Mat Grimes – Suspension of Sentence

Benton McMillin
Governor of the State of Tennessee

To all who shall see these Presents, and more especially to the Sheriff of Wayne Co. Superintendent and Warden of the Penitentiary Greeting:

Whereas, At the September Term, 1899, of the Circuit Court for our County of Wayne Mat Grimes was convicted of keeping a house of ill fame and sentenced to under confinement for the term of 12 months in County Jail & fined $100.00

And Whereas, The said Mat Grimes has been recommended to me as a fit subject for Executive clemency: in this case the defendant was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment in the County Jail and $100 file. A petition numerously signed has been filed praying his pardon. Another petition signed by the Attorney General who tried the cause, the assistant counsel for prosecution, County officials & many other citizens recommend the “suspension of the imprisonment & fine during petitioners good behavior & future law abiding conduct”. The petition I comply with & suspend the other enforcement of the sentence of imprisonment during defendants good behavior. The object of the law is to enforce obedience to its provisions. Believing that the ends of justice have been attained when this is accomplished and believing also in the propriety of giving an opportunity for reformation to those are unfortunate in the law’s violation I determine to give the defendant another chance at citizenship.

Now, Therefore, I BENTON McMILLIN, Governor as aforesaid, by virtue of the power and authority in me vested, do hereby suspend the sentence of imprisonment PARDON the said Mat Grimes of the said offense, so far as relates to the term of imprisonment yet unexpired, but in no other way interfering with the judgment and sentence of said Court; and I do further authorize and direct that the said Mat Grimes be forthwith liberated and put at large.

In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed, at Nashville, on the 19 day of June 1900. //s//Benton McMillen. By the Governor: //s// Wm. S. Morgan, Secretary of State.

On the back is the endorsement; “Mat Grimes Released by W. P. Clark, Special Judge, July 3, 1900. //s// John H. Greeson, Sheriff.”

Submitted by Edgar D. Byler, III

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