Holder, John Jefferson, Jr.

HOLDER, John Jefferson, Jr., U.S. Navy, served from 30 May 1918 until 21 Feb 1919 at the U.S. Navel Training Camp, San Diego, CA. He was born 29 Oct 1897 at Clifton, TennessJohn Jefferson Holder, Jr.ee and enrolled on 30 May 1918 At Nashville, Tennessee for four years. At enrollment he was 6½” in height, weighted 156 pounds, have Blue eyes, brown hair and a ruddy complexion. He was honorably discharged on 30 Sep 1921. at New Orleans, Louisiana.

John Jefferson HOLDER, Jr. was the son of John Jefferson HOLDER, Sr., and Hugh Beth “Betty” TURNBO. His siblings were Willie HOLDER, Fred HOLDER, Wallace HOLDER, Hollis HOLDER, Hugh Oscar HOLDER, Nannie HOLDER STRICKLIN and Lena HOLDER STEELE. John Jefferson HOLDER Jr. married on 21 March 1920 to Mary Josephine “Josie” LINEBERRY. Their children were sons: Winfred B. HOLDER, who served in the US Air Force from 1941-1962 and died in Maury Co., TN in 1981; Wallace E. HOLDER, served in the Air Force from 1950-1954; Hollis HOLDER, who served in the Army from 1956-1958; and Billy C. HOLDER, who served six years in the US Navy (1954-1960) and died in 1962. Daughters: Hazel V. HOLDER, deceased; and Rothie Nelle HOLDER MOORE, who lives in Maury Co., Tennessee.

Postcard submitted dated 18 Sept 1918, postmarked San Diego, CA. addressed to Mr. J. J. HOLDER, Rt. 3, Clifton, Tenn.

“Dear Home Folks. I receive your letter yesterday was glad to hear from home. This leaves me well & hope this will find you all the same. G. R. H. is still with me. Grady RILEY has been here about ten days. Frank DENTON come in Monday Ev. I get to seen them ever day. F. D. was Glad to run up on us. He look like He was scared. We all are like better ever day. I sent my butin home last Friday Will get out from under this guaranteed the 23rd [word unreadable under postmark] done got 3 shots they did not hurt me at all the Dr/s said I was as tuff as a mule will ans per letter this week”

Another postcard, dated 1 Sep 1918, postmarked Albuquerque, New Mexico, addressed to Miss Josie Lineberry, R.F.D., Peters Landing, Tenn.

“Have been travling four days and night. I have got to Arizona. Still travling Having a good time will get to Sandiego Cal. Monday morning will write you when I get there Yours as ever.”

Hill, George Washington

Hill, George Washington, serial # 6319461, son of Wesley Marion Hill and Roxie Anna Grimes enlisted in theGeorge W. Hill U.S. Army on August 13, 1919 at Fort Oglethorpe, GA as a private. He was honorably discharged on September 25, 1920 at O�Reilly General Hospital, Osteen, NY., after serving a little more than a year due to medical reasons. While in service, he was a member of the Quartermaster Corps. He was awarded a disability pension at the time of discharge.

He was born on Factory Creek, Wayne County, TN on August 25, 1898 and had to tell the enlistment officer his birth date was earlier to attain the age of 21 years old to be able to join at that time.

After discharge from the U.S. Army, he returned to Collinwood and married Virgie Ethel Jones from Cloverdale, AL on February 25, 1923. George and Virgie had five children, Garland, Everett, G.W.,Jr., Clarence(Tootsie) and Anna. He made his home and raised his family in Collinwood for the next 44 years. During WWII he worked as a security guard at Oak Ridge, TN.. He, along with some other local citizens was responsible for the exit/entrance to The Natchez Trace Parkway located on the east end of Collinwood, as the original plans did not have any type of entry to the Trace close to the town. It was only after talking to the construction workers that the entry was added.

He served as the first county veterinarian, appointed by the Wayne County Court and later served on the city commission in Collinwood and served two terms as Mayor. He was serving as Mayor of Collinwood at the time of his death on February 4, 1967. He was buried in McGlamery Cemetery.

Hill, Charlie Dempsey

HILL, Charlie Dempsey, was born 5 Dec 189_ in Clifton, TN. He was the son of Williman James and Lucy Ann QUEEN HILL. Williman was born 4 May 1861 and Lucy was born 18 Nov. 1868. Williman and Lucy were married 25 Dec Charlie Dempsey Hill1884.

The family moved to Mississippi when Charlie was a young boy. Williman James and Lucy had the following children: James “Jim”HILL; Lena; Lynn; Ida Mae; Nellie; Jack; Hulda; Bessie and Ben. Charlie enlisted in the Army in Iuka, Mississippi and was stationed at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. He received an honorable discharge. He married Mary Ann CHOAT on 12 Sep 1918. Mary Ann was born 29 March 1894 and was the daughter of Tillman and Rhoda PHILLIPS CHOAT.

