Matthew J. Sims is a son of Robert and Frances (Merritt) Sims, and was born in North Carolina June 9, 1816. (See sketch of A. M. Sims, for parents history.) After attaining his majority he began doing for himself. His early education was such as could be obtained in the rude and primitive log schoolhouses of his boyhood days. he followed farming and school-teaching for ten or twelve years, and in 1840 purchased a large farm on Indian Creek, where he farmed and raised stock until 1865. After the close of the war he established his general merchandise store in Waynesboro, and continued with good success up to the present time. In 1865 he was appointed clerk of Wayne County Circuit Court, and held that office ten years. In 1837 he united his fortune with that of Dorothy Greeson, of Bedford County, Tenn., and their union has been blessed in the birth of ten children, eight of whom are living: Shields, Elizabeth (Mrs. J. McWilliams), Z. Taylor, H. C., Winfield S., Dorothy A., (Mrs. John Turman), Mahulda C. and Malinda T. Mr. Sims is a stanch Republican, and was clerk of the circuit court a number years, and also held the office of magistrate, and is one of the old and strictly honorable citizens of the count