley, Jennie; b. 1909, d. 1991
Hensley, Clifford C.; b. 1912, d. 1974
Hinton, Rachel D.; 1940, only date
Hinton, Floyd Ray; b. 19 Dec 1930, d. 14 Aug 1981, Pvt. US Army Korea
Smith, Betty J.; 1931, only date, wife of Melvin, m: 15 Mar 1950
Smith, Melvin D.; b. 30 Dec 1931, d. 01 Feb 1996
Martin, Deloris E.; 1934, only date
Martin, Luther Carlton; b. 06 Jul 1928, d. 16 Apr 1992, TSGT US Air Force Korea
Gilchrist, Ima Ruth; b. 18 May 1937, d. 17 Oct 2008
Gilchrist, James; b. 19 Mar 1934, d. Jan 1979
Brewer, Martha; b. 1946, only date, wife of Rufus, m: 28 Mar 1962
Brewer, Rufus; b. 1940, d. 1997
Smith, Penny; b. 05 Aug 1943, d. 10 Oct 2001
Smith, Buck; b. 07 Jul 1941, d. 16 Apr 2010, husband of Penny (Brewer)
Row 12 South-North
Harper, Eula B.; b. 1918, d. 1972
Dodd, Charles Michael; b. 24 Feb 1958, d. 01 Dec 2007, son of Charles & Nancy (Hollis)
Harper, Lonzo; b. 1903, d. 1981
Harper, Opal; 10 Feb 1905, d. Apr 1986
Martin, Taylor Jr.; b. 20 Jan 1926, d. 08 Apr 2002, S2 US Navy WWII
Martin, Sarah F. (Frances); b. 29 Jan 1924, d. 27 Mar 2004, wife of Taylor Jr., m: 01 May 1943
Roberts, James P.; b. 06 Sep 1912, d. Jun 1978
Roberts, Pauline; b. 30 May 1914, d. 28 Jul 2000
Craig, Emma Jo; b. 1932, d. 1991
Burns, Hubert; b. 25 Jul 1908, d. 06 May 1988
Burns, Sue; b. 06 Aug 1908, d. 10 Dec 1991
Row 13 North-South
Montgomery, Margaret Adene; b. 1927, only date
Montgomery, Ermen L.; b. 28 Jan 1923, d. 23 Jan 1984
Montgomery, Bertha E. (Creasy); b. 14 May 1895, d. 16 Jul 1986, wife of Lemuel Gideon
Montgomery, Lemuel Gideon; b. 02 Mar 1890, d. 06 Feb 1976
Gean, Opal (Montgomery); b. 26 Mar 1932, d. 24 Oct 2006, wife of Aaron
Daniel, Betty Sue; 17 Mar 1946, only date
Daniel, Ronald F.; b. 25 Jan 1943, d. 05 Dec 1985
Southerland, Ruby; b. 1925, only date
Southerland, Olen Eugene; b. 01 Jan 1923, d. 26 Apr 1978, Tec4 US Army WWII
Butler, Lina F.; b. 17 Mar 1928, d. 29 Feb 1992
Butler, Edward Earl; b. 06 Oct 1925, d. 03 Jan 2001, S1 US Navy WWII
Dodd, Mary E. (Morgan); b. 10 Apr 1905, d. 10 May 1990
Dodd, Charles Leroy; b. 26 Aug 1932, d. 27 Jan 1979
Dodd, Nancy Josephine (Hollis); b. 17 Mar 1937, d. 28 May 2007, wife of Charles LeRoy
Row 14 South-North
Dodson, Michael Van; b. 08 Mar 1955, d. 18 Feb 2004
Dodson, Lois Rochell; b. 24 Sep 1933, only date, wife of Amuel Buren, m: 04 Jul 1951
Dodson, Amuel Buren; b. 10 Mar 1932, d. 30 Oct 2010, husband of Lois (Rochell)
Thompson, William Robert Sr. Rod; b. 14 Jan 1936, d. 03 Jun 2009, husband of Peggy (Prestage)
Thompson, Peggy Ann; b. 09 Jan 1939, only date
Butler, Charles Buster; b. 23 Nov 1921, d. 13 Nov 2001, S. Sgt. US Army WWII, son of Bonnie Thompson
Thompson, Bonnie Annie; b. 1904, d. 1995, mother of Charles Butler
Lakey, William H.; 08 Jan 1913, only date, (Bill Lakey, Cahaba Temple)
Lakey, Joe E.; b. 06 Feb 1922, d. 04 Feb 2002, SC3 US Navy WWII
Brown, Alice (Gallaher); b. 30 Apr 1920, d. 15 Aug 2007
Thrasher, Bobby; b. 30 Apr 1935, d. 10 Dec 2002
Thrasher, Virginia; 20 May 1938
Melson, Rudolph A.; 08 Jun 1913, d. 06 Jun 1988, Cpl. US Army WWII
Melson, Alma Gallaher; b. 1913, d. 2004
Cantrell, Harold B.; b. 18 Dec 1901, d. Sep 1970
Cantrell, Rose T.; b. 29 Nov 1902, d. Jul 1992
Row 15 North-South
Thrasher, Florence A.; b. 01 Aug 1912, d. 08 Jun 2007, wife of Rufus C.
Thrasher, Rufus C.; b. 12 May 1909, d. Dec 1983
Blalock, Lavelle (Haddock); b. 01 Dec 1925, d. 25 Dec 2009, (cremated)
Daniel, Bobbie L. (Brison); b. 31 May 1926, d. 15 Jan 2011 
Daniel, Jeffie C.; b. 17 Mar 1926, d. 12 Aug 2008
Conway, Edward Edd; b. 28 Jul 1940, d. 31 Oct 2003
Moore, Juanell; b. 06 Mar 1933, only date
Moore, H. Everette; b. 15 Apr 1929, d. 08 Apr 2007, husband of Juanell (Christian), Pfc US Marine Corps 
McWilliams, Jeffrey K. Coach Mac; b. 27 Feb 1947, d. 25 Jun 2001
McWilliams, Mary L.; b. 15 Sep 1920, d. 16 Jun 2006, wife of John Quentin, m: 25 Sep 1941
McWilliams, John Q.; b. 06 Apr 1918, d. 20 Mar 2006
Daniel, Margaret B.; b. 05 Feb 1937, only date, wife of Floyd C., m: 13 Apr 1956
Daniel, Floyd C. Neal; b. 21 Mar 1933, d. 06 Aug 2002, A1C US Air Force Korea
Johnson, M. Hoyte; b. 22 Jul 1913, d. 30 Jan 2002
Johnson, Fleeta C.; b. 07 May 1913, d. 04 Mar 1999
Lay, Judy Hoyte (Johnson); b. 06 May 1947, d. Aug 1989
Row 16 South-North
Henry, James D.; b. 1905, d. 1983
Henry, Mary E.; b. 1908, d. 1992
Thompson, William R. Jr. Rod; b. 21 Mar 1968, d. 01 Dec 2010
Martin, David Henry; b. 1946, d. 17 Jun 2014, husband of Linda (Ford) (Dunnivant)
Martin, Linda O.; b. 1945, d. 1989
Martin, Aileen B.; b. 05 Nov 1931, d. 11 Mar 2009, sister of David Martin
Plylar, Rebecca J. (Dicus); b. 11 Apr 1942, d. 04 Nov 1988
Conway, Virgil Franklin; b. 17 Jan 1905, d. 10 Nov 1996, Pfc. US Army
Conway, Clara L.; b. 19 Jan 1920, d. 16 Apr 1998
Christian, Harry; b. 1907, d. 1984
Christian, Willie M.; b. 04 Jun 1915, d. 18 Jun 2001
Blalock, James R.; b. 23 Nov 1922, d. 26 Aug 1993
Blalock, Mary Eva; 1932, only date
Lay, John Hall; b. 26 Mar 1907, d. 30 Mar 1982
Lay, B. Juanita; b. 02 Apr 1915, d. 26 Jul 1985
Thrasher, Paul R. Sr.; b. 14 Feb 1932, d. 11 Jun 2010, husband of Faye (Daniel) 
Daniel, Lester; b. 17 Oct 1922, d. 04 Dec 1987
Daniel, Beulah; b. 08 Jan 1925, only date
Row 17 North-South
Smith, Lura B.; b. 1904, d. 1991
Smith, Isaac Burgess; b. 20 Oct 1888, d. 11 Aug 1979
Brewer, Jeremy Lee; b. 04 Jul 1984, d. 10 Mar 2002
Brewer, Karen Ann (Dial); b. 21 May 1960, d. 25 Jun 2010, daughter of Lambert Leeolis & Mary (Reeves)
Holt, Darlene; b. 06 Sep 1961, d. 18 Oct 1981
Farris, Frances (McGee); b. 19 Nov 1920, d. 09 Sep 2006, wife of Joseph Franklin Jr.
Farris, Joseph Franklin Jr.; b. 17 Jul 1919, d. 12 Aug 1988, SC2 US Navy WWII
Garmon, Claudella F.; b. 1942, d. 1997
Lee, Kelsie Rebecca; b. 06 Aug 1992, d. 20 Oct 1992
Daniel, Hoyt Ray; b. 27 Feb 1937, d. 30 Dec 1999, GM3 US Navy
Bryant, Joe William; b. 23 Apr 1919, d. 19 Aug 2011 
Diviney, Amos Franklin; b. 10 Jan 1920, d. 01 Dec 2004, US Army Msgt. US Air Force WWII
Diviney, Bonnie N.; b. 1923, d. 1996
Holt, Evelyn; b. 1918, d. 1997
Holt, Roy L.; b. 1912, d. 1999
Copous, Vivian H.; b. 12 Apr 1922, only date, wife of Warren H., m: 06 Apr 1940
Copous, Warren H.; b. 27 Sep 1920, d. 03 Oct 1997, Tec5 US Army WWII
Row 18 South-North
Murray, Laverne J.; b. 21 May 1927, d. 26 May 1989, Pfc. US Army WWII
Murray, Eva Jean; b. 04 May 1929, d. 18 Nov 2004
Murray, Walter B.; b. 09 Jun 1906, d. Feb 1976
Murray, Grace D.; b. 26 Oct 1908, d. Dec 1973
Sutton, Millard; b. 15 Jul 1909, d. 01 Nov 1996
Sutton, Maulta; b. 1913, only date
Conway, Gene Franklin; b. 23 Oct 1938, d. 10 Apr 2000, 1st Sgt. US Army Vietnam
Kilburn, Tony W. Chipmunk ; b. 26 Aug 1961, d. 19 Oct 1994, husband of Dorothy
Mitchell, Jim Chubby; 31 Jul 1933, only date
Mitchell, Myrtle; b. 28 Mar 1926, d. 27 Nov 2001
Franks, J. C.; b. 26 Jun 1928, d. 24 Nov 2009, husband of Mary (Skaggs)
Franks, Mary (Skaggs); b. 30 May 1934, d. 18 Aug 2007
Posey, Neil Wayne; b. 27 Jul 1934, d. 13 Dec 1986, TM1 US Navy
Posey, Marilyn B.; b. 16 Jan 1931, d. 15 Jan 2001
Roberson, John W.; b. 16 Aug 1891, d. 25 Sep 1980, Pvt. US Army
Roberson, Florence, Z.; b. 14 Oct 1899, d. 04 Dec 2003
Odle, Ronald Ron; b. 16 Aug 1940, d. 04 Aug 2008
Odle, Gail (Gallaher); b. 03 Jul 1940, d. 20 Mar 2011
Gallaher, Fannie L.; b. 01 Aug 1916, d. 07 Jun 2005
Gallaher, Durward E.; b. 28 Nov 1911, d. 15 Mar 1985, SF3 US Navy WWII
Wong, Patricia Joyce (Gallaher); b. 26 May 1933, d. 15 Dec 2011, wife of Edward 
Gallaher, William C.; b. 1882, d. 1952
Gallaher, Sarah (Smith); b. 1890, d. 1972

Section B

Row 1 North-South
Danley, Evelyn; 1935, only date
Danley, James Bryant Jr.; b. 19 Jan 1924, d. 10 Dec 1986, Cpl. US Army
Butler, Myrtle Lorene; b. 13 Mar 1918, d. 31 Dec 1992
Butler, Veda; b. 18 May 1926, d. 16 Sep 1980
Butler, Arnett; b. 17 Jul 1923, d. 16 Sep 2009, husband of Veda
Parker, Alta Morgan.; b. 20 Aug 1921, d. 20 May 2008, wife of Ben F.
Parker, Ben F.; b. 05 Mar 1915, d. Aug 1985
Heard, Ruth B.; 1922, only date
Heard, Clarence E.; b. 08 Sep 1915, d. 17 Apr 1986, Pfc. US Army WWII
Horton, Willie; b. 30 Jan 1901, d. Oct 1991
Horton, Joe Paulk; b. 06 Oct 1895, d. May 1979
Vaden, Ronald Steve; b. 22 Jan 1966, d. 25 Sep 1999
Summerville, Glenda Gay (Andrews); b. 08 May 1960, d. 06 Dec 1997, wife of Richard
Andrews, Susan Diane; b. 18 Jan 1959, d. 16 Jan 1975
Andrews, Bonnie Nell; 1936, only date
Andrews, William Haggard; b. 08 Sep 1926, d. 26 Aug 1993
Row 2 South-North
Cummins, Johnny D.; b. 25 Mar 1941, d. 08 Feb 1997
Cummins, Charlene; b. 1952, d. 1996
Christian, Alice (Risner); b. 14 Jul 1944, d. 20 May 2007, wife of Kenneth
Christian, Kenneth; b. 25 Apr 1945, d. 18 Apr 2011
Hayes, Cecil A.; b. 26 Nov 1926, d. 19 Jun 2008, husband of Mary Kathleen
Butler, Paul D.; 01 Nov 1944,  d. 23 May 2010, husband of 1st Rosemary (Kuehn), 2nd Carol (Harrison) 
Butler, Rosemary; b. 19 Jun 1944, d. Mar 1983
Yeiser, Patricia Ann; b. 07 Dec 1967, d. 16 Sep 1983
Yeiser, Terrell Edward; 03 Dec 1964, only date
Roberson, James Wiley; b. 10 May 1924, d. 17 Feb 2004, MOMM2 US Navy WWII
Roberson, Juanula D.; 1925, only date
Brewer, James S.; b. 23 May 1937, d. Nov 1993
Brewer, Audrey B.; b. 06 Jun 1933, d. 05 Feb 2005
Moore, Deborah A.; b. 1961, d. 1981, mother of Tim Jr.
Moore, Tim Jr.; 1978, d. 1981
Row 3 North-South
Scott, Effie (Jones); 05 Dec 1923, d. 12 Jan 2011, wife of Leander
Scott, Leander; b. 22 Aug 1917, d. 26 Apr 1982, Pfc. US Army WWII
Heard, Mary S.; b. 04 Mar 1915, d. 16 Mar 1992
Heard, Walter M.; b. 30 Oct 1910, d. 04 Dec 1992
Holt, Evan Wade; b. 07 Mar 1977, d. 15 Jul 2003, father of Chiloe & Michael
Reed, Leo Jasper; b. 15 Aug 1946, d. 18 Aug 2009, husband of Jean (Keeton)
Reed, Gabrielle Nicole; b. 02 Jan 1992, d. 12 Feb 1992
Reed, Christine; b. 16 Jun 1921, d. 16 Jan 2003
Reed, James F.; b. 25 Mar 1939, d. 18 Jun 2006
Row 4 South-North
Gann, Eva B.; b. 21 Oct 1926, d. 15 Sep 2008, wife of Martin Acklin
Gann, Martin Acklin; b. 12 May 1923, d. 07 Oct 1984, CS1 US Navy WWII
Gann, Sherry D.; b. 1962, d. 1963
Andrews, William H. Tom; b. 07 Apr 1932, d. 11 Oct 2004, Cpl. US Army Korea
Andrews, Mabel; 13 Aug 1931, d. 08 Aug 2011, wife of William H. "Tom" 
Kilburn, Miley Russell; b. 04 Mar 1899, d. 13 Dec 1982
Kilburn, Cecle Kelly; b. 27 May 1903, d. 18 May 1984
Ayers, Herman A.; b. 29 Nov 1923, d. 21 Dec 2009, husband of Lesbie (Sherrill), m: 01 Apr 1950
Ayers, Lesbie (Sherrill); b. 02 Oct 1929, only date, wife of Herman A., m: 01 Apr 1950
Moore, Vance; 1930, only date
Moore, Marlene; b. 31 May 1934, d. 27 Jun 1989
Roberson, Donna S.; b. 27 Dec 1951, d. 26 Jul 2004
White, George E.; b. 15 Jan 1901, d. 15 Apr 1988
White, Mary P.; b. 03 Apr 1916, d. Jan 1983
Frazier, Ronnie F.; 1949, only date
Frazier, Brenda A.; b. 1952, d. 1984
Row 5 North-South
Daniel, Richard Neal; b. 13 Apr 1945, d. 21 Apr 1991
Daniel, Gertrude B.; b. 04 Jul 1918, d. 24 Nov 1995
Daniel, Willie L.; b. 05 Mar 1918, d. 18 Sep 1995
Butler, Ella Marie; 25 Jun 1927, only date
Butler, Buford S.; b. 04 Aug 1922, d. 14 Jan 2001, Pfc. US Army WWII
Byler, Helen G.; 1933, only date
Byler, Edgar Donald; b. 19 Sep 1921, d. 20 Aug 1993, S Sgt. US Army Corps WWII
Row 6 South-North
Smith, Randy Brett; b. 15 Feb 1995, d. 15 Feb 1995 
Inman, Edna E.; b. 05 Feb 1928, d. 11 Nov 2003
Johnson, Grady; b. 23 Jan 1933, d. 08 Apr 2000
Johnson, Dolly A.; 1937, only date
Johnson, Beatrice; 25 Nov 1929, only date
Bratcher, Colby Michael; b. 07 May 1992, d. 05 Sep 2006, son of Michael & Bylinda (Daniel)
Hill, Amanda R.; 30 Sep 1982, only date, daughter of Roger & Renee 
Berry, Lora Leigh (Christian); b. 30 Dec 1966, d. 04 Nov 2009, wife of Bronson
Ray, Bobby C.; b. 16 Apr 1931, d. 28 Jun 1996, SH US Navy Korea
Ray, Betty Jo.; 27 Sep 1930, only date, 
Dial, Jackie Dwight; b. 27 Apr 1955, d. 27 Jun 2011 
Row 7 North-South
Hill, Clarence E.; b. 21 Dec 1930, d. 17 Feb 2004
Hayes, Gertrude W.; b. 1909, d. 1994
Hayes, John L.; b. 20 Apr 1905, d. 12 Jan 2000
Row 8 South-North
Crook, Annie Bell; b. 15 Jul 1912, d. 29 Jun 2001
Bell, Bobby Gene; 1936, only date
Bell, Faye (Balentine); b. 1939, d. 1986
May, Peggy Ann (Clark) (Summerville); b. 27 Feb 1930, d. 07 Jul 2008
Caudill, Nellie Rose; b. 12 May 1917, d. 13 Apr 1989
Caudill, Hugh H.; b. 26 Apr 1898, d. 26 Mar 1990
Row 9 North-South
Cummings, James Andy; b. 22 Jul 1932, only date
Cummings, Imogene Jean Henson; b. 06 Mar 1936,  d. 12 Jun 2014, wife of James Andy, m: 15 Oct 1952
Cummings, James Terry; b. 22 Aug 1956, d. 18 Jan 2010, pv2 US Army
Testerman, Patricia L.; b. 1934, d. 1996
Testerman, George B.; b. 12 Jul 1932, d. 10 Jun 1988
Snodgrass, Alexandria; b. 22 Sep 1993, d. 10 Dec 1993
Overton, Roger Dale; b. 04 Nov 1949, d. 21 Sep 2006, husband of Sally Jean (Staggs)
Overton, Iva Jane; b. 11 Mar 1932, d. 31 Mar 1998, wife of James W., m: 30 Jul 1948
Overton, James W.; 1927, only date
Phillips, Mildred; b. 27 Feb 1925, d. 29 Aug 2003
Row 10 South-North
Berry, Mary Sue; b. 01 Apr 1930, d. 19 Jan 2009, wife of Grady
Berry, Stanley G.; b. 04 Feb 1960, d. 23 Jan 2006
Skaggs, Jason Warren; b. 21 Dec 1977, d. 30 Nov 2008
Row 11 North-South
Selman, Linda; 1943, only date
Davis, Thomas Tyler Bo; 29 Jan 1998, only date, son of Thomas & Melanie Selman Davis
Selman, Linuel; b. 1942, d. 1998, son of Thomas & Melanie Selman Davis
Robertson, Violet J.; 1938, only date, wife of Billy J., m: 03 Jan 1959
Robertson, Billy J.; b. 16 Feb 1934, d. 15 May 1998, Sgt. US Army
Walker, John E.; b. 08 Feb 1944, d. 22 Dec 2002, L Cpl. US Marine Corps
Row 12 South-North
Preslar, Lou (Butler); b. 27 Mar 1937, d. 02 Sep 2009, wife of Billy Joe
Row 13 North-South (Empty Row)
Row 14 South-North 
Skaggs, Vinnie (Stults); b. 29 Sep 1937, d. 05 Oct 2007, wife of Dalton
Wright, Vada (Jones); b. 1926, only date
Row 15 North-South
Grandinetti, George B.; b. 1927, only date
Grandinetti, Peggy; b. 22 Aug 1937, d. 14 Aug 2010, wife of George B.
Sherrill, Reba F.; b. 1958, only date, wife of Jerry L., m: 29 Apr 1977
Sherrill, Jerry L.; b. 10 Apr 1956, d. 11 Jan 1996
Sherrill, Etta; b. 1925, only date, wife of Lonzo, m: 03 Apr 1943
Sherrill, Lonzo; 16 Dec 1922, d. 12 Sep 2006, husband of Etta (Franks), Pfc. US Army WWII
Staggs, Shirley H.; b. 11 Apr 1950, d. Sep 1984
Staggs, Ronnie F.; 1951, only date
White, Dale (Langford); b. 14 Mar 1956, d. 06 Jan 2011, wife of William Clarence Jr.
Row 16 South-North
Pierce, Douglas N.; b. 28 Mar 1956, d. 23 Apr 1985, SP4 US Navy
Logan, Jack; b. 21 May 1951, d. 02 Apr 2009, husband of Anita (Watkins), m: 06 Aug 1977
Logan, Anita (Watkins); b. 1955, only date, wife of Jack
Berry, Eugene A.; b. 18 Sep 1919, d. 12 Jul 1996, SC1 US Navy WWII
Berry, Nellie Jones; 23 Sep 1922, only date