Charlie and Mary lived on the family farm located on Green River, all their married life. Charlie died 26 May 1949 and was buried in the Phillips Cemetery on the farm. Mary died 13 July 1971. Their children were Algie Mae, b. 7 June 1919; Rhoda Orgretta “Greetus”, b. 26 Sep 1923.

Algie Mae HILL married Charles Lawson BUNDRANT on 23 Nov. 1940. They now live on the family farm on Green River. Their children are Charles Hardin BUNDRANT, who was born 31 Jan 1942; and Linda Jo BUNDRANT who was born 9 June 1949.

Rhoda Orgretta “Greetus” HILL married Edmund F. MUNN, Jr. on 1 Nov. 1958. They live in Panama. They have one daughter, Lisa Hill MUNN, b. 25 Sep 1959, who lives in Coral Gables, Florida.

Charles Hardin BUNDRANT, Charlie HILL’s grandson, married Mary BURCH. Their children are Joseph Lawson BUNDRANT, b. 18 May 1966, married Mary Sue MOHN on 22 Dec 1985 and has children: Analise Kathleen, b. 8 March 1988; Alexandre Marie, b. 31 Dec 1989; and Jill Marie BUNDRANT who married Poul John HAUCK on 28 July 1990.

Linda Jo BUNDRANT, Charlie Hill’s granddaughter, married Douglas Walter NELSON on 22 March 1969. Their children are Derek Walter NELSON, b. 1 Aug 1972; and Kristen Mae NELSON, b. 2 Aug 1975. They live in Seattle, Washington.

Hill, Alexander

HILL, Alexander, was born 28 Feb 1892 and died in 1954 in California and was buried there. He was the son of William Martin Hill and Martha Ann DAVIS. He was inducted into service on 29 May 1918 and served overseas from 15 Aug 1918 until 25 April 1919. He was honorably discharged 7 May 1919, as a Private.

He married Myrtle ANDERSON on 1 Feb 1920. They had five children: Christine who died at age 2; Hobert Cecil, b. 1921 and married Helen CAWVEY; Imogene, b. 7 Dec 1924, married Carl CANNON; J. W., b. 31 Jan 1927; and Joe Wayne, b. 28 July 1929, married Hazel Rozella GRAY.

Alexander’s siblings were Moses Anderson HILL; William Allen HILL; Thomas Martin HILL; Nancy Jane HILL; Annie Elizabeth HILL; Mary Isabella HILL; Harriet Emelin HILL and Parlee Izora HILL.

Hicks, Jones

HICKS, Jones, born March 1895, son of Wesley (b. Nov 1864) and Emily J. Hicks(b. April 1865). Siblings: Mary E., HICKS, b. June 1887; Frank HICKS, b. Oct 1890; Laura HICKS, b. Nov 1898 & Russell HICKS. No other information available.

Hickerson, Grady Roth

HICKERSON, Grady Roth, Serial Number 171-08-68, Fireman 3rd Class, US Navy. Soldier was born 1 May 1898 at Linden, Tennessee. At enlistment he was 5’7″ in height; 140 pounds, blue eyes, brown hair, ruddy complexion. Enrolled on 30 May 1918 at Nashville, TN for 4 years, no previous service. On active duty from 1 Sep 1918 to 23 Aug 1919, reserve from 23 Aug 1919 until honorably discharged on 22 May 1922, New Orleans, Louisiana. Discharge on file, Register’s Office, Waynesboro, TN. Served on the following ships: N.T.S. San Diego and U.S.S. Minneapolis.

Helton, Harry A.

HELTON, Harry A., Serial Number 2873298, PVT, Co. E, 306 Inf. Soldier born in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee June 1894, son of Harry “Henery” HELTON and Emily M. HELTON. Soldier enlisted 28 May 1918 at Waynesboro, TN, was not married. At enlistment he was 23 years of age and by occupation a clerk. He had gray eyes, brown hair, fair complexion and was 5’6″ in height. He was discharged at Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky on 8 May 1919. Soldier’s siblings were Lemuel HELTON, b. April 1870, Walter A. HELTON, b. June 1872; Charles G. HELTON, b. Nov 1883; John C. HELTON, b. Nov 1892; James E. HELTON, b. March 1897; William T. HELTON, b. June 1899 ; Hester HELTON, b. Jan 1886; Edwina M. HELTON, b. Jan 1890. Step-siblings were Charlie BELEW, b. Feb 1879 and Marsella BELEW, b. June 1883.