Joseph G. Berry, a well known citizen of Clifton, Tenn., was born in Hardin County January 22, 1834, son of William and Sarah (Weatherford) Berry, who were born in Georgia and East Tennessee, respectively. The father came to Tennessee with his mother when a boy, and located and afterward married in Hardin County. He died in 1868. Joseph G. was three years of age when his parents came to Wayne County. He was raised on a farm, and in the fall of 1862 enlisted in the Sixth Tennessee Cavalry, United States Army, and was promoted to captain of Company H, and served two years. At the close of the war he engaged in Mercantile business at Waynesboro, and there remained until 1880, when he removed to Clifton, and conducted the hotel at that place very successfully for three years. Since that time he has been connected with the liquor business, farming, and also keeps a hostelry for the traveling public. In 1854 he married Elmyra J. Cypert, who became the mother of the following family: William J., Ada (widow of Isaac H. Old), and Joanna. Mr. Berry is a Republican, and has been a Mason since 1855, and also belongs to the K. of H.