Harold A. Grimes, of the firm of Hughes & Grimes, is a Wayne County Tennessean, born October 16, 1853, son of Elihu S. and Nancy Malissa (Keaton) Grimes, who were born in this county. Wilson Grimes, our subjects grandfather, was one of the very earliest settlers of the county. Harold A. was reared on a farm in this county. His father dying in 1855, he was obliged to begin earning his own living early in life. In 1870 he began life as a salesman, but soon relinquished this occupation to complete his education. He attended andtaught school until 1873, and the following year went to Texas and clerked in a mercantile establishment in Dennison three years, and the same year returned home and married Emma L. McDougal, of Savannah, Tenn., who died four months after their marriage. In 1879 Mr.Grimes removed to Clifton and followed clerking until 1882, when he accepted a position as traveling salesman for a wholesale dry goods house in Nashville, remaining such about six months. He then accepted a similar position with a boot and shoe firm, of that city, at which he continued until January, 1885, when he engaged in his present business as above stated, and has contributed largely to the success of this well known firm. March 20, 1884, he married his present wife, Annie O. Chappell. They have one child, Bettie Elsie. Mr. Grimes is a Democrat, and wife are members of the K. & L. of H. He is president of the Clifton Temperance Alliance, and a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.