Warren County, TN Deed Book A, pp 335-6.
This indenture made this third day of November the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and twelve between George Michee of Wilson County and state of Tennessee of the one part and Robert Brown of the county of Warren and state aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars to him in hand paid by the said Robert Brown to the said George Michel, the _____ whereof is hereby acknowledged to the said George Michee hath given granted bargained and sold and by these present doth give grant bargain and sell unto the said Robert Brown his heirs etc a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Warren and State of Tennessee on both sides of the Barren Fork of the Collins River known and distinguished by the name of the red banks being the tract of land whereon the said Robert Brown now lives Beginning at a hickery ten poles north of the north west corner of an entry No. seven hundred eighty two in the name of the heirs of Moses Davis running thence fifty chains to a black oak and hickory near the County Road thence south forty chains to black oak crossing the River at thirty one chains on the ridge on the south side of the River thence east fifty chains to a black oak in the line of said Davis then with it and passing the corner to the beginning containing two hundred acres [more or less] with the appurtenances To have and to [hold] the said tract of parcel of Land with its appurtenances to the said Robert Brown and his heirs forever. And I the said George Michee my heirs etc do hereby warrent and forever defend the aforesaid tract of parcel of land together with all the priveleges and improvements there unto belonging or appertaining or which hereafter may belong or appertain unto the said Robert Brown his heirs executors Administrators or assignees from myself my heirs executors and administrators forever in witness whereof I the said George Michee hath hereunto set my hand and sealed and delivered in the Presence of [Signed] George Michee Jas McEwen William Pate November term 1812 State of Tennessee, Warren County I do certify that the within deed of conveyance was acknowledged in open court by George Michee to Robert Brown and the said is recorded and ordered to be Registered witness my hand at office the sixth November 1812 [Signed] Jo Colville, Clerk Registered Warren County July, 1813 |