John J. Bromley’s birth occurred in Tennessee in 1838, son of John and E. Bromley, who were born in Virginia and North Carolina, respectively, and came to Tennessee at an early day. The father was a farmer, and served for several years as deputy sheriff. He was a stanch Democrat and died in 1846, his widow’s death occurring in 1881. John J.’s early days were spent on his father’s farm. At the age of twenty-two years he began the battle of life for himself, and lived on a farm owned by his father until 1857, when he purchased a portion of this farm, and continued buying out the heirs until he now owns all but one share; 1,200 acres constitute his farm, which is in a good state of cultivation. In 1861 he enlisted in the Confederate Army and served throughout the war. He returned home in the spring of 1865. He is a Democrat in politics. In 1861 he wedded Mary Belsha, daughter of Ewing and Darky (Bromley) Belsha. She was born in Alabama in 1839, and is the mother of six children: William E., Eda C., James A., John L., Richard C., and Thomas C. Mrs. Bromley died July 5, 1875, and September 10, of the same year, he married Sallie Terry, and six children have blessed their union: Charles J., Samuel B. (who died 1883), Joseph C., Amos H., Mary J., and Emma N.