Section C

Row 1 South-North
Pigg, William Henry; b. 15 Jan 1904, d. Jun 1983
Row 2 North-South
Abrams, David Lindley; b. 22 Aug 1992, d. 25 Dec 1993, son of Sandy & Gaye
Lindsey, Christine; b. 1916, d. 1999
Lindsey, Katen; b. 12 Apr 1908, d. 02 May 1998
Holt, Curtis D.; 1935, only date
Pigg, Reba J. 1938, only date
Pigg, John H.; b. 03 Sep 1922, d. 12 Sep 1973, TN Pfc. US Army WWII Korea
Pigg, Mary M.; b. 18 Dec 1890, d. 15 Dec 1972
Pigg, Archie; b. 05 Nov 1879, d. 04 Aug 1983, Pvt. US Army WWI
Pigg, Mary (McClendon); b. 22 Feb 1920, d. 16 Jul 2000, wife of Dewey, m: 26 Dec 1958
Pigg, Dewey; b. 07 Sep 1920, d. 01 Jan 1997, Pfc. US Army WWII
Row 3 South-North
Rozow, Daniel; b. 10 Mar 1918, d. 15 Sep 1977, S Sgt. US Army WWII
Rozow, Imogene; b. 02 Jul 1921, d. 09 Sep 1996
Arnett, Charles E.; b. 28 Mar 1939, d. 01 Jun 1998, Pfc. US Army
Arnett, Tim A.; b. 28 Apr 1943, d. Apr 1983
Arnett, Charlie M.; b. 05 Sep 1914, d. Jul 1974, Cox US Navy
Arnett, Gertie I.; 11 Jul 1913, d. 15 Feb 2010
Pigg, H. Arlean; 1934, only date
Pigg, Noah; b. 09 Dec 1924, d. 22 Feb 2001, Pfc. US Army WWII
Partain, James B.; b. 03 Aug 1925, d. 26 Jun 1982
Partain, Christeen; b. 05 Sep 1929, d. 21 Jan 2011, wife of James B.
Geibel, Regis E.; b. 17 Jul 1921, d. 11 Aug 1997, Sfc. US Army WWII Korea
Morris, David Lewis; b. 08 Sep 1951, d. 14 Jul 2012, SP5 US Army Vietnam
Morris, Dorothy M. (Dixon); b. 17 Aug 1934, only date, wife of David Lewis
Morris, Ted M.; b. 10 Apr 1951, d. Aug 1975
Morris, Reeder Thomas; b. 10 Sep 1921, d. 24 Mar 2002, Pfc. US Army WWII
Morris, Waymon Stricklin; 1925, d. 22 Apr 2014 , wife of Reeder Thomas, m: 25 Sep 1942
Row 4 North-South
Creecy, Remonia (Daniel); b. 1953, d. 1989, wife of J. Roger, m: 29 Dec 1984
Creecy, J. Roger; 1964, only date
Smith, Kathy D.; 1944, only date
Smith, Paul H.; b. 26 Nov 1944, d. 21 Aug 1993, S Sgt. US Air Force
Smith, Eva B.; b. 1918, d. 1999
Smith, John Anderson; b. 25 Oct 1913, d. 08 Dec 1971, TN S2 USNR WWII
Smith, Pamela K.; 1946, only date
Smith, John Thomas; b. 19 Mar 1942, d. 15 Sep 1994
Tilkins, Dorothy Mae; b. 1923, d. 2005
Dodd, Martha C.; b. 24 Jul 1950, d. 20 Feb 1999
Dodd, Mary F.; b. 18 May 1942, d. Mar 1973
Dodd, Paul A.; 1936, only date
Casteel, Gary Randall; b. 13 Nov 1942, d. 11 Sep 2003, A2C US Air Force Vietnam
Casteel, James Randall "Little Man"; b. 05 Jun 1962, d. 09 Aug 2007, son of Gary & Betty (Turnbow)
Row 5 South-North
Hill, Garland Cloyd; b. 11 Mar 1924, d. 04 Jan 1971, TN BM2 US Navy WWII
Hill, Willodean; 27 Jun 1932, d. 19 Mar 2011, wife of Garland 
Hill, Robert J."Jeff"; b. 18 Jan 1963, d. 28 Oct 2002
Rippy, James D.; b. 1971, d. 1971
Dodd, King F.; b. 27 Apr 1903, d. Nov 1969
Dodd, Mary E.; b. 1905, d. 1982
Bevis, Clyde C.; b. 07 Jun 1913, d. 06 Sep 2001, S Sgt. US Army Air Forces WWII
Bevis, Ruth M.; b. 1927, d. 2003, wife of Clyde C., m: 15 Oct 1949
Bissey, Jack; 20 Aug 1917, only date
Bissey, Jewel D.; 08 Apr 1925, only date
Daniel, Jessie Edward; b. 06 Sep 1936, d. 18 Feb 2004
Daniel, Melba Dorris; 07 Jun 1938, only date
Richardson, James Howard; b. 29 Oct 1922, d. 30 May 1973, AL Pfc. Field Artillery WWII
Richardson, Mamie Sue; b. 30 Mar 1915, d. 15 Jun 2002
Row 6 North-South
Richardson, Jeremiah "Bubba" Blue; b. 29 Mar 1978, d. 31 Jul 1998
Dicus, Trudy (Risner); b. 11 Jun 1959, d. 25 Dec 2004
Dicus, Ricky Oneal; 22 Mar 1962, only date
Farris, Rachel F.; 27 Sep 1922, only date
Farris, Charles J. Jr.; b. 17 Jun 1917, d. 03 Feb 2000, SM Sgt. US Air Force WWII Korea
Pharis, Rubye L.; b. 1927, d. 1996, wife of David R., m: 04 Sep 1947, Government Service from 09 Dec 1966 to 29 Apr 1988
Dodd, Cecil Floyd; b. 05 Oct 1926, d. 12 Mar 2004, Pfc. US Army Korea
Ayers, Jeremy Lee; b. 1973, d. 1973
Ayers, Ernest Lee; b. 17 Dec 1926, d. 15 Mar 1989, Pfc. US Army WWII
Ayers, Betty Jean; 1933, only date, wife of Ernest Lee, m: 01 Dec 1951
Warrington, Mattie N.; 1927, only date
Warrington, Major Edward Y.; b. 10 Feb 1928, d. 24 Jul 1991, Major US Air Force Korea
Warrington, Darlene N.; b. 18 Jan 1963, d. 22 Dec 2004
Pulley, Imogene; b. 05 Oct 1928, d. 26 Sep 2001
Pulley, James T.; 1926, only date
Hill, Imogene B.; 1929, only date, wife of Everett Lee., m: 27 Jan 1951
Hill, Everett Lee; b. 19 Feb 1926, d. 11 Jul 1983, US Navy WWII
Row 7 South-North
West, William Glenn; b. 04 Dec 1933, d. 09 Apr 2009, husband of Shirley (Dodd)
West, Ellis L.; b. 14 Oct 1935, d. 08 Jan 1982
Rodriguez, Alexandria Nicole; 09 Dec 2007
West, Andrew J.; b. 30 Aug 1903, d. 03 Nov 1990
West, Jewel; b. 05 May 1916, d. 05 May 1995
Montgomery, Bobby Neal; b. 21 Apr 1947, d. 26 Sep 2001
Montgomery, Judy (Berry); b. 08 Dec 1946, only date
Martin, Mattie A.; b. 1888, d. 1969
Cole, Jarvis W.; b. 06 Apr 1953, d. 30 Jan 1997
Cole, Deborah J.; b. 28 Feb 1955, only date, wife of Jarvis W., m: 18 May 1973
Dicus, James Sonny; b. 31 Jul 1935, d. 25 Aug 2009, husband of Robbie (Moser)
Dicus, Jess R.; b. 1909, d. 1999
Dicus, Ollie; b. 26 Nov 1912, d. 17 Mar 1990
Putman, Bobbie Jane (Dicus); b. 15 Apr 1933, d. 16 Oct 1987
Rich, Ernest; 1926, only date
Rich, Earline; b. 1926, d. 1989, wife of Ernest, m: 08 Dec 1946
Row 8 North-South
McNeese, B. Cennette; b. 03 Aug 1940, only date, wife of J. Charles, m: 07 Jun 1958
McNeese, J. Charles; b. 12 Jun 1938, d. 03 Jul 1997
McNeese, Myrtle A.; b. 25 Apr 1916, d. 25 Apr 1988
McNeese, James E.; b. 1914, d. 1995
Hendrix, Lydia (O'Malley); b. 02 Oct 1920, d. 21 Dec 2002
Hendrix, Oval; b. 18 Nov 1919, d. 03 May 1985, Pfc. US Army WWII
Hendrix, Doris; b. 1931, only date, wife of Rolland Villard., m: 30 Apr 1950
Hendrix, R. V.; b. 1926, only date
Brewer, Ida L.; b. 13 Jan 1916, d. 28 Dec 1996, wife of Walter E., m: 15 Oct 1933
Brewer, Walter E.; b. 07 Apr 1914, d. 27 Dec 1988
Rich, Maureen; 1921, only date
Rich, Edward; b. 1923, d. 2002
Franks, Ruby O.; b. 1910, d. 1985
Franks, O. Clyde; b. 01 Aug 1907, d. 22 Apr 2001
Berry, Benjamin F. Ben; b. 31 Aug 1926, d. 12 Apr 2007, husband of Etheleen (Melson)
Montgomery, Lillian; 1923, only date
Montgomery, Lee O.; b. 08 Nov 1918, d. 17 Mar 1987, Tec5 US Army WWII
West, Gracie C.; 1919, only date
West, Hershel M.; b. 1914, d. 1969
Montgomery, Paul M.; 1981, only date, "Daddy"
Montgomery, Britny Kiani.; b. 24 Jan 2003, d. 30 Sep 2005, "Daddy's Little Angel"
Baumstark, Mary P.; 1914, only date
Baumstark, Ray L.; b. 09 Nov 1901, d. Feb 1970
Row 9 South-North
Moore, Larry E.; b. 29 Aug 1946, d. 10 Apr 2000
Hanback, Dumont; b. 17 Mar 1919, d. 12 Feb 1979, Tec5 US Army WWII, Corporal US Army WWII
Hanback, Helen Ruth (Smith); b. 08 Mar 1927, d. 20 Nov 2005, wife of Dumont
Ayers, E. J.; b. 04 May 1935, d. 13 Dec 2011, husband of Kathryn Deloris (Hallowell), m: 14 Mar 1981
Ayers, Thomas G.; b. 15 May 1888, d. 15 Mar 1971
Ayers, Cloy Gertrude; b. 1913, d. 1989
Reece, Revo D.; 07 Nov 1934, only date
Reece, Doris B.; b. 10 Oct 1937, d. 20 Aug 1999
Ayers, Charlie S.; b. 27 Dec 1893, d. 12 Aug 1986, Pfc. US Army WWI, CO "A" 137th Infantry, 35th Division TN
Ayers, Madgie B.; b. 22 Feb 1903, d. 17 Oct 1971
Melson, Charles Ray; b. 13 Jun 1931, d. 09 Jan 1998
Melson, Faye (Ayers); b. 03 Dec 1937, d. 15 Oct 2005
Ryan, Thornton L.; b. 01 Jul 1925, d. 20 Feb 1998
Ryan, Lenice D.; 1931, only date
Lee, Tessa; 12 May 1974, only date, daughter of Jimmy & Becky
Lee, James Lawrence; b. 1925, d. 1977, Y3 US Navy WWII
Butler, Cassondra Michele; b. 25 Sep 1986, d. 26 Sep 1986
Kennedy, Jesse E.; b. 03 Mar 1910, d. Aug 1981
Kennedy, Bessie V.; b. 1912, d. 1971
Thacker, Imogene (Kelley); b. 30 May 1941, d. 21 May 2009, wife of Ernest Jr.
Thomason, Sam G.; b. 24 Jan 1921, d. 22 Sep 1995, Pvt. US Army WWII
Thomason, Vernice H.; b. 1917, d. 2004
Hendrix, J. T. b. 16 Apr 1915, d. 01 Mar 1984
Hendrix, Roxie; b. 06 Nov 1917, d. 13 Oct 2002
Hendrix, Timothy Dale; b. 06 Dec 1946, d. 30 Jan 1976, SP4 US Army Vietnam
Kelley, Burbin; b. 1914, d. 1996
Kelley, Viola; b. 1918, d. 1983
Lay, Ann (Kelley); b. 17 Aug 1939, d. 05 Jan 2007, wife of Billy
Barkley, James Edward Jimmy; b. 10 Jan 1943, d. 30 Nov 2009, husband of Ann (Keeton), m: 08 Feb 2003
Barkley, Ann (Keeton); b. 1949, only date
Row 10 North-South
Daniel, James W. "Jimmy"; b. 05 Sep 1928, d. 14 Jul 2011, husband of Wylofaye (Berry), m: 22 Dec 1956
Daniel, James W. Jr. "Tuffy"; b. 11 Feb 1959, d. 05 May 2000
Daniel, Pauline D.; 1925, only date, wife of Ted K. Sr. , m: 29 Jun 1941
Daniel, Ted K. Sr.; b. 05 May 1921, d. 06 Jun 2004, Pfc. US Army WWII
Daniel, Madgie L.; b. 05 May 1909, d. 23 Jan 2002
Daniel, John W.; b. 16 Feb 1906, d. 09 Jul 1992
Daniel, Wanda G.; 1945, only date
Daniel, Donald Curtis; b. 17 Aug 1938, d. 16 Feb 1978 
Ryan, Bessie J.; b. 27 Jul 1888, d. Nov 1978
Ryan, Lee T.; b. 1889, d. 1960
Lowery, A.; b. 30 Dec 1919, d. 06 Dec 2002, wife of James O., m: 20 Nov 1937
Lowery, James O. "Bro. Jim"; b. 06 Mar 1914, d. 27 Sep 1997
Hanback, Joyce Faye; b. 28 Mar 1946, only date, wife of William Edsel, m: 05 Sep 1964
Hanback, William Edsel ; b. 08 Mar 1944, d. 10 Jan 2009, husband of Joyce (Hinson)
Ayers, Lula V.; b. 17 Aug 1901, d. Dec 1980
Long, Susie A.; 1942, only date
Long, Rex G.; b. 21 Feb 1917, d. 25 Apr 1994
Ayers, Jack J.; b. 30 Oct 1903, d. 18 Nov 1992
Risner, Trae Chandler; b. 16 Jun 1994, d. 17 Jun 1994
Moore, Terry Wade; b. 27 Dec 1954, d. 14 Feb 1997
Letson, James Frank Jr.; b. 16 Aug 1945, d. 13 Sep 2009, husband of Linda (Quillen)
Row 11 South-North
Bell, Joseph Edward; b. 09 Feb 1923, d. 22 Mar 1996, S Sgt. US Air Force WWII Korea Purple Heart
Bell, Elizabeth; b. 08 Jul 1928, d. 17 Feb 1999
Bell, Candice K.; b. 21 Dec 1986, d. 23 Jan 2003
Morgan, Brown R., ; b. 09 Nov 1916, d. Jun 1969
Morgan, Etoile; b. 15 Feb 1922, d. 21 Sep 1975
Morgan, Jessie McCoy; b. 09 Sep 1898, d. Feb 1981
Morgan, Mary (Davis); b. 08 Dec 1898, d. 13 May 1990
Robbins, Frank Jasper Jr.; b. 23 Jul 1931, d. 16 Jul 1994, Pfc. US Army Korea, 101st ABN Division
Robbins, Aquilla Idell; 1938, only date
Hanback, William H.; b. 14 Dec 1909, d. Aug 1980
Hanback, Myrtle S.; b. 1919, d. 1972
Kelso, Jere Mae; b. 02 Feb 1943, d. 25 Jan 2002
Kelso, Orval; b. 02 Dec 1920, d. 11 Feb 1999
Kelso, Neva; 1920, only date, wife of Orval, m: 22 Jul 1939
Stricklin, John Dee; 1935, only date
Stricklin, Lois Ann; b. 1940, d. 1988, wife of John Dee, m: 29 Jun 1957
Stricklin, Timothy P.; b. 14 Feb 1959, d. 21 Apr 2004
Stricklin, Marion Harding; b. 3 Dec 1925, d. 8 Mar 2014, husband of Rachel Dean Stricklin
Stricklin, Elbert L.; b. 27 Aug 1907, d. Aug 1972
Stricklin, Clara L.; b. 01 Sep 1909, d. 03 Mar 1997
Stricklin, Robert Paul; b. 17 Feb 1931, d. 13 Nov 1981, Cpl. US Army Korea
Beard, Noel Lester; b. 23 Oct 1930, d. 08 Dec 1996, Cpl. US Army Korea
Beard, Virginia; b. 1933, only date, wife of Noel Lester, m: 29 Apr 1955
Stricklin, Shalor Lee; b. 17 Jan 1929, d. 17 Nov 2005, Pfc. US Army Korea
Stricklin, Mary Lewis; 1934, only date
Berry, Orvie G.; b. 28 Sep 1901, d. 15 Sep 1986, Pvt. US Marine Corps
Berry, Marie; b. 1911, d. 1991
Row 12 North-South
Reaves, Jean; b. 12 Nov 1933, d. 22 Aug 2002
Reaves, Ronald Eugene; b. 19 Nov 1929, d. 18 Mar 1998, SN US Navy Korea
Reaves, John D. Shag; b. 12 Nov 1953, d. 10 Jun 2009
Stricklin, M. Ada; 1919, only date
Stricklin, Jay W.; b. 31 Jul 1916, d. May 1977
Bryant, Velma; b. 19 Dec 1912, d. 31 Oct 1993, wife of Robert, m: 14 Sep 1930
Bryant, Robert; b. 01 Feb 1908, d. 06 Sep 1956
Daniel, Lazelle (Kelso); b. 1927, d. 22 Jun 2007
Daniel, Grady E.; b. 12 Jan 1923, d. Mar 1984
Daniel, Treva Karon; b. 1953, d. 1953
Kelso, Reva; b. 1942, d. 1942
Kelso, Treva; b. 1942, d. 1942
Kelso, John D.; b. 18 Feb 1922, d. 04 Jan 1945
Kelso, Mable; b. 1903, d. 1982, TN Sgt. 327th Glider Inf. 101st ABN Div. WWII
Kelso, Elbert R.; b. 31 Aug 1892, d. 04 Nov 1944, Pfc. US Army WWII
Gilmore, Bessie; b. 20 Aug 1906, d. 22 May 1996
Gilmore, Dee; b. 23 Nov 1909, d. Jul 1984
Robertson, Lina; 1957, only date, wife of Jimmy Lynn, m: 15 Aug 1975
Robertson, Jimmy Lynn; b. 16 Oct 1956, d. 27 May 2001
Kelso, Ray Sr.; b. 29 Jun 1948, d. 03 Jul 2007
Dodd, Harold; b. 28 Sep 1936, d. 15 Oct 1936, son of Hillis & Theo Dodd
Dodd, Theo N.; b. 31 May 1916, d. 01 Sep 2001
Dodd, Hillis C.; b. 15 Aug 1908, d. Oct 1982
Row 13 South-North
Stults, Donald Ray Bondo; b. 26 Apr 1941, d. 31 Aug 2008
Stults, Glenda Repp; b. 28 Mar 1940, d. 27 Jul 2007, wife of Ronald
Ayers, Larry R.; b. 09 Nov 1952, d. 28 Sep 2008, husband of Wanda (Harper)
Daniel, J. P.; b. 21 Feb 1920, d. Mar 1979
Daniel, Bertie; 1921, only date
Holt, Glenn; b. 11 Sep 1919, d. May 1971
Holt, Mary Jane; b. 07 Aug 1918, d. Apr 1987
Bratton, Gine; b. 04 Oct 1967, d. 08 Apr 1987
Bratton, Melvin Lee; b. 22 Jan 1942, d. 05 Jan 2000
Bratton, Delia (Tootsie); b. 15 Oct 1946, only date, wife of Melvin Lee, m: 17 Feb 1962
Vickery, Tom; b. 1902, d. 1991
Vickery, Ethel; b. 1900, d. 1977
Stults, Ronald Fay; b. 1948, d. 1969
Stults, Raymond C.; b. 11 Oct 1924, d. 24 Jul 1972, TN SC3 US Navy WWII ASM
Stults, Estell; b. 1927, d. 1996
Bryant, Floyd M.; b. 26 Mar 1891, d. 26 Sep 1978
Bryant, Lesbia D.; b. 12 Apr 1898, d. 11 May 1993
Huntley, Leah (Pigg); b. 07 Sep 1957, d. 21 Apr 2008
Pigg, Michael Shane; b. 30 Jul 1956, d. 30 Sep 1972
Davis, James B.; b. 15 Jan 1907, d. 19 Dec 1986
Davis, M. Janet; b. 30 Oct 1916, d. 07 May 1999
Stricklin, Fred; b. 21 Jun 1920, d. 04 Jan 1996, S1 US Navy WWII
Stricklin, Edwinna; b. 1921, d. 2004, wife of Fred, m: 16 Mar 1951
Jones, Andrew G.; b. 26 Aug 1911, d. 29 Jul 2003
Jones, Arland K.; 1920, only date
Bevis, Ray E.; b. 08 Mar 1932, d. 16 Feb 2004, Cpl. US Army Korea
Bevis, Wanda M.; 1938, only date, wife of Ray E., m: 03 Jul 1955
Story, Waymon (Polk); b. 04 Mar 1923, d. 17 Jul 2006, wife of Lonnie
Story, T. C. Jr.; b. 14 Feb 1923, d. 31 Jul 1993, Pfc. US Army WWII
Story, Bonnie (Morris); 21 Nov 1925, only date
Row 14 North-South
Reaves, Ruby A.; b. 19 Jul 1913, d. 26 Dec 1996
Reaves, Cecil; b. 15 Mar 1917, d. 09 Oct 2003
Berry, Maggie (Keeton); b. 05 Dec 1912, d. 08 Dec 1993
Berry, Cecil J.; b. 09 Apr 1917, d. 06 Apr 2001, Pfc. US Army WWII
Kelso, Mary Hester; b. 1934, d. 1991
Kelso, Dillard B.; b. 01 Jul 1932, d. 06 Nov 1986, A1C US Air Force Korea
Dicus, Barbara; 1947, only date
Dicus, Danny; b. 03 May 1945, d. 10 Nov 1975, Pvt. US Army
Bryson, Elsie; b. 02 May 1901, d. Sep 1977
Bryson, Sherman Lee; b. 29 Oct 1899, d. Apr 1983
Bryson, Mae; b. 1911, d. 2001
Bryson, Luther James; b. 22 Mar 1911, d. 31 May 1991, Cpl. US Army WWII
Bratton, Marvin L.; b. 15 Jun 1938, d. 09 May 2003
Bratton, Arnell H.; b. 1937, only date, wife of Marvin L., m: 01 Sep 1956
Robbins, Ovan Price; b. 26 Jun 1926, d. 16 Nov 2007, husband of Eleanor (Robertson)
Smith, Helen G.; b. 02 Nov 1921, d. 09 Nov 2002
Smith, Lyndon E.; b. 29 Jan 1922, d. 06 Apr 1997, S Sgt. US Army WWII
Hill-Wilson, Noah McKinley; b. 07 Nov 1997, d. 17 Jan 1998
Harper, Sammy L.; b. 1949, d. 1973
Harper, Sallie Mae; b. 1939, only date, wife of Waylon Odell, m: 21 Dec 1958
Harper, Waylon Odell; b. 13 Apr 1937, d. 10 Apr 2004, SP3 US Army
Madison, Patrick L.; b. 08 Jan 1924, d. Jun 1986
Row 15 South-North
Scott, Alf; b. 05 Oct 1914, d. 03 Apr 1996, Pfc. US Army WWII
Scott, June (Lindsey); b. 09 Jun 1919, d. 19 Nov 2004
Tyas, Samuel Martin; b. 06 Mar 1920, d. 30 Sep 1993, Sgt. US Army WWII
Tyas, Mary Frances; b. 06 Sep 1922, d. 27 May 1999
Pitts, James McGrady; b. 03 Aug 1927, d. 02 Jan 2002, Pvt. US Army WWII
Pitts, Mary Louise; 05 Jan 1930, only date
Staggs, Floyd; b. 04 Jul 1922, d. May 1976
Staggs, Inavey B.; 1916, only date
Daniel, Everett C.; b. 03 Sep 1920, d. 22 Nov 2006, husband of Earlene (Shelton)
Daniel, Earlene (Shelton); b. 26 Sep 1922, d. 15 Nov 2008, wife of Everett C., m: 29 Jun 1941
Burleson, Nell; b. 23 Nov 1934, d. 01 Feb 1989
Taylor, Jacqueline; b. 23 Jan 1934, d. 22 Mar 2007, wife of Donald
Sims, Homer; b. 17 Oct 1903, d. Aug 1981
Sims, Gladys; b. 1904, d. 1990
Adkisson, Mary Sue; b. 01 Nov 1924, d. 01 Mar 2007, daughter of Leonard & Monetta 
Adkinsson, Leonard H.; b. 1901, d. 1971
Adkinsson, Monnetta; b. 1906, d. 2006
Row 16 North-South
Butler, James Alfred; b. 23 Jul 1933, d. 09 Dec 2011, husband of Lillian (Caperton)
Wright, Angela (Brewer); b. 16 Dec 1958, d. 28 Dec 2013, wife of Ronald Mark
Butler, Matthew Kyle; b. 22 Apr 1981, d. 08 Oct 1982, son of Donnie & Judy
Balok, Beverly J.; b. 12 Apr 1934, d. 25 Sep 1996
Holt, Martha (Bates); b. 29 Mar 1949, d. 09 Nov 1976
Holt, Parker Allen; b. 1954, d. 1972
Stanton, Kenneth Ray; b. 1948, d. 1969
McGill, George Jr.; b. 23 Sep 1923, d. 05 Aug 2009, husband of Reba (Jackson)
Jackson, Earline; 1929, only date
Jackson, James Doyle; b. 20 Sep 1925, d. 25 Aug 1970, TN S1 US Navy WWII
Row 17 South-North
Jones, Chastity Breana; b. 17 Apr 1989, d. 17 Mar 2008, daughter of Rhonda
Robertson, Janet Brooke; b. 06 Apr 1991, d. 16 Mar 1998, daughter of Doris & Ebb
Trull, Janet (Cook); b. 13 Jul 1957, d. 04 Nov 1985, mother of Benjamin
Cook, Oddo; b. 18 Sep 1924, d. 10 Aug 2009
Cook, Novella H.; b. 1928, only date, wife of Oddo, m: 10 Sep 1955
Holt, Shayne; b. 15 Oct 1973, d. 15 Oct 1973
Holt, Charlie H.; b. 15 Dec 1899, d. 05 Mar 1977
Fortner, Ruby M.; b. 28 Jan 1920, d. 28 Jan 1992
Holt, Raymond; b. 07 Nov 1944, d. 10 Feb 1973, Sgt. US Marine Corps Vietnam
Holt, Elias Marion; b. 01 Apr 1891, d. 17 Sep 1979, Pvt. US Army WWI
Holt, Grace W.; b. 08 May 1916, d. 03 Sep 2004
Heard, Nipsie K.; b. 04 Nov 1899, d. Nov 1979
Heard, Reuben; b. 05 Feb 1914, d. 11 Dec 2001, S2 US Navy WWII
Heard, Vivian; b. 1919, d. 1976
Tefteller, Etta M. (Dodd); b. 08 Feb 1928, d. 24 Feb 2011
Butler, Claudette K.; b. 05 Sep 1948, d. 15 Nov 1996
McWilliams, Claude; b. 21 Feb 1908, d. Jan 1974
McWilliams, Fannie K.; b. 1910, d. 1996
Dodd, Daniel; b. 22 May 1924, d. 20 Jan 2000
Dodd, Betty; 1932, only date
Row 18 North-South
Horton, Mary C.; b. 1936, d. 1993, wife of George V., m: 25 Feb 1956
Horton, George V.; 1934, only date
Dodd, David; b. 14 Nov 1955, d. 10 Jan 2011, son of Daniel & Betty
Moore, M. Lorene; 1921, only date
Moore, Clyde E.; b. 17 May 1926, d. 12 Jan 1994
Woelk, Alta F.; b. 10 Oct 1928, d. 13 Nov 2001
Shubert, Alene H.; b. 26 May 1931, d. 29 Jun 1992
Heard, Corine; b.12 Feb 1940, d. 16 Apr 2002
Heard, Billy Lige; b. 30 Nov 1936, d. 29 Aug 2010
Heard, Viva (Pigg); b. 22 Apr 1917, d. 16 Sep 1993
Heard, James Herschell; b. 23 Dec 1907, d. 25 Mar 1994
Daniels, Willa Ruth; b. 28 Dec 1933, d. Jul 1976
Daniels, Johnny Jr.; b. 1929, d. 1989
Horton, Essie Marie; b. 10 Dec 1920, d. 23 Jul 1997, wife of William Howard, m: 28 Nov 1937
Horton, William Howard; b. 07 Dec 1918, d. 28 Aug 2008
Robertson, James Clavin "Bill"; b. 4 Jul 1923, d. 5 Apr 2014, husband of Corene Stutts, m.3 Jan 1948
Row 19 South-North
Jackson, Bobby Saul; b. 25 May 1938, d. 16 Feb 2010
Jackson, Eleanor (Copeland); b. 30 Jan 1940, only date 
Reaves, Mason Tyler; b. 30 Jul 1990, d. 30 Mar 2009, son of Kenneth & Jennie
Martin, Elihue; b. 29 Mar 1907, d. 19 Oct 2000, Pvt. US Army WWII
Martin, Ruby L.; b. 07 Jan 1907, d. 13 Mar 1998, wife of Elihue, m: 24 Feb 1961
Daniel, William Alfred; b. 16 Nov 1931, d. 24 Nov 2006, husband of Elizabeth
Pigg, Carol J.; b. 08 Mar 1938, d. 03 Jan 2009, wife of Johnny �I� or �L�	
Pigg, Johnny I.; b. 1947, only date, husband of Carole J.
Morris, Gilford Ray; b. 09 Oct 1914, d. 14 Jun 1997, S1 US Navy WWII
Morris, Mary I.; 05 Dec 1920, d. 14 Nov 2009, wife of Gilford Ray, m: 24 Mar 1940
Horton, Donald Ray; b. 26 Sep 1939, d. 05 Jul 1975, AKAN US Navy
Horton, Opal (Heard); b. 09 Nov 1911, d. 11 Feb 2004, wife of Donald Ray, m: 22 Dec 1933
Horton, Claude V.; b. 23 Feb 1909, d. Mar 1986
Row 20 North-South
Daniel C. A., b. 22 Jun 1945, d. 06 Dec 2001
Hickerson, Mattie Frances;  11 Oct 1950, only date
Hickerson, Earl Gene; b. 04 Feb 1938, d. 18 Dec 1998
Row 21 South-North
Melson, J. P.; b. 02 Sep 1919, d. 02 Sep 1993, Sgt. US Army WWII
Melson, Walcie; b. 1926, d. 1978
Melson, Freddie Gene; b. 17 Aug 1954, d. 26 Apr 1982
Stults, W. Oscar Jr.; b. 18 Feb 1926, d. Mar 1985
Stults, Edith; b. 26 Apr 1937, d. 16 Sep 2004
Pulley, Melisa A. (Brewer); b. 27 May 1977, d. 28 Oct 2010, wife of Chuck, m: 22 Dec 1994
Foster, Margie N.; b. 21 Jul 1932, d. 28 Mar 2000
Foster, Barbara D.; b. 03 Sep 1964, d. 04 Nov 2000
Row 22 North-South
Hollander, Edith N.; b. 26 Aug 1921, d. 13 Jun 2007, wife of Samuel A.
Hollander, Samuel A.; b. 09 Jul 1911, d. Jan 1983
Thompson, Flossie; b. 22 Jun 1914, d. 10 Sep 1997
Thompson, Johnnie; b. 17 Mar 1894, d. 28 Jun 1977, Pvt. US Army WWII
Thompson, Wanda F.; 1940, only date
Thompson, Boyd C.; b. 10 May 1914, d. May 1978
Row 23 South-North
Selman, Amie Lee; b. 14 Sep 1946, d. 13 Apr 2007, daughter of Homer & Minnie
Selman, Minnie L.; b. 25 Dec 1912, d. 18 Jun 1996
Selman, Homer R.; b. 30 May 1908, d. 23 Feb 1995, S1 US Navy WWII
Selman, James Henry; b. 01 Sep 1940, d. 25 Mar 1988, ADC US Navy Vietnam
Daniel, Ron B.; b. 16 Feb 1958, d. 05 Aug 2005
Stooksberry, Brenda C.; b. 24 Feb 1958, d. 04 Feb 2005
Hurst, Marcus Gorden; b. 31 May 1931, d. 03 Jan 2001, BMCS US Navy Korea Vietnam
Hurst, Fredda Mae; b. 19 Feb 1928, d. 08 Jan 2001
Dickey, Larry Douglas “Doug”; b. 12 Aug 1950, d. 17 Jun 2014, US Navy
Dickey, Perry; b. 07 Nov 1954, d. 07 Dec 1974, Pvt. US Army
Hollander, J. Dennis; b. 15 Jul 1959, d. 13 Apr 1988
Hollander, Howard Sr.; b. 24 Apr 1935, d. Mar 1985
Hollander, Mary (Thompson); b. 10 Jun 1939, d. 20 May 2009, wife of Howard Sr.
Swartz, Robert Lee; b. 1952, d. 1976
Row 24 North-South
Carter, Jeffery Lane; b. 24 Oct 1960, only date
Carter, Wanda Gail; b. 1 Dec 1944, only date, wife of Joe Kenneth
Carter, Joe Kenneth; b. 28 Jul 1943, only date
Gallaher, Hubert Paul; b. 30 Jul 1925, d. 02 Sep 2008, S3 US Navy WWII
Gallaher, Dorothy; b. 30 May 1931, only date
Row 25 South-North  (empty row)
Row 26 North-South
Wallace, Mable Jean Lynch; b. 19 Jul 1944, d. 9 Mar 2014, wife of William L., m. 2 Now 1963
Rebeaud, Felix A.; b. 13 Oct 1917, d. 20 Jul 2007, husband of Pauline (Adkins)    
Hanback, Louise W.; b. 1922, d. 1999
Hanback, Alvin Lee; b. 04 Feb 1917, d. 07 Mar 1978, TSGT. US Army WWII
Littleton, Doris J.; 1942, only date
Littleton, Jessie T. A.; b. 04 Oct 1932, d. 03 Jun 1991
Littleton, Myra Jane; b. 10 Apr 1963, d. 08 Jun 2004
Petty, Anita Kay (Brewer); b. 09 Jun 1961, only date, wife of Steven Mark, m: 28 May 1983
Petty, Steven Mark; b. 01 Feb 1961, d. 20 Apr 2008, husband of Anita (Brewer)
Row 27 South-North
Daniel, Eural Dean; b. 24 May 1927, d. 02 May 1987
Row 28 North-South
Pigg, Charles Ray; b. 10 Aug 1940, d. Oct 1983
Pigg, Marlon Ray; b. 18 Jun 1964, d. 04 Sep 1983
West, Herbert H.; b. 03 Jul 1932, d. 13 Nov 1979
Row 29 South-North
Cummins, Garland "Shorty"; b. 1902, d. 1991
Cummins, Lydia V.; b. 26 Apr 1913, d. Apr 1977
                                                            Section D
Row 1 North-South
Heard, Birdie Louise; b. 25 Feb 1925, only date, wife of James Ross, m: 30 Jun 1941
Heard, James Ross; b. 23 Nov 1922, d. 30 Oct 2002
Clendenin, James Burnett; b. 30 Jun 1935, d. 23 Apr 1994, US Navy
Clendenin, John Akin; b. 16 May 1930, d. 17 Dec 2008
Clendenin, Lura; b. 05 Dec 1902, d. 26 Nov 1994
Clendenin, Carmack; b. 12 Apr 1906, d. Sep 1978
Row 2 South-North
Clendening, Reuben G.; b. 1910, d. 1979
Row 3 North-South
Rich, Ima C.; b. 09 Mar 1915, d. 03 Dec 1998
Rich, Melvin C.; b. 1913, d. 1981
Burns, Ruby Joyce; b. 24 Aug 1938, d. 19 Apr 2004, wife of Charles Lee, m: 27 Mar 1964
Burns, Charles Lee; b. 18 Jan 1937, only date
Row 4 South-North
Brewer, Rippie; b. 22 Oct 1912, d. 24 Mar 1991
Brewer, Lyda M.; b. 12 May 1913, d. 14 May 1995
Mayes, Gary W. Bigun; b. 21 Aug 1954, d. 15 Apr 2001
Mayes, Walter S.; b. 1917, d. 2002
Mayes, Margie E.; b. 01 Nov 1931, d. 27 Feb 1998
Mayes, David G.; b. 05 Jan 1959, d. Mar 1988
Mayes, P. Diane; b. 1960, only date, wife of David G., m: 09 Feb 1978
Mayes, Christopher Wayne; 21 Jul 1981, infant son of David & Diane
Birmingham, Raymond E.; b. 11 Sep 1943, d. 02 Feb 2009, husband of Wanda (Henson)
Henson, George J.; b. 26 Jun 1926, d. 31 Aug 2003, Pfc. US Army WWII
Henson, Joyce (Wright); 1941, only date
Henson, Leo; b. 23 Oct 1920, d. 06 Apr 2005, Pfc. US Army WWII
Haddock, J. V.; 1933, only date
Cole, Carol Sue; b. 03 Feb 1948, d. 17 Aug 2000
Row 5 North-South
Tilley, Christina Angelette; b. 24 Apr 2002, d. 12 Mar 2004
Lancaster, Bobby; b. 24 Nov 1939, d. 04 Jun 2007, husband of Margret (Blevins)
Lancaster, Margaret Blevins; b. 19 Oct 1943, only date
Brewer, John Wesley; b. 07 Apr 1980, d. 26 Jul 2006
Blalock, William Andrew "Buddy"; b. 19 Dec 1957, 1 Apr 2014, US Army TN National Guard
Row 6 South-North
Brewer, Roy; b. 15 Jun 1913, d. May 1974
Brewer, Annie P.; b. 01 Sep 1915, d. 28 Nov 2008, wife of Roy
Carver, Cameron Stults; b. 13  Sep 1985, d. 09 Sep 2003
Thompson, James T. J. T.; b. 23 Nov 1956, d. 29 Nov 2002, Sgt. US Army Desert Storm Persian Gulf
Thompson, Sabrena L.; b. 28 May 1965, d. Aug 1986
Thompson, Anthony M.; b. 23 May 1955, d. 12 May 2004
Cummins, Allen; b. 02 Oct 1911, d. 28 Aug 2001
Cummins, Delsie M.; 27 Aug 1922, d. 28 Aug 2006, wife of Allen 
Brown, Donald Ray; b. 11 Apr 1946, d. Jun 1984
Brown, Martha Pearl; 1943, only date
Adams, Ronica D.; b. 14 Dec 1981, d. 10 Jul 2004, wife of Brian
Row 7 North-South
Berry, Ruby (Montgomery); b. 11 May 1921, d. 23 Sep 2005
Berry, Guilford W.; b. 18 Sep 1917, d. 29 Jul 1991, Tec3 US Army WWII
Gilchrist,Virgilean; b. 24 Jun 1930, d. 18 May 2014
Long, Martha A.; b. 06 Jun 1901, d. Mar 1973
Long, Robert Newton; b. 09 Feb 1896, d. 20 Apr 1985, Cook US Army WWI
Row 8 South-North
Brewer, James Lee; b. 24 Dec 1970, d. 04 Sep 1974, son of Larry & Linda
Brewer, Edith (Dodd); b. 04 Jun 1926, only date, wife of Jasper Carl, m: 08 Sep 1940
Brewer, Jasper Carl; b. 15 Nov 1920, d. 22 Apr 2005
Row 9 North-South
Johnson, Vivian Edista; b. 28 Jun 1924, d. 06 Jan 2003
Johnson, James Edwin; b. 28 Jan 1919, d. 17 Aug 2005
Haithcoat, Ada E.; b. 1906, d. 1986
Haithcoat, Martin C.; b. 1895, d. 1980
Weeks, Mary Ann; b. 12 Jul 1935, d. 28 Feb 2008, wife of Paul, m: 27 Oct 1952
Weeks, Paul; b. 16 Oct 1929, d. Jul 1987
Row 10 South-North
Craig, James Bartley; b. 02 Sep 1917, d. 24 Aug 1995, Pfc. US Army WWII Purple Heart
Craig, Wylodean W.; b. 03 Dec 1923, d. 21 May 2004, wife of James Bartley, m: 31 Dec 1946
Weeks, Jerry Lee; b. 25 Dec 1951, d. 01 Sep 2003
Vickery, Donald; b. 27 Sep 1952, d. 12 Feb 2000
Vickery, Agnes; 1953, only date
Weeks, Drue; b. 12 Jul 1921, d. 01 Dec 1985
Weeks, Coy L.; b. 10 Apr 1922, d. 21 Jun 2003
Weeks, Ollie M.; 06 Apr 1926, d. 18 Aug 2006, wife of Coy L.
Weeks, William Franklin; b. 25 Apr 1945, d. 09 Oct 1975
Dicus, Charles E. Jr.; b. 1972, d. 1972
Darby, Jeffrey Curtis; b. 04 Feb 1966, d. 01 Dec 2001, DC2 US Navy Persian Gulf
Darby, Willie L.; b. 17 Jan 1909, d. May 1983
Darby, Linnie A.; 1915, only date
Darby, Curtis H. Pete; b. 03 Nov 1936, d. Jan 1975
Darby, Bertha M.; 1938, only date
Row 11 North-South
Balentine, Robbie L.; b. 22 Nov 1936, d. 14 May 2007, daughter of Jesse & Bessie 
Balentine, Bessie M.; b. 23 Jan 1908, d. May 1987, wife of J. Floyd, m: 09 Sep 1935
Balentine, J. Floyd; b. 30 Dec 1912, d. Jul 1986
Littleton, Betty Sue Weeks; b. 3 Aug 1943, d. 11 Mar 2014, wife of Crawford, m. 12 Oct 1963
Row 12 South-North
Sherrill, Billy Gene; b. 06 Nov 1937, d. 26 Jun 2007, husband of Janie (Porter)
Porter, Clarence M.; b. 16 Feb 1909, d. Sep 1988
Porter, C. Odell; b. 1920, d. 1997, wife of Clarence M., m: 12 Nov 1938
Miller, Sam Jr.; b. 10 Jun 1917, d. 16 Apr 1994, Tec4 US Army WWII
Miller, Walsie M.; 30 Apr 1925, only date
Miller, Larry E.; b. 10 Jun 1947, only date
Miller, Kathryn P.; b. 28 Aug 1950, d. 07 Aug 2010, wife of Larry E.
Smith, Henry Jr.; b. 1955, d. 2000, Sgt. TN Highway Patrol, Service 1983-2000, Sgt. of the year 1998
Smith, Mary Ann; b. 1954, only date, wife of Henry Jr., m: 12 Mar 1980
Barkley, Allen; b. 04 Apr 1921, d. 10 Jul 1998, Tec5 US Army WWII
Barkley, Earlene; b. 1927, only date, wife of Allen, m: 21 Dec 1947
Row 13 North-South     (Empty Row)
Row 14 South-North
Smith, William Charles; b. 19 Jun 1925, d. 24 Oct 1995, RM3 US Navy WWII
Smith, Betty (Martin); 1930, only date
Butler, Cecil C.; b. 15 May 1929, d. 15 Jul 2014, husband of Joyce (Dixon), m: 11 Nov 1955
Row 15 North-South
Brown, Marie Martin Reecie; b. 1932, d. 1999
Brown, Jessie L.; b. 12 Apr 1913, d. 25 May 2006, wife of Ethridge, m: 13 Jul 1927
Brown, Ethridge; b. 08 Feb 1905, d. 31 Mar 1994
Butler, Myrtle Jossie; b. 26 Sep 1927, d. 14 Aug 2008, wife of Bill Freemon Butler
Butler, Bill Freemon; b. 27 Apr 1927, d. 24 Feb 1978, Pvt. US Army WWII
Gable, Margaret O. (Butler); b. 20 May 1948, d. 17 Mar 2011, wife of Lowell Dwaine 
Gable, Lowell Dwaine; 3 Apr 1946, only date
Huskey, Bobbie Joe; b. 28 Dec 1990, d. 05 Jan 2008
Row 16 South-North
Morris, Odel Hollis; b. 28 Mar 1923, d. 27 Aug 1989
Morris, Effie Lorene; b. 1924, wife of Odel Hollis, m: 21 Feb 1943
Franks, Joel Boyd; b. 03 Oct 1943, d. 21 Aug 2002
Brewer, Timothy H.; b. 22 Mar 1967, d. 15 May 2009, husband of Patricia (Best)
Pierce, Jimmy B.; b. 1930, only date
Pierce, Mary N.; b. 1932, only date, wife of Jimmy B., m: 09 Feb 1951
Butler, William F. Junior; b. 13 Jan 1946, d. 03 Apr 2001
Butler, Helen F.; 21 Jun 1947, only date
Thompson, Melvin J.; b. 29 Mar 1918, d. Oct 1982
Thompson, S. Vedie; b. 02 Feb 1919, d. 29 May 2008, wife of Melvin J.
Brown, Eugene Gene; b. 03 Nov 1935, d. 15 Nov 1997
Row 17 North-South
Reaves, Arlie; b. 28 Oct 1936, d. 15 Mar 2007, husband of Vickie A.
Lancaster, E. Jean; 1940, only date
Lancaster, Billy J.; b. 28 Oct 1937, d. 24 Jun 1994
Franks, Wilford E.; b. 22 Mar 1939, d. 24 Apr 2008, husband of Aliene
Franks, Randy W. ; b. 26 Feb 1961, d. 12 Jan 1992
Franks, Myrtle L.; b. 1921, d. 1974
Franks, Wilford L.; b. 03 Jul 1917, d. 06 Jun 1975, Pvt. US Army WWII
Reaves, Mabel H.; b. 29 Sep 1915, d. 12 Sep 2005
Reaves, Willard E.; b. 07 May 1910, d. Mar 1974
Butler, Carlean; b. 1930, only date, wife of Russ O., m: 30 Nov 1948
Butler, Russ O.; b. 24 Sep 1931, d. 07 May 2005
Row 18 South-North
Wallace, Ronnie L.; b. 07 Feb 1949, d. 20 May 1990
Wallace, Donna L.; 1953, only date
Wallace, George A.; b. 02 Dec 1923, d. 01 Jan 2009, husband of 1st Annie (Holt), 2nd Pearl (Griggs)
Wallace, Annie E.; b. 1926, d. 1971
Holt, Joseph M.; b. 1893, d. 1969
Holt, Sarah; b. 01 Apr 1894, d. Oct 1974
Hanback, John W.; b. 1888, d. 1972
Hanback, Clara; b. 1889, d. 1982
Reatherford, Rebekah (Hanback); b. 03 Sep 1928, d. 06 Sep 2007, daughter of John & Clara
Reatherford, Gary Ramon; b. 17 Feb 1952, d. 11 Feb 2005, SP4 US Army
Holt, Ellis Owen; b. 24 Apr 1918, d. 18 Oct 2001, Pvt. US Army WWII
Holt, Gladys; b. 14 May 1918, d. 05 Jul 2000
Hudson, Lewis E.; b. 10 Nov 1922, d. 27 Sep 2007
Hudson, Helen J.; b. 04 Apr 1931, d. 01 Sep 2005
Brewer, John V.; b. 07 Feb 1915, d. 24 Nov 1979, Pfc. US Army WWII
Brewer, Uzora D.; b. 23 May 1922, d. 25 Aug 2008, wife of John
Dixon, Hughlet Morris; b. 04 Mar 1922, d. 19 Jan 1989, Pfc. US Army WWII
Dixon, Wilton (Dicus); b. 1925, d. 05 Jul 2007, wife of Hughlet Morris Dixon
Holt, Mountie A.; b. 09 Mar 1910, d. 13 Jan 1972, Tennessee S2 USNR WWII
Holt, Bessie; b. 1913, d. 1997

Section E

Row 1 North-South
Martin, James Ross Sr.; b. 29 Apr 1921, d. 16 Oct 2004, Sgt. US Army WWII Purple Heart
Martin, Frances Carline; b. 06 Oct 1919, only date, wife of James Ross Sr.
Martin, Stefanie Carol; b. 17 Sep 1964, d. 22 Jan 1985, daughter of Frances Carol & James Ross Sr.
Holt, Ellen Lois; b. 04 Jul 1926, d. 22 Feb 2008, wife of Ernest, 1st hus. Bill Holt
Holt, Willie K.; b. 21 Sep 1919, d. Sep 1986
Bryan, Artie; b. 1899, d. 1969
Bryan, Tommie; b. 25 Nov 1896, d. Apr 1976
Daniel, Hubert Fred; b. 12 Aug 1936, d. 16 Apr 2003
Daniel, Shirley Jean; b. 19 Mar 1937, only date
Millican, Gathel E.; 04 Feb 1913, d. 25 Aug 2006, wife of J. Spencer
Millican, J. Spencer; b. 29 Dec 1907, d. 01 Oct 1990
Martin, Evelyn M.; 1935, only date
Martin, James Earl Jr.; b. 19 Apr 1929, d. 19 Sep 2000, Pfc. US Army
Martin, Martha Carol; b. 09 Oct 1959, d. 07 Mar 1963
Row 2 South-North
Martin, Ruby (Cummins); 07 Jul 1922, only date
Martin, James Earl; b. 27 Oct 1904, d. 07 Jan 1994
Martin, Ruth (Morris); b. 07 Jan 1902, d. 07 Nov 1958
Martin, John Frank; b. 03 Jan 1944, d. 06 May 2009
Long, Jessie Floyd; b. 20 Mar 1913, d. 03 Jun 1993
Long, Lola May; b. 08 Dec 1915, d. 15 Jan 2004
Holt, Jerry W.; b. 21 Jul 1942, d. Mar 1973
Holt, Martha A.; 1947, only date
Holt, Teresa A.; b. 26 Feb 1963, d. Dec 1977
Row 3 North-South
Jones, Lonnie A.; b. 18 Jul 1938, d. 04 Jul 1997, A1C US Air Force
Thompson, Patricia J.; b. 1975, only date
Thompson, Johnathan B.; b. 18 Jul 1973, d. 30 May 2009, husband of Patricia J.
Cornett, Billy Edward; b. 4 Jan 1951, d. 4 Apr 2014, husband of Glenda Bryan, m. 23 Apr 1971
US Army 82nd Airborne
Long, Mary Margaret; b. 14 Jan 1938, d. Mar 1987
Long, Willie Floyd; b. 1937, d. 1999
Maynor, Dorothy J.; 1943, only date
Maynor, Jason M.; b. 06 Jan 1979, d. 04 Jun 2004
Maynor, John W.; b. 17 Jul 1924, d. 08 Apr 1991, S2 US Navy WWII
Berry, Phillip Milton; b. 26 Dec 1957, d. 23 Mar 2005
Row 4 South-North
DeCapo, Vada Katherine; b. 13 Mar 1930, d. 04 Nov 2001
Bell, Walter Gaston; b. 24 Apr 1906, d. 15 Jun 1998, S2 US Navy WWII
Smith, Gladys (Bell); b. 20 Sep 1902, d. 01 Jun 1981, mother of C.W. & Hoyt O.
Staggs, James Hubert; b. 20 May 1921, d. 27 Nov 2002
Staggs, Helen Virginia; b. 13 Jun 1926, d. 30 May 1996, wife of James Hubert, m: 20 Dec 1944
Long, Earl Edward; b. 20 Jan 1931, d. 21 Jan 2005, Cpl. 187th Airborne US Army Korea Purple Heart
Long, Shirley (McGee); b. 10 Feb 1935, d. 21 Nov 2005
Hollis, Terry Joe; b. 1959, only date
Hollis, V. Arlene; b. 01 Nov 1961, d. 08 Jan 2001, wife of Terry Joe, m: 24 Oct 1981
Sandusky, Patti; b. 23 May 1957, d. 18 Feb 2008, wife of Danny
Sandusky, Teddy W.; b. 06 Dec 1956, d. 13 Dec 2002
Row 5 North-South
Dickey, Brenda (Haddock); b. 1948, only date, wife of James Ronald, m: 21 Jun 1966
Dickey, James Ronald; b. 16 Aug 1947, d. 04 Jun 2004
Holt, Sarah Ellen (Stutts); b. 20 Mar 1942, d. 23 Mar 2006, wife of Rollie S.
Holt, Rollie S.; 1935, only date
Dickey, Brian Ray; b. 29 Apr 1978, d. 03 Jul 2005, Spc. US Army Persian Gulf
Dickey, Donnie R.; b. 06 Apr 1949, d. 17 Apr 2010, husband of Wanda
Begley, Matthew Carey; b. 1974, d. 1976
Kelley, Ella Mae; b. 22 Mar 1934, d. 02 Oct 2010, wife of Buford H.
Kelley, Buford H.; b. 14 Oct 1933, d. 25 Jun 2001
Barnett, Sarah H. Tootsie; b. 10 Dec 1947, d. 27 May 2008, wife of James
Haddock, Bertha E.; b. 12 Dec 1898, d. 07 Jun 1991
Haddock, Willie H.; b. 01 Dec 1896, d. May 1984
Haddock, Bobby; b. 05 May 1930, d. 04 Nov 1989
Gaps, Catherine S. Jones; b. 26 Jul 1956, d. 06 Aug 2011
Guerrero, Rebecca Lynn (Jones); b. 04 Jun 1961, d. 20 Dec 2013
Row 6 South-North
Fagan, Rachel; b. 1920, d. 2006
Haddock, Glenda; b. 17 Nov 1950, d. 17 Apr 2005
Haddock, Floyd; b. 1949, d. 1999
Haddock, Cellie (Newton); b. 15 Oct 1908, d. Jun 1979
Haddock, Mary Emily; b. 11 Jul 1919, d. 13 Aug 1997
Haddock, Pamela A. Pam; b. 07 Jul 1964, d. 04 Jun 2011
Haddock, Landon H.; b. 1936, d. 1972
Haddock, Vera H.; b. 28 Feb 1939, d. Aug 1980
Haddock, Randy L.; 26 Aug 1970, only date
Thompson, Debra M.; b. 1974, d. 1974, daughter of Jerry & Debra
Thompson, Jerry W.; b. 1955, d. 2004
Thompson, D. Jeanine; b. 1955, wife of Jerry W.
Row 7 North-South
McDonald, Melissa B.; b. 15 Sep 1918, d. 28 Oct 2002
Haddock, Michael S.; b. 1976, d. 1996
Row 8 South-North
Stooksberry, James Lee; b. 13 May 1948, d. 19 Apr 2003, SP4 US Army Vietnam
Stooksberry, Hershel W.; b. 11 Oct 1920, d. 09 Oct 1977, Pfc. US Army WWII
Stooksberry, Pauline; b. 21 Jun 1929, d. 15 Nov 1998
Stooksberry, Grady W.; b. 20 Jan 1947, d. Jun 1978, husband of Linda
Stooksberry, Linda D.; b. 02 Jul 1950, d. Jul 1977, 
Kelley, James Raymond; b. 14 Jun 1927, d. Mar 1973
Kelley, Ora Jean; b. 1930, only date
Risner, Joshua Paul; b. 11 Oct 1985, d. 17 Apr 2006
Brewer, Patrick Smith; 05 Nov 1972, only date
Row 9 North-South
Clay, Brenda Tilley; b. 07 Mar 1968, wife of Jimmy Lee, m: 24 Sep 1993
Clay, Jimmy Lee; b. 11 Jan 1956, d. 15 Dec 1995, Pvt. US Army
Whitten, Rosie P.; b. 17 May 1901, d. Aug 1980
Whitten, Walter F.; b. 17 Nov 1898, d. Aug 1973
Tripp, Jessica Nicole; b. 25 Oct 1981, d. 03 Jan 1982, daughter of Brenda & Frank
Burns, Imogene; b. 15 Aug 1929, d. 18 May 1992
Jones, Bettie Joyce; b. 01 Jun 1950, d. 07 Aug 2005
Jones, James D.; b. 1972, d. 1997
Jones, Ronald L.; b. 1945, d. 1996
Wright, Sallie (Tripp); b. 29 Aug 1922, d. 03 Jul 2009
Wright, Arlie E. Jack; b. 02 Aug 1921, d. 23 Mar 2007, husband of Sallie (Tripp) 
Row 10 South-North
Holder, Barbara Joyce (Rumbaugh); b. 08 Aug 1943, d. 07 Apr 1995
Beckham, McKinley Jr.; b. 24 Dec 1922, d. 26 Dec 1994, FN US Navy WWII
Beckham, Gertrude; b. 1906, d. 1984
Sims, Barbara J. (Tilley); b. 10 Sep 1957, d. 18 Dec 2009
Tilley, Leamon; b. 25 Oct 1938, d. 02 May 2007, husband of Geneva (Wright) 
Row 11 North-South
Butler, Louise; 13 May 1920, d. 28 May 1987
Butler, Elton; b. 28 Jun 1915, d. Sep 1981
Staggs, Ann; 1949, only date
Staggs, Tony; b. 1945, d. 1985
Staggs, Frankie B.; b. 16 Feb 1916, d. Aug 1993
Staggs, James M.; b. 01 Nov 1902, d. Jun 1974
Merchant, Deven; b. 2004, d. 2004
Stanfield, Flossie Ellen; b. 08 Apr 1910, d. 24 Jan 1976
Stanfield, Alex George; b. 22 Aug 1893, d. 03 Oct 1982, Pvt. US Army WWI
Row 12 South-North
Butler, Willard F. b; 26 Dec 1917, d. 17 Dec 1995
Butler, Alma L.; b. 25 Aug 1920, d. 10 May 2003
Rose, H. B.; b. 08 Mar 1924, d. 10 Jun 2001, S Sgt. US Army WWII Korea Vietnam
Rose, Ock Ja; b. 05 Oct 1939, only date, Seoul Korea
Martin, Paulk Bill; b. 07 Mar 1926, d. 20 Jan 2000
Martin, Wilma (Ward); b. 04 Jul 1933, d. 26 Sep 2003
Howe, Robert G.; b. 06 Jul 1955, d. 07 Jan 2009, husband of Denise (Butler)
Howe, Denise (Butler); b. 12 Aug 1957, only date
Row 13 North-South
Victory, Jennifer Lynn (Reaves); b. 01 Nov 1967, d. 28 Jan 2011, wife of James M. 
Thrasher, Ernest; b. 14 Feb 1958, d. 07 Oct 2009, husband of Gail
Simpson, Connie Lynn; b. 05 Dec 1961, d. Mar 1987
Row 14 South-North
Merian, Harold A.Butch; b. 06 Jul 1937, d. 05 Aug 1996
Merian, Carol S.; 23 Feb 1943, only date
Brewer, James Charlie; b. 14 Sep 1951, d. 18 Aug 2009, husband of Dora (Brown), m: 26 May 1972 
Row 15 North-South
Haddock, Allison Mae Taylor; 04 Dec 2000, Little Angel
Haddock, Steven Gregory Taylor; b. 12 Nov 1999, d. 23 Nov 1999
Blalock, Stanley L.; b. 13 Oct 1978, d. 10 Apr 2007, husband of Chasity (Dodd) 
Long, Ashley N.; b. 02 Jan 1984, d. 09 Jul 2002
Campbell, Willa (Spain); b. 26 Apr 1930, d. 09 Jun 2002

No Specific Row Mentioned:
Witcher, Christine (Norton); b. 1921, only date, wife of Herbert Linsley
Witcher, Herbert Linsley; b. 22 Jan 1921, d. 23 Jan 2013, US Army Air Corp. WWII

Walnut Grove Cemetery

The Walnut Grove cemetery lies northeast of Waynesboro in Wayne County, TN. To reach the cemetery from the courthouse square, travel east by way of highway #64 for 1.2 miles. Turn left onto highway #99 and travel approximately 2.5 miles and turn left at the Wayne County Memory Gardens. Travel 1.2 miles to Walnut Grove Rd. Turn right onto Walnut Grove Rd. at the Eastview Baptist Church. Travel approximately 3 miles and the cemetery is on the left.

This enumeration divides the cemetery into two sections. Section 1 includes the graves at the entrance drive across to the row of graves beyond the cemetery sign that are in alignment with the large oak tree and the two cedar trees. Section 2 will continue with the next row past the aforementioned trees and cover all known graves to the back of the cemetery.

As is common with most old cemeteries, there are numerous unknown graves here. Most are marked only with field stones. An extensive effort has been expended to try to extract any and all information that is legible.

This enumeration completed by David & Martha Montgomery at dmont1734@comcast.net and was completed on 4 September 2010. Updated 14 July 2011.

Section 1:
Bagwell, Roxie E. L. (Long); b. 15 May 1904, d. 10 Mar 2004
Brewer, Carolyn Sue; b. 20 Mar 1936, d. 30 Jul 1955
Brewer, Clyde B.; b. 02 Jun 1910, d. 07 Apr 2002
Brewer, Earl; b. 1925, d. 1927, son of Frank & Jimmie
Brewer, Edith; b. 1917, d. 1919, daughter of Frank & Jimmie
Brewer, Frank Jr.; b. 20 Mar 1933, d. 06 Jun 1985
Brewer, G. W.; b. 29 Dec 1930, d. 27 Sep 1947
Brewer, Inez D.; b. 10 Sep 1901, d. 02 Nov 1999
Brewer, infant; b. 1916, d. 1916, infant of Frank & Jimmie
Brewer, James M.; b. 01 Dec 1896, d. 21 Dec 1956
Brewer, Linda Jo; b. 18 Mar 1941, d. 13 Feb 1990
Brewer, Monica Beth; b. 12 Apr 1988, d. 17 Sep 1997
Brewer, Timothy Wayne; b. & d. 19 Dec 1953
Cohen, Jerry; b. 15 Mar 1928, d. 26 Dec 2008, husband of Gloria
Cole, David L.; b. 21 Oct 1941, d. 05 Mar 2009, husband of Joyce M.
Cole, Joyce M.; b. 11 Jul 1938, only date
Crawley-Long, Lula Bell; b. 03 Sep 1904, d. 19 Aug 1997, wife of Amos Herschel Long
Davis, Eva A.; b. 27 Dec 1906, d. 07 Feb 1994, wife of Percy R., m: 17 Jun 1928
Davis, Lena; b. 1880, d. 1981
Davis, Martin L.; b. 1878, d. 1955
Davis, Opal; b. 1914, d. 2002
Davis Patricia Ann; b. 25 Feb 1941, d. 28 Apr 2009, wife of Bronson
Davis, Percy R.; b. 18 Jan 1905, d. 30 May 1952
Davis, Riley M.; b. 26 Apr 1907, d. 18 Apr 2004
Davis, Vernon C.; b. 1911, d. 1954
DeYarmon, Thomas Eric; b. 29 Sep 1970, d. 28 Dec 2005
Dugger, Alexander Shane; b. 2005, d. 2005
Dugger, Buford I.; b. 02 Nov 1902, d. 15 Dec 1971
Dugger, Daniel Thomas; b. & d. 22 Feb 1962
Dugger, Elmer W.; b. 1879, d. 1965
Dugger, Elva B.; b. 14 May 1910, d. 17 Dec 1932, daughter of E. W. & A. M.
Dugger, Henry Clay; b. 25 Dec 1884, d. 27 Nov 1974
Dugger, James Brown; b. 05 Jan 1886, d. 13 Mar 1963
Dugger, John; b. 03 Aug 1856, d. 27 Nov 1911, husband of S. E.
Dugger, Mary Alice; b. 31 Mar 1906, d. 16 Dec 2000
Dugger, Maud D.; b. 1881, d. 1955
Dugger, Mildred V.; b. 19 Feb 1919, d. 21 Feb 2000
Dugger, Nellie N.; b. 20 Jul 1913, d. 06 Nov 1963
Dugger, Pauline Pearl; b. 07 Sep 1918, d. 11 Nov 1982
Gobbell, Dave E.; b. 05 Dec 1904, d. 09 Dec 1979
Gobbell, Georgia M.; b. 15 Oct 1911, d. 23 Jan 2006, wife of Dave E., m: 02 Nov 1936
Gobbell, William C. Billy; b. 12 Jan 1938, d. 27 May 1997
Gobbell, Wonda Kimbrell; b. 1938, only date, wife of William C., m: 1958
Gray, Richard O.; b. 21 Aug 1939, d. 28 May 2007
Gresham, infant; b. & d. 01 Sep 1964
Gresham, James F.; b. 17 May 1934, d. 23 Feb 1998, Pfc. US Air Force Korea
Henson, Linda G. (Dugger); b. 06 Sep 1966, d. 29 Nov 2010 
Jacks, Peggy Jean; b. 17 Apr 1951, d. 18 Apr 1951
King, Elizabeth (McCurry); b. 12 Jun 1923, d. 14 Dec 1980
Kutch, Sallie; b. 22 Jun 1836, d. 28 Sep 1902, wife of William H. 
Kutch, William H.; b. 13 Dec 1843, d. 14 Aug 1917, 3 years service Co. A 9th TN Cav. CSA
Lay, infant; b. & d. 03 Nov 1966, daughter of Vernon & Linda
Long, A. H. (Amos Hershel) Junior; b. 30 Jun 1934, only date, son of Amos Hershel and Lula Bell Crawley Long
Long, Amos Hershel; b. 10 Jul 1902, d. 19 Jan 1983, son of Henry K. and Almedia Hardin Long
Long, Henry; b. 19 Jan 1879, d. 05 Aug 1962, son of Andrew Jackson and Amanda Devasier Long
Long, Herschel C.; b. 1922, d. 1957
Long, Margaret; b. 15 Dec 1930, only date, wife of A. H., m: 23 Sep 1951
Long, Meda (Almedia Hardin); b. 20 Feb 1874, d. 06 Mar 1959, wife of Henry, m: 1900
Long, William Bannie; b. 30 May 1917, d. 01 Dec 1996, Pvt. US Army WWII
Lynch, Charles A.; b. 23 Aug 1947, d. 31 Aug 2008, father of Paul
Lynch, Clyde Alton; b. 04 Apr 1920, d. 02 Apr 2001, TSGT US Marine Corps WWII
Lynch, Ruby (Lynn); b. 30 Apr 1927, d. 13 May 2008, wife of Clyde Alton, m: 24 Sep 1946
Lynn, Clarence E.; b. 17 Aug 1906, d. May 1979
Lynn, Mettie E.; b. 1908, d. 1968
Malone, Luther J.; b. 20 Jul 1892, d. 08 Aug 1969
Malone, Ollie T.; b. 31 Jan 1896, d. 23 Jul 1962
McCurry, Elmer W.; b. 29 Jan 1896, d. 19 Feb 1958, TN Pvt. Co. I 112th Infantry WWII
McCurry, Frank N.; b. 23 May 1921, d. 15 Oct 1983, Pfc. US Army WWII
McCurry, Irene; b. 26 Feb 1927, d. 03 Oct 2000
McCurry, Mary; b. 27 Apr 1901, d. 15 Apr 1973
McNutt, Coy Sr.; b. 04 Feb 1934, d. 25 Jan 1986, Pfc. US Army Korea
McNutt, Herbert Hughs Jr.; b. 08 Apr 1955, d. 20 Nov 1995
McNutt, Hugh H.; b. 19 Sep 1914, d. 21 Apr 1998
McNutt, Ruth L.; b. 08 Apr 1916, d. 31 Dec 1980
Melton, James M. Mike; b. 29 Aug 1960, d. 16 Dec 2010 
Melton, Velma E.; b. 04 Nov 1893, d. 30 Jan 1968
Melton, William H. Jr.; b. 14 Nov 1920, d. 22 Sep 1989, AD1 US Navy WWII Korea
Melton, William H.; b. 27 Oct 1890, d. 02 Mar 1976
Morgan, Charles Gene; b. 29 Aug 1933, only date
Morgan, Clara Nell; b. 05 Feb 1934, d. 31 May 1994, wife of Charles, m: 11 Dec 1954
Morgan, Joseph Calvin Uncle; b. 23 Oct 1874, d. 21 Jun 1963
Nutt, Carolyn Evelyn; b. 18 Feb 1946, only date
Nutt, Charlie S.; b. 25 Aug 1895, d. 15 Jan 1985
Nutt, Claytie B.; b. 26 Jan 1910, d. 06 Nov 1993, wife of Willard J., m: 1935
Nutt, Danny Wayne; b. 07 Nov 1965, d. 01 Feb 1966
Nutt, Georgia (Kelley); b. 28 Aug 1907, d. 25 Aug 1987, wife of Ivan Edward, m: 22 Dec 1929
Nutt, infant; b. & d. 07 Mar 1903, daughter of P.G. & S.C.
Nutt, infant; b. & d. 22 May 1912, daughter of Pleas & Nettie
Nutt, infant; b. & d. 31 Jul 1911, daughter of Pleas & Nettie
Nutt, Ivan Edward; b. 12 Feb 1910, d. 04 Aug 1991
Nutt, Laura B.; b. 28 Oct 1896, d. 13 Apr 1979
Nutt, Mary Lois; b. 29 Mar 1929, only date
Nutt, Nettie; b. 16 Dec 1888, d. 31 May 1989
Nutt, Pleas G.; b. 18 Sep 1876, d. 13 Jul 1950
Nutt, Sallie K.; b. 09 Dec 1878, d. 11 Aug 1907, wife of Pleas
Nutt, Viveon; b. 29 Mar 1904, d. 13 Jul 1906, son of P. G. & Sallie
Nutt, Willard J.; b. 20 Apr 1915, d. Aug 1959
Nutt, Wilton, Lealand; b. 25 Aug 1917, d. 01 Dec 1965, TN TSGT HQ Co. 309th Inf. WWII BSM
Parrish, I. D.; b. 07 Mar 1879, d. 07 Apr 1896, son of W. H.& Mattie
Parrish, Robert E.; b. 22 Feb 1894, d. 05 Apr 1896, son of W. H. & Mattie
Pevahouse, Bambi; 17 Jun 1977, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Pevahouse Jr.
Picketts, Mary D.; b. 1846, d. 1937
Pipes, Charles H.; b. 09 Feb 1955, d. 04 Jun 2004
Pipes, James T.; b. 19 Jun 1962, d. 24 Jul 2008, husband of Letha (Lathrop), m: 04 Oct 1993
Pulley, Andrew Jackson "Dude"; b. 14 May 1916, d. 09 May 1960, son of Samuel Jackson and Annie Mae Long Pulley
Pulley, Gladys Minton b. 22 Feb 1906, d. 14 Mar 1980, wife of Andrew Jackson Pulley 
Pulley, Lige F.; b. 1903, d. 1963, son of John Walter and Amanda Parker Pulley
Pulley, Rosie Morgan; b. 1909, d. 1957, wife of Lige Pulley
Robnett, Lydia; b. 18 Jan 1884, d. 04 Apr 1971
Robnett, Nelson "Trig"; b. 26 Dec 1896, d. 13 Jan 1981
Staggs, Annie Bell; b. 1939, only date, daughter of Lige and Rosie Morgan Pulley
Staggs, Brown; b. 07 Oct 1886, d. 12 Feb 1952
Staggs, James Edward; b. 1965, d. 1965
Staggs, Leonard D.; b. 29 Aug 1932, d. Oct 1981
Staggs, Lizzie; b. 03 Aug 1887, d. 06 Mar 1974
Staggs, Willie Lawrence John; b. 20 Dec 1921, d. 09 Oct 1996, Pfc. US Army WWII
Wilburn, Willie T. Bill; b. 26 Apr 1893, d. 05 Jan 1956
Williams, Lydia C.; b. 1879, 1955
York, Bill; b. 19 Jan 1918, d. 25 Sep 1998
York, Eugene Wayne; b. 03 Apr 1947, d. 14 Feb 1974
York, Eva; b. 28 Feb 1926, only date

This completes Section 1
Section 2: 
Acklin, James M.; b. 28 Feb 1869, d. 05 Aug 1882, son of W. W. & F. D.
Adkisson, Jennie; b. 24 Jun 1876, d. 26 Mar 1941
Alexander, Harvey T.; b. 14 Jan 1869, d. 13 Apr 1945
Alexander, Lillie L.; b. 02 Nov 1877, d. 13 Jan 1933
Barnett, Carrie W.; b. 15 Mar 1895, d. 17 Oct 1895, daughter of W. P. & L. L.
Belew, Bob; no dates
Belew, David J.; b. 02 Dec 1892, d. 25 Sep 1913, son of John J. & Sallie C.
Belew, John J.; b. 22 Aug 1844, d. 15 Jan 1934
Belew, Josie; b. 12 Jan 1859, d. 20 Oct 1921, wife of J. J.
Belew, Sallie C.; b. 19 May 1856, d. 25 Aug 1897, wife of John J.
Boggus, Sallie S.; b. 18 Oct 1885, d. 23 Aug 1947
Brewer, Carolyn L.; b. 28 Oct 1946, d. 22 Feb 1949
Brewer, Damon Grady; b. 03 Jul 1965, d. 18 Dec 2008, husband of Denise
Brewer, Donald Grady; b. 30 Nov 1941, d. 20 Aug 1998
Brewer, Esther Earline (Jackson); b. 13 Nov 1919, d. 10 Aug 2004, wife of Grady Willard, m: 29 Jun 1939
Brewer, G. W.; b. 12 Apr 1865, d. 14 Jun 1920
Brewer, George L.; b. 1874, d. 1938
Brewer, Grady George; b. 12 Dec 1896, d. 11 Jun 1928
Brewer, Grady Willard; b. 05 Dec 1917, d. 03 Apr 2003, AS US Navy WWII
Brewer, infant; b. & d. 24 Dec 1939, daughter of Marvin & Clara Belle
Brewer, James H.; b. 31 Jan 1862, d. 20 Feb 1949
Brewer, Jane; b. 16 Mar 1872, d. 05 Dec 1959
Brewer, LeRoy Wayne; b. 03 Jul 1944, d. 06 Mar 1945
Brewer, Lillie (Bowden); b. 27 Oct 1895, d. 05 Apr 1965, wife of Grady George, m: 24 Jun 1916  (Lillie is buried in Los Altos, CA)
Brewer, Mary C.; b. 01 May 1861, d. 19 Oct 1944, wife of James H., m: 09 Jan 1881
Brewer, Richard M.; b. 1842, d. 1914, Co. E TN Mtd. Inf., husband of Sarah P.
Brewer, Sarah P.; b. 1844, d. 1932, wife of Richard M.
Brewer, Selina; b. 29 May 1832, d. Aug 1890
Brewer, Shirley May; no dates
Brewer, Shirley; b. 20 Sep 1906, d. 15 May 1925
Brewer, Snow M.; b. 16 Aug 1887, d. 02 Jul 1942
Brewer, William Clarence; b. 23 May 1903, d. 22 Aug 1969
Brewer, William Paul; no dates
Brewer, Willie A.; b. 06 Apr 1906, d. 23 Jun 2005
Brewer, Wilton M.; b. 18 Dec 1890, d. 15 Mar 1986
Brown, Taylor Z.; b. 12 Oct 1871, d. 29 Apr 1960
Butler, Neva (Gobbell); b. 23 May 1912, d. 18 Feb 1996
Butler, Zenas Jim; b. 27 Aug 1911, d. 12 Dec 1970
Carroll, Ernest David; b. 09 Mar 1917, d. 05 Oct 1985, Tec 5 US Army WWII
Carroll, Imogene (Staggs); b. 08 Sep 1925, d. 25 Jul 2003, wife of Ernest David, m: 16 Jul 1946
Carroll, Jim B.; b. 28 Jan 1930, d. 06 Nov 1992
Carroll, Ruth I.; b. 16 Aug 1935, d. 11 Jun 1986
Carroll, Tamsey; b. 05 Dec 1881, d. 24 Sep 1900, wife of L.P.
Casteel, Barney; b. 14 Jul 1925, d. 04 Jan 1940
Christia, Jefferson T.; b. 22 May 1850, d. 02 May 1851
Churchwell, Elinder B.; b. 19 Dec 1819, d. 18 Jul 1902, wife of Fielden
Churchwell, Fielden; dates not legible
Churchwell, Florence A.; b. 19 Feb 1874, d. 02 Jun 1914
Churchwell, J. H. C.; b. 02 Mar 1846, d. 16 Aug 1870, son of F. & E. B.
Churchwell, J. S.; b. 20 Jun 1842, d. 27 Feb 1862, son of F. & E. B.
Churchwell, John R.; b. 26 Dec 1854, d. 31 May 1913, husband of Emeline
Churchwell, S. E.; b. 06 Jan 1854, d. 18 Jun 1897, wife of J. R.
Creecy, Bulah; b. 1879, d. 1945
Creecy, E. E.; b. 1872, d. 1954
Crews, Fannie; b. 06 Dec 1862, d. 02 Apr 1940
Crews, Minnie; b. 1890, d. 1953
Crews, Sidney Lonzo; b. 1884, d. 1950
Dugger, Billy Jean; b. 19 Dec 1930, d. 07 Mar 1936
Dugger, Fannie J.; b. 22 Jan 1861, d. 04 Nov 1945
Dugger, James; b. 19 Dec 1848, d. 30 Mar 1908, husband of M.S.
Dugger, Joagim; b. 06 Feb 1811, d. 16 Aug 1897
Dugger, Mary Etta; b. 23 Jan 1889, d. 12 Apr 1930
Dugger, Sherrill; b. 14 Oct 1923, d. 03 Mar 1924
Dugger, Silas; b. 01 Apr 1859, d. 11 Aug 1937
Dugger, Susannah; b. 05 Jul 1824, d. 19 Aug 1874
Durham, Colonel A.; b. 06 Jun 1904, d. 30 Jun 1994
Durham, E. Waymon; b. 13 Aug 1908, d. 30 Apr 1980
Evans, J. E.; b. 19 Dec 1838, d. 26 May 1895
Flippo, John; no dates
Flippo, Mandy; no dates
Fraley, Annie L.; b. 20 Sep 1898, d. 26 Mar 1947, wife of Clifford, m: 05 Jun 1919
Fraley, Clifford; b. 22 Dec 1891
Frazier, Dorothy N.; b. 15 Sep 1921, d. Mar 1980, wife of Roscoe, m: 13 Jul 1940
Frazier, infant; b. & d. 02 Apr 1941, daughter of Roscoe & Dorothy
Frazier, John; b. 1885, d. 1977
Frazier, Lane Wyatt; b. & d. 19 Feb 2009, son of Darren & Samantha
Frazier, Larry Ricky; b. 25 Mar 1953, d. 12 May 2005
Frazier, Myrtle L.; b. 08 Mar 1920, d. 05 Dec 1950
Frazier, Nelda Joyce; b. 17 Jul 1945, d. 29 Mar 1946
Frazier, Roscoe; b. 03 Jul 1910, d. 30 Oct 2003
Frazier, Sallie; b. 1880, d. 1945
Frazier, William Thomas; b. 18 Oct 1942, d. 04 Aug 1945
Gibson, Mary; b. 11 Apr 1818, d. 26 Jul 1882, wife of J.D.
Gobbell, Charlie C.; b. 1883, d. 1942
Gobbell, Edward W.; b. 31 Mar 1824, d. 02 Apr 1910
Gobbell, Elzaida; b. 1879, d. 1955
Herring, Geraldine B.; b. 01 Jul 1929, d. 13 Feb 2014, wife of Robert Leroy “Bob”, m: 30 May 1953
Herring, Robert LeRoy; b. 26 Mar 1931, d. 31 Jul 1995, Cpl. US Army Korea
Horton, Irene (Morgan)(Nutt); b. 06 Sep 1919, d. 15 Jun 1990
Howard, Ellender C.; b. 18 Mar 1852, d. 11 Sep 1894
Howard, Neless B. Osices; b. 26 Jun 1874, d. 11 Nov 1874, son of E. B. & E. C.
Howe, Edna Marie Pulley; b. 11 Nov 1918, d. 29 Feb 1996, daughter of Luther and Mandy Long Pulley
Howe, Eugene; b. 01 May 1940, d. 19 Jun 1940
Howe, Jim; b. 26 Oct 1909, d. 29 Oct 1968, Edna Pulley Howe
Hunt, Aileen Marie; b. 1927, d. 1935
Hunt, Annie Laura; b. 1917, d. 1934
Hunt, Cicero B.; b. 22 Dec 1891, d. 12 Sep 1971
Hunt, Eula (Riley); b. 14 May 1888, d. 11 Dec 1979
Hunt, Henry O.; b. 01 Oct 1876, d. 31 Jul 1944
Hunt, Nellie; b. 26 Dec 1882, d. 16 Jan 1957
Hunt, Ruthena Cassey; b. 1932, d. 1933
Hunt, Sarah J.; b. 1848, d. 1931
Hunt, William G.; b. 1845, d. 1922
Hunt, Zada P.; b. 10 Dec 1897, d. 24 Nov 1970
Infant, no surname or given name, 1843, only date
Inman, Paul; b. 16 Oct 1902, d. 11 Nov 1922
Jackson, Abigail Gilham; b. 12 May 1768, d. 09 Aug 1842 
Jackson, Addie (Cole); b. 22 Apr 1918, d. 23 Dec 1945
Jackson, Babe; b. 1864, d. 1928
Jackson, Carl Anderson; b. 14 Dec 1914, d. 24 May 1942, Missouri Pvt. 1CL 302nd Coast Arty
Jackson, David S.; b. 03 Aug 1847, d. 17 Jul 1914
Jackson, Delbert; b. 1911, d. 1912
Jackson, Ethel; b. 15 Apr 1893, d. 28 Jan 1969
Jackson, George A.; b. 10 Mar 1887, d. 09 Jan 1964
Jackson, Gertie Mae; b. 15 Sep 1902, d. 05 Oct 1974
Jackson, infant; b. & d. 08 Apr 1846, son of Susan S. & John Jr.
Jackson, James; b. 05 Jun 1778, d. 25 Jul 1845, soldier in the war of 1812 at Horseshoe Bend & New Orleans, Pvt. Co. �A� TN Volunteers
Jackson, John A.; b. 15 Mar 1843, d. 13 Feb 1911
Jackson, John; b. 01 Apr 1821, d. 08 May 1905, 
Jackson, John; b. 10 Oct 1787, d. 17 Jun 1855, soldier in the war of 1812 at Horseshoe Bend & New Orleans, Pvt. Co. �A� TN Volunteers
Jackson, Joseph Jasper; b. 17 Aug 1846, d. 21 Feb 1931, Civil War soldier 1861-1865, Pvt. Co. �A� 19th Biffles Calvary, fought at Shiloh 1862
Jackson, Lester Landon Junior; b. 10 Sep 1936, d. 08 Oct 2010, husband of Bettyi (Odle), m: 18 May 1963
Jackson, Lester Oliver; b. 24 Mar 1896, d. 16 Sep 1978, Pvt. US Army WWI
Jackson, Lillian Baby; no dates
Jackson, Loveck M.; b. 1887, d. 1904
Jackson, Mahala R.; b. 01 Feb 1845, d. 13 May 1915
Jackson, Manda J.; b. 30 Dec 1869, d. 13 Jan 1957
Jackson, Margaret Ellen; b. 14 Nov 1856, d. 19 Apr 1930, wife of Joseph Jasper, m: 12 Jul 1874
Jackson, Martha A.; b. 22 Oct 1847, d. 19 May 1926
Jackson, Mary (Morton); b. 26 Jun 1825, d. 03 Mar 1893
Jackson, Mary; b. 26 Apr 1778, d. 06 Aug 1852
Jackson, Mildred E.; b. 25 May 1922, d. 10 Feb 2000
Jackson, Mittie Ballard; b. 1873, d. 1934
Jackson, Polly; b. 11 Apr 1795, d. 28 Sep 1866
Jackson, Roy; 1914, son of William A. & Ethel M.
Jackson, Russell H.; b. 15 Apr 1919, d. 11 Dec 1982, Pvt. US Army WWII
Jackson, Susan T. (Skillern); b. 14 Jul 1822, d. 12 Sep 1906, wife of John, m: 26 Jun 1845
Jackson, Thomas Jefferson; b. 18 Jul 1823, d. 06 Jul 1898, Civil War soldier, Sgt. Co. �A� 9th BN Ganitts Calvary CSA fought at Shiloh 1862
Jackson, Velcie J.; b. 12 Jul 1933, d. 23 Dec 1933
Jackson, Vivian D.; b. 13 Apr 1941, d. 16 Jul 1976
Jackson, W. F.; b. 15 Nov 1931, d. 14 May 1934
Jackson, William J.; b. 01 May 1866, d. 01 Jun 1943
Jackson, William J.; b. 10 Jun 1758, d. 21 May 1845, soldier of the Revolution 1775-1882, fought with the �Swamp Foxes� of North Carolina
Joice, Edna C.; b. 11 May 1869, d. 09 Jul 1869
Joice, Ella J.; b. 02 Apr 1867, d. 28 Jan 1868, daughter of J. & C. S.
Joice, Felix E.; b. 27 Sep 1861, d. 30 Jul 1867, 
Joice, James B.; b. 29 Jan 1860, d. 24 May 1862, son of J. & C. S. Joice
Keeton, David H.; b. 22 Jul 1868, d. 15 Oct 1915, son of Josiah & Martha (Walker)
Keeton, Josiah; no dates
Keeton, Martha (Walker); no dates
Lambertson, Nancy Sidney (Gibson); b. 14 Oct 1852, d. 10 Mar 1871, wife of Frank Lambertson
Lee, Elizabeth (Jackson); b. 12 Mar 1824, d. 19 Sep 1886
Lee, George W.; b. 26 Apr 1785, d. 14 Jun 1853, soldier in the war of 1812, fought at New Orleans, Pvt. Co. �B� Cotton Bailers
Lee, Jessee; b. 12 Jan 1790, d. 20 Sep 1866
Lee, Lucus L.; b. 18 Feb 1823, d. 28 Jul 1894, Civil War soldier, Sgt. Co. �A� TN Mtd. Inf. Fought at Shiloh 1862
Lee, Margaret Peggy; b. 03 Sep 1805, d. 24 Sep 1896
Lee, Mary Marijah; b. 02 Feb 1791, d. 25 Nov 1846
Lee, Mary; d. 12 Dec 1843
Lee, Mrs. E. A.; b. 02 Jan 1825, d. 26 Jan 1888
Lee, Nancy; b. 20 Sep 1832, d. 09 Mar 1851
Lee, Stephen; b. 27 Feb 1828, d. 16 Oct 1846
Lemay, Bruce; b. 26 May 1916, d. 17 Oct 1983
Lindsey, Cate; b. 16 Sep 1880, d. 12 Apr 1908, wife of J.L.
Long, A. Hurchel; b. 22 Mar 1885, d. 06 May 1931
Long, Andrew Jackson; b. 15 May 1847, d. 24 Dec 1950, son of Henry and Lucinda Casteel Long
Long, Betty M. (Nutt); b. 10 Dec 1908, d. 08 Mar 1988, wife of Taylor 
Long, Davada; b. 29 Jul 1900, d. 31 May 1903, daughter of Andrew Jackson & Amanda Devasier Long
Long, Lester R.; b. 07 Jul 1898, d. 02 Aug 1899, son of Andrew Jackson & Amanda Devasier Long
Long, Maggie C.; b. 1887, d. 1972
Long, Amanda Devasier; b. 22 Sep 1853, d. 30 May 1926, daughter of Drewry Green and Melinda Lee Devasier 
Long, Ruie E.; b. 11 May 1911, d. 06 Jul 1936
Long, Silvester; b. 19 Sep 1878, d. 19 Apr 1898, son of Andrew Jackson and Amanda Devasier Long
Lowell, William; b. 03 Sep 1873, d. 03 Jul 1896, son of M. L. & R. H.
Matheney, Milley; b. 21 Jan 1799, d. 10 Oct 1816
Meadows, Raymond Jr.; b. 29 Nov 1938, d. 18 Apr 1939
Melton, Boyd F.; b. 23 Jun 1895, d. 20 Nov 1929
Melton, Charles Ray; b. 16 Apr 1928, d. 03 Feb 2003, Pfc. US Marine Corps Korea
Melton, Dora; b. 25 Mar 1870, d. 01 Apr 1945
Melton, Eli James; b. 26 Nov 1920, d. 09 May 1991, SF1 US Navy WWII
Melton, infant; no dates
Melton, Jessie S.; b. 26 Feb 1897, d. 07 Nov 1979
Melton, Jim R.; b. 08 Jun 1863, d. 19 Feb 1955
Melton, Laura Ann; b. 18 Nov 1896, d. 29 Jul 1974
Melton, Terry C.; b. 12 Nov 1892, d. 17 May 1960, Pvt. 1 Const. Co. QMC WWI
Meredith, Ada (Jackson); b. 08 Apr 1898, d. 01 Jun 1942
Mitchell, Charlie E.; b. 18 Mar 1873, d. 11 Jan 1954
Mitchell, Gladys Cleo; b. 21 Jan 1910, d. 04 Nov 1988
Mitchell, Harry William; b. 26 Feb 1904, d. 04 May 1961
Morgan, Barbara Sue; 16 Apr 1948
Morgan, Bobby Dean; b. 25 Nov 1943, d. 20 Jan 1944
Morgan, Elgie W.; b. 18 Aug 1911, d. 03 Jul 1978
Morgan, Flossie J.; b. 01 Apr 1910, d. 18 Nov 1978
Morgan, Frances M.; b. 22 Sep 1917, d. 07 Oct 2005
Morgan, Layton; b. 28 Apr 1906, d. 25 Jan 1995
Morgan, Lois; no dates
Morgan, T. R. Bigan; b. 12 Dec 1912, d. 01 Jun 1973
Neumaster, James Fredric; b. 24 Nov 1920, d. 16 Oct 1921, son of Edd & Clura Neumaster
Nutt, Paul Joel; b. 10 Jun 1925, d. 22 Aug 2003, spouse unknown,  m: 28 Oct 1948, Pfc. US Army WWII Purple Heart
Nutt, Barbara Ann; b. 21 Aug 1948, d. 28 Apr 2005, wife of James Allen, m: 03 Jun 1967
Nutt, Bedford; b. 22 Mar 1926, d. 11 Mar 1941
Nutt, Brookie Nell; b. 04 Jan 1934, d. 14 Jan 1935
Nutt, Earnest W.; b. 1923, d. 1924
Nutt, Elizabeth; b. & d. 19 Jul 1958, daughter of Trester & Evelyn
Nutt, Ellen (Churchwell); b. 11 May 1876, d. 17 Apr 1895, daughter of J.R. & S., wife of P.G. Nutt
Nutt, Evelyn (Brewer); b. 23 Aug 1916, d. 01 Sep 2010, wife of Trester, m: 30 Oct 1937
Nutt, Fred R.; b. 1900, d. 1956
Nutt, Glenda Sue; b. 27 Feb 1936, d. 26 Nov 1938
Nutt, Grace E.; b. 1932, d. 1932
Nutt, Gradie; b. 1895, d. 1965
Nutt, Inez; b. 1892, d. 1939
Nutt, infant girl; b. & d. 28 Jan 1925
Nutt, infant girl; b. 11 May 1924, d. 12 May 1924
Nutt, infant; b. & d. 08 Apr 1846, son of J. & S.T.
Nutt, James Allen; b. 11 May 1943, only date
Nutt, Lee D.; b. 01 Dec 1889, d. 22 Oct 1961
Nutt, Linda F.; b. 1947, d. 1947
Nutt, Monetta D.; b. 1902, d. 1994
Nutt, Myrtle E.; b. 16 Apr 1889, d. 19 Sep 1922
Nutt, Pauline; b. 23 Feb 1923, d. 17 Jun 1923
Nutt, Rachel; b. 10 Jan 1929, d. 27 Mar 1949
Nutt, Trester Steelmanu; b. 17 May 1916, d. 09 Sep 2005, Pvt. US Army WWII
Pitts, Marvin J.; b. 06 Mar 1904, d. 18 Aug 1904, son of Joseph & Lula
Pitts, Ruth Mae; b. 12 Feb 1905, d. 07 Dec 1916, daughter of J.L. & Lula
Poag, infant; 20 Apr 1902, infant of Frank & Sallie
Poag, infant; b. & d. 16 Aug 1898, infant of J.N. & E.I.
Poag, Nancy J.; 23 Sep 1877, age inscription not legible
Pollock, Burel; b. 25 Jun 1892, d. 24 Aug 1892, son of Jas & Nellie
Pollock, Elender C.; b. 22 May 1871, d. 18 Apr 1936, wife of James Pollock
Pollock, James; b. 27 Sep 1874, d. 17 Oct 1953
Pollock, Nancy; b. 11 Dec 1857, d. 30 Oct 1944
Pollock, R. A.; b. 25 Jun 1854, d. 16 May 1904
Pollock, Theophilus; b. 06 Nov 1907, d. 06 Dec 1918
Pollock, W. C.; b. 27 Jan 1880, d. 04 Feb 1909
Pulley, Aileen; 22 Apr 1924, only date, wife of Dewey Pulley
Pulley, Annie Mae Long; b. 1894, d. 1936, daughter of Andrew Jackson and Amanda Devasier Long, wife of Samuel Jackson Pulley
Pulley, Carrol Wayne; b. 17 May 1953, d. 30 May 1953
Pulley, Clyde Franklin; b. Oct 1932, d. Apr 1933, son of Samuel Jackson and Annie Mae Long Pulley
Pulley, Dewey; b. 09 Jun 1922, d. 18 Dec 1996, son of Pence and Tammy Long Pulley
Pulley, George Gilbert; b. 18 Mar 1956, d. 14 Dec 2006, son of Dewey and Aileen Long Pulley
Pulley, Luther; b. 1882, d. 1980, the son of John Walter and Amanda Parker Pulley, husband of Mandy Maie Long
Pulley, Mandy Maie Long; b. 1891, d. 1967, daughter of Andrew Jackson and Amanda Devasier Long, wife of Luther Pulley
Pulley, Pence; b. 1896, d. 1940, son of John Walter and Amanda Parker Pulley, husband of Tammy Long
Pulley, Samuel Jackson; b. 02 Feb 1894, d. Mar 1968, son of John Walter and Amanda Parker Pulley, husband of Annie M. Long
Pulley, Tammie; b. 12 May 1896, d. 15 Feb 1974, the daughter of Andrew Jackson and Amanda Devasier Long, wife of Pence Pulley
Rayburn, Etta; b. 26 Aug 1909, d. 16 Apr 1928
Rayburn, James E.; b. 11 Mar 1886, d. 24 Sep 1969
Rayburn, Kathleen; b. 1918, d. 1919
Rayburn, Mable L.; b. 02 Jan 1903, only date
Rayburn, Nancy J.; b. 20 Feb 1888, d. 05 Mar 1927
Rayburn, Nancy Jane; b. 20 Feb 1888, d. 05 Mar 1927, wife of J.E.
Robinett, Nancy A.; b. 14 Mar 1851, d. 12 Feb 1924
Robinett, William J.; b. 12 Mar 1860, d. 12 Oct 1941
Robnett, Ellender C.; b. 20 Dec 1872, d. 14 Dec 1876, daughter of J.R. & D.C.J.
Robnett, Fielden; b. 18 Jun 1863, d. 12 Apr 1864, son of J.R. & D.C.J.
Robnett, J. R.; b. 07 Mar 1837, d. 29 Aug 1902
Robnett, J. S.; b. 04 May 1828, d. 25 Jun 1905, Sgt. Co. �A� 2nd TN Mtd. Inf.
Robnett, John; b. 01 Aug 1804, d. 13 Apr 1895
Robnett, John; b. 04 Jan 1830, d. 05 May 1839, son of J. & N.
Robnett, John; b. 1850, d. 1930
Robnett, Nancy J.; b. 1852, d. 1941
Robnett, Nancy; b. 14 Jul 1809, d. 17 Jun 1889, wife of John
Robnett, Neless; b. 18 Aug 1878, d. 07 Sep 1894, son of J.R. & D.C.J.
Robnett, Rachel D.; b. 20 Aug 1828, d. 07 Jun 1922, wife of Joseph S.
Runions, Elvin L.; b. 28 Oct 1935, d. 19 Nov 2005
Runions, Ruth K.; b. 30 Nov 1936, d. 08 Jul 1989, wife of Elvin L., m: 02 Apr 1960
Scott, A. J.; b. 04 Feb 1853, d. 11 Sep 1932
Scott, John S.; b. 27 Mar 1887, d. 18 Mar 1901
Scott, Margaret S.; b. 31 Aug 1854, d. 07 Jul 1925
Shelton, Ernest; b. 06 Jan 1910, d. 21 Jan 1964
Shelton, Lena; b. 08 Jun 1882, d. 12 Jun 1943
Shelton, M. Elsie; b. 28 Apr 1913, d. 30 Jan 1986
Shelton, W. A.; b. 05 Mar 1870, d. 18 May 1946
Skillern, J. A.; b. 14 May 1901, d. 12 Sep 1902
Skillern, John S.; b. 12 Dec 1830, d. 16 Sep 1909
Skillern, Martha Genira; b. 01 Oct 1857, d. 24 Dec 1859
Skillern, Rebecca; b. 17 Apr 1828, d. 23 Aug 1899
Smith, Clarrence; b. 04 Sep 1895, d. 30 Jun 1900, son of J.E. & S.L.
Smith, Lester; b. 04 )ct 1884, d. 17 Jun 1892, son of J.E. & S.L.
Snow, Billy R.; b. 03 Sep 1931, only date
Snow, Nita N.; b. 05 May 1935, d. 29 Jun 2000, wife of Billy R., m: 23 Dec 1954
Staggs, Allison; b. 02 Feb 1869, d. 16 Oct 1943
Staggs, Alvin; b. 15 Dec 1904, d. 17 May 1981, Pvt. US Army WWII
Staggs, Aron E.; b. 10 Mar 1932, d. 07 Dec 1984, SSGT US Army Korea
Staggs, Clyde; b. 10 Jun 1889, d. 12 Feb 1936
Staggs, Earnestine; b. 08 Sep 1925, d. 22 Sep 1925
Staggs, Elmer; b. 1894, d. 1956
Staggs, G. B.; b. no dates, Co. �H� 2nd TN Mtd. Inf.
Staggs, Heddie Mae; b. Apr 1907, d. Jun 1934
Staggs, Jo Ann; b. 10 Jul 1886, d. 12 Nov 1964
Staggs, Jones Royal; b. 22 Nov 1926, d. 27 Aug 1968, TN SP4 Co. �B� 83rd Engr. Const. BN WWII Korea
Staggs, Kate; b. 17 Dec 1902, d. May 1988
Staggs, Leeville L.; b. 13 Mar 1934, d. 27 Oct 1966
Staggs, Nancy May; b. 01 Jul 1883, d. 02 Jun 1921, wife of A.R.
Staggs, Ronnie Marshall; b. & d. Apr 1952
Staggs, Vernie; b. 26 Aug 1908, d. 29 Nov 1986
Staggs, W. J.; b. 03 Feb 1849, d. 10 Feb 1916, husband of Mary J.
Staggs, Wilburn; b. 05 Jun 1890, d. 26 Oct 1917
Stephens, Charles Dale; b. 03 Nov 1954, only date
Stephens, Elisha Walker; b. 18 Sep 1917, d. 11 Jul 2011
Stephens, Stella Sue; b. 16 Jan 1940, d. 29 May 1970
Stockard, Alvie; b. 30 Oct 1897, d. 31 Mar 1939
Stutts, Harriet; b. 1881, d. 1953
Stutts, James P.; b. 1873, d. 1923
Stutts, Leonard; b. 10 Jan 1845, d. 20 Sep 1912
Stutts, Mary; b. 10 Jun 1849, d. 02 Jul 1925
Tolle, Elizabeth; b. 18 Jun 1822, d. 12 Feb 1906, wife of G.W.
West, Ellen; b. 19 Dec 1829, d. 17 Mar 1901
West, infant; no dates, son of J.W.
West, Isham; b. 21 Oct 1826, d. 15 Jan 1901
West, Margaret; b. 07 Oct 1855, d. 07 Feb 1888
West, Rhoda; b. 23 Mar 1858, d. 10 Nov 1858
West, Simon; b. 25 Apr 1872, d. 05 Oct 1875
West, Susan; b. 01 Sep 1861, d. 22 Aug 1897
Wilburn, Billie Jr.; b. 29 Oct 1937, d. 24 May 1938

Salem Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery


Salem Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery

GPS Coordinates: 35° 26¢ 07² N, 87° 41¢ 34² W

Submitted by David & Martha Montgomery. This enumeration was completed on Thursday, March 29, 2007. Updated 16 February 2009.

To reach the Salem Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery, from the courthouse square in Waynesboro. Travel east on highway 64 for 1.2 miles and turn left onto highway 99. Go approximately 2.5 miles to the Wayne County Memory Gardens. Continue on highway 99 by turning left at the Memory Gardens and go 4 miles. Turn left in front of the Topsy Fire Department onto Topsy Road and travel 3 miles. Turn right onto Pea Ridge Road and go .5 miles. Turn left onto Salem Church Rd. and go .3 miles down the hill. The church and cemetery are at the base of the hill overlooking the Buffalo River. The church was organized in 1821.

The following remarks are those of Clifford Allen Meredith on March 11, 2007 during a Wayne County Historical Society meeting at the church.

The first settlers came to Wayne County in 1815 by wagon train. The members of this party camped at a big spring overnight. Lovic & Jane Rasbury were traveling with the wagon train. Their child became ill, died and became the first grave in this cemetery. Jane Rasbury would not move on because her child was buried here.

The total members being ten, Lovic Rasbury, was chosen and ordained deacon. The door was opened for reception of members. Lonnie Staggs & Elijah Pope were received. Elder, Willis Dodson of Hickman County was the first pastor. Lovic Rasbury & Thomas Meredith were the deacons for many years. Elder, Edd Perkins became a deacon in 1834. By 1900 the membership was ninety-one.

About 1875, the log church building was replaced by the present building. In 1929, the association discontinued church at Salem. On November 15, 1953, the church was reorganized with R.G. Rhodes called as pastor with Stanley Hinson as assistant. Ordained deacons were Clifford Meredith, Clemon Meredith and Floyd Broadway. Present deacons are Jimmy Doyle Meredith & Clifford Allen Meredith, the latter also serving as church clerk. Presently, the pastor is Elder Clifton Johnson.

Enumerators Note:
There are approximately 100 unknown graves in this cemetery. Of the approximately 450 persons presently buried here, 42% of those were born in the 1800’s. Of that number, 25% of those were born and also died in the 1800’s. Lovic & Jane Meredith, born 25 Feb 1781 & 21 Aug 1777 respectively were the parents of the child who was the first person buried here.

Adkins, Lucius L.; b. Apr 1865, d. 1948, husband of Vergileen (Reeves)
Adkins, Ollie; b. 10 Jul 1896, d. 31 Jul 1972
Adkins, Ollie Gene; b. 23 Oct 1922, d. 20 Dec 1923, son of Ollie & Sallie
Adkins, Sallie (Whitehead); b. 02 Aug 1897, d. 02 Mar 1924, wife of Ollie
Adkins, Vergileen (Reeves); b. May 1857, d. 04 Jun 1920, wife of Lucius L.
Blackwell, Decima; b. 1909, d. 1949
Blasingim, Grace C.; b. 16 Oct 1920, d. 17 Jun 1923
Blasingim, Sherman; b. 05 Mar 1901, d. 10 Jan 1934
Brown, Irene; b. 10 Jun 1923, d. 09 Jul 1926, daughter of Frank & Hettie
Carter, Susan (Nutt); b. 29 Aug 1899, d. 15 Jul 1925
Collins, Catherine (Sharp); b. 24 Aug 1936, d. 06 Feb 1999
Camper, David Kirk; b. 25 Apr 1894, d. 25 Jan 1918, (Note) This marker incorrectly has Comper on it.)
Craig, John R.; b. 20 Oct 1844, d. 11 May 1911, husband of Annie
Craig, Ursula A.; b. 01 Jan 1852, d. 04 Feb 1895, wife of John R., daughter of J.I. & E.A. Biffle
Crouch, Ronald Lee; b. 10 Feb 1950, d. 06 Oct 1950, son of Willie & Melma
Davasier, Green D.; b. 02 Jul 1823, d. 06 Apr 1862, husband of Melinda Lee
Devasure, Ernest H.; b. 31 Oct 1913, d. 04 Mar 1968, Tenn Pfc. Co. “C” 168 EWGR BN WWII PH
Devasure, Henry H.; b. 27 Oct 1867, d. 09 Sep 1933
Devasure, Susan J.; b. 06 Dec 1874, d. 04 Dec 1948
Davis, infant; 11 Aug 1950, only date, son of Ralph & Sue (twins, not duplicated)
Davis, infant; 11 Aug 1950, only date, son of Ralph & Sue
Davis, Sandra Sue; b. 31 Oct 1960, d. 05 Nov 1963
Duncan, Obie Lee; b. 12 Nov 1913, only date
Duncan, Rita (Edwards); b. 26 May 1916, d. 05 Apr 2002
Edwards, Augusta Pearl; b. 29 Oct 1894, d. 14 Jan 1985
Edwards, Charles Gerald; b. 11 Oct 1923, d. 13 Apr 1924, son of L.D. & Naomi
Edwards, David L.; b. 04 Feb 1822, d. 03 Feb 1904, husband of S.A.
Edwards, Earl; b. 09 Dec 1895, d. 14 Dec 1896, son of A.A. & M.M.
Edwards, Elizabeth F.; b. 13 Jun 1869, d. 12 Jun 1895
Edwards, Herschel L.; b. 30 Jan 1892, d. 06 Aug 1951
Edwards, Hester; b. 1891, d. 1923
Edwards, infant; b. & d. 16 Jul 1902, son of I.C. & D.O.
Edwards, infant; b. 15 Apr 1904, d. 17 Apr 1904, daughter of J.B. & Ethel
Edwards, Isaac C.; b. 12 Jul 1856, d. 12 Mar 1940
Edwards, M.P.; b. 11 Apr 1867, d. 20 Jan 1901
Edwards, Onalova; b. 11 Feb 1866, d. 05 Mar 1942
Edwards, S. A.; b. 04 Jun 1825, d. 26 Dec 1900, wife of D.L.
Edwards, Thomas Mitchell; b. 24 Jan 1919, d. 06 Apr 2001
Fain, Emma; b. 10 May 1871, d. 30 Jan 1917, wife of J.N.C.
Fain, J. N. C.; b. 16 Apr 1868, d. 28 Sep 1913
Flippo, Pearl; b. 12 Mar 1905, d. 22 Feb 1941
Frazier, Flora M.; b. 28 May 1887, d. 08 Jul 1962
Frazier, H. C.; b. 30 Jan 1895, d. 02 Jul 1969
Frazier, Ima D.; b. 22 Mar 1930, only date
Frazier, infant children, no dates, children of Vernon & Roxie
Frazier, James D. “Jim”; b. 15 Apr 1886, d. 08 Jun 1947
Frazier, Joe Brown; b. 11 Oct 1917, d. 10 Nov 1973, Tenn S1 USNR WWII
Frazier, N. Annie; b. 14 Jun 1897, d. 22 Jan 1959
Frazier, Robbie L.; b. 08 Sep 1924, d. 01 Sep 1968, Tennessee Pvt. 174 Air SVC GP AAF WWII PH 
Frazier, Ruth E.; b. 20 July 1923, only date
Frazier, Thomas Sidney; b. ca 1852, d. 22 Nov 1936, married Esta L. Davasure December 1872
Galloway, Emma; b. 15 Jan 1869, d. 01 Feb 1909, 1st wife of J.D.
Galloway, Hugh; b. 12 May 1833, d. 09 Aug 1887
Galloway, J. D.; b. 31 Oct 1861, d. 03 May 1936
Galloway, Lottie; b. 08 Jan 1881, d. 17 Jan 1927, 2nd wife of J.D.
Goodin, Cleta Joyce (Meredith); b. 18 Jul 1940, only date, wife of John Travis, m: 29 Jun 1993
Goodin, John Travis “Tab”; b. 29 Jul 1937, d. 18 Jun 2006
Goodwin, J. L.; b. 28 Sep 1850, d. 10 Jul 1915
Gossett, G. N.; b. 27 Jan 1839, d. 09 Dec 1887
Grinder, Lillie Mae (Whitehead); b. 16 Nov 1890, d. 23 Oct 1969
Harder, Edward Thomas; b. 24 Jan 1944, d. 02 Sep 1998, husband of Barbara, m: 15 Jul 1998, Pvt. US Army 
Harder, Norma Dean; b. 29 Aug 1940, d. 23 Oct 1949
Harris, Elsie; b. 20 Jul 1923, d. 28 Sep 1923, daughter of J.E. & Laura
Harris, James F.; b. 1888, d. 1958
Harris, Laura A.; b. 1893, d. 1985
Higgins, Bettie; no dates
Higgins, Brown; b. 16 Mar 1900, d. 25 Jan 1967
Higgins, Grace J.; b. 10 May 1904, d. 05 May 1941, wife of James B. Higgins
Higgins, John William; b. 26 Jun 1868, d. 11 Nov 1926
Higgins, Nancy Ellen; b. 03 Jan 1874, d. 27 Oct 1950
Higgins, Sarah Jane; b. 16 Sep 1869, d. 05 Jan 1954
Hopson, Mary A.; b. 02 Feb 1846, d. 22 Feb 186?, wife of Brinkley Hopson, daughter of Thomas & Mary Meredith, m: 12 Sep 186?
Hufstedler, Eudoxia A.; b. 08 Sep 1855, d. 27 Jul 1887, wife of J.H.
Jackson, Andie; b. 20 Apr 1898, d. 28 Feb 1911, son of J.M. & Laura
Jackson, Jake M.; b. 13 Jan 1856, d. 03 Jan 1925
Jackson, Jonathan Eli; b. 16 Jun 1853, d. 25 Apr 1910
Jackson, Laura A.; b. 02 Mar 1860, d. 12 Jul 1922, wife of J.M.
Jackson, Nancy Ann; b. 08 Nov 1844, d. 24 May 1912, wife of Jonathan Eli, m: 14 Oct 1869
Johns, Curtis C.; b. 21 Nov 1904, d. 09 Jun 1921
Johns, J. J.; b. 25 May 1851, d. 13 Feb 1926
Kelley, Arthur W.; b. 28 Jan 1894, d. 20 Jan 1937
Kelley, Barbara; b. 06 Nov 1946, only date
Kelley, Bay J. M.; b. 27 Dec 1890, d. 08 Apr 1953
Kelley, Bessie H.; b. 18 Jan 1918, d. 05 Feb 1918, infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ray Kelley
Kelley, Dorothy Imogene; b. 31 Jul 1926, d. 28 Sep 1927
Kelley, Eula; b. 1899, d. 1997, wife of Jasper
Kelley, Gerald Lee; b. 18 Jan 1945, d. 21 Jan 1945, son of J.R. & Emma Lee
Kelley, J. M.; b. 21 Jun 1868, d. 06 Apr 1954
Kelley, James H.; b. 03 Sep 1928, d. 10 Oct 1928
Kelley, Jasper; b. 1896, d. 1932
Kelley, John Richard; b. 1863, d. 1960, son of Nathaniel James David and Martha Defoe Kelley, husband of Quincy Brewer Kelley
Kelley, Lessie F.; b. 04 Jul 1890, d. 12 Apr 1981
Kelley, M. L.; b. 20 Dec 1914, d. 25 Oct 1915, daughter of S.S. & L.B.
Kelley, Martha O.; b. & d. 26 Oct 1934, infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ray Kelley
Kelley, Martha P. Defoe; b. 30 May 1837, d. 12 Feb 1909, 1st wife of N. J. D. Kelley, m: 18 Sep 1859
Kelley, Mary Eva; b. 15 Feb 1903, d. 09 Jan 1954
Kelley, Nathaniel James David; b. 22 Feb 1840, d. 23 Feb 1924, 84y, 1d; husband of Martha Defoe
Kelley, Nona Bell; b. 1892, d. 1934
Kelley, Quincy Brewer; b. 1865, d. 1941, wife of John Richard Kelley, daughter of Sanders and Polly Duff Brewer
Kelley, Rex; b. 12 Jan 1921, d. 05 Jul 1921
Kelley, Roy L.; b. 25 Mar 1908, d. 02 Dec 1981
Kelley, Sanders S.; b. 1885, d. 1973
Kelley, Sarah; b. 22 May 1870, d. 24 Aug 1916, 2nd wife of N.J.D. Kelley, aged 46 years, 3 months & 2 days
Kelley, Spencer Eugene; b. 01 May 1944, d. 13 Oct 1983
Kelley, Vera C.; b. 11 May 1895, d. 15 Apr 1947
Kutch, Martha Ann; b. 08 Jan 1850, d. 29 Oct 1921
Kutch, Port; b. 1847, d. 1931, (interesting inscription on tomb) (Buried square with the world, north & south his request)
Kutch, Sarah E. (Galloway); b. 06 Nov 1861, d. 20 Feb 1896, wife of P.A. Kutch
Lee, Horace Nathan; b. 08 Apr 1933, d. 05 Feb 1934
Luna, Bluford M.; b. 31 Oct 1911, d. 24 Sep 1971
Luna, Carl; b. 10 Sep 1905, d. 07 Sep 1937
Luna, Charlie O.; b. 03 Mar 1882, d. 02 Apr 1930
Luna, Florence L.; b. 18 Sep 1881, d. 23 Feb 1962
Luna, Ira W.; b. 07 Apr 1885, d. 20 Oct 1978
Luna, Lucy A.; b. 27 Sep 1921, 12 Mar 2005
Luna, Rhoda V.; b. 02 Jan 1880, d. 14 Feb 1966
Lynch, Dona Alice; b. 1880, d. 1917
Lynch, Raymond; b. 28 Mar 1900, d. 22 Mar 1920, son of Bunk & Donie
Lynch, William N.; b. 1865, d. 1939
Martin, Margaret; d. 05 Jan 1896, daughter of William & Jane, aged 29 years & 10 months
Mashburn, Esther Lee (Nutt) (Beatty); b. 20 Jul 1902, d. 05 May 1969
Meredith, Ada E.; b. 22 Aug 1894, d. 29 Apr 1978, wife of Clifford B., m: 25 Dec 1981
Meredith, A. M.; b. 13 Feb 1838, d. 11 Dec 1900, husband of Mary M., aged 62 years, 9 months & 28 days
Meredith, Annabelle E.; b. 12 Aug 1832, d. 26 Aug 1890, wife of L.R.
Meredith, Anna Evaline; d. 30 Aug 1868, aged 2 months
Meredith, Betty Sue; b. 04 Mar 1940, only date, wife of Joel L., m: 04 Jul 1990
Meredith, Brison M.; b. 1876, d. 1923
Meredith, Charlotte F.; b. 14 May 1848, d. 01 Dec 1910
Meredith, Clemon; b. 13 Jan 1916, d. 01 Apr 1992
Meredith, Clifford B.; b. 26 Feb 1894, d. 09 Sep 1981
Meredith, E. A.; b. 16 Aug 1876, d. 04 Jan 1901, aged 24 years, 4 months & 28 days
Meredith, Flora Carroll; b. 09 Mar 1928, only date, wife of Paul Bryan, m: 21 Jun 1947
Meredith, Gentry; b. 10 Jun 1883, d. 13 Feb 1891, son of T.C. & M.A.
Meredith, Grover; b. 29 Aug 1912, d. 02 Mar 1964
Meredith, infant; no dates, infant child of J.F. & C. (2 individual infants, not duplicated)
Meredith, infant; no dates, infant child of J.F. & C.
Meredith, infant; b. 23 Jan 1911, d. 23 Jan 1911, son of Russ & Myra
Meredith, infant; b. & d. 09 Sep 1913, son of Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Meredith
Meredith, infant; b. & d. 24 Jul 1914, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Meredith
Meredith, infant; b. & d. 23 Dec 1923, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Meredith
Meredith, infant; b. & d. 03 Jul 1939, son of Mattie Lou, buried with her
Meredith, infant; b. & d. 27 Oct 1897, daughter of Leonidas Thomas Meredith & wife Nora 
Meredith, infant; b. & d. 26 May 1955, son of Jennie & Russ
Meredith, J. F.; b. 03 Jun 1832, d. 04 Jun 1915
Meredith, James Fred; b. 07 Sep 1871, d. 05 Apr 1897
Meredith, Jennie Leora (Skelton); b. 13 Mar 1921, d. 09 Aug 2005
Meredith, Joe L.; b. 10 Jun 1864, d. 10 Aug 1933
Meredith, Joel L. “Honey-Bunny”; b. 17 Jun 1937, d. 13 May 1998
Meredith, John F.; b. 04 Feb 1843, d. 08 Mar 1910
Meredith, Joseph M.; b. 27 Apr 1934, d. 12 Oct 1901, aged 67 years, 5 months & 15 days
Meredith, L. G.; b. 20 Dec 1839, d. 13 Dec 1860
Meredith, Lee R.; b. 04 Feb 1859, d. 29 Sep 1934
Meredith, Lovic R.; b. 04 Sep 1873, d. 11 Feb 1944
Meredith, Lovic R. b. 10 Mar 1827, d. 10 May 1898, aged 71 years & 2 months
Meredith, Lydia A. M. F.; b. 12 Sep 1853, d. 22 Sep 1868
Meredith, Lydia Ann Surrilda; d. 29 Jan 1851, aged 21 years & 10 months, daughter of Thomas & Mary Ann Meredith
Meredith, Mable (Satterfield); b. 19 Jul 1920, d. 31 Jan 2002
Meredith, Maggie E.; b. 13 Oct 1866, d. 19 Jul 1896, wife of Lee R.
Meredith, Margaret; b. 24 Mar 1918, d. 25 Sep 1931
Meredith, Martha E.; b. 23 Oct 184?, d. 14 May 186?, wife of John F., m: 09 Jan 186?
Meredith, Mary Ann; b. 11 Sep 1805, d. 20 May 1872, wife of Thomas, daughter of Lovic & Jane Rasbury, aged 66 years & 9 months
Meredith, Mary Ann E.; b. 11 Jun 1836, d. 30 Nov 1885, wife of Jas. F. Meredith, daughter of H. & M.A. Grimes, aged 49 years, 4 months & 22 days
Meredith, Mattie L. (Wisdom); b. 25 Jun 1866, d. 30 Apr 1950, wife of Joe L., m: 22 Mar 1883
Meredith, Mattie Lou (Risner); b. 07 Jun 1915, d. 03 Jul 1939
Meredith, Mollie A.; b. 16 Oct 1871, d. 28 Jul 1894, daughter of J.M. & S.M.
Meredith, Mollie M.; b. 25 May 1840, d. 21 Apr 1918
Meredith, Myra E.; b. 08 May 1892, d. 14 Oct 1914
Meredith, Ophelia D.; b. 01 Dec 1877, d. 30 Jun 1952
Meredith, Ora B. (Bell); b. 13 Sep 1871, d. 21 Oct 1968
Meredith, Owen A.; b. 23 Dec 1876, d. 11 Aug 1941
Meredith, Parlee (Brewer); b. 1879, d. 1941
Meredith, Paul Bryan; b. 07 May 1925, d. 25 Jun 2000, S1 US Navy WWII
Meredith, Russ S.; b. 03 Feb 1889, d. 10 Oct 1973
Meredith, Sarah M.; b. 22 Feb 1844, d. 27 Mar 1905, aged 61 years, 1 month & 5 days
Meredith, Sophia; b. 1887, d. 1959
Meredith, Thomas; b. 09 Jul 1804, d. 07 Sep 1889, aged 85 years, 1 month & 23 days
Meredith, W. W. “Watt”; b. 1861, d. 1943
Meredith, William L.; b. 19 Dec 1899, d. 05 Aug 1900, son of W.W. & M.P.
Meredith, Zaida G.; d. 23 Jul 1901, daughter of Lee R. & M.E., aged 17 years, 5 months & 2 days. 
Mitchell, Nee Mont (Meredith); b. 03 Dec 1868, d. 06 May 1906, wife of Dr. D.V. Mitchell
Morgan, Janie; b. 02 Jun 1878, d. 26 Mar 1904, wife of G.W.
Morrow, Annie Mae; b. 1906, d. 1914
Morrow, Mattie C.; b. 1887, d. 1914
Morrow, Nancy A.; b. 05 Jan 1822, d. 18 Oct 1892, wife of Samuel 
Morrow, Samuel G.; b. 1858, d. 1914
Nutt, Artie; b. 01 Nov 1872, d. 16 May 1911, wife of D.A.
Nutt, D. A.; b. 11 Apr 1872, d. 01 Apr 1944
Nutt, Gertrude; b. 30 Nov 1892, d. 13 Sep 1909, daughter of D.A. & A.T.
Nutt, Henry A.; b. 1860, d. 1930
Nutt, infant; b. & d. 30 Nov 1887, son of H.A. & S.R.
Nutt, infant; b. & d. 30 Nov 1891, infant of D.A. & A.T.
Nutt, James A.; b. 02 Sep 1842, d. 25 Mar 1903, Pvt. 48 Tenn. Inf. CSA 
Nutt, Laura A.; b. 1870, d. 1947
Nutt, M. A. Rev.; b. 21 Apr 1811, d. 04 Oct 1876
Nutt, Mary C.; b. 21 Feb 1848, d. 01 Apr 1888, daughter of Rev. M.A. & Rebecca Nutt
Nutt, Rebecca; b. 16 Nov 1810, d. 11 Dec 1884, wife of Rev. M.A. Nutt
Nutt, Sarah Rebecca; b. 01 Sep 1855, d. 23 Feb 1928, wife of James A.
Nutt, Sarepta Ann; b. 18 Apr 1892, d. 22 Jul 1893
Palyarik, Allita E.; b. 06 Jan 1925, only date
Palyarik, Edward R.; b. 03 Sep 1922, d. 02 Dec 1999, CW4 US Army WWII
Patterson, Bessie K.; b. 03 Apr 1908, d. 17 May 1932
Patterson, David L.; b. 13 Dec 1869, d. 28 Dec 1943
Patterson, Elizabeth K.; b. 08 Sep 1900, d. 09 Oct 1961
Patterson, Lena J.; b. 01 Dec 1875, d. 13 Jan 1940
Patterson, Ross Charlie; b. 14 Apr 1925, d. 25 Oct 1939
Patterson, Ruth M.; b. 03 Sep 1917, d. 04 Jul 1918, daughter of F.E. & L.D.
Poag, Agnes (Nutt); b. 1905, d. 1936
Poag, Bill; b. 1884, d. 1977
Poag, Wilburn; b. 28 Jun 1930, d. 30 Apr 1980, Cpl. US Army Korea
Queen, Charles Edwards; b. 26 Sep 1923, d. 08 Jan 1924
Rankin, Elisabeth; b. 09 Jul 1844, d. 28 Feb 1875, wife of Dr. J.C.M. Rankin
Rankin, Jas. C.; d. 18 Nov 1873, son of Dr. J.C.M. & E. Rankin, aged 2 years
Rasbury, Alonzo M.; b. 25 Sep 1850, d. 22 Mar 1934
Rasbury, Alonzo M. Jr.; b. 05 Oct 1899, d. 11 Jun 1986
Rasbury, Andrew C.; b. 03 Feb 1816, d. 16 Jan 1893
Rasbury, D. Lovic; d. Dec 1859, son of A.C. & Jane, aged 3 years
Rasbury, Dora; b. 29 Dec 1877, , d. 11 Sep 1971
Rasbury, Elizabeth (Phillips); d. 06 Sep 1885, wife of L.G., aged 22 years
Rasbury, Grooms; b. 16 Mar 1888, d. 24 Jan 1947
Rasbury, infant; infant of Lovic & Jane, (First grave in Salem Cemetery)
Rasbury, infant; b. & d. 11 Aug 1893, son of W.L. & S.E.
Rasbury, infant; b. 1894, d. 1894, son of W.L. & S.E.
Rasbury, infant; b. 27 Nov 1898, d. 01 Dec 1898, infant of W.L. & S.E.
Rasbury, infant; 1913, daughter of L.T. & S.A.
Rasbury, infant; 1919, son of L.T. & S.A.
Rasbury, infant; 1921, son of L.T. & S.A.
Rasbury, infant; 1921, son of Van & Florence
Rasbury, infant; 08 Dec 1923, son of Clyde & Marie
Rasbury, infant; 1928, daughter of L.T. & S.A.
Rasbury, infant; 13 Aug 1957, son of Ed & Ruby
Rasbury, Jane; b. 21 Aug 1777, d. 04 Apr 1875, wife of Lovic
Rasbury, Jane; b. 12 Jan 1818, d. 20 Apr 1903, wife of Andy
Rasbury, Jane E.; b. Nov 1858, d. Aug 1862, daughter of A.C. & Jane
Rasbury, John C.; b. 03 Oct 1846, d. 25 Feb 1931
Rasbury, John A.; b. 13 Feb 1855, d. 13 Oct 1855, son of L.G. & R.
Rasbury, Joseph; d. 08 Aug 1825, aged 11 years, 5 months & 27 days
Rasbury, L. C. “Puss”; b. 19 Feb 1846, d. 02 May 1927
Rasbury, L. G.; b. 11 Mar 1811, d. 01 Oct 1888
Rasbury, Lovic; b. 25 Feb 1781, d. 17 Oct 1858
Rasbury, Lovic Timothy; b. 31 Oct 1890, d. 03 Oct 1976
Rasbury, Luna T. “L.T.”; b. 25 Jan 1923, d. 24 Jun 1999
Rasbury, Mamie H.; b. 23 Nov 1905, d. 12 Nov 1983
Rasbury, Martha A.; 02 Mar 1919, d. 15 Jul 2007, wife of Luna T., m: 26 Jan 1961
Rasbury, Rebecca; b. 21 Mar 1812, d. 03 Oct 1894, wife of L.G.
Rasbury, Sallie Ann (Luna); b. 13 Mar 1893, d. 05 Feb 1981
Rasbury, Sallie E.; b. 12 Mar 1867, d. 28 Jan 1904, wife of W.L., daughter of J.A. & Eliza Walker
Rasbury, Sarah A.; b. 22 Jun 1845, d. 24 Dec 1932
Rasbury, Toba Lee; b. 08 Jun 1898, d. 22 Jun 1900, daughter of A.M. & Dora
Rasbury, W. L.; b. 23 Sep 1852, d. 25 Feb 1902, husband of S.E.
Rasbury, William F.; b. 03 Aug 1889, d. 27 Sep 1895, son of W.L. & S.E.
Reeves, Annie; b. 01 May 1838, d. 12 Sep 1891
Reeves, Alfred Junior; b. 03 Apr 1949, d. 03 Apr 1949
Reeves, Clifford; b. 1940, d. 1989
Reeves, David; b. 18 Aug 1832, d. 30 Mar 1911
Reeves, Dottie M.; b. 1903, d. 1988
Reeves, Glen L.; b. 1945, d. 1999
Reeves, Roy Lee; b. 04 Mar 1934, only date
Reeves, Jeff; b. 1899, d. 1948
Reeves, Jennie (Collins); b. 30 Sep 1946, only date, wife of Roy Lee, m: 21 Feb 1987
Reeves, Lona; b. 1872, d. 1957
Reeves, Terry Lynn; b. 16 Sep 1955, d. 18 Sep 1955
Riley, Minnie M.; b. 1882, d. 1919
Sanders, Cora C.; b. 07 Aug 1894, d. 18 Dec 1918
Sanders, James E.; b. 29 Mar 1892, d. 08 Dec 1916
Sanders, Sarah Rebekah; b. 04 Mar 1871, d. 01 Feb 1933
Sharp, given name not legible; b. 29 Jan 1830, d. 02 Aug 1888
Sharp, Jas. L.; b. 17 Mar 1854, d. 16 Jun 1916
Sharp, John; b. 02 Jan 1825, d. 03 Aug 1888
Sharp, Martha (Whitwell); b. 17 May 1858, d. 04 Jul 1920, wife of J.L.
Sharp, Neal; b. 1871, d. 1936
Sharp, Neva; b. 14 Jun 1907, d. 23 Feb 2004
Sharp, Obe; b. 24 Oct 1890, d. 09 Aug 1910, son of J.F. & M.D.
Sharp, Osbie; b. 09 May 1905, d. 22 Feb 1946
Sharp, Winfrey; b. 26 Feb 1922, d. 24 Oct 1926, daughter of G.S. & M.P.
Sharpe, Crowell S.; b. 10 Mar 1892, d. 16 Sep 1979
Sharpe, Eloise; b. 07 May 1925, d. 07 Sep 1980
Sharpe, Pauline M.; b. 23 Feb 1898, d. 21 May 1972
Shaw, J. E.; b. 15 Feb 1831, d. 07 Mar 1891, wife of W.J.
Shaw, W. J.; b. 23 May 1831, d. 10 Nov 1904
Skelton, Artie J.; b. 03 Jan 1922, d. 12 Oct 2000, wife of Edd W., m: 11 Nov 1943
Skelton, C. Allen; b. 23 Jun 1953, d. 31 Oct 2001
Skelton, Charles Hendrix; b. 17 May 1926, d. 04 Mar 1984, Pfc. US Army WWII
Skelton, Charles W.; 17 Jul 1947, only date, infant son of Mr. & Mrs. Edd Skelton
Skelton, Edd W.; b. 24 Nov 1915, d. 08 Jan 1978 
Skelton, Linda G.; b. 30 Mar 1950, d. 30 Mar 1950
Skelton, Permeda C.; b. 20 Oct 1846, d. 11 Apr 1920, wife of W.B., m: 19 Nov 1868
Skelton, Rhoda C.; b. 20 Oct 1867, d. 16 Sep 1919
Skelton, Senia M.; b. 24 Oct 1935, only date, wife of Charles H., m: 05 Aug 1950
Skelton, W. B.; b. 08 Jan 1842, d. 07 Apr 1920
Smith, Mack E.; b. 03 Dec 1906, d. 08 Sep 1973
Spears, Martha (Fain); no dates
Sprinkle, Eugene L.; b. 21 Feb 1870, d. 22 Apr 1940
Sprinkle, Lela E.; b. 27 Sep 1877, d. 01 Oct 1909, daughter of M. & N.
Sprinkle, Micajah; b. 08 Dec 1837, d. 27 Jan 1912
Sprinkle, Nancy E.; b. 09 Sep 1943, d. 16 Aug 1919
Thompson, L. Lee; b. 17 Nov 1871, d. 20 Aug 1919
Thompson, Nora (Chaffin); b. 07 Sep 1874, d. 07 Jun 1956
Turnbow, Carolyn; b. 05 Sep 1944, d. 20 Sep 1944
Turnbow, DeLila (Sharpe); b. 23 Feb 1921, d. 22 Jan 2009
Turnbow, Howard O.; b. 10 May 1909, d. 23 May 1980
Turnbow, Marie L.; b. 30 Mar 1915, d. 09 Mar 2004
Turnbow, Robert A.; b. 15 Apr 1941, d. 25 Mar 1981
Walker, Addie W.; b. 1897, d. 1985
Walker, Herschell; b. 1897, d. 1921
Walker, Lenora A.; b. 27 Aug 1863, d. 20 Aug 1903, wife of J.L.
Warren, David E.; b. 1870, d. 1938
Warren, Mary F.; b. 1872, d. 1946
Whitehead, Tommie; b. 22 Mar 1870, d. 24 Mar 1945
Williams, J. C.; b. 22 Mar 1847, d. 23 Nov 1924
Wilson, John F.; b. 27 Apr 1842, d. 20 Sep 1886
Wisdom, Augusta M.; b. 1863, d. 1933
Wisdom, Earlene; b. 1923, d. 1924, daughter of W. Rex & Lillian
Wisdom, Edna Ruth; b. 18 Jun 1917, d. 03 Sep 2006
Wisdom, J. F.; b. 29 Mar 1859, d. 08 Jan 1921
Wisdom, Lillian N.; b. 06 Nov 1903, d. Jun 1981
Wisdom, Mary F.; b. 22 Apr 1875, d. 11 Mar 1967
Wisdom, Nora B.; b. 1878, d. 1930
Wisdom, W. Rex; b. 1903, d. 1961
Wisdom, Woodrow; b. 20 Jul 1913, d. 28 Oct 1979
Woodruff, Hubert J.; b. 1876, d. 1962
Woodruff, Sadie S.; b. 1884, d. 1944

Foot Stone E.M. no information
Foot Stone N.B.K. no information
No surname, “Shorty”; no dates

Powell Cemetery

Location: Upper Weatherford Creek, south side of Weatherford Creek Road.

Resurveyed in 1989 and submitted by Mrs. Barbara J. Lafevers.

Row 1 - Starting at the northwest corner of the cemetery.
Robinson, Ella Mae, 27 Jul 1911 - 5 Jan 1914, daughter of James W. and Ada Clementine Robinson.
Henson, Paul, no dates, brother of Isaac Henson.
Henson, Isaac, 1884 - 1916, father of Edward Henson.
Henson, Lennie Mae, no dates, daughter of Isaac and Nettie Henson.
Dodd, Amandy, 16 Mar 1861 - 29 June 1927, wife of J. P. dodd.
Dodd, Ider, no dates, daughter of J. P. Dodd.
Dodd, Mary L., 22 Nov 1862 - 8 July 1904, wife of J. P. Dodd.
Dodd, J. P. (Polk), 1 Apr 1857 - 1 May 1928.
Row 2
Patterson, Beulah Ester, died 2 Nov 1952, age 7 years, daughter of Mack and Ethel Holt Patterson.
Patterson, Infant of Mack and Gertie Martin Patterson, no dates.
Row 3
graves 1 - 3 are children of Mack and Mary Dodd Patterson
Patterson, George Dewey, 1 Sep 1906 - 12 Feb 1912.
Patterson, Henry C., 2 June 1909 - 26 June 1910.
Patterson, Madgie E., 23 Nov 1911 - 8 Sep 1912.
Patterson, Mary A., 18 Apr 1848 - 5 Apr 1912, wife of Neal Patterson.
Patterson, Neal P., 26 June 1838 - 26 Dec 1909.
Patterson, Malcolm Neal (Mack), 21 Sep 1876 - 2 May 1963.
Patterson, Mary, 23 Apr 1873 - 26 Jul 1933, wife of Mack Patterson.
Harper, Sarah E., 25 June 1857 - 4 Nov 1880, wife of R. J. Harper. 
unmarked grave.
unmarked grave.
Patterson, Frankie E., 8 Sep 1916 - 5 Nov 1963, son of Mack and Mary Patterson.
Row 4
Dodd, Olen, 8 Feb 1916 - 11 Dec 1916, infant of Clifton and Athea Malay Dodd.
Dodd, Luzenie, 1856 - 1928, daughter of Eliga and Catie Dodd.
Dodd, Catie C., 1818 - 1916, wife of Eliga Dodd.
Dodd, Eliga, 1821 - 1906, husband of Catie C. Dodd.
unmarked grave.
Stricklin, Jno, Co. A, 2nd TN Inf. USA Civil War.
Row 5
unmarked grave.
unmarked grave.
unmarked grave.
unmarked grave.
unmarked grave.
Dodd, Berry, no dates, husband of Polly Dodd.
Dodd, Mary E. (Polly), no dates, wife of Berry Dodd.
unmarked grave.
unmarked grave.
Dodd, Pat'k, Co. A, 2nd TN INF, USA Civil War.
Southerland, Infant of Lee and Dora Dodd Southerland, born and died 3 Mar 1923.
Row 6
Jackson, Dolly Opal, 16 Dec 1916 - 21 Jan 1917, Infant of Lee Harvey and Viola DeVault Jackson.
Bailey, Wm., Co. A, 2nd TN INF, USA Civil War.
two unmarked graves - one of them is Hatley, Bob, who died about 1933.
Row 7
Cummins, Leona Scott, 31 Aug 1909 - 5 May 1930, wife of Russell Cummins.
Powell, Nola, no dates, daughter of John and Emmie Powell.
Powell, Emmie Dodd, no dates, wife of John Powell.
Powell, John D., 1884 - 1959.
Row 8
Cummings, William Ancil (Yance), no dates.
Cummings, Mattie D. Powell, died 25 Nov 1939, age 73 years, 7 months, wife of Yance Cummings.
unmarked graves: one of these is Clifton Cummings, 24 May 1896 - 16 Oct 1918, son of 
Yance and Mattie Cummings. Others believed to be in this row are Martha Jane Powell, 
died 4 Apr 1920, age 83 years, and probably Martha's husband, John Powell who was killed 
while home on leave during the Civil War.
LaFevers, Chester, no dates, son of Pete and Bessie Cummings LaFevers.
LaFevers, Peter, died about 1934.
LaFevers, Bessie Cummings, 1903 - 24 Mar 1955, wife of Pete and George LeFevers.
LaFevers, Marshall, no dates, son of Pete and Bessie.
Row 9
unmarked grave.
Row 10
unmarked grave.
Cummins, Nute, 1846 - 1918.
Cummins, Sinthey, 1835 - 1917.
unmarked graves.
Row 11
unmarked grave.
Reaves, Rhoda Tidwell, died 20 Dec 1951, age 21 years, wife of Jay Reaves.
Tidwell, Johnny, no dates, father of Clyde Tidwell.
Tidwell, Mary, no dates, mother of Clyde Tidwell.
Tidwell, Wm., no dates, baby son of Clyde and Mollie Tidwell.
Tidwell, Mollie, died 31 Dec 1950, age 53 years, wife of Clyde Tidwell.
Tidwell, Johnny Clude, 25 Nov 1895 - 14 Oct 1978.
Tidwell, Ellie Inthia, 17 Feb 1909 - 17 Feb 1980, 2nd wife of Clyde Tidwell.
Records show one other buried in this cemetery, but unknown which grave it is -
Tate, Walter Edward, 23 Jan 1916 - 19 Feb 1916. Infant son of Wm. Clyde and Mary Jane
Talley Tate. He was a brother to Yance Cummings.
It is thought that the graves of Angus Patterson (Veteran of the War of 1812) and his wife,
Catherine Temple Patterson may also be buried in this cemetery, however there is no
Additional Information submitted by Mrs. Letty Atha of Cheyenne, OK.
The following members of the Hinton family are supposed to be buried at Powell Cemetery. They 
are buried on the west side of the cemetery with only black rocks for markers. There are
six graves:
Hinton, C. C. (Colbern Caroline), 25 Mar 1826 - 1878, Mrs. Altha's g-grandfather.
Hinton, Mary L., 16 Dec 1835 - 1877, first wife of C. C. Hinton.
Hinton, Elizabeth, daughter of C. C. and Mary L. Hinton.
Hinton, Sarah, daughter of C. C. and Mary L. Hinton.
Hinton, L. B., daughter of C. C. and Mary L. Hinton.
Hinton, Thomas, son of C. C. and Mary L. Hinton.