Adams, David R.

David R. Adams, a pioneer of Wayne County, Tenn., was born October 17, 1813, son of William and Unity Adams, who were married in their native State (South Carolina), and soon immigrated to Tennessee, where the father farmed and lived for many years. The mother died here December 9, 1832, and six years later the father moved to Missouri, where he died about 1850. He was a Whig in politics. David R. lived with his father until twenty-three years of age, when he united his fortunes with those of Eliza Woodward, a Tennessean, born in 1819, and daughter of Solomon and Elizabeth (Biven) Woodward. To them were born seven children: Martha E.(deceased), William J., Elizabeth A. (deceased), Wiley H., Unity J., George S. and John F. After his marriage Mr. Adams farmed a few years and then moved to Mississippi, but not being satisfied, remained only a few months, when he returned to Tennessee. He resided in different parts of the county until 1852, when he purchased his present farm of 113 acres. The land is in a good state of cultivation and fairly well improved. When Mr. Adams first moved to Wayne County it was very sparsely settled. He is a member of the Free-Will Baptist Church, and has has always been a Republican in politics. He is strictly temperate, and has always evaded lawsuits, never being sued or having to sue but one man in the whole course of his life.

Transcribed by Fred Murtishaw.

Source: Goodspeed’s history of TN (Wayne County, pp. 763-777, 849-889). Goodspeed, 1886.



